vegalustirra · 5 months
(Hello, I am here to try to fluster you)
Sabo pressed you up against the wall, pushing his body to be flush with yours while gently holding your face in his hands. He placed a loving kiss on your lips, one you eagerly return with a content hum while running your hands through his hair. He leaned closer to you, nibbling on your bottom lip to get you to open your mouth for him. You smiled into the kiss and opened your mouth just enough to let his tongue slip inside. He groaned softly into the kiss as he seemed to be trying to devour your mouth. His hands carefully leave your face and travel down your body to squeeze your hips.
You couldn't remember the last time you were able to have a moment like this with Sabo. It felt like years because of the number of missions you both had for the Revolutionary Army. Whenever you were free, he had a big mission Dragon assigned him. Whenever he was free, you had to help with multiple little but essential missions. It drove both of you mad, but the longing for each other made the short time you could have together feel like heaven.
"We should probably move somewhere private," you whispered between the hot kisses he gave you.
Sabo grumbled under his breath and hesitantly pulled away from you. Though only a little bit. He pouted with a frustrated huff. "Fine," he agreed. "But if we take too long getting there, I'm going to punish you," he whispered darkly to you with a grin.
A shiver ran down your spine, and you grinned back at him while gently pulling at the cravat he wore. "Then I guess we shouldn't delay any longer," you whispered, fully intending to take the long way yo his bedroom.
Fluster Vega in the Askbox
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Oh goodness, this did get me a bit, especially since I was getting off work for the day when I received the ask.
I was mainly 40% flustered as I read this & then his reaction got to me. The grumbling, the fact that he pouted in frustration… Like I know he's quite eager for more, I get it. We only have a certain amount of time before either gets assigned another mission. 🤭
& his response too! I know that I would go ahead & purposely take the long way. I'd be a fool not to. He would know I'd go for it too, if it means I'd get quite a punishment.
& I'm sounding a bit like a masochist again hahaha.
Overall, it got me 70% flustered already. Got me wanting more as well! 🥰
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vegalustirra · 5 months
7, 14 and 21 for the self ship ask please ^_^
Self Ship Asks
7. What’s the one trait about each other that annoys you the most?
Vega: It's something that he has under control now… most of the time. But it was when he let his temper get the best of him & he accidentally ignited flames upon doing so. Having to redo the paperwork then because it became collateral damage was not fun.
As for now, he tends to be a bit overbearing with me even though he knows that I can take care of myself just fine.
Sabo: She often puts others before herself by doing everything she possibly can. But she would forget to take care of herself often in the process. She can call me overbearing all she wants, but I want her to be fine as well.
14. Spicy: Favorite sexual position?
Vega: That's very difficult as there's plenty I do love. One would have to be the Lotus position. Having our bodies pressed tightly together, I find it to be intimate, sweet, & sexy. I can also be a bit creative with it while having a lot of stimulation.
Sabo: While I enjoy the Lotus position as well, it's not my personal favorite. That would have to be a tie between doggy & mating press. Just the thought of pounding deep into her, having my tip kissing her cervix as I’m biting & leaving marks everywhere… All to make her a beautiful begging mess…
Vega: *covers her blushing cheeks with her hands* Oh my…
Sabo: *smirks* Oh, what's wrong? Does my little honeybun need to be taken care of now?
Vega: Ah…! M-Maybe a bit later sweetheart…
21. Out of the two of you, who would be the one to kill / get rid of the spider?
Both: It depends.
Vega: I don't mind getting rid of them if they're small, venomous or not. Now if it's a tarantula or a spider of similar size… Yeah no, I'm good.
Sabo: I have to be the one to take care of those instead.
Vega: I honestly feel bad though because he sometimes just tends to incinerate them.
Sabo: Well, if you scream out to kill it, I'm going to do so accordingly.
Vega: ...Fair enough.
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vegalustirra · 5 months
2 and 12 for the self ship questions!!
Self Ship Asks
2. What are your pet names for each other?
Vega: I have a few for him, like darling, sweetheart & such. But I personally like calling him my Eternal Flame or my Tesoro.
Sabo: There's at least several I usually refer to her as. Sometimes I like to call her my little songbird, cutie, sweet pea, bombshell… Though there is one that I only use on certain occasions.
Vega: You better not say it.
Sabo: Oh? Is there something wrong with calling you honeybun when I'm in the mood?
Vega: *pouts, blushing after he mentions the name.*
Sabo: *chuckles* How adorable as always.
12. Favorite memory of each other?
Sabo: There's too many when I think about it. But I think one that really touched my heart is when let me read her draft of the latest book from her saga series. She told me that she wanted some feedback from me, to see if I enjoyed it before she had it published.
It ended up turning into a bit of discussion over the themes, the characters & such. Hearing her ramble on was so cute, especially when she tried to not drop details that haven't been written yet.
Vega: For me, I would have to say the evening when we finally talked to each other in person & not through Transponder Snail. It took a bit to get used to his presence up close. I'm just glad that he was very understanding of the whole situation.
It was mainly just talking about what we liked as well as him finding out that I did know how to make ramen among other things. It was a bit awkward to explain to Koala about why I was sleeping in his room that night.
Sabo: I'm also mentioning the fact that Koala teased you for that afterwards & I laughed whenever she brought it up.
Vega: *sighs before smiling* Well, she wasn't exactly wrong in the long run, now was she?
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