#ludo mentis centreterre
selemina · 8 months
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Remember the Ludo Mentis Campaign? :D We have started season 2! With new characters, and little nods to the events of the first campaign, 100 years after! Our new group is me, an armor-obsessed gnome artificer ; Vermeille, a half dragon half eladrin druid (mostly), Igueul our half-elf bard that keeps getting hit in the back, Aronvir your local dwarf ranger with a bear (bear not allowed in town), and our thief Revius will join us when he can! :) (sending lots of love to his player!) So our group suffers from administrative shenanigans that left them in dept, trying to scramble to get enough money to pay rent! During our adventures, we met Nox, a mysterious young man looking for a holy shield stollen from his home... So remember the child we helped deliver in the old campaign??? :D Yeah, SOMEONE left home without warning the saint or his father the gold dragon! TO LOOK FOR NARA'S SHIELD THAT GOT STOLLEN from the familial hoard! An on the way to finding the shield, we got to find a new camp of druids, run by Syldor and Ikaros! They had a daughter together!! :DDD ...And then we got our asses handed to us rather violently. XD Bonus DM reaction!
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selemina · 7 months
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This week in Ludo mentis Centreterre-
We have to switch our playing time. We tried a sunday morning session. It didn't work. XD
However, we did prepare to go to the opening of an art gallery Vermeille was invited to by a noble! While discussing making a few paintings to find patrons to fund our adventures, the subject of drawing Igueul naked came up-
And my hand slipped.
It didn't happen, but the mental image was too vivid, especially because of the rivarly between Igueul and Vermeille! The tension! The shipping! I HAD to draw it! XD So have a sketch of our bard naked! That's all for this week!
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selemina · 8 months
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We did it boys! This week in Ludo Mentis Centreterre we beat capitalism-! Well, no. We paid our depts. But now we have to make sure we can pay rent this month... But for now, we're enjoying NOT being uttely destroyed by the threat of homelessness! Thanks in part to Hakim! A traveling merchant from the last campaign, now with his son, that was able to help us sell off everything we could to make ends meet! Shady but reliable when it comes to deals. And also definitely a thief but we don't talk about that. XD Now I'm looking forward to what's to come! :D The training wheels are off, time to start the plot!
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