happyhctel · 7 months
that's my ash i love my ash
tell me your honest opinion of my portrayal | accepting!
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soulgathered · 2 months
They sit together on the beach watching the moon and stars and waves, finally allowing tired, battle-worn limbs a much needed rest. The silence is comfortable, peaceful—finally—in contrast to the remnants of Chronos's destruction behind them. The only sounds are that of the wind, the gentle rush of waves against rocks and ruins of ships and homes alike, and her, breathing softly.
(He holds his own, if only to hear hers better; he's long gotten used to not needing breath, anyway.)
But as the moon begins to descend behind them and the stars slowly blink out one by one as the gentle pink glow of dawn begins to fade its way into the distant horizon, Icarus feels the pull of the Underworld more and more. It shouldn't surprise him, he supposes, with the House of Hades restored. But he is surprised by how much he wishes he had more time—just a little more time—to stay in this perfect little eternity before the world goes back to what it should be. He wanted to take her flying, if only once. It's selfish and greedy, he knows, but he's just a man. Not even that. Not anymore. One would think he'd learn after reaching for the sun, but it would seem the moon, too, is beyond him. Still, if he's fated to fall no matter what...
He finally takes a breath, sighs, and stands. When he looks back at her and holds out his hand to help her up, he's smiling.
❛ Dance with me, Meli? ❜
it was done. finally she has succeeded, her task fulfilled, the order of things restored. there is a feeling in the air something that tickles her skin like a light breeze - death has returned onto the world and so did the ghosts rightful final resting place. she should be happy, should rush down to greet her family but...
...melinoe finds herself afraid. everything was about to change for her. she wants to reach out for icarus hand, hold it in hers to assure herself that he would stay. he had been a constant in her life - sweet, reliable icarus with his melancholic eyes and dreamy smile. would he be able to stay in the house? would he need to go somewhere else?
she knows her little spell may lose its power with this night, that she should bask in selene's light one last time and gaze upon her. but mismatched eyes focus solely on the soul by her side. she is sure the moon will forgive her.
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when he stands up she worries icarus might suggest leaving but instead... melinoe blinks for a moment before returning his smile. green ghostly fingers brush against his as she stands up and steps close to him, fingers entwined. "I will follow your lead" she whispers, having their foreheads touch for now. melinoe had been shaped to be a weapon, dancing had not been an... essential skill.
unprompted ( always accepting ) // @luneysia .
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jauneilles · 2 months
smooches her cheek (xoxo luka)
( unprompted asks / always accepting !! )
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           ❝   H-Hey!  You  can't  just—   ❞  𝐂𝐇𝐋𝐎𝐄  𝐅𝐋𝐔𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒  𝐀𝐓  𝐓𝐇𝐄  𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐂𝐓.  She  can  feel  her  whole  face  heating  up  and  isn't  sure  what's  the  worst  part  —  Luka's  audacity  or  that  she'd  liked  it.  Ridiculous.  She  wants  to  avert  her  eyes,  maybe  stalk  in  the  other  direction,  but  pride  keeps  her  rooted  to  the  spot.  Instead,  she  lifts  her  chin.  She  can  be  confident,  too.  She's  a  Bourgeois,  after  all.  She  can  be  anything  she  wants  to  be.  And  right  now,  she  wants  to  be  fearless.  ❝   You  could  at  least  take  me  on  a  date  first.  I'll  even  make  it  easy  for  you.  Saturday.  Pick  me  up  at  seven.  And  don't  be  late!   ❞
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yangnoir · 9 months
❛ ... The song in your heart's got some conflicting melodies in it lately. ❜ Though his head remains bent over his guitar, focusing on the chords his fingers gently strum, Luka sneaks a glance at the other boy, trying to get a glimpse of his expression. ❛ If you need someone to listen, I'm all ears. If I can help, I'd like to try. ❜
❝ ↪ @luneysia submitted an ask !!
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He could never quite place how one person could leave another to feel so.....grounded. How Adrien could simply stand there while Luka plucked away - figuring out each conflicting note with so much ease. It's not the first time and the blonde is certainly convinced that this won't be the last. There's something about him that's so easy to talk to. Even if he's uncertain how to go about what leaves him feeling stuck. It's not like he can openly talk about the true source to what's been plaguing him at night and keeps him awake.
