#m.akoto naegi
dangantums · 6 months
A Feast for the Eyes
take this fic as an apology for being gone for so long,,,,,,,, *runs away*
this fic contains: stuffing, burps, belly rubs, burst mention, not nsfw but spicy!!!
ship: n.aegami
TLDR: b.yakuya invites his father (who is still alive in this fic, ssh) to dinner, and m.akoto is unable to pace himself with dinner.
In the elegant dining room of the Togami estate, Byakuya Togami sat at the head of the table. Next to him was his beloved boyfriend, Makoto Naegi, and across from him, Byakuya’s father. The brunette was obviously nervous, fidgeting with his hands as he glanced around the room. Although Byakuya and his father had a strained and tumultuous relationship, the heir had invited his father to dinner at his house, to finally meet Makoto. The air was still, silence deafening — the only sounds that filled the air were the private chefs placing dish after dish on the table. 
Polished silverware gleamed under the soft glow of chandeliers and fine china adorned the table. Intricate decorations filled the walls, bathed in the warm glow of the candlelight and light from the chandeliers. The dinner smelled delightful, a vast array of meats, soups, and sides. As well as decadent desserts. Makoto’s anxiety was quickly replaced by anticipation as the aroma of the lavish feast wafted through the air, tempting his senses. The brunette's mouth watered at the sight, but his intense stare at the food was interrupted by Byakuya’s voice.
"Father, I'm pleased you could join us for dinner tonight," Byakuya said, his tone respectful despite the slight scowl that riddled his face, as he addressed his stern-faced father. His father merely nodded in acknowledgment, his attention residing anywhere but Byakuya and Makoto. Byakuya let out a slow sigh before saying, “We can eat now.”
Makoto wasted no time. As the dinner commenced, Makoto tried his best to maintain his composure, though the exquisite delicacies proved to be too tempting to resist. With each bite, he found himself indulging a little more than he intended as his enthusiasm for the cuisine got the better of him. Each delicacy seemed more irresistible than the last, and soon Makoto was indulging in second and third helpings with reckless abandon. The lack of conversation amplified Makoto’s need to fill his mouth. Byakuya watched with a mixture of amusement and concern as Makoto devoured the dishes with gusto, his eyes widening in disbelief at the sheer volume of food his boyfriend was managing to consume. Until he was inevitably pulled away in conversation, as his father finally started to speak to him.
As the dinner wore on, Makoto's initial gusto gave way to discomfort. His stomach began to protest against the abundance of rich foods, and he discreetly unzipped some of his signature jacket — even though it didn’t help in the slightest. Byakuya noticed Makoto's subtle movements and suppressed a smirk. Nevertheless, he refrained from commenting, allowing Makoto to save face in front of his father.
And as the meal drew to a close, Makoto promptly excused himself from the table, his movements slightly sluggish as he attempted to conceal the discomfort that resided in his stomach. Makoto was on the verge of bursting at the seams. With a polite smile, he slowly stood up, hiding his bloated belly, and made his way to the bathroom, hoping to find some much needed relief.
Alone in the lavish bathroom, Makoto groaned in misery, his stomach bloated and protesting from the excessive intake of food. The room was dimly lit, shadows dancing across the white tiles as he hunched over the sink. The brunette quickly unzipped the rest of his jacket and lifted up his tight shirt, exposing his tummy. His stomach groaned audibly, protesting the excessive amount of food as he leaned over the bathroom sink, the bottom of his belly hitting the cold marble. His reflection in the mirror mocked him, showcasing the extent of his discomfort. His belly protruded prominently, distended from the feast. Makoto’s hands instinctively gravitated towards his swollen midsection, palms slowly gliding across the stretched skin. As Makoto tried to compose himself, a sudden burp escaped him, loud and deep, echoing off the bathroom walls. He cringed in embarrassment, his cheeks flushing a deep shade of crimson.
And then the doorknob rattled.
Before Makoto could even think to react, Byakuya swiftly entered the bathroom, the door shutting behind him with a soft click. The pair were silent for a brief moment, before Byakuya’s head turned to look at Makoto. The sight was mesmerizing—a feast for the eyes that left Byakuya's pulse racing with desire. He traced the outline of Makoto's belly with hungry eyes, taking in every detail.
"Well, well… what do we have here?" Byakuya teased, his voice laced with amusement as he caught sight of Makoto's burning cheeks and large, swollen belly.
“B-Byakuya,” was all Makoto could stammer, unable to keep his hands off of his belly. Feeling it’s heft, feeling it’s tautness. A flicker of something unreadable crossed Byakuya’s usually composed features. The way Makoto’s belly protruded sent a surge of excitement through Byakuya, stirring a primal desire within him.
"Makoto," Byakuya said, his voice lower and husky, "I didn't expect to find you… like this."
The pair had been indulging in this kink for awhile now, so overeating was nothing new… but overeating to the point of having to barricade himself in the bathroom? In front of a guest? This was new. And the amount he ate tonight: Makoto had truly outdone himself this time, his large but usually soft stomach distended beyond belief, looking 9 months pregnant, and solid to the touch.
"Poor thing," Byakuya murmured, his hand coming to rest on Makoto's distended belly.
Makoto's breath caught in his throat at the unexpected gesture, his cheeks red with embarrassment. He watched as Byakuya's fingers traced the curve of his bloated belly, eliciting a soft rumble from within. The rumble formed into another deep belch, as Makoto half-heartedly attempted to cover it with one of his hands. His belly was on full display for the heir.
However, Makoto found himself leaning into Byakuya's touch, his bloated belly pressing against his hand as if seeking more of his affection. A soft whine escaped Makoto, eyebrows furrowing as he looked up at Bakuya.
“I cannot believe you,” Byakuya growled playfully, his hand pressing deeper into the taut flesh – massaging harder, exploring further. “I cannot believe you’d have the guts to stuff yourself stupid in front of my father. God, this drives me wild…”
Before Makoto could even think to respond, Byakuya forced Makoto into a tight, passionate kiss. Their lips molded together perfectly, as if they were made for each other. Makoto gasped at the sensation, his skin tingling with anticipation as Byakuya deepened their kiss, letting his tongue slip into the brunette's mouth. Makoto's hands found their way to Byakuya's head, fingers tangling in his hair. Byakuya responded with equal fervor, his arms attempting to wrap around Makoto's waist to pull him close until there was no space left between them – but Makoto’s large belly got in the way. Instead, Byakuya's hands roamed freely over Makoto's body, tracing every curve and contour with a hunger that bordered on desperation.
And as they finally pulled away, breathless and flushed with desire, Makoto found himself lost in the depths of Byakuya's gaze, until the heir got down on his knees. With a gentle caress, Byakuya pressed his lips against the soft expanse of Makoto's stomach. Byakuya's touch was gentle yet possessive. Makoto’s stomach emitted a deep rumble, punctuated by a series of strained burps that escaped his lips involuntarily.
“Oh, ‘Kuya,” Makoto needily whined again, leaning against the bathroom sink to keep himself steady. He needed to sit down, but wow, this feels amazing.
