lotts87 · 11 years
When I met Luis Casanova Sorolla last year, he was in the midst of preparing for an artwork entitled Choreography Diagrams. From the brief description he gave – sourcing 80m squared of paper, liaising with the Slovak National Ballet and briefing film crews – it was evident that it was an ambitious project. Four dancers would perform the Dance of the Cygnet pas de quatre from Swan Lake on a sheet of paper spread with raw pigment. The sequence would be filmed and their steps translated to the paper to create a document of their movement. Two months on, and the result can be seen above.
The project is an extension of his existing work – Signapura – described succinctly by Luis as, ‘a form of live conceptual art that makes the invisible, visible’. The work encompasses a wide range of styles, from Lidia Baich’s Composer Diagram, a visualization of a Beethoven Sonata, to Fernando Montaño’s Dance Improvisation, a diagram of his improvised movement. As Luis is quick to emphasize, ‘Signapura doesn’t create images, it simply allows them to appear’, whether those images be the strokes of a conductor’s baton or the pirouettes of a dancer.
A rudimentary perusal of his website will give you an idea, or you can see more of his work on his Vimeo channel.
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