It starts with the nightmares that keep him up at night, it continues with shard-like memories cutting through like glass in his head. it's broken pieces that he can't always put together and yet....feels haunted all the same - as if some ghost from his future had been on a mission to punish him.
It's death and destruction.....he's the cause.....he can feel something familiar - yet so distant - when the broken record plagues his thoughts. It's by his white gloved hand that he makes it happen after all.
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Did he? Would he? It was still so confusing to the teen.
" I don't even know where to begin, " let alone how to begin. Could he begin? " How do you handle something that feels like it's out of your control? "
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routesbond · 1 year
❝ ↪ @luneysia requested a starter !! ( for byakuya! )
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" I don't think I quite get what you're attempting to imply. " Use your words. He teases with a simple gaze before the sweet treat has been snatched and consumed. " Do you not want me to enjoy your sweets? That you worked so hard to make? "
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The teasing expression is quick to transform into a small pout. He keeps on long enough to move in close, inches away from her own flushed features. " I don't like the idea of you making these for someone else to try. "
They're for me. . .right?
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gamereaped · 2 years
@luneysia ➜ submitted!
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♡ 01.  It’s not the first time he’s watched him do something of the sort. Beat will have a piece of food hanging from his mouth ( a fry usually, maybe a pocky stick ) and Neku will be bold enough to lean in and steal a nibble from the other side. Beat swears there’s a hidden challenge in Neku’s eyes when he does it but usually misses it and by the time he thinks about doing anything, the other has already pulled back and resumed....whatever it is they’re doing in that moment.
Not this time though.
Neku’s close, so close that is summons the familiar fluttering in the pit of his stomach; the longing to reach out and pull him close, keep him there; make it so he doesn’t have the chance to slip away again. But he reminds himself of his mission, that familiar look daring him to do something about it all over again. He’s not about to lose out this time!
Right when he sees those lips steal a light nibble to the other side of his treat, a hand moves up and holds him in place. Fingers lock onto his hair to keep him in position once he tilts it back and shifts up to his knees more on the sofa they were sitting on, hovering over the other still seated in place, he bites, chewing down the stick until their lips meet for a sweet tasting kiss, oh he tastes good.
“  Ya ain’t gettin away that easy this go round.  “
Smirks, marvels in the way Neku’s mouth feels against his own, slotted together so perfect with his own as he refuses to let him go, not yet, not when he wants to kiss him more.
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♡ 02.   “  Is no o’clock. “ Beat muffles against the pillow, refusing to move when strong arms grab hold of his partner to keep close for warmth. Despite feeling hands attempting to work in some attempt to make him wake up for who knows what reason. There’s something inaudible that can’t be made out when he responds again but this time it’s enough to make him shift his head and look to his bedside pair.
Even while still attempting to adjust to reality in a haze of orange locks and a person clearly being next to him, rapid blinking a few times to try and clear his vision.
“  Phones we got nowhere to be, this sleepin’ time.  “
When it clearly wasn’t going to be the case, he can’t even make out what Neku is saying and instead yanks him back in close. Just when he thought he was close to getting up, he decided to shower lazy and light kisses over the other’s face in some swift hope that it would convince him to stay in bed a bit longer. He misses a few times but that leads him to focus against his shoulders.....his neck.....cheeks......then lips again.
“  Five m’ere minutes.... “
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♡ 03.   “  Hey wait a sec -  “  he’s almost falling over when the sudden weight pushes against him. He can tell by the way Neku full blown about knocked him right on his ass that something had been bothering him. As if the raging ringing in the back of his mind calling out for him hadn’t been enough to answer any confusion which popped into his mind.
Beat will answer anytime he hears that call.
It starts with his hands acting as an anchor, planted against the arch of the other male’s back to keep him held in place.  “  Phones, listen.  “
He’s there, he’s there, he’s right there and he’s not about to let him believe otherwise.  “  You ain’t in th’ bad place no more, not gonna let anything happen to you.  “  He hopes that his voice reaches, but his other hand shifts so fingers can grasp his chin and forces him to look up and directly at him. Those eyes have seen so much.
“  See? Look --  “
He eases in, careful but protective, locking himself into place with Neku in what he hopes comes across as a reassuring kiss. His own call, hear him; feel him.  “  Right here,  “  he whispers against his lips, kissing him over and over.