“Makoto,” Byakuya replied breathlessly. "I can't get enough of you – of this." Another kiss, his lips lingering against the warm, soft flesh.
"I-I couldn't help it," Makoto stammered. "I couldn’t help overeating… Everything just looked so delicious, and I... I got carried away… BOOURP! Mmmh, hurts so bad…”
"Oh, I know," the heir murmured, his breath hot against Makoto's skin, the smirk he wore laced in his voice.
Each breath Makoto took felt like an effort, his belly feeling excruciatingly heavy from all of the food. His belly was perfect: the way and old stretch marks littered his gut,  the slight flush of his skin, the way his navel dimpled slightly under the weight of his fullness… It was everything Byakuya dreamed of and more.
“I’m going to need you to go to our bedroom,” Byakuya ordered lowly, attempting to look up at Makoto, but his view was blocked by Makoto’s taut stomach. The heir gulped, but continued, “I’m going to tell my father that you aren’t feeling well, so as to not raise any suspicion. When I get back, you better be ready for me. Is that clear?”
“Y-Yes sir,” Makoto whimpered, rubbing the sides of his belly. This was going to be a long night.
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dangantums · 5 months
exploding at the thought of makoto having too much to drink and he gets a tummy ache and byakuya and kyoko rub his tummy im going to die
I ACCIDENTALLY POSTED THIS FIC WITH THE WRONG REQUEST LMAO.... I didnt see the kyoko part, my apologies,,, I hope youre ok with n.aegami....
Love, Byakuya
this fic contains: intox, burps, hiccups, bloating, stuffed belly, SFW content.
ship: n.aegami
TLDR: hopes peak university's class of 2024 had their graduation and had their party at the bar! and m.akoto, caught up in the limelight, forgets his limits.
Graduation season was always a big deal. Hopes Peak University’s class of 2024 had just received their degrees and were out for a night on the town. The flickering neon lights of the bar cast a hazy glow on Makoto's drunken face. He let out a hearty laugh, clinking his glass with Leon against the counter. "Another round!" he declared, surprising even himself with the volume yet ignoring the slight wobble in his voice.
Byakuya, who had been nursing a single glass of scotch all night, sighed deeply as he sat next to the brunette. Makoto, his normally optimistic boyfriend, had a tendency to overdo things, especially at social gatherings like this. He watched him with a faint flicker of concern hidden behind his usual stoicism as Makoto downed another shot of sake, the green liquid disappearing with a dramatic gulp. He couldn't deny there was a certain… charm to a helpless, sake-addled Naegi.
"Makoto," Byakuya started, his aristocratic voice barely cutting through the bar's cacophony, "Perhaps you've had enough.”
Makoto, however, seemed lost in a world of boisterous camaraderie. "One more won't hurt," he said. Famous last words. “Besides," he hiccuped, "you're one to talk! You took that shot the second it arrived." He drunkenly motioned to Byakuya’s shot glass.
Byakuya raised an eyebrow with a look that could curdle milk. "Unlike you, Naegi, I know my limits."
Makoto ignored him, waving down the bartender for another round. By the time they finally stumbled out of the bar, the world seemed to be spinning. Streetlights blurred into streaks of yellow, and Makoto felt a strange pressure building in his stomach. They soon made it back to their apartment, Byakuya practically carrying a groaning Makoto the whole way. As soon as the door shut, Makoto lurched for the bedroom, a loud belch escaping his lips. Byakuya winced but followed him in, concern etched on his usually stoic face.
"You sound like a malfunctioning garbage disposal,” he muttered, mostly to himself, as he watched Makoto double over the bed, clutching his stomach. Each exhale came with a wet gurgle, his insides feeling like a carbonated beverage on the verge of exploding. Byakuya ran his hand across Makoto's back, a gesture that surprised him. "Easy there," his voice surprisingly gentle.
The urge to be sick subsided, replaced by a dull ache that radiated throughout his abdomen. A whimper escaped Makoto's lips, another sloppy gurgle erupting from his stomach. 
"That last round… wasn't a good idea," Makoto mumbled.
“You look about ready to explode,” Byakuya, ignoring the obvious, said. Though his words were teasing, Byakuya’s hand still gently rubbed the others back. "Lie down."
Makoto obeyed, curling onto his side. Byakuya rushed around to the other side of the bed, sitting by him with a gentle sigh. Makoto groaned, a burp bubbling up unbidden. Byakuya then placed a hand on his stomach, lightly massaging it in slow circles. Makoto flinched at first, surprised by the touch. But then, a strange warmth spread through him, calming the churning in his gut. A soft, relieved sigh escaped his lips, followed by another, much louder, burp.
A slightly apologetic squeak escaped him. "S-sorry, Byakuya! I can't… control it…"
Byakuya merely chuckled, a warm, rich sound that made Makoto's heart skip a beat. "Seems your stomach has something to say about that sake."
The massage continued, punctuated by soft burps and the slow release of trapped gas. Byakuya worked his way upwards, his touch firm but gentle, expertly kneading away the tightness. With every soothing stroke, Makoto felt the ache subside, replaced by a warm, fuzzy contentment.
Another loud, earth-shattering burp erupted from him – but this time, Makoto was much more dazed and sleepy: "Blargh… sorry…" he muttered as his face turned scarlet, wiping his mouth on his sleeve. Finally feeling a bit better, he peeked at Byakuya through his lashes. The normally aloof heir looked strangely… relaxed.
"You're not mad?" Makoto asked tentatively.
"About the sake? Slightly irritated," Byakuya admitted, "But more concerned about your well-being. Perhaps next time you'll listen to me when I say you've had enough."
“Promise,” Makoto replied. He reached out hesitantly and squeezed Byakuya's hand. 
Byakuya squeezed back, a hint of warmth in his eyes. "Just get some rest, now."
Exhausted, Makoto drifted off, Byakuya's hand still resting on his stomach, a silent promise of care. And as the morning sun filtered in, Makoto stirred awake. The room was empty, the faint scent of Byakuya's cologne lingering in the air. A dull ache resided in his head. Shame washed over him, but a note on the bedside table caught his eye. It read, in Byakuya's precise handwriting:
"Painkillers in drawer. Stick to water today. (And reconsider your alcohol tolerance.) Love, Byakuya."
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dangantums · 5 months
It's Okay To Be Human
this isnt a request but it was b.yakuya's birthday the other day, and y'all know i had to write something for him,,,
this fic contains: burps, hiccups, bloating, stuffed belly, SFW content.
ship: n.aegami
TLDR: b.yakuya, who normally doesn't eat fast-food, forgot his lunch at home.
Byakuya tapped his pen against his perfectly-polished mahogany desk, a scowl etched onto his face. Lunchtime had arrived at Togami Corp, and his stomach rumbled in protest. Usually, a perfectly portioned bento box, meticulously prepared by his personal chef, awaited him. Today, however, a misplaced cufflink had stolen precious minutes from his morning routine. The bento box remained on the counter at home.
