#lucy carlyle has migraines
this-is-mycrisis · 1 year
Lucy's First Migraine
brainstormed during a bad bad headache, written and edited during a less bad headache; this is my first time in actual years writing fanfic so please be gentle, but i'd love to hear what you think about it!
Summary: It's not Lucy's first migraine, but it's the first time that someone cares that she's in pain. Staring Lockwood being undeniably in love with Lucy, and oblivious to it; George being a supportive and lovely icon; and Lucy being vulnerable in front of her boys. And special guest references to some of my other posts..
Word count: 1394
Trigger warning: migraine and accompanying symptoms, food mention, I think that's it (let me know if I missed something)
Lucy couldn't really turn her hearing off. She's heard things all the time always for as long as she could remember. It could all be very overwhelming and with little to no reprieve it was no surprise to Lucy that she had quite frequent headaches. Constant overstimulation did no one any favors.
While she was no stranger to headaches, she hadn't had a big one like this in a while. And truth be told, that should have tipped her off. Back home she had at least one or two big headaches like this in a month. She'd always had to do her best to work through it though, her mother would never allow for her to stay home because of a little headache.Never mind that these "little headaches" had Lucy on verge of tears and fighting down nausea every time she moved and with every small noise. 
And that is just what she found herself doing this particular morning. 
Laying as still as she could, Lucy cursed the window for not having better curtains. The light was shining right into her eyes and while she could usually turn over to block it out, it felt like her head might just explode if she tried it.
It didn't help that her boys were downstairs making a racket while fixing breakfast and she could hear whispers of visitors out on the street. Not very strong mind you, it was broad daylight, but it was just enough to further her irritation. God how she wanted to be downstairs with Lockwood and George. She wanted her cup of morning tea and her toast, both of which Lockwood would have undoubtedly ready and waiting by now.
"Luce? Are you awake yet?" Lockwood knocked on the door as he opened it. His voice was probably not as loud as it felt to Lucy; still it reverberated through her, and she must have let out a noise with what was meant to be a silent wince, because the next thing she knew Lockwood was knelt by her bedside.
"Lucy? What's happened? Are you ill?" god why was he so loud- she shifted away from him in an attempt to put distance between her and the noise. That was just about the worst thing she could have done and the tears that she'd been doing her best to stave off started rolling. " 'S too loud" she managed.
Lockwood perched himself gingerly on the edge of the bed and only hesitated once before placing the back of his hand to her forehead. "You're feverish..." Lucy wanted to tilt her head away from him but the outside pressure felt nice- and also that would have hurt more so she just laid there and cried.
"Mmm head hurts" was all she was able to get out, and that was almost unintelligible. Lockwood sat with it for a second before seeming to piece together what was wrong. 
As much as he couldn't turn off his sight, he figured the same would be true for Lucy’s hearing, but never stopped to think what the consequences of that might be. 
"Wait here Luce". His first stop was to dash back downstairs and tell George to halt breakfast preparations where they were, they honestly already had enough prepared for the two of them, and Lucy's tea and toast were already waiting for her.
"Did Lucy decide to sleep in?" George was still facing away dealing with dishes when Lockwood came into the kitchen. "Keep you voice down, Luce has got a terrible headache and sound is bothering her." George whipped around, still elbow deep in soapy water.
"She can hear them still can't she?" "She told you?" "What? No, I just- it makes sense. She's the best at it, she's so sensitive it would make sense that she can hear them all the time." Yes that did make sense. After all, if talking with the Skull for the first time was so overwhelming that she passed out…
"Well either way, we need to make it as quiet as possible inside, even if we can't do much about visitors out on the street. And we'll need to block up that window in her room. Get her tea and toast onto a tray would you? I'm going to get a damp cloth for her forehead- she's burning up." Lockwood was rapid fire listing off things they needed to do to get Lucy feeling well again.
George shook his head slightly, Anthony Lockwood may act holier-than-thou and be brash and want to charge into things head first- but when it came down to it he really did care for his friends. "We'll this'll change the dinner plans, we should probably have something more on the bland side, it'll be better if she's feeling any nausea. That is if she's up to eating at all."
The two set about loading up a tray to take up to their companion. By the time they reached the landing in her room Lucy had managed to scramble herself over to the little bathroom and was laying on the cooler tile with an arm over her face, as far away from the light as possible. And she had done it without throwing up, thank you very much. 