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♡ 04.  “  We got ten minutes til’ Rhyme gets back and --  “
There’s mischief in his eyes, right when Neku is about to speak, his hands are already grasping his, arms pinned up and over his head.   “  Jus gotta let ya know how I feel.  “
But I already know how you feel.
He hears, not that he seems to be opposed to Beat’s current actions, Beat’s certainly enjoying the way the tip of Neku’s nose feels against his own, nuzzling back and forth. It might be sick, but he doesn’t care! Let someone catch them and say something about it!
He’s going to keep going until the other has had enough.
“  Six minutes now, what we gonna do? “
Beat teases, feeling the way Neku’s wrists twitch against his hold. Keeps their noses touching and watches the way the light flush paints his features. Memorizing every little detail he possibly can.
“  Another?  “
He asks, this time placing a light kiss to the top of his forehead instead.
“  Love ya.  “
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♡ 05.  “  Phones! Wake up! Ya gotta get up! Don’t play me this way!  “
He’s shaking him in some hope that it’ll make him stir awake, something - anything! Not when he’s finally got him back. One hand grabs his face, squeezes his cheeks. Maybe some sort of shock will work? How the hell did this even happen?
“ No no no no no no no.  “
The sinking in his chest when his eyes don’t open. Does he need a hospital? Will the doctors even do anything and help?! Maybe he should text his sibling?  “  This some sick prank you got a whole ass beat down comin’ ya way!  “  It’s concern more than anything when he wraps his arms around Neku, tugs him in close.
“  Ya gotta wake up!  “
A desperate kiss. Over and over. A needy call, a worried one; pure terror. If he didn’t open up his eyes, what the hell was Beat going to do? He didn’t want to think about it!
“ Neku, wake up.  “
Another plead, another kiss. His body trembles. He should have gotten there faster.
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rosahope · 11 months
nini already made a great list of sm blog recs but i wanted to go ahead and add to it because a lot of people are missing and i don't want people to feel left out/ignored:
senshi — divinehope sleetsong divinetide silencedglaive kinmokian kinmokuan kinmokujin kinmokusen kakyuuhime cosmama
allies — rosapapa divinegaea maskedruler elysionhope elsyiums
minor characters / ocs — cosmophilic syreign crystsalis adonace
mumus — senshian luneysia amaeranthos
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soulgathered · 4 months
❛  i know that look, eyes always seeking. ❜ icarus → mel
"no! no I am all ears, I promise you" melinoe averts her eyes from the glyph signaling the exit into erebus. it happens at times that the princess cannot help but look towards her... destiny. it might be a form of morbid curiosity because she knows behind the exit awaits a world of pain and her family - or disappointment if she failed.
but next to icarus melinoe doesn't feel like a failure. so she turns her attention back to him, listens to him as he tells her all about the things he and his father used to build and the ideas he had. for a moment do her eyes wander back to the gate. icarus and her shared the torment of existing in someone else's legacy. out there she would need to truly be the princess of the underworld, fighting and commanding shades.
'shades cannot be made whole again, melinoe. now focus on the task at hand'
but nobody who had entertained such thoughts had been a witch and the daughter of hades - the grandchild of a goddess and a mortal. immortality, mortality and death.
"icarus" melinoe suddenly says, eyes bright as she looks at the boy. "there is an incantation I want to try on you."
hozier lyrics ( selectively accepting ) // @luneysia .
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jauneilles · 5 months
❛  if  it’s  all  in  my  head ,  tell  me  now .  tell  me  i’ve  got  it  wrong .  ❜ xoxo luka
( tswift lyrics / accepting !! )
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𝐋𝐔𝐊𝐀 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐅𝐅𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐄 𝐈𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐒𝐓 𝐁𝐎𝐘 𝐒𝐇𝐄'𝐒 𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐌𝐄𝐓, and if that sounds like a sentiment she's had before it's because it is and it's true. Only the most rotten boy in all of Paris would corner her on her way home from school and confront her about things she definitely does not want to face or even speak into existence. Not that this is the first time he's called her out, nor will it stop him from doing so again, she thinks.