Grumbling under his breath, Byakuya grabbed his wallet and walked out of his office. As he walked, he pulled out his cellphone and sent a quick text to Makoto Naegi, his boyfriend and employee whom he usually spent his lunch break with in his office:
“I am going to pick up food at the fast food restaurant across the street. We will not have much time to eat. I forgot my lunch.”
Byakuya headed down the stairs. His phone buzzed in his hand, so he looked at the message that appeared on screen.
“REALLY? the one with the huge burgers? lol good luck! get me something 2 :P big beefy burger w cheese and a side of onion rings plzzz, ill meet you in ur office”
Byakuya sighed theatrically as he typed a response:
“If I contract some sort of food-borne illness, I'm holding you personally responsible."
Sooner rather than later, Byakuya found himself standing in front of the fast-food joint. The neon glow of "Big Beefy Burger" cast an unusual orange hue on Byakuya’s face. He wrinkled his nose, the air thick with the scent of sizzling grease. "Does this establishment adhere to even the most basic standards of hygiene?" he drawled to himself, his voice laced with disdain as he reached for the door. 
He strode into the bustling fast food restaurant with a mix of curiosity and anxiety. It was a far cry from the homemade foods that his personal chef made or elegant dining experiences he was accustomed to. He failed to see the appeal of consuming such greasy and unhealthy food, but Makoto seemed to love this stuff. With a resigned sigh, Byakuya placed his order, opting for a burger combo much to his own dismay, and Makoto’s order.
And soon, he found himself heading back to his office. The aroma that hit Makoto when Byakuya swung open his office door wasn't the usual sterile scent of expensive cologne. It was a heady, greasy symphony of salty onion and questionable burgers. Byakuya held out the greasy bag with a look that read ‘get this away from me, or I might die’. Makoto laughed at the other’s expression, taking the greasy bag from his hands.
“Thanks, ‘kuya,” he chirped. Makoto took the contents out of the bag and placed them on his desk: two double-patty "Big Beefy Burgers" with a side of onion rings that could feed a small village. Byakuya stared at it, his usual composure cracking slightly. 
"Makoto, are you certain these…portions…  are meant for one person?"
Makoto chuckled. “Yes. If you can’t eat it all, save it or throw it away.”
Byakuya paused before letting out a snort. Throwing away food is like throwing away money. And besides, a Togami never backed down from a challenge. The blonde maneuvered to his leather office chair after pulling up a chair for his lover. And once he sat down, the pair unwrapped their burgers. Icy blue eyes flickered over to look at Makoto, who was already digging into his burger like he hadn’t eaten in months. So, Byakuya picked up his own burger.
“This is barbaric,” he murmured to himself, hesitantly taking a bite. The first bite was...surprising. The juicy patties, the melted cheese, the soft bun – it was an explosion of flavor Byakuya hadn't anticipated. He found himself taking bite after bite, a blush creeping up his neck as he realized he was actually enjoying it.
Perhaps a little too much.
It became a pattern: chew, swallow, repeat. Byakuya was starving, and he too found himself eating like he hadn’t eaten anything in months; he was barbaric. He, lost in the moment, ignored the growing tightness in his stomach. It wasn't until the last greasy onion ring that a monumental burp accidentally escaped his lips, a sound so unlike his usual refined demeanor that it made Makoto snort.
"Was that a burp?" Makoto asked sarcastically, trying to suppress a laugh.
Byakuya cleared his throat, his pride wounded. "S-Silence.”
Makoto couldn't help but chuckle, finding Byakuya's rare display of vulnerability endearing. "You don't have to hide it, Byakuya. It’s okay to… be human.”
Byakuya remained silent. His discomfort only grew worse as seconds passed, his stomach protesting against the heavy food he had consumed. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat, trying to hide his distress from Makoto, but it was clear that his boyfriend was onto him.
“You don’t look so good,” Makoto said with a frown. “Are you okay?”
“Fine,” the blonde mumbled, another smaller burp following.  “Just fine…” 
“Maybe you should drink some water,” Makoto offered, looking at his bag on the floor with his water bottle in it. The shorter male quickly fetched it, bringing it to Byakuya’s desk. "Here, take small sips.”
Byakuya took a sip, his throat constricting with a loud hiccup. He flushed again, muttering an apology. Makoto simply smiled. "Don't worry. You're cute even when you're a hiccuping mess."
Somehow, he turned even more red, his cheeks burning. Makoto lightly patted his back, forcing another bassy belch from the heirs mouth before he could catch it, punctuating his discomfort. Makoto didn't laugh this time. Instead, he rubbed Byakuya's back soothingly before saying, “Aww, I’m sorry, ‘kuya…”
Byakuya couldn't help but feel grateful for Makoto's unwavering support, even in the face of his most embarrassing moments. And, despite his predicament, couldn't help but feel a flicker of warmth at Makoto's attentiveness.
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dangantums · 5 months
Not sure if you still write for Naegami, but if you do, can you write some mpreg for them? Whether it's Makoto or Byakuya is up to you :)
i absolutely still write for n.aegami,,, i love themmmmmmmm raaahhrhhabhhhhh!!!!!
Distant Dream
this fic contains: mpreg, fluff, belly rubs
ship: n.aegami
TLDR: m.akoto, heavily pregnant with twins, can't sleep at night. he wakes his husband b.yakuya up for help.
Moonlight seeped through the blinds of the Togami-Naegi household, painting silver stripes across Makoto Naegi's face. At 37 weeks pregnant with twins, sleep had become a distant dream. He shifted in bed, wincing as a particularly enthusiastic kick landed right under his ribs. It was a familiar sensation, one he'd grown sort-of accustomed to over the past few months, but tonight, neither tossing nor turning offered any relief. The skin of his impossibly large belly was stretched taut, a canvas of light pink crisscrossed with darker stretch marks. The once faint line of his belly button had become an outie, pushed outwards by the sheer force of the growing babies. 
Another kick followed, then another, followed by a dull ache that radiated through his core. A soft groan escaped his lips. The twins, seemingly in perfect synchronicity, followed suit with a flurry of kicks and pokes from both sides. Sleep, once again, seemed to be a distant dream. Sleep, the one thing he desperately craved, felt miles away.
With a sigh, Makoto shifted in their plush king-sized bed, turning his head towards the other side of the bed. Byakuya Togami, his husband and father of his babies, lay fast asleep, his usual stoicism replaced by a peaceful serenity. Hesitantly, Makoto reached out and nudged Byakuya's shoulder.
"Byakuya..." he mumbled tiredly.
“Mmm..? What..?” Byakuya’s voice was a low murmur, thick with sleep, devoid of its usual sharpness. Byakuya stirred, his brow furrowing slightly. It took a moment for his eyes to adjust, then recognition dawned. "Makoto? What's wrong?"
"Sorry to wake you, but..." Makoto mumbled, voice laced with a hint of sheepishness, gesturing towards his belly. “They won't stop kicking. It's keeping me awake. It hurts…”
Byakuya sat up, concern etching his features. His gaze flickered down to Makoto's stomach. "Here," he said gently, scooting closer to Makoto. "Let me see."
