luxengold · 9 years
Question game!
I was tagged by Kristen (avocadofrxsh) 
Always post the rules.
Answer the question the person tagged you in asked.
Then write 11 new ones.
Tag 11 people then tell them about the post.
Kristen’s Questions:
Favourite colour?
What superpower do you wish you had?
What is your weird talent?
I can lick my elbow :)
A childhood memory?
When I was in primary, me and my bestfriend Hannah used to tell everyon we were sisters, because we both have the same name. Everyone believed it too haha.
Favourite song lyrics and why?
Starships - Nothings gonna stop us/
Let them see where crazy, I don't care about that,
but your arms around me baby don't ever look back.
(Love it!)
What animal would you compare yourself to and why?
Probably a sloth, i'm slow.
Bad habit? 
I leave everything lying around. When I put things in my bag, it's unlikely i find it again.
Something you couldnt live without?
Noodles, love love love my noodles. Other than that, my phone.
How many blog styles have you had in total? 
Favourite drink?
Mango frappicino from starbucks.
What do you buy most often when you go out?
Make up, or food.
My questions
What was the last thing that made you laugh?
If you could have dinner with anyone who would it be?
What do you look for in a person?
If you could be anything in the world, what would you be?
Favourite singer?
Would you change who you are given the chance?
Most embarrassing moment?
What would you do with 100,000 pounds?
If you knew the world was ending, what would be the first thing you do?
Something you couldn't live without?
I tag: 
fresh-as-fruit // Vibrantlux // freshean //  neontrast // phxesh //  goldalla // brunxe // lushiest // lushalla // freshably // tihdal
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lvshest · 9 years
Tagged by blisslust // Rules are to tag 10 people you would like to know better!
Name: Cosima
Birthday: 28th of September
Gender: Female
Sexual orientation: Straight
Height: 5'8
Favourite colour: Pink
Current date and time: January fourth, 1:44 PM 
Last thing you googled: Clay Matthews stats {I love American Football}
First thing that comes to mind: My cake that I just finished baking :3
Favourite book: Any book by Sarah Dessen
Favourite movie(s): Captain America 
Favourite TV show/s: The O.C, Pretty Little Liars, The Flash
Favourite drink: Lemonade 
Favourite alcoholic beverage: Any wine with a fruity accent
Last movie I saw in theatre: Interstellar 
Dream holiday: Italy 
Dream wedding: In the italian hillside or on an italian island
Dream job: Athletic Trainer for NFL team 
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ophcelia · 10 years
Hello i have choose my faves for freshnixas faves and they are: Freshean cleaneau blisslust airscent crysalist voultz wohw aquxeau f-reshious frelush coutton xlushious luxafresh clubxpure comxforever kastenia therohse paxcific freshomg lushalla lushixe fuschian indigiana neonae Freshyed I will massage the winner and i hope good luck next time if i have a update!
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boho-eautiful · 10 years
Faves Page!
i am absolutely in love with your blog. It's my favorite to reblog from. 
I think you should pick my for the favorites page because i have a very low amount of followers on this blog (only around 300) and i put a lot of effort in it so it would be super great to be recognized by you!
i also have a grunge blog that has over xx,xxx followers (over 10k) and we could really help with all your other blogs, especailly the rosy  blog.
p.s. - i do follow you, but it will come up as smells-like-softgrunge because this is a secondary blog.
thanks for reading this and have a wonderful day.
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melunin-blog · 10 years
Helllooo, i'm Janel and I'm from Texas! It'd be amazing if you chose me because I love meeting new people and just having a group of people that I can build a friendship with. Oh, and I honestly think I'd be the funny addition to the network hahaha! Thank you, and I hope you keep my account in mind when choosing. xo
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diorised · 10 years
I got tagged by the sweet girl, Bloomisfy
Rule 1: Always post the rules Rule 2: Answer the questions the person who tagged you asked and then write your own 10 questions; Rule 3: Tag 10 people and link them to the post; Rule 4: Actually tell the people you tagged that you tagged
Bloomisfy’s questions:
1.      Favorite song ever?
Ever? Hmm, My kind of love by Emeli Sandé
2.      If you could switch life with a person for a week, who would it be?
Angelina Jolie!
3.      If you had 3 wishes, what would they be?
Surrounded by Happiness, love and Family my whole life
4.      If you could date any celebrity in the world, who would it be?
Harry Edward Styles.
5.      Where do you want to live, if you could choose any place?
London! Doesn’t sound exciting but I really really want to!
6.      Who is your rolemodel, and why?
Cara Jocelyn Delevingne- She made me believe in myself, in what I’m trying to achieve and the things I want to do. I’ve never met her before so I can’t thank her properly. I love her, so much.
7.      Favorite starbucks drink?
I always take the same, never tried another before: Java chip chocolate frappuccino
8.      would you shave your head, for one million $?
             If it goes to People who need it,  YES!
9.      What does your tumblr url mean?
Vogue—ness:  Vogue; The magazine, the models, the brands, the clothes.
Ness; See it as a little sparkle that you add with vogue
10.  What made you start blogging on tumblr?
      I Wanted to let people know who I am without being judged.
      I wanted to meet new people and reblog the things that I love.
