ingukwrites-blog · 7 years
📱(phone emoji) for da hye and youjin, please!
Send “📱” for a random text from my muse!
dohyun & da hye
text: there’s a concert on friday and i might or might not have an extra tickettext: would you be my plus one?text: it has backstage access and includes a meal after?text: a meal with me tho, not with the band. 
hyerin & youjin
text: so i went to this volleyball game with my friendstext: and i tried to pay attention to it, reallytext: but your butt was too distractingtext: we have a question tho, a very important onetext: were you wearing any underwear?
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❝ When are you coming home? ❞ {songha & daehwan}
“Die for You” Starset Lyric Memes
He picked up the phone with a swift movement, moving it towards his ear. There were four missed calls from Songha, which worried him yet he felt like he was this reason for all of this. Daehwan had promised to be back home, back to his apartment. However Jace had a breakdown and his plans had changed. He expected her to yell, to throw tantrum like she usually did however a soft voice welcomed him. “When are you coming home?”Closing his eyes the male let out a sigh. Her voice seemed vulnerable, something was up. Silence filled both lines as he thought of what to say. “I'll.. I'll probably take a bit, babe. Something came up, I'm in the midst of um, taking care of it. I'm sorry I wasn't there on time, I truly am.. I'll try to get back as soon as possible. I swear.” He had to make it up to her, that was for sure. It wasn't very usual for them to make plans but when they did something happened. They didn't need anything else haltering their relationship. He leaned against a tree, his shirt bloody and ripped. Whenever they had any sort of breakdown it got messy. Blood was spilled wether it was their own or someone else's. Jace was on the ground close to him, not saying anything. “You alright? Should I bring anything when I get back?” He tried to sound normal, like he always did yet something in his heart sink. She was silent, way too silent. That wasn't a good sign. Songha ended up the call quickly and he was left flustered.“There's no way to get out of this one.” Daehwan spoke as he sat next to his friend, looking over to his face. “We're screwed.” They had both fallen for two humans and things kept getting serious. Just last week Wonhee made a comment about marriage and now, Daehwan knew he and Songha were walking on a thin rope. But he didn't want to lose what he had, what they had. “Let's get cleaned up, go home.. We'll think about all of this tomorrow.. You need to eat and rest.” He studied his friend who was beaten down. They could solve this, they always did..
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strcwbvrry · 7 years
👑 favorite Disney princess
elsa probably, i mean, hell yeah girl askdpoakdas she is strong even at her weakest and she knows that love doesn’t come only with princes and shit, it comes from family too.
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wistfulreality · 7 years
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with today being thanksgiving, i wanted to give a little shoutout of thanks to all my beautiful friends / writing partners here.  i’ve been promising a follow forever for such a long time, but it’s always really hard for me to do one because i’m really bad with putting my feelings on the page as well as to even figure out who to put on it ( i hate making people feel like they’re being left out ). however, over a thousand posts later, it’s probably about time that i get to one of these. no matter where you are on this post, please know that i love each and every single one of you. i also went on a mass unfollowing spree a little while ago to clean up my dash, so i apologize if there are people who i haven’t followed back and may have missed out on here ( but i am slowly getting on that ).  ^^~ thank you all for writing with me and i hope we can make lots of great new stories going forward ( i’m always a sucker for more plots ) ! ♥
these are the ones who have stuck by my side through thick and thin, the ones who are always the first to jump at new plots and throwing things at me. i love you all so much and i just wish you all the happiness in your lives ♥ thank you for putting up with my nonsense at times.
