wolfric · 8 years
Starter for @lumenaureus
It had been another ordinary day guarding the palace, until a shift in duties had occurred when he was suddenly informed of the Lady Lunafreya’s call for him. Slowly, the glaive dragged his feet toward her quarters, confused as to why he had been summoned. He made his way over to her room, breathing out a stress-laced sigh as he lifted a hand to knock on her door.
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      ❝ Princess, I’m here. ❞ 
But why?  He wondered--not that he minded being removed from standing under the scorching hot sun. Perhaps he was to be reprimanded for a slip in his words or actions that may have possibly upset her.
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vigilem-blog · 8 years
    {@lumenaureus}      If the roaring tides which collided against Altissia's shorelines were any indication of the wrath being inflicted by Lunafreya; Gentiana knew the city would be taken to the sea's depths by sundown. Despite the thought being quite the impeccable one; the dragoon didn't wish for the nation to become Atlantis, or rather, wouldn't want to be known as one of it's first citizens.      Gentiana had to act quickly-- lest she and the Oracle become washed away as their enemies.      The sogged sand which wedged itself between her heels caused the woman to strip them long ago- her midnight kimono dress tattered by strikes from various blades as the length was significantly shorter than previously. Bounding with the spirit of a feral creature-- the woman's palm sparked an iridescent cobalt as her fist collided with the brazen breastplate of an unknown guard charging towards the waters. Wiggling her fingers against the harsh winds streaked with salt; her speed picked up significantly with each bound, her fist alight as if it were a beacon within blindness. Using the faded sky that trailed behind her wrist, Gentiana's lightning distracted yet another enemy grasping for her as she used her weight to vault into the air- her body spinning merely once- as she made contact with the man's jaw. As she sent him spiraling towards the drink, her heels harshly dug tracks within the earth before she gained her footing and continued running onward, the sand telling all where she'd been.      The Princess was near. She could feel it.      If the guards had any remnants of a brain, they would cease their attacks. With the combined power of the magic encased within Gentiana's fist, as well as the sheer speed she was displaying as she rushed along the raging shoreline, it was clear no attempts at attacking would prove successful. It wasn't until the woman had cleared five more soldiers before catching a golden glint within the sandstorm which was brewing- strands of raven sticking to her lips and reddened cheeks as she bolted near.      Upon seeing Lunafreya-- two things were certainly clear: she was outnumbered, and she was furious.       Skidding her weight; the attendant bared her lower half atop the beach as the notion caused her to slow before the battle. The action stung- as if each grain bit within the balls of her feet- yet the feeling was forgotten as sparking fingertips grasped the cane of Luna's trident. With frantic flicks of her wrist; the lance was spun about her body as if she were an erotic dancer-- the pulsing heat which radiated from it's ends stunning as well as effectively killing those whom were attacking as Gentiana's hair flew about her form as crow’s feathers. With a deep breath and a heave of her chest- noting all had fallen and the Oracle was unharmed- the attendant bowed before the blonde and offered her weapon back, a smirk smeared on her drenched features.      "Miss me?" She said coyly; her figure soaked as she twisted water from her sleeves. “We need to flee. I know not why you’ve waged this hurricane-- nor is it my position to ask-- though I shall not allow you to become harmed.”
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promptov · 9 years
"Here, get under my umbrella!"
/̵͇̿̿/‘̿'̿ lumenaureus | affectionate starters 
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It’s rainin’ cats and dogs - he can barely see in front of himself! Not to mention he’s soaked to the bone- assumin’ his arms are the best kinda shelter and we all know the outcome of that - nothin’ good. But he could hear angels singin’ because a voice so melodic – [ everything’s an overreaction right now, he’s just so happy t’see someone offerin’ help ] is aidin’ him with the next best thing.
                        “ Thanks, Stell! I probably would’a looked like an old man out there – “
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