Makoto rolled onto his back, wincing as the movement jostled the twins further. “Ow…”
Byakuya wasn't the most outwardly affectionate person, but for Makoto, he made an effort. He shifted closer, his cool hand hesitantly hovering over the mound of Makoto's belly before he carefully placed his hand on Makoto's stomach and began to slowly rub circles across the taut, swollen skin. His touch, usually reserved for a chaste kiss on the forehead or a hand on his back, was a silent display of affection that spoke volumes. Almost instantly, the kicks seemed to lessen, replaced by a gentle nudging from within. Byakuya's brow furrowed in concentration as he began to slowly massage Makoto's stomach in a circular motion, his lips quirking into a barely-there smile.
"Seems they like your touch better," Makoto whispered. “Thank you.”
“Anything for you,” Byakuya responded, his voice a low rumble that sent a pleasant shiver down Makoto's spine.
Byakuya continued the massage in a soft silence for several minutes, though he laid down next to his partner. Carefully, the blonde shifted closer, spooning Makoto from behind. He wrapped a strong arm around Makoto, the warmth of his other hand still resting on the now-calm mound of Makoto's belly. 
A soft sigh escaped Makoto's lips as he snuggled back. The tension that had been building in his muscles seemed to melt away under Byakuya's touch. The rhythmic massage, combined with the calming presence beside him, finally coaxed a wave of drowsiness over him. His eyelids grew heavy, and eventually, they shut. 
In the quiet intimacy of the night, with Byakuya's hand gently caressing his pregnant belly, Makoto knew he wouldn't trade this moment for anything in the world. And sleep finally wasn’t a distant dream.
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dangantums · 7 months
If you're still doing asks, can we get to.gami doting on preg!nae.gi?
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I am so sorry for the delay omfg,,,, but I finally got to it,,,,
this fic contains: mpreg, fluff, belly rubs
ship: n.aegami
TLDR: b.yakuya and m.akoto go shopping for baby clothes.
Byakuya adjusted his cufflinks with precision as he stood inside an upscale baby boutique that Makoto, his heavily pregnant partner, dragged him to. The heir wasn’t necessarily a fan of shopping – but, for their baby girl on the way, it was… worth it.
The blonde began to walk down the clothing aisle with an air of unmatched pride and elegance. Beside him, Makoto waddled slightly, cradling his round belly with one hand. His pregnant belly protruded prominently from his usually slender and small frame, rounded and firm beneath the fabric of his maternity shirt. Every curve and contour of his abdomen was accentuated, the swell of his belly stretching the fabric to its limit. Despite the overwhelming heaviness of his round belly, Makoto was glowing with excitement. He couldn't wait to pick out adorable outfits for their little princess.
"Makoto, are you sure you're up for this?" Byakuya asked, his concern veiled behind his usual stoic and uptight facade.
"Of course!” Makoto beamed, glancing up into Byakuya’s icy blue eyes. “I've been looking forward to this all week!” He waddled to the rack, shuffling through it for a brief moment. "Look, Byakuya! Isn’t this just the cutest?" Makoto eventually cooed, holding up the obnoxiously frilly and pink dress he spotted in the rack.
Byakuya examined it with a critical eye, his lips forming a slight frown. "It's... acceptable."
Makoto let out a playful snort, putting it back. He then continued to peruse the racks. Byakuya approached from behind, standing next to Makoto, his discerning eye scrutinizing each garment for quality and style. Lithe fingers ran over soft fabrics and patterns, yet none spoke to him. 
"Byakuya, what about these?" Makoto asked, holding up a tiny pair of silk pajamas embroidered with delicate flowers. “Aren’t they nice?”
This time, Byakuya couldn't deny the appeal. "Indeed. Very well, we'll take it. Put it in the cart.”
As Makoto placed the pajamas in their cart, he glanced at Byakuya with a tender smile, his heart swelling with love for both Byakuya and their unborn daughter. "Thank you for doing this with me, Byakuya. I know shopping isn't exactly your favorite activity."
Byakuya's expression softened ever so slightly. "It's... tolerable, when it's for our daughter." Makoto could’ve sworn he saw the corners of Byakuya’s cheeks twitch, threatening to form a smile.
The pair continued shopping. Together, they carefully selected a variety of onesies, sleepers, and outfits, ensuring each piece met Byakuya's high standards of sophistication while still being comfortable for their precious bundle of joy. As time went on, Byakuya found himself surprisingly invested in the process, his heart softening with each tiny garment he imagined their daughter wearing. And with each item they chose, Makoto's excitement grew, his smile infectious as he imagined dressing their daughter in the adorable outfits they had selected together.
As they continued to make their way through the store, Makoto's steps gradually slowed, his hand instinctively resting on the small of his back as he winced slightly and a wave of fatigue washed over him. The weight of their unborn daughter pressed heavily against his abdomen. Byakuya noticed the change in his demeanor and turned to him with concern etched in his features.
"Naegi, are you alright?" Byakuya inquired, his voice laced with worry.
Makoto forced a smile, though beads of sweat dotted his forehead. "I'm okay, just feeling a bit tired… and achy.”
Without hesitation, Byakuya guided Makoto to a nearby bench, helping him ease down with careful hands. Makoto gratefully sank onto the bench with a sigh, his swollen belly protruding prominently. Byakuya sat down next to him, his hands instinctively resting on Makoto's rounded abdomen. He gently rubbed circles on the stretched skin, feeling the baby's movements beneath his fingertips. Makoto leaned back, closing his eyes as he savored the comforting sensation. Byakuya's touch was soothing, easing the strain that pregnancy had placed on his body.
 "Oh, that feels so good..." Makoto murmured.
Byakuya felt the slight flutter of movement beneath his fingertips. He marveled at the sensation, a swell of warmth filling his chest.
"She's quite active today, isn't she?" Byakuya remarked, his gaze softening as he looked at Makoto. The brunette nodded in response.
They sat there for a moment, basking in the intimacy of the moment. Byakuya continued to rub Makoto's belly in slow, soothing circles, his touch a comforting presence amidst the bustling activity of the store. He whispered words of reassurance and love, his voice a soft murmur that only Makoto could hear. Then, the heir placed gentle kisses along Makoto’s cheek.
“Hmm, Byakuya?” Makoto asked gently, fatigue prominent in his voice.
“Yes, my love?” Byakuya replied softly.
“I love you. Thank you for being with me.”
“I love you too. And our little girl.”
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dangantums · 10 months
ok stuffedronpa fans, wake up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this fic contains: bloating, burps, hiccups, belly rubs, alcohol, mpreg, SFW and brief NSFW content.
NO MINORS -- MINORS DNI (that's a given, but especially now b/c of the brief nsfw content)
ship: n.aegami
TLDR: m.akoto and b.yakuya's relationship has many flavors.
Byakuya could not function without his morning coffee. The stoic heir to the Togami Corporation needed his coffee. As he descended the grand staircase, his usual aura of composed elegance was replaced by an unmistakable fatigue. The world seemed dull and imperfect – until the invigorating aroma of his morning brew met his nose.