( Their encounter in the park, when he'd outright asked if she had a crush on him still haunts her at night. )
He's the worst; especially because he doesn't even do it out of ill intentions. There is no accusation in his eyes. He isn't belittling her, which she would have found more bearable because then, at least, her anger would have been justified. It's worse than that. He's being honest and forthright, bold in a way that she has never been. She's only confident when she's being mean and snarky. Only able to showcase bravado when she's using others as a stepping stone, but Luka never falls for any of that. He never has. It's like he looks right past all of it, peels back the layers, until he just sees her. It makes her skin crawl and her face flush in equal measure. The only victory she feels in this moment is that his words give the impression he's been thinking about her as much as she's been thinking about him and that... certainly does something to her heart rate.
It could be a trap, her mind hisses. He's waiting for an answer, and it'd be a lie to say she doesn't have reservations. If she tells him the truth, she's opening herself up in a way she's only ever confided in Adrien. He could laugh at her. Tell her how ridiculous she is for thinking he'd ever return her feelings. And it would be a completely justified rejection. Chloé knows she hasn't been the best person, and though she's been trying to make amends, she doesn't always get it right. The thought of being rejected makes her want to scream. She deals with enough of that from her mother. She doesn't need to deal with it at school, too, where her social circle is already treading on a knife's edge. The only consolation prize is that he's an upperclassman. If he rejects her now, at least she never has to sit in the same classroom as him.
There's still a respectable distance between them, but when he suddenly places his hand on her shoulder, she's catapulted back to the present. It takes considerable effort to reel in the knee-jerk reaction to slap his hand away for touching her. Old Chloé would say he's wrinkling her designer sweater, but she's trying to be a different person. A better one. His face is still calm, but if she squints, she thinks she can detect a hint of nervousness. Well. At least she's not alone in that.
Chloé inhales, squeezing her eyes shut.
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❝ You're... not wrong. There. Happy? Go ahead. Laugh it up! ❞
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nerdynanny · 7 months
@luneysia shouted DOUMEKI
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routesbond · 1 year
❛  here i went to all that trouble to save you, and you don't sound grateful at all.  ❜ shiranui → chizuru ♡
❝ ↪ @luneysia submitted an ask !!
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" Did you ever stop and consider that perhaps I didn't want to be saved? "
Even as she's backed up against the wall, sees how close he's been so bold as to place himself, pistol aimed right for her neck while her own fingers dance in a light motion, ready to draw her blade should the situation call for such.
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She doesn't dare to make a single move. At least not at first while her eyes remain locked against his own playful gaze. Like a fire ready to burn. It's as if he's some cat teasing the mouse by releasing and then returning his paw to the tail to prevent actual freedom. It's some game she didn't think she'd want to play.
" Why do you think I need to be saved in the first place? "
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eredeha-a · 2 years
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routesbonda · 2 years
@luneysia​ ➜ gets a starter for ichika.
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          “  You don’t need to go through my things if you wanted to know about it, you should have just told me to start with.  “  Annoyance drips, he fails to make eye contact long enough for him to contemplate his thoughts and at the very least, try to hear her out.
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“  . . .you were late again tonight, you know. After you made a huge deal about me being home before curfew. You’re not doing anything risky again are you?  “
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rosahope · 2 years
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@luneysia​ said :  ❛ Bravo! That was quite a show. Why, the spectacle proved so enthralling that all thoughts of the prize, ❜   a cheeky grin spreads on the miqo'te's face as G'raha leans in to claim his win in the form of a quick kiss,   ❛ NEARLY slipped my mind. I believe this contest belongs to me, though I cannot help but wonder if you LET me win. I shan't complain in any case. ❜ | (  unprompted asks  /  always accepting !!  )
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                𝐓𝐇𝐄  𝐌𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓  𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐈𝐓𝐘  𝐅𝐄𝐄𝐋𝐒  𝐇𝐈𝐒  𝐋𝐈𝐏𝐒  𝐀𝐆𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐓  𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐒,  it's  as  if  a  small  sun  has  exploded  underneath  her  skin.  Her  face  blooms  with  colour,  fresh  as  a  rose.  But  as  quickly  as  he  leans  in,  he’s  turning  away,  leaving  the  woman  to  wonder  in  stunned  silence  just  what  in  the  name  of  Eorzea  had  just  happened.  
