#lumera eclipse my love
the-haunted-office · 1 year
we gotta rob a ice cream place for stanley!
"Ehehehe, you don't have to tell me twice!" Doomsday cackles before opening up a portal, leaping into it, vanishing for a couple minutes, and coming back with a huge tub of vanilla ice cream. "Here you go, Stanley!"
Stanley is astonished to say the least, but he grins upon sight of the ice cream that is apparently just for him. He puts it down on his desk next to him and begins eating it with a spoon with one hand while playing Solitaire with the other.
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duran301 · 2 years
Merry Christmas or Happy Hearts Warming Eve
This year is almos over and I have made one new best friend here on Tumblr, that being @silverwinghere love your craziness, also love the Drunken Twilight, it’s cute and funny. Merry Christmas or Happy Hearts Warming Eve to you.
My little kirin has also gotten a marefriend, who he loves and and will love for ever, that being @flareflarerp, he won’t ever leave her side, even if he can be a bit of a flirt with other mares, he will only have eyes for that one yellow pegasus who makes grate music. Merry Christmas or Happy Hearts Warming Eve to you.
It’s fun being here with y’all, @a-spoonful-o-generosity, @nox-lunarwing, @cadenceconfessions, @taciturn-is-poggers, @ask-light-rain-and-buds, @thedumbguywithaheart43, @asktwilighteclipse, @appoggiatura-the-pone, @jdeck306, @rising-shine, @lumera-eclipse, @an-immortal, @ask-healthy-light, @ask-smolder34, @markthespot68, and @f0rever-autumn, I don’t really talk to some of y’all, but I still love that y’all continue to like and reblog whatever I tend to like and reblog, don’t know why y’all do it, but thank y’all. Merry Christmas or Happy Hearts Warming Eve to y’all.
To the ones I do interact with, well I juts can’t love y’all enough, especially @a-spoonful-o-generosity and @markthespot68 who where my first ever friends here on Tumblr when I started, love y’all both, I hope we can continue our friendship into the next year that’s como up in a few days, I couldn’t have ask for better friends, thank y’all for tolerating my stupidity and randomness. Merry Christmas or Happy Hearts Warming Eve to y’all.
I would also like to thank @nox-lunarwing for keeping my little kirin in check most of the time as a motherly figure for him, I couldn’t have asked for a better Mamma dragon-pone lol. Merry Christmas or Happy Hearts Warming Eve to you.
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(I feel like I have already received a gift from y’all in the form of y’all love and friendship, that is one gift I will never let go, I will always cherish it and I will alway keep y’all close to my heart, Merry Christmas or Happy Hearts Warming Eve y’all)
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emblematicemblazer · 1 year
Worldbuilding and theories of Engage
Personal skills.
In Lythos the personal skills of each character relates to their official duty.
Lumera and Alear
Divinely Inspiring - Adjacent Allies deal +3 damage and take 1 less damage.
I imagine that Alear inherited the personal skill when Lumera poured her lifesource them. 
The skill relates to The Divine Dragon's ability to inspire people to want to fight by their side. The 'less damage' part is a reference to their role as protector and bringer of peace.
The image of the skill looks like two wings cupping two people. 
The wings of God are a place of refuge. “Yea, in the shadow of thy wings will I make my refuge, until these calamities be overpast” (Psalm 57:1). “He shall cover thee with His feathers, and under His wings shalt thou trust” (Psalm 91:4).
The wings are the Divine Dragon offering refuge and love to the People of Elyso. 
Alabaster duty - If unit is adjacent to the Divine Dragon, grants Crit+5 during combat to both of them.
Firstly the personal skill references Vander's role as a steward by only granting power when he is near The Divine Dragon. The 'Crit+5' references how The Divine Dragon inspires Vander and how Vander helps The Divine Dragon focus on important tasks.
Alabaster  is a smooth white stone used for statues and ornamentation. The buildings of Lythos are made of white stone from the surrounding cliffs and mountains. This skill references his connection to the island.
Alabaster is an important symbol in the bible. It is a symbol of the relationship between Mary of Bethany and Jesus. Similarly it served as a symbol of the relationship between Vander and the two Divine Dragons. Mary of Bethany gave her everything to Jesus and anointed him with expensive perfume in an alabaster box. Mary built up a relationship with Jesus by sitting at his feet and listening to his teachings. When her brother Lazarus died, it was Jesus who offered her comfort. The meaning of the alabaster box is that it represents Vander's and Mary's lives. They gave up everything and gave their hearts, devotion and trust to their Saviour because nothing can compare to them. 
The personal skill symbol of Vander, Framme and Clanne except the colour is different. 
Tibetan Buddhists believe that during lunar and solar eclipses, the effects of one's good or bad deeds are multiplied severalfold. The good deeds of Vander, Framme and Clanne are rewarded with benefits in battle. 
Verdant faith - If unit is adjacent to the Divine Dragon, grants Hit+10 during combat to both of them.
Just like Vander's personal skill, the effects of Clanne's 'verdant faith' are only triggered by being near the Divine Dragon. once again it is a reference to his role as a steward.
Verdant means green. In the bible green is used to symbolise how a righteous man will devote himself to God and grow and flourish under His divine light.  If Clanne devotes himself fully then he will grow and flourish.
'The righteous man will flourish like the palm tree, He will grow like a cedar in Lebanon. Planted in the house of the Lord, They will flourish in the courts of our God. They will still yield fruit in old age; They shall be full of sap and very green,' (Psalm 92:12-15)
Crimson/ Scarlet cheer - If unit is adjacent to the Divine Dragon, grants Avo+10 during combat to both of them.
In Japanese the personal skill is called 'scarlet cheer'. 
The colour scarlet symbolises the blood of Christ and Christian martyrs. When Isaiah says that the Lord can change our sins from scarlet or crimson to snow or wool, he is saying that the Lord can do something that is impossible for us to do on our own. A cloth dyed red stays red. But regardless of the stain of our sins, the Atonement of Jesus Christ can make us pure again if we repent. If Framme devotes herself to the Divine Dragon and repents her sins then she will be able to achieve anything. 
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svcrecy · 2 years
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asktacobell · 2 years
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“Honestly? The Nacho Fries are my favorite!! I love loading them up with cheese and guac and meat!!! Soooooooooooo yummy!!!”
Thanks for the question @lumera-eclipse! NOTE: So I started drawing this response and realized it was basically just this base edit I’d done a few weeks ago so I hope y’all don’t mind me being lazy and just. Slapping the edit on instead of doing a whole new drawing xD Base is by the ever radical lambrotbases on dA!
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