My Questions:
1)What makes you laugh no matter what?
2)What is your all-time favorite romance movie?
3)Meaning behind your URL?
4)Do you have any strange phobias?
5)How can someone win my heart?
6)Where do you want to live when you're older?
7)What you'd do if you won in a lottery?
8)Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it, and why?
9) 3 things you love?
10) Favourite quote?
I’m tagging: goldnlush / demurea /5th-avenue-newyork/ divastuns/ lushalla /speaking-vogue/oxfordstreeting/puralia / gold-voguex /petra-jasmin
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lushixe · 10 years
rule 1: always post the rules  rule 2: answer the questions the person who tagged you asked and then write your own 10 questions rule 3: tag 10 people and link them to the post rule 4: actually tell the people you tagged that you tagged them
i was tagged by freshifie (: 
her questions:
if you could live anywhere, where would you live? this is tough becasue i've only traveled out of my country once so i'm not really sure. in the US i would love to live in LA but outside of my country i'd love to live in london or somewhere in australia (: 
favorite film? catching fire for sure omg it was amazing
best film soundtrack? high school musical 2 lmao and twilight actually had a pretty good soundtrack too (: 
favorite sport? soccer! i've played since i was 3
if you could eat one meal for the rest of your life what would it be? tbh i could live off of like cereal and sandwiches idk do they even count as a meal 
favorite drink? lemonade or coke (:
favorite clothing store? american eagle, VS pink or forever 21 
favorite item of clothing? thats really hard and i don't even own a lot of clothes. but probably my VS pink sweatpants. their sweats are so comfy omg
salty or sweet popcorn? salty definitely
heels or flats? flats all the way (:
my questions: 
do you have any pets? if no, have you had any in the past, or do you want any more?
favorite music artists?
do you play any sports?
can you play any instruments?
what is the #1 item on your wish list right now?
how long have you had your blog for? have you had any other blog styles before?
who are your celebrity crushes?
favorite food?
are you still friends with someone who was your "best friend" when you were younger?
how much do you care about how you look? 
i tag:
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ealite · 10 years
Hey! Mind checking out my blog? :)
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megannplays · 10 years
New URL! Used to be Recherchex
I have a new URL generously given to me by lushalla! Thanks pretty lady!!:)
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vibrantlux-blog · 10 years
Dear followers, please ignore this.
Hey babe, it's vibrantlux ^.^ I'm applying for your BOTM, so i just wanted to introduce myself ^.^
So yeah, i'm a danish girl, 15 years old, i loooove models (especially Barbara Palvin), i may be a bit addicted to the internet (mostly tumblr and youtube), and i have a fresh/modern/neon blog ^.^ (You may know me from bloomieschat)
I really do hope that i have a chance of being your BOTM, cause i really want to be your friend (i love talking to people, i swear)
Byyye babe ^.^ xx
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bubblii-blog · 10 years
Lushalla's BOTM
Hi I'm Jessica and I'm 16. I am Australian/German and I currently live in SIngapore. I would love to be your BOTM because you have an absolutely stunning blog and it would be so awesome to be showcased on it :) The most fun experience I've had on Tumblr was the last time I participated in a BOTM poll and it was just really really exciting and I would love to do it again :)
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khueen-blog · 10 years
fab followers ignore please x
doing another tag because i just saw that your choosing and i'm praying, crossing my fingers, jumping and shit and ahhh i hope i get chosen, it'd mean so much! you'd help me a bunch (: i'm trying to reach my goal so i can start doing my own promos and stuff like that lol and i'd be so honored to be promoted by the lovely you hehe c: but good luck choosing for your massive promo! x
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catalyses · 10 years
followers ignore!!
hey rita! im vaish, 15 and im from singapore! i own a fresh/modern blog, just like you! i would love to be in your massive promo for four reasons.
it would really be an honour to be featured on such a prestigious blog holy shittt
hopefully we could be friends from this?? :) ive always had a tumblr crush on you but yknow never really had the guts to talk ><
i have this goal that i want to reach by my birthday (march 3) and i hope this will help me! :)
(this ones kinda sentimental) your blog one was of the first blogs ive followed on tumblr, even when you were still luxury-fresh:) till now i still love it, and forever will <3
i really hope you consider me! thank you so much for reading this, have a great day. :)
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posax · 10 years
*followers ignore*
Hey Rita! I would be so happy if you choose me for your MASSIVE PROMO, first because it would mean you like my blog and i would be so so glad, then because  i love your blog! Well, i'd like to have more followers because a few people talk to me haahaha and I could follow more fresh/modern blog :)
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apricoat · 10 years
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maddygraceh · 10 years
Hey Rita!
I'd love to be in The Freshy Network! I'm Maddy btw - I'm 16 and I live in New Zealand! I have a fresh/modern/neon blog which I'm on 24/7. You should pick me because I promise to be super active and because I love making online friends :3 which being in networks always seems to do! Other than tumblr I love watching disney movies (have you seen frozen because omg it was so cute! Also Tangled is on tv tonight so my evening is set,) doing extreme sports like speed skating (I speed skate for New Zealand) surfing, skiing and mountain biking, and also being with my mates! Thanks for considering me c:
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