Slipping into the kitchen, he noticed his boyfriend Makoto in front of the coffee pot, holding 2 mugs full of coffee. The brunette turned his head, glancing back at the disheveled heir. A smile appeared, accentuating his chubby, rosy cheeks.
“Good morning,” the brunette chirped as Byakuya stumbled up to him, rubbing his eyes. The heir only responded with a grunt, motioning for the cup. Makoto handed it to him, not minding this behavior – it occurred every morning.
Sipping the hot liquid, Byakuya felt a sense of calm returning. It was bitter. Just the way he liked it. He preferred coffee without all the sweeteners and creams, unlike Makoto – who probably had more sugar, syrups and milk in his coffee than actual coffee. After a few more long sips of coffee, his icy blue eyes glanced down at his boyfriend who was now scrolling through his phone, and murmured,
“Good morning, love.”
Sunday evenings were Makoto’s favorite. Byakuya would order food out on his way home from work. Not that the chef’s that Byakuya hired didn’t make good food, but there was just something about fast food that Makoto seemed to love. The heir could never understand why, but he admittedly enjoyed watching Makoto gorge himself every time.
The tantalizing aroma of savory, cheesy goodness wafted through the air, leading Makoto to the source of his newfound delight. There, in the center of the kitchen, was an impressive spread of various pizzas. And Byakuya Togami, who wore a wide smirk, stood behind the counter.
“You are the best boyfriend ever,” Makoto exclaimed, scurrying around the counter to grab a slice. Without wasting any time, he grabbed the boxes and skipped to the sofa to start his feast.
“I know,” said Byakuya, who followed behind – a smirk still present on his face.
Boxes became empty. Slice after slice disappeared. Byakuya maybe ate one or two slices, Makoto ate the rest. And it was certainly taking a toll on his waistline. Makoto’s belly, which was previously contained by a pair of gray sweatpants and one of Byakuya’s few t-shirts, was now sitting on his lap. The shirt was unable to reach past his belly button, the waistline of his sweatpants pulled down to relieve some of the pressure.
The dull noise of the TV echoed the room, every once in a while being interrupted by a hiccup or a belch from the brunette. Byakuya had his arm wrapped around Makoto’s shoulders, a hand slowly rubbing over the gurgling, overtaxed organ – stuffed to the brim with a variety of pizzas. Even though the television was on, Byakuya hadn’t been paying attention to the stupid rom-com that was on – his attention had been solely invested in Makoto.
“Are you full, honey?” Byakuya cooed as he doted on Makoto. The only response he received, however, was a long, undignified belch that rolled from Makoto’s tongue.
The moon hung low in the night sky, casting a silvery glow over their home. Makoto found themselves in the dining room – surrounded by the polished mahogany furniture, minimalist design, and the soft glow of candlelight created an atmosphere of refinement befitting the Togami name.
Byakuya, who was in the kitchen, approached his side with a mysterious glint in his eyes. As Makoto looked up from his phone, he noticed a bottle in the heir’s arms. Byakuya spoke, "How about we try something different tonight?"
Makoto raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Different? Like what?"
A small smirk tugged at the corner of Byakuya's lips. "An alcoholic beverage. I believe it's time for you to experience the finer things in life."
"Alcohol? Are you serious?" Makoto asked as he blinked in surprise. "I've never really tried alcohol before."
Byakuya poured a delicate amount of alcohol into two crystal flutes, his eyes never leaving Makoto's. "Consider it an exploration of new horizons, Naegi."
With a sense of curiosity, Makoto accepted the glass offered to him. The clinking of the glasses echoed in the room as they raised their flutes, a silent acknowledgment of the moment.
"To new experiences," Byakuya said, his eyes locked onto Makoto's. "To us."
Makoto took a cautious sip of the alcohol presented to him, and was immediately met with a strong, sour, lemon-y taste. The alcohol was strong. Making some sort of strangled noise, the brunette pursed his lips. Byakuya watched him, his eyebrows furrowing in slight confusion. 
“A-ha… Sorry! I-It’s good, ‘kuya, thanks.”
 “You – hnnf – you take me so well,” the blonde moaned, his long lithe fingers grabbing at Makoto’s hair. Soft, small brown ringlets to hold on to as the brunette sucked on the tip of Byakuya’s length. Byakyuya let out another grunt as his hips involuntarily bucked forward, causing Makoto to gag. Blue eyes go wide as his hips move again, hitting the back of Makoto’s throat. His member twitched in Makoto’s mouth.
“Oh, I’m close…” Byakuya whined, eyebrows furrowing. Makoto hummed in response, sending vibrations throughout the heirs body. And that was enough to make him release after another mewl fell from his mouth. Makoto’s head moved back with a slight pop, teary eyes staring up at Byakuya. Byakuya observed as Makoto’s adams apple bobbed, swallowing his salty seed, licking his lips afterward.
“... Think you can do it again?” Makoto asked with a hoarse tone, but a mischievous glint remained in his eyes. “Maybe this time, though… somewhere else?”
Byakuya, who was usually quick-witted, instead nodded aggressively at the gesture from Makoto, who was usually too embarrassed to say such things. He wouldn’t even let the shorter male get to his feet before he leaned down, grabbing him into his arms. Holding him against his thin yet muscular frame. The blonde pressed several wet kisses to Makoto’s face as he carried him to their bedroom, the other giggling with delight every step of the way. It was rare to see such affection from Togami.
Makoto was surrounded by a colorful array of sweets—chocolates, candies, pastries, and everything sweet that could be found within the confines of their shared, elegant home. Byakuya noticed this peculiar scene unfolding in the kitchen as he strolled down the hallway, his usual air of arrogance in tow. His usual-sharp eyes softened at the sight of Naegi surrounded by the array of sweets, one hand rubbing his distended belly. Byakuya approached and Makoto watched him with a smile on his face. The blonde examined the various sweets, picking up a delicate éclair and handing it to Makoto.
"Here, at least eat this properly. You're making a mess," Togami said, a slight hint of exasperation in his voice.
Makoto giggled, despite the annoyance in the others' voice, and he rolled his eyes playfully. “Thanks, ‘kuya.” Though he graciously took the éclair into his mouth, using his now other free hand to rub the other side of his distended tummy.
Bykauya hummed in response, observing the table again. "Naegi, do you really think it's wise to consume such an excessive amount of sugar? You are 8-months pregnant, afterall.”
Makoto, his mouth full of éclair, simply nodded with an innocent smile. A smile that Byakuya could never resist. A smile that forced the corners of Byakuya’s thin lips to twitch into a smile of their own. Byakuya leaned down to press a gentle kiss to the side of Makoto’s head, wisps of blonde hair tickling the brunette's cheek. Then, in another swift motion, Byakuya bends his knees to come face-first with Makoto’s pregnant belly. He pressed another soft kiss to the taut, swollen surface. The baby responded with a gentle kick, which made the heir’s smile widen.