                It  takes  all  of  two  seconds  before  reality  catches  up  with  Serenity  and  then  she’s  stalking  after  him  with  quickened  steps.  ❝    H-Hey!  You  can’t  just  —    ❞  All  thoughts  of  their  little  contest  are  forgotten,  her  focus  solely  on  the  Miqo’te’s  retreating  back.  Perhaps  that  had  been  his  intention  all  along.  ❝    G’RAHA  TIA  YOU  GET  BACK  HERE  RIGHT  NOW!    ❞
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zettareaped · 3 years
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@luneysia​ asked: 
It's as if he's caught in the moment, entranced by the depth of blue that stares back at him. Neku reaches up, framing Beat's face in his hands, thumbs brushing over cheeks, over lips, concentrating on memorizing every detail. Left hand shifts to comb fingers through blond bangs, brushing them to the side, tucking them behind Beat's ear. He doesn't notice the way his own lips curve when he takes in the full view of Beat's face unobscured by hair.
❛ I love you. ❜ It slips out, barely more than a whisper, before Neku realizes what he's saying, what he's confessing, and for a moment, with the way his eyes widen and the pink that crawls up his neck into his cheeks, he even looks surprised. (At himself? At the truth of it? Maybe a little of both.) And then he's smiling again and when he speaks it's with a soft certainty. ❛ I love you, Beat. ❜
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     Those hands on his face are warm. Warm just like Beat remembered them being when he and Neku had finally been able to hang out together in the RG after their first Game. Warm just how they should be-- alive with the pulsing of blood in Neku’s veins, with each breath that he took; alive. Neku was alive and right here, right with him. Where he belonged. 
     Nothing here could touch them-- not from the UG at least. And in the RG? Well, Beat was pretty confident that he could take on the entire world to keep Neku safe. Now that they were here together, nothing was going to keep them apart-- no damn Reaper, no more damn guns-- 
     All of the worries seemed to melt away, dripping like ice becoming water right off of him as Neku was touching his cheeks, brushing his hair from his face. The gentle affection is enough to have Beat’s cheeks flushing a soft pink color, and he’s almost about to tell Neku to cut it out until those words smack him like a freight train. 
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     “Wha--?!” blue eyes widen as he hears that breathed confession, the sound of Neku’s whispered voice ringing in his ears like a bell. Beat’s own hands move on their own, sliding up, grasping those cheeks as tenderly in his hands as if he were gold ( and to him, Neku was worth more than that ). Both of them stare at one another in that shock of the first confession, and while Neku is the first to speak again, Beat was the first to move. 
     He was pulling Neku’s face closer to him on instinct, unable to fight that overwhelming desire to kiss him that suddenly burns through his veins. A desire that would be too strong to resist even if he wanted to -- which of course he doesn’t, 
     Beat kisses him softly, full of feeling albeit a little awkward. It’s the invention ( that’s intention, Beat ) that counted, right? 
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     “I love ya too, Phones. Wid everythin’ I got. Dat much I can promise!”
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hackereaped · 3 years
" i got you some flowers. but, if you have allergies, i also got fake flowers! just in case. " // FRET
@luneysia → submitted!
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                    Paused  in  action  from  what  they  had  believed  was  going  to  be  a  session  in  her  explaining  the  latest  discovery  made  with  her  latest  venture  online.  Rhyme  shifts  herself  from  her  claimed  spot  upon  the  park  bench  and  is  suddenly  met  face-to-face  with...flowers?  Her  gaze  soon  meets  with  his,  tilting  her  head  somewhat  to  better  observe  and  take  in  exactly  what  was  happening  before  her.  Is  it  caution  that  Beat  might  appear  at  any  moment  and  she  wishes  to  spare  Fret  or  something  else  which  flutters  in  the  pit  of  her  stomach?  
"  That's  so  thoughtful,  you're  sweet.  "
Phone  being  tucked  away  within  her  pocket,  she  hops  up  to  her  feet  and  approaches  him,  accepting  the  gift.  Looking  the  flowers  over,  real  flowers,  she  buries  her  nose  in  to  inhale  the  soothing  scent.  It's  one  of  her  favorites.  Or  rather,  one  that  would  now  turn  into  something  they'd  like.  
"  I'm  not  allergic  but  it's  always  good  to  be  prepared,  just  in  case.  "
A  light  hm,  she  thinks  for  a  moment.  
"  You  know,  if  you  wanted  to  simply  hang  out  with  me  for  reasons  outside  of  the  newest  program,  you  could  have  said  so.  "
Light  teasing  in  her  voice  before  she  approaches  him  again,  this  time  leaning  in  to  press  a  swift  smooch  to  his  cheek  as  a  token  of  appreciation.  
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