@celestitas​ ; @cocacolx​ ; @creamistries​ ; @ekxm​ ; @infinitiesovless​ ; @jcndeuks​ ; @lcvewhispxr​; @lilvcsxngs​ ; @nochuwrites​ ; @noconteur​ ; @pandaisms​ ; @powerpuffs​ ; @snoopykbye​ ; @wxndcrlust​
we might not talk much but i truly love writing with each and every single one of you. if ever there’s more that you’d like to do, don’t be shy to hit me up ! ♥
@amissums ; @chaeyecni​ ; @dczingminds​ ; @driftaways​ ; @mochiwrite​ ; @nepenthcs​ ; @noxwrites​ ; @sanhuns​ ; @seonggwoo​ ; @victnam​ ; @whitepetxls​​
we aren’t writing together just yet or don’t have any active threads at the moment, but i’d love to get stuff going if you’re interested / have the time ! ♥
@asolisms ; @blueflcwer​ ; @chanvcols​ ; @chascrs ; @ecliipsim ; @gcshxna​ ; @kcnopsias ; @longdusks ; @moxle ; @numberxix ; @prxmxry ; @qoodthngs ; @rcdflavor​ ; @saiko1x1​ ; @shctdcwns ; @slideivy​ ; @sqveeze​ ; @syzygvs​ ; @tzuyvs​ ; @wishbcnes​ ; @zeekwrites​ 
the ones who were kind enough to write with me when their blogs were active. if you ever come back, i’m always happy to pick up a plot or more together ! ♥
@aeiovr ; @alethiomcter ; @beneuolence ; @chewiewrites ; @divineirises ; @elctrxse ; @eternalle ; @everchaste ; @flxrvl ; @halfxmoons ; @justlysts ; @lxstcinderella ; @kissedher ; @loveslorn ; @namunose ; @ofpenntea ; @sendrcses ; @somniators ; @svsurrvs ; @ultsvmmers ; @xinqfu ; @yoonmin1x1
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lxstcinderella-blog · 7 years
lxstcinderella + ❣(yeah yourself bru)
omg something positive... well i think my laid back attitude is a positive thing. i hope my partners feel confident talking to me and that they feel comfortable? idk lmao
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666rps-blog · 7 years
hi 1x1 partners whose plots i love ,, i’ve been having a depressive episode and haven’t been able to write lately. i promise replies will come soon. thanks for being so patient with my slow ass.
@lxstcinderella @stockhclm @seodreams 
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ingukwrites-blog · 7 years
"It's hard to connect with someone when all they do is push you away." { hyerim to youjin }
Deep Ass Starters.
things hadn’t been easy for the two of them since the first moment, during their blind date which ended up being a total failure. yet something about youjin had changed lately, or maybe it was just the way she looked at him now. maybe she had changed. instead of being the bitchy girl he met, she was actually trying to be nice, hell, she had even flirted openly with him when they were running together. but what was surprising for hyerin was the fact that now she was actually looking forward seeing him again. it was absolutely crazy, and her friend ah young would probably not believe that she had a slight crush on the jerk she spoke so badly about only a few days earlier. now, training at the gym, she wondered why on earth was he avoiding her. because he was totally avoiding her, right? she hadn’t seen him and even when she went to his game the jackass didn’t even stop to say hi after, which totally upset her. instead of being angry at him for that, she was angry at herself for keep waiting for him to show up, her pride being hurt in ways she never expected but there was still a part of her that was waiting for an explanation. a plausible excuse that would tell her that he was not running away from her and that instead it was just a mistake. and the moment she sees him in one of the machines she approaches him, not willing to let this go until she gets the explanation she deserves. “it’s hard to connect with someone when all they do is push you away, you know?” she tells him, resting her back against the wall. “are you being a jerk on purpose and i’m not taking the hint? or you have an excuse?”
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strcwbvrry · 7 years
☕️ (I love you!)
i’m sorry it took me so long to answer this! i love you too, darling and here’s to our babies, they make me cry because !!!!!!!
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bcgcn · 7 years
TAKE THIS TEST for your muse and repost with the results!
Below the surface everyone is pretty complicated. Based on your answers, we think the following three traits are important strands in your personality:
tagged by: @ingukwrites tagging: @mvseology @ekxm @fionarps @lxstcinderella
Self-Knowledge Questionnaire ; BITNA
One part of you dreams of giving yourself up – perhaps just for a while – to a hero or mentor. In the right circumstances you can flourish by letting go of your ego. In your inner life, reverence plays out as a willing submission to your own conscience. In the outside world, you might get frustrated searching for something worth believing in – a country, a person, a company – but you will always be open to feeling respect, admiration and wonder. 
Part of you is gripped by the fear that you’ll launch into something and completely mess it up. The upside of this is wise caution: people are indeed often too rash, whereas you know, by instinct, that holding back can save you. Probably, you feel shame and self-disgust a bit too much. But when you do feel in your element, you act with a wisdom and sensitivity never found in people with thicker skins.
You have a tendency, after a setback, to turn your emotions towards restriving. What attracts you is the idea of wiping out a humiliation by resumed action – overcoming weakness, repressing your fear. Because part of your motive is pride, you can sometimes be unwilling to admit weakness or to receive aid. But at heart, tour insistence on coming back and never folding has taught you a valuable pessimism: you know that important journeys are never easy. 
Self-Knowledge Questionnaire ; EUNHA
You like clarity and intelligent simplicity and you get frustrated at messy thinking. This can make you seem unreasonably pushy to some, but it is actually a virtue: you are motivated by a horror at pointless effort and a longing for precision and insight into how things and people work. Your ability to synthesise and bring order is essential in producing thinking which is truly helpful.
You are good at seeing what’s funny, at relaxing and finding the pleasure of the moment. Play is random, whimsical, fantasy-driven behaviour which releases internal tension. Because it is detached from some pressures it allows you to act on weirder, perhaps neglected, parts of yourself. The downside is that it is no help in sticking with things that are not much fun but which need to be addressed. So it is well complemented by its opposite, Stoicism.
One tendency in you – which is of course normal to the human race – is to bristle when criticised, and to defend yourself when you feel under threat from aggression or blame. Defensiveness can make you conceal your less honourable motives, from others, and from yourself. The habits once made sense: they all derive from past efforts to protect yourself. And most of the time – because we don’t get much help in loving ourselves – you still need them to feel secure.
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muppetmusings · 7 years
Dearest Friends,
Have I mentioned lately that I love you? Thank you for baring with me as my activity has been pretty shitty lately. Life has gotten a little hectic and my down time is spent trying to recharge before the next hellish day rolls around. I’m going to go on a bit of a semi hiatus for the next few weeks. I’m going to slowly pluck away at my replies but I might not be back to my usual active ways until mid February when work calms down. I’m really sorry, I promise I’ll get to our threads soon.
@lowndesrps @kaceyrps @sxribbless @kaiblaxe @cotronawrites @captain--flash @calebhenare @chriswood @lxstcinderella @jstintimberlke
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wistfulreality · 7 years
( a starter for @lxstcinderella ; @sonjaehyuk )
when the alarm rang, aera groaned, hand reaching out as to figure out how to turn it off. finally, she managed, in her half-conscious state, to get the thing to silence. she rolled over, arms finding jaehyuk’s as she wrapped them around him. despite their ups and downs since moving in together, they had finally found a bit of a rhythm between them. she was thankful that they had decided with this and wouldn’t change things for the world. “let’s stay in bed today,” she murmured, head resting against his arm.
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04h23am · 7 years
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i was tagged by the lovelies @cutierps and @suokplots, thank you for tagging me !!  so i was supposed to post my lockscreen (uh... it’s such a beautiful lockscreen dear lord shoutout to the editors),  home wallpaper (oh hello there yoo kihyun love of my life), the last song i listened to (are you even a little bit suprised it is monsta x) and a selfie of your choice (i think that is my only one after i dyed my hair so) !! also let’s play infinite stairs it’s so addicting thank you lee minhyuk for ruining my life
taggin’ the sweethearts @mihwrites @xiaoliawrites @cluehelp @chessism @lxstcinderella @kimstaehyungs and @hcmesicks (if you’re confortable !!) and anyone else who feels like doing it !! 
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ingukwrites-blog · 7 years
💭 (cloud emoji) for da hye & dohyun, please!
Send “💭” for my characters thoughts on yours.
“you want to know what i think of da hye?” dohyun asks, a hint of embarrassment in his voice as he looks down. “i know it’s kind of wrong, i mean, she’s a fan you know? she called because she needed someone to talk to and i guess... damn, we had a connection you know?” he tells them, deciding that speaking up about this is actually liberating. “she’s absolutely gorgeous, like, you look at her and it’s like, WOW, but... but even before seeing her i knew it. is it wrong? for me to like her? because i do, you know? i have been looking for excuses to stop by the coffee shop and i don’t even drink a lot of coffee i... i’m a fool, ain’t i?”
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daehwan { spelling meme }
Spell a character’s name in my askbox for headcanons…
D: How do they react around animals?Daehwan can be pretty nice to dogs or cats. He was raised with horses though, so he loves them and always gets excited when he’s around them. He probably spams Jace’s phone with dog pictures and he takes tons if photographs of animals.
A: What is their favorite color?I can give you a bonus and say that his least favorite color is red. I bet his favorite color is always changing but I think that his top favorites would be grey, orange and navy blue.
E: What is their Jung type? ENTP Extravert(50%)  iNtuitive(25%)  Thinking(3%)  Perceiving(9%)
H: What type of music do they listen to? Probably anything. He’s the type of person to turn on the radio and be chill with whatever comes on. I bet his favorites are more old school rock bands though. He’s old give him some credit.
W: What is their Hogwarts house? Gryffindor.
A: What is their favorite color?Answered.
N: Are they scared of anything? Lately he has been scared of losing Songha and Wonhee due to them finding out about his secret. One of his long term fears though is being separated from Jace, he’s Daehwan’s brother and he fears losing him. Another fear would be to live without a purpose or without enjoying it.
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opalwrites · 7 years
hello, partners! this is just a note to let you know that my hiatus is still well and truly going on. i know i’ve been back from my trip for longer than a month now, but i might not be able to do replies/ask memes/respond to im’s or messages for a bit. i was anticipating this, honestly, which was why i kept myself on hiatus despite being back. the reasons, if you’re curious, will be under a read more, i just wanted to tag all you guys to let you know that i don’t want to or plan to drop anything i just might not be around these next few weeks to a month, depending on things (idk i’ll keep you posted, though). i just won’t be on as often as i have been.
@mindofminerps, @panicwrites, @lusirambles, @fiftyshadesofbanana, @lxstcinderella, @goodbyewrites, @ivanabaqero, @purrwrites
this year’s been pretty mentally/emotionally draining for me. i don’t like talking about my personal life on here because i’m extremely private when it comes to that and would rather just keep things to myself, but despite that i know i told a few of you about the death in my family at the beginning of this year. i know i wasn’t on much after that, but i’m going to be honest and say that had more to do with the near constant writer’s block i was in for the past one to two years than the loss itself, but still. i know i also wasn’t on to reply to messages/ims as often then and that did have something to do with that. so. then a couple of months later the trip happened.
once i got back i kind of got back into the swing of things. i was writing again, at least, and was pretty quick with my replies. so, that was good. but last month my dog was diagnosed with stage iv cancer. i didn’t talk about it with anyone on here. mostly because, like i said, i’m very private, but it was also probably because i really didn’t want to deal with it. i’ve had Loki in my life since junior year of high school so knowing that at any moment i’d have to let him go was heartbreaking for me. i spent most of the day we found out crying and then stayed off my computer most of the time the next few weeks (except to post replies i actually managed to write and respond to ims i got) so that i could spend more time with him. but he was gradually getting worse. he couldn’t eat/breathe/drink without difficulties and so we had to make the decision yesterday to put him to sleep. i spent almost all of yesterday crying and today any time i think about it or Loki i start up again. so, idk. it’s rough and i don’t think it’s going to get any better any time soon.
despite that. i also have a job now?? i haven’t started yet. i won’t until the end of this month. but until i get used to my new sleep schedule (i’ll be working third shift so i’ll be up all night and sleeping during the day) and work schedule then i probably won’t have the energy to write either. hopefully i’ll be back up to it after a few weeks. so, around mid-august. but idk for sure. i’m not making any promises about this. i’ll mostly be back when i can.
if you want drop any threads/plots we have going because of this then i’ll completely understand! i’m not going to force you to hold off or wait for me just because i’m going through all of this. just, if you want to drop them then please shoot me a message letting me know! i love all my plots, characters, and partners a lot and don’t want to drop them, but like i said. i understand if you wouldn’t want to wait around when there’s no set time or guarantee that i’ll be back any time soon.
in the meantime, my queue is still set up. it’ll probably go for another few weeks at least. and i’ll check back occasionally if you guys need to get in touch with me for whatever reason!
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strcwbvrry · 7 years
∞ (because it happens a lot)
send one for a kind gesture;
∞ my muse reading to your muse
Hyunsoo looked at Wook, taking his time to memorize the other’s face, the curve of his smile everything he thought that Hyunnie wasn’t looking (he was always looking at Wook) was the most beautiful thing the boy ever saw before. Wook poked his sides and Hyunnie laughed. It was good to be like that, both lying in bed and talking about everything and nothing. Hyunsoo never knew love could be so breathtaking, but every time Wook did something, even just calling his name, Hyunsoo would be mesmerize. Right now he was supposed to be reading, but he couldn’t take his eyes from the boy lying next do him. Wook had been asking for him to read for them, a book with a title he never heard of, To kill a mockingbird. At first, the sinopse made Hyunsoo curious and he asked Wook what was it about. And then the other suggested reading the book and he agreed because he thought it would be fun. But right now, he would rather just look at Wook and his sleepy eyes than read some book. When the boy rushed him to read, Hyunso sighed dramatically, opening the book and reading it. “With him, life was routine; without him, life was unbearable.” He paused, thinking that those words were the truest words he’d ever read. Smiling, he let his head rest in Wook’s shoulder. “I think I like this book just because it talks about you and me.” It was nonsense and silliness, but Hyunnie’s smile was still in his face when he kissed Wook’s cheek.
lily!!! forgive me çwç i tried to make it cute, but i don’t know what happened!!! they are already cute and i think i just made everything cheesy ehehe.
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