#m aes. danielle morgan
nightlyterrors · 6 months
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name: danielle christina morgan | age: fifty | orientation: lesbian | occupation: soccer superstar (formerly), actress (formerly) / producer, firm owner and investor | languages: english, dutch and french | height: 5'8 (169cm)
danielle was born in an unconventional family setting, to a father living in the states and her mother in the netherlands. she was raised by the latter for the most part, under conditions that wouldn’t exactly be described as proper. still, her mother loved her and that’s what mattered most to her. she found her outlet in playing football, or soccer as americans would say, which worked out great until her talent was noticed by certain scouts when sixteen. that’s when things started to change between her and her mother as well, the latter getting a taste for money. still, danielle doesn’t blame her even now. when at rock bottom, money often seems the best way to fix things. as she got recruited by a youth team from the states, danielle already wondered how that could even happen but was assured by her mother that she was simply that good. and whilst she was good, her mother did hide a fact that danielle still doesn’t forgive her for; her father’s influence. as it turns out, he is a renowned businessman in new york who got word of his daughter that he knew nothing of, being quite the talent in football. ever seeing opportunities to cash in, he decided to pitch in and get her to the states. whilst he did get her into the youth team, it was beyond his influence that she later got an offer of a full scholarship for harvard; which she took up on, doing a study in law. during this time, she had no contact with her father at all and didn’t even know of his existence. she only met him at the start of her career as a pro player for the national team, being persuaded to play for the states as players get paid more there; anything to help out her mother especially. they connected well, till she found out the truth about him having been involved. whilst she is legendary at football, there was a sour taste to know that her father was partially of influence in the starts of her career.
she then made the decision to cut all contact with him at once and keeping to that. her ties to her mother, who had moved to the states to support her, worsened significantly as well. many years later their bond would restore to some extent, especially when danielle would continue financially supporting her mom and the latter moving back to the netherlands, where she occasionally visits. to get further away from the states for a while, and new york in particular, danielle also started playing for major league teams back in europe and enjoying the fame that came with it. she very much became an icon, especially when she publicly came out as gay and actively fought for equal rights. this also earned her the necessary hardships in the beginning especially given the time, but nothing ‘the golden girl’ could not handle. her fame grew, her reputation without a blemish. the pay wasn’t massive like it would be in present days, but she made it turn massive by investing in companies and such. she clearly got the business mindset from her dad, along with qualities from her law study, and used that well.
still, the public was shocked when finding out that danielle got pregnant at twenty-four, even if it was fully intentional and through ivf treatment. cause as much as she enjoyed her career, she had wanted a family since very young. and so, alexander was born two months before she turned twenty-five. young indeed, though she managed well. also when two years later, she welcomed a little girl named aimee. perhaps she wasn’t a perfect mother with the chaos of her career, but she was a warm one who would do anything for her children. that, in combination with football becoming less and less fun to her, she retired somewhat early at the age of thirty-one.
already being famous and with the internet becoming more of a thing, she ventured into a different type of career; acting. and though she was fairly good at it, especially in femme fatale roles, danielle could not stand being told exactly what to do and when. for this reason, she decided to make use of her creative mind which she definitely got from her mom, and instead dipped into becoming a producer with several awards to her name. this became a long process, but years later and she’s more known for her feats in filmmaking than football. she also still uses her qualities from law school, but mostly to assure she and her children don't end up in suffocating contracts.
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