“I love you, sweetie.”
“ Mmph? Mm! Love you too, ‘Kuya…”
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dangantums · 8 months
drunk m.akoto didn't realize how much he was eating, and now he's tipsy and painfully overstuffed and needs help from b.yakuya and/or k.yoko
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! with makoto's birthday coming up, YES!!!!!!
Happy Birthday, My Love.
this fic contains: intox, burps, hiccups, bloating, stuffed belly, SFW content.
ship: n.aegami
TLDR: b.yakuya put together an enormous dinner for m.akoto for his birthday. things don't go quite as planned... or do they?
Byakuya Togami wasted no time in curating a feast fit for a special occasion like Makoto Naegi's birthday.
The personal chefs outdid themselves. Appetizers consisted of succulent shrimp tempura – lightly battered and perfectly crispy – delicate sushi rolls with fresh sashimi that were drizzled with a variety of savory sauces, and crispy spring rolls filled with a delectable blend of vegetables and seasoned meat. The main course: grilled miso-glazed black cod, wagyu beef skewers that were infused with a rich teriyaki glaze, and chicken katsu – a golden-brown cutlet served with a tangy tonkatsu sauce. With, of course, rice as a side, and noodles. The noodles consisted of ramen with a rich, savory broth, accompanied by slices of tender chashu pork, and stir-fried yakisoba noodles with vegetables. To drink, champagne. The flutes were filled to the top, its delicate bubbles rising to the surface. As if that wasn’t enough, desserts were a masterpiece in themselves. A multi-tiered cake adorned with edible flowers took pride of place, its layers alternating between velvety chocolate and luscious raspberry, along with a selection of dessert wines and liqueurs. A luscious wine with notes of dried fruits and chocolate was the perfect accompaniment to the decadent chocolate and raspberry layers of the birthday cake.
The buffet was enough to fit a table for four, maybe five. But only Makoto and Byakuya sat at the dining table that evening. As the heir picked at the food on his plate, he couldn't help but notice his boyfriend's relentless assault on the buffet. Plate after plate, Makoto indulged in the scrumptious dishes, each one seemingly more tempting than the last. He indulged in the feast, savoring each bite and sipping on champagne or wine, blissfully unaware of the consequences of his voracious appetite. Refilling his flute every so often, only to drink most of it in one gulp.
The clatter of cutlery woke Byakuya out of his haze. His head lifts, glancing at Makoto. Byakuya couldn't help but be amused by Makoto's antics, realizing that his boyfriend had probably had a bit too much to drink. Concerned yet amused, he continued to watch. The brown-haired boy was completely satiated, his eyes glazed over with contentment. He found himself comfortably seated in the plush dining-room chair, part of his belly now protruding from beneath his buttoned shirt – the rest of his belly hidden behind the buttons of Makoto's shirt, which strained against the pressure, threatening to give way under the force of his satisfied stomach. The subtle rise and fall of Makoto's abdomen was mesmerizing. The top button of Makoto's pants had been discreetly loosened, although his belt remained.  A low, contented burp escaped Makoto, and he blushed, embarrassed yet pleased by the comfort brought on by the release.
Byakuya couldn't resist teasing him gently. "Had your fill, I assume?"
Makoto nodded, a drunken yet sheepish smile playing on his lips. "Maybe a bit too much." The smile quickly faded as another low growl rose from his stomach, followed by a light moan from the brunette.
Byakuya continued to observe his boyfriend, noticing how Makoto was rubbing his overfilled belly. "Are you alright?"
"I think I might have eaten too much. And drank too much… I don’t think I can stand – Hic! – up,” Makoto admitted.
Byakuya couldn't help but chuckle at Makoto's predicament, “Of course. You practically ate the entire buffet. Let me help you up, hm? We’ll go lay down.”
Byakuya stood gracefully, and moved behind Makoto's chair, placing his hands on Makoto's shoulders. With a gentle yet firm grip, Byakuya helped Makoto rise from his seat. However, as Makoto tried to stand, he let out an unexpected and surprisingly loud burp, causing Makoto to groan again. Byakuya’s cheeks flushed pink, but he ignored it as continued to support Makoto. Makoto managed to stand up, though he wobbled slightly on unsteady legs. Byakuya steadied him, slowly guiding him towards the bedroom where Makoto could rest.
The bedroom spun a bit for Makoto until he flopped onto the bed with a sigh of relief, his hands still on his overly full stomach. Byakuya couldn't resist the opportunity to pamper his boyfriend. He approached Makoto, kneeling beside the bed.
"Easy now," Byakuya murmured, his hand meeting the taut surface of Makoto’s gut. "Just relax.”
Makoto let out a low groan, feeling the weight of his bloated stomach. Makoto closed his eyes, the rhythmic motion of Byakuya's hands providing a sense of relief. However, his belly continued audibly gurgling and protesting, still feeling uncomfortably full. Byakuya's fingers traced the outline of Makoto's belly, feeling the warmth beneath his touch.
"Mmm, that – Hic-UURP! – feels so good," Makoto sighed, his eyelids drooping as he succumbed to the gentle touch. His own hands reached out to hold the sides of his gut. The fabric of Makoto's trousers now clung snugly to his expanded midsection, outlining every curve. The belt that once held them in place had been loosened by Byakuya, allowing Makoto's belly to expand freely. It rested heavily in his lap, an enticing mound that seemed to demand attention – even while laying down.
"I don’t believe I’ve ever seen you quite like this," Byakuya remarked, a hint of amusement in his voice.
Makoto's cheeks flushed with embarrassment, another loud burp seizing his throat.
"Excuse me," Makoto apologized weakly.
"No need to apologize," Byakuya reassured him, a smirk playing on his lips. He pressed a gentle kiss to the side of his head. He teased lowly, "You're lucky I find you charming even in this state."
The belly rubs continued, Byakuya's fingers gently kneading the filled expanse. Makoto's skin felt warm and smooth beneath Byakuya's touch, and he marveled at the way it yielded to the gentle pressure. Occasionally, Makoto would let out another soft burp, the sound seeming loud in the quiet room, until the drunken brunette eventually succumbed to sleep. Byakuya leaned in, placing a soft kiss on the rounded swell of Makoto's stomach, feeling the gentle rise and fall beneath his lips.
“You’re irresistible,” Byakuya murmured in a low voice peering over his glasses to look at Makoto’s sleeping face. “Happy birthday, my love.”