Setting down the tray on the nightstand, Gorge went about blocking out the light and left coaxing Lucy back to bed to the boy who was so obviously infatuated with the prickly girl. Lockwood was knelt a safe distance from Lucy, his hand stretched out as though she were a wild animal. “Lu? George and I have brought you up some tea and toast, just the way you like. You wanna go back to bed and try to eat some?” even though his voice was barely a whisper, the best response that Lucy was able to give was a pathetic whimper. 
The room visibly darkened and Lockwood chewed his cheek and looked over at George; who shrugged his shoulders and went about pulling the blankets and sheets in effort to make it comfy for their friend. “Okay Luce, I’m going to lift you okay? Just to get you to the bed. George has got it nice and comfy, I’ve got a cool cloth for you. It’ll be much comfier than the floor” the best he could get out of the prone girl was a pathetic half nod that pulled another groan and more tears from the girl. So, heart breaking at the thought of causing Lucy more pain, he lifted her shoulders, mindful of her head. 
“Can you stand with me darling girl?” From his spot across the room George shot Lockwood a bewildered look mouthing “darling girl?” at his back. Lockwood had managed to get a half limp Lucy to lean nearly all her weight against him. Very slowly and very quietly he managed to shuffle them back to her bed. “Thanks.” Lucy’s voice was still low and she spoke as if it caused her pain, her eyes were still screwed shut, but she didn’t seem to be crying anymore. George tucked a few pillows around her, making sure her head and neck were supported and that her shoulders were even. Lockwood pulled the sheet and the thinnest blanket over her. 
She was definitely already asleep, no time for tea or toast then. No matter, Lockwood would make her any number of cups of tea and plates of toast, however many times she asked for more. George gestured that he was going to go back downstairs and Lockwood nodded. For a moment he just sat at the edge of her bed, looking at her. He had said once, that he and George would look after her, and he meant it. Seeing now how much pain her talent, her gift, he would be sure to pay more attention in the coming days to see how she recovered. He would be paying attention to potential triggers, though there wasn’t much he could do about the visitors. He swore that he would always be there after a case to take care of her. 
Placing the cool cloth on her forehead, he settled in on the floor, keeping watch over the restless girl. And if he was still there later that evening, rather early the next morning, when Lucy finally woke up and was able to speak, that was no one’s business.
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Tag Game
Tag 10 people you’d like to get to know better! (I LOVE THESE THINGS!! :D)
Tagged by @nikkupsticks
Put your playlist on shuffle and name the first four songs
1. (You’re) Timeless To Me - Hairspray 2. Golden Skans - Klaxons 3. Spartan High School Musical - Horrible Histories  4. Assassin - Muse
[Literally sums up my music taste here....mad random mixture]
Grab the nearest book. Turn to page 23, Line 27
I have three books next to me and I really can’t choose so you can have all three.
First Book - Good Omens by Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman *Saint Beryl Articulatus of Cracow, reputed to have been martyred in the middle of the fifth century. 
Second Book - Paper Ghosts by Julia Heaberlin I don’t tell him it’s a rental, or that we’ll be dumping it. 
Third Book - A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness I stopped picking at the buttons around my neck.
Ever had a song or poem written about you? 
Not that I know of. 
When was the last time you played air guitar?
Many many years ago....
Celebrity crushes
Suranne Jones, Gillian Anderson, Heather Peace, Jemma Redgrave, Lucy Lawless, Jorja Fox, Lara Pulver, Lana Parrilla, Jaime Murray, Jennifer Morrison, Martin Freeman, Angie Harmon, Amanda Abbington, Danielle Cormack, Neve McIntosh, Joanne Kelly, Marg Helgenberger, Aiden Turner, Tabrett Bethell, Eve Myles, John Barrowman, Catrin Stewart, Allison Scagliotti, Bridget Regan, Alex Kingston, Anna Skellern, Idina Menzel, Kirstie Steele, Katie McGlynn, Natasha O’Keeffe, Renee O’Connor, Sasha Alexander, Daniela Denby-Ashe, Marc Warron, Alycia Eyo, Tommy Lee Knight, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Nicole da Silva, Robert Carlyle, Michelle Gomez, Laura Prepon, Jason Done, Shane O’Meara...There is loads more but lets face it I need to stop here *face palm* 
Sounds you hate/love?
I hate the sounds of crunching gears, when you don’t put the clutch in properly. New one for me since passing my test. The sound of nails on a chalk board. The sound of metal scraping on metal (thanks Granddad for that one - he ignored us when we said he was too close to the wall on a multistory car park *shudder*, sound has stayed with me over ten years). White noise. 
I love the sound of jazz music, my clarinet when I play low notes, guitar riffs. Scottish accent. The sound of my phone alarm pinging to tell me that my food has finished in the oven (I have ADHD and dyspraxia so I can’t concentrate long enough and usually forget I have food in the oven if I cook without it). The sea, and wind on a summers day. Birds singing, and a cats purr. 
Do you drive, and have you ever crashed?
Yes I drive, no thankfully I have never crashed while driving. Nearly a few times but never actually crashed thank God. I have however been in a couple of slight collisions when someone else was driving though. 
Last book you read?
The last book I’ve actually finished reading was, jeez I can’t actually remember the last one I remember is A Picture of Dorian Grey but I know I’ve read two since that. I’m actually in the middle of four books right now, Gentleman Jack - Anne Choma, A Discovery of Witches - Deborah Harkness, Paper Ghosts - Julia Heaberlin and a Rizzoli & Isles book that I can’t remember the name of. 
Do you believe in ghosts?
Do you believe in aliens? 
Yes, the universe is massive. We can’t be ignorant enough to believe we’re the only intelligent life form. 
Do you like the smell of gasoline? 
Tbh, some days especially when I’ve got a migraine I hate it. But when I’m not so bad, I don’t really notice it. 
Last movie you saw?
Secret Life of Pets 2
Do you have an obsession right now? 
Yup, Gentleman Jack. My old obsession with Waterloo Road is back, I’ve been binge watching it on YouTube. Also I’m always obsessed with dancing. (Also obsessed with trying to get out of the hell hole I live in).
Do you tend to hold grudges?
Yes. Some people I’ll forgive, others I won’t. I think it depends on the situation.
I tag - 
@longlive-myevilqueen  @annelistersthermometer @allmykindsofthings @ex-ception @blue-village @handsomanne @swanqueenisendgameyo @miss-ann-walker @sassybatcreatorlight and last but not least, I tag whoever else wants to have a go at this.
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this-is-mycrisis · 1 year
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Lockwood and Co. week- DAY 1: your favorite character from the main trio!
As much as I make posts about Lucy- I think Lockwood might be my fav?
Anyway here's a quick little one shot, featuring Lockwood's thoughts about the dynamic in 35 Portland Row.
Word Count: 414
Trigger warnings: brief mention of food, mention of migraine, mention of "shut down" (I have headcannoned George as autistic and you can't take that away from me), implied depression
Lockwood knew that George felt like he was the odd one out in his family. 
Lockwood knew that Lucy didn’t have any contact with her family. 
Lockwood knew that he was the only Lockwood left. 
He knew that Lucy’s talent overwhelmed her on good days. He knew that George got so lost in research that he often forgot to eat. Lockwood could go on and on about the things that he knew about his associates..no they were more than that. Lucy and George were his best friends…the three of them had become a little family unit. 
That scared Lockwood a little bit. He acted aloof and standoffish. He used sarcasm as a defense mechanism. But then each of them had their own ways of distancing themselves. He wouldn’t succeed in pushing them away for good. They would give him his space and then when he was ready he would come down to the kitchen and sit across from Lucy like he always did and Geroge would pass him the cup of tea that he had started to fix as soon as Lockwood started creaking around in his room. 
Lucy would make eye contact with him and give him her softest smile, the one that she only ever direct at her boys. Because he was hers. And so was George. Just like they were his. Next time George had a shut down, Lockwood and Lucy would go about cleaning and ordering food in, because god knows neither of them can cook more than eggs and toast; next time Lucy had a migraine Lockwood and George would dim the lights and keep the house quiet and they wouldn't make fun of her for crying. 
And when Lockwood sank to that dark place that he’d been in for the past few days, Lucy and George would go about their day purposefully making room for him. They would share happy stories and they’d make him a million cups of tea. They wouldn’t say it outloud, he wouldn’t handle that very well, but they would make sure that he knew he was loved and valued and that he belonged with them.  And if he heard Lucy on the phone later pawning a job or two off on Kipps team, saying that the three of them needed a breather, he wouldn’t bring it up. And when Mrs Barnes stopped by with a spread of treats and sandwiches, he wouldn’t even think of giving Kipps shit for blabbing to Barnes.
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