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dangantums · 7 months
Mpreg Masterpost
some of these are old... be forewarned.
|| b.yakuya t.ogami: "boutique" // "flavors (N.SFW)" // "b.yakuya is cranky..." // "b.yakuya mpreg HC's" // "b.yakuya doesn't like other people feeling m.akoto's belly..." // "...twin boys" // "...watches him sleep" // "m.akoto feels unattractive..." // "...feel their baby kick" // "distant dream"
|| m.akoto naegi: "boutique" // "flavors (N.SFW)" // "b.yakuya is cranky..." // "b.yakuya doesn't like other people feeling m.akoto's belly..." // "m.akoto mpreg HC's" // "...twin boys" // "...watches him sleep" // "m.akoto feels unattractive..." // "...feel their baby kick" // "distant dream"
|| m.ondo o.wada: "m.ondo mpreg HC's"
|| k.iyotaka I.shimaru: "t.aka mpreg HC's"
|| k.aito m.omota: "s.huichi can't do certain things..." // "s.huichi wakes k.aito up..." // "...out to eat"
|| s.huichi s.aihara: "s.huichi can't do certain things..." // "s.huichi wakes k.aito up..." // "...out to eat"
|| n.agito k.omaeda: "k.omahina mpreg HC's"
|| h.ajime h.inata: "k.omahina mpreg HC's"
a.ce a.ttorney:
|| p.hoenix w.right: "safe and sound" / "massage" // "w.rightworth: m.iles mpreg HC's in court" // "prosecutor e.dgeworth chooses life"
|| m.iles e.dgeworth: "safe and sound" / "massage" // "w.rightworth: m.iles mpreg HC's in court" // "prosecutor e.dgeworth chooses life"
|| l.evi a.ckerman: "heavy"
|| e.rwin s.mith: "heavy"
|| a.rmin a.rlert: “touch of an angel”
|| e.ren j.aeger: “touch of an angel”
f.ire e.mblem:
N/A ... yet.
N/A ... yet.
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dangantums · 7 months
Stuffing Masterpost
some of these are old... be forewarned.
|| b.yakuya t.ogami: "happy birthday, my love" // "flavors (N.SFW)" // "handle his liquor" // "m.akoto forgets to do his laundry..." // "better? better." // "...cuddles after a bad day at work" // "m.akoto can't eat it all..." // "n.aegamigiri HC's" // "b.yakuya confessing..." // "overstuffed m.akoto" // "a feast for the eyes" // "love, byakuya" // "it's okay to be human"
|| m.akoto naegi: "happy birthday, my love" // "flavors (N.SFW)" // "handle his liquor" // "m.akoto forgets to do his laundry..." // "better? better." // "...cuddles after a bad day at work" // "m.akoto can't eat it all..." // "n.aegamigiri HC's" // "b.yakuya confessing..." // "m.akoto HC's" // "m.akoyo pops a button eating halloween candy" // "overstuffed makoto" // "a feast for the eyes" // "love, byakuya" // "it's okay to be human"
|| k.aito m.omota: "middle of the night" // "k.aito stress eats..."
|| s.huichi s.aihara: "middle of the night" // "k.okichi feeds s.huichi ice-cream" // "k.aito stress eats..." // "...school cafeteria" // "s.huichi feedee HC's"
|| m.ondo o.wada: "spiked eggnog" // "most perfect person for me" // "night class" // "m.ondo feedee HC's" // "...studying for exams" // "stress relief"
|| k.iyotaka I.shimaru: "spiked eggnog" // "most perfect person for me" // "night class" // "...studying for exams" // "k.iyotaka HC's" // "stress relief"
|| k.yoko k.irigiri: "handle his liquor" // "n.aegamigiri HC's"
|| k.azuichi s.ouda: "rejection" // "...breakfast before work"
|| k.okichi o.uma: "k.okichi feeds s.huichi ice-cream" // "k.okichi's birthday party"
|| n.agito k.omaeda: "n.agito WG HC's" // "... b-day n.agito stuffing -> part two" // "chubby n.agito HC's" // "i'm so lucky"
|| h.ajime h.inata: "...b-day n.agito stuffing -> part two" // "i'm so lucky"
|| k.orekiyo s.hinguji: "k.orekiyo HC's"
|| ult. impostor: "impostor HC's"
|| l.eon k.uwata: "l.eon HC's"
|| g.undham t.anaka: "...breakfast before work"
a.ce a.ttorney:
|| p.hoenix w.right: "fly on the wall" // "weight of the truth" // "respectable attorney" // "sweet tooth"
|| m.iles e.dgeworth: "fly on the wall" // "weight of the truth" // "respectable attorney" // "sweet tooth"
|| l.evi a.ckerman: "humanities strongest soldier" // "dinner in trost" // "no casualties"
|| e.rwin s.mith: "humanities strongest soldier" // "dinner in trost" // "no casualties"
f.ire e.mblem:
|| d.imitri a. b.laiddyd: “taste of victory” // "your majesty"
|| d.edue m.olinaro: “taste of victory”
|| c.laude v.on r.iegen: "your majesty"
N/A ... yet.
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dangantums · 3 years
Those B.yakuya mpreg headcanons made me wonder... What would M.akoto be like as his partner while he pregnant?
THIS IS SO CUTE AAAAA!! I’m not gonna lie I never saw Byakuya as the one who was preggo or the feedee, but these requests are making me change my mindddd! Thank you for requesting my favorite pairing!!
TLDR: Byakuya is cranky during his pregnancy.
One early Saturday morning, Makoto was sitting on the living room couch surfing the internet on his laptop. He wasn’t really looking at anything in particular, just mindlessly scrolling through Amazon looking at different products and stuff. He continued to do so until he felt another presence in the room. The brown haired boy glanced up to see his parter, Byakuya Togami standing across the room.
Byakuya was heavily pregnant at this time, and was about ready to pop. He was wearing a white undershirt that reached down to about his naval, and his checkered pajama pants. He looked grumpy, like always. Ever since he announced he was pregnant he was more grumpy than usual. This amplified when his work forced him on maternity leave.
“Good morning hun,” Makoto chirped, trying to be as positive as he could for his boyfriend. As much as it annoyed Makoto to have Byakuya so moody all of the time, he knew Byakuya had a reason for it— his stomach was larger than average pregnant stomachs, so he must be in pain a lot. Pregnancy is just difficult to deal with.
“Tch,” Byakuya snorted, waddling over to the couch and settling himself down next to Makoto. He sighed when he finally was able to sit and lean back, his left hand drifting to his stomach.
Makoto would set his laptop on the coffee table. Mindless scrolling could wait. He then turned towards his pregnant partner, laying his hand on top of Byakuya’s.
“How are you this morning?” Makoto asked. “Are you feeling ok?”
“Just great,” Byakuya huffed, quickly rubbing one side of his stomach. “Fabulous, even.”
Makoto rolled his eyes, sticking his tongue out at Byakuya. Byakuya snorted again, then leaned his head back to rest against the cushions of the couch. Makoto couldn’t help but look down at Byakuya’s heavily pregnant stomach— it was so round, and covered with stretch marks. It was red and looked swollen, which made Makoto frown a little.
Suddenly, he heard Byakuya moan as Byakuya’s hands gripped his stomach. Makoto’s eyes darted up to look at Byakuya’s face: his eyes were shut tight and his teeth were grinding together. Makoto could feel his heart skip a beat out of nervousness.
“Are you alright?” Makoto panicked, sitting up quickly. “Is it time?”
“No, no, no,” Byakuya spat, trying to force himself to relax. “I’m fine, Makoto. I just get cramps every once in a while.”
“Oh..” Makoto said, trying to relax. He saw Byakuya open his eyes again, and watched him take several deep breaths as his hands started rubbing his belly again.
“A-Although, I-… I thank you for caring about me,” Byakuya admitted, looking into Makoto’s eyes. He was trying to be genuine, but was still in some pain.
Makoto smiled half-heartedly. “Of course, Byakuya. I love you, ok?”
“I love you too.”
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dangantums · 3 years
hi hi!! please can you do a naegami thing with preg makoto- honestly i think byakuya would be v v protective of him cause you know, he's carrying the next heir dghdsh but also he loves his bf wellll basically maybe someone is like "omg your bump is so cute!" to makoto and feels/tries to feel it, and then byakuya is..jealous :0
Aaaaa I loved writing this one, thank you for requesting!!!!!!!!! I’m so so sorry it took so long!
TLDR: Byakuya doesn’t like other people feeling Makoto’s belly.
“Oh my gosh, Makoto!” Aoi squealed, running up to him and Byakuya, who were holding hands walking down the sidewalk back to their studio apartment. Byakuya raised an eyebrow as the swimmer approached them, her hands shaking giddily as she focused on Makoto.
“I can’t believe it!” she exclaimed, as Makoto smiled sheepishly. “You’re pregnant! You look due any day now, how long until your babies are born?”
Yep, Makoto was 9 months pregnant- with twins, in fact. His tummy was huge on his short, little body so it was very easy to tell he was about ready to pop. There was no hiding it with hoodies anymore, none of his hoodies could fit over his massive tummy. Byakuya had to go out and buy a bunch of maternity clothes for him.
“Ah, they’re due in a couple weeks or so,” Makoto replied, looking down at his belly. Using his free hand, he gave his belly a light rub.
“Can I feel?” Aoi asked eagerly. Byakuya, who has just been standing there, felt his heart stop in his chest. He didn’t like anyone touching Makoto’s belly but him.
“Sure,” Makoto responded. Aoi quickly reached over, placing both of her hands on Makoto’s tummy. She felt around, staring at amazement. Byakuya would roll his eyes at her gawking expression.
Makoto and Aoi would chat for what seemed like ages, until finally Byakuya and Makoto were back at their apartment. Byakuya would flop onto the couch, folding his arms. He was a little angry and couldn’t really pinpoint why. Was this jealousy? It wasn’t like Aoi was going to take Makoto away or anything. It’s just… those are his babies. No one could touch his babies except for him and Makoto.
“‘Kuya?” Makoto asked, waddling to the couch. Byakuya looked over, and placed a hand on his back to help him sit on the couch. Makoto breathed out, and asked, “What’s wrong?”
Byakuya sighed and rolled his eyes. “Makoto!~” he mimicked Aoi. “Makoto let me feel your stomach Makoto!”
Makoto tilted his head. “Are you… jealous?”
Byakuya huffed, slumping down into the couch. He adjusted his glasses, then murmured. “Those are MY babies. Only you and I can touch them.”
Now it was Makoto’s turn to sigh, though he shook his head and smiled lovingly. “Of course they’re your babies, Byakuya. Nobodies trying to take your place. Here, you wanna feel now?”
Makoto slides his shirt up and then adjusted his sweatpants so his heavily pregnant belly was fully exposed on his lap. Makoto leaned back, gently resting one hand on the side of his tummy as his fingers brushed against his stretch marks.
Byakuya grunted, then leaning his head onto Makoto’s shoulder. He took his hand and placed it over Makoto’s protruding belly button. His hand slowly rubbed around that area, but also made sure to rub every square inch of his tummy.
“She didn’t even say hi to me, Makoto.”
“Maybe it’s because you called her mean names at Hope’s Peak, Byakuya.”
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dangantums · 3 years
Can you please do a Oversize Naegi wearing his old clothes by accident and he struggles with hiding his body from his class?
Anon! Thanks for the cute request, Im sorry I got to it so late! I hope you don’t mind I made it into a N.aegami fic!
TLDR: Makoto forgets to do his laundry before his first day of college.
TW: usage of word “pig”.
The one day Makoto had accidentally fallen asleep before doing his laundry was the day before his first day of college. It was a miracle that he only had one class today and that each member of his Hope’s Peak class would be there, but it was still an embarrassing situation. He was even dating Byakuya Togami from his class. He had not seen them for an entire summer— not even Byakuya, as he was on a lengthy trip— and Makoto had definitely… changed.
Makoto burst out his dorm room (which he had to himself, thank goodness) with his backpack slung lazily over his shoulder. He was about to be late for class, and simply didn’t have any time to fix the laundry situation. He was wearing some of his old clothes from around a year ago— which were now tight fitting on his chubbier frame. He didn’t notice yet, but his chubby belly was poking out from the bottom of his shirt, jiggling back and forth as he ran as fast as he could across campus. His jeans that used to be slightly baggy were now tight on him, which showed off his new curves. Makoto started panting as he approached the set of double doors, which opened in front of him automatically. Then, he continued to run up the stairs, down the hall, burst in the door and—!!!
TW: usage of word pig in this paragraph
“OH MY GOD!” a familiar voice cried out. “Master’s dating a fat pig!! Kyahahahahahaha!!!”
Thanks, Genocide Jack.
Makoto froze as the attention was now set on him. All 15 pairs of eyes were locked with his: even Byakuya’s. Makoto took a moment to look at everyone, as a shameful heat rose to his cheeks. He could hear Genocide Jack cackling wildly in the background, as Aoi tried to shut her up.
“M-Makoto!” another familiar voice called out from the back of the room. A figure dressed in white with short, black hair approached him: it was Kiyotaka. Taka took out a notebook from his back pocket, tongue sticking from the side of his mouth. He scribbled something furiously into the notebook before ripping it out loudly, then jabbing it into Makoto’s chest.
“I’m afraid your outfit today is a violation of the dress code!” Taka announced loudly. “You will need to change your clothes or else I will have to report you to the headmaster!”
“I-I-“ Makoto stammered, bringing a hand to cover his mouth. He took a step backward, then looked down at his outfit. He hadn’t noticed that his clothes were too small on him, he just threw them on because he hadn’t finished his laundry. He swore these could have fit just days ago, but now his soft, chubby belly was poking out gently from the bottom of his shirt.
“Oh, ignore him.” another female voice chirped as she got closer. It was Sayaka. “Listen, Im sure it was just some wardrobe malfunction, huh? It’s not a big deal.”
“You could borrow my jacket,” a deeper feminine voice said, that being Sakura. “It would fit you. I sincerely do not mind.”
“Hey look!” a masculine voice boomed. Makoto looked over to see Yasuhiro pointing at someone standing in the back of the room. “Byakuya’s blushing!”
All eyes were suddenly turned from Makoto to Byakuya Togami, who’s arms were folded at the very back of the classroom. Yasuhiro was right, Byakuya was indeed blushing— hard. Byakuya’s breath hitched as now the attention was on him, and he angrily looked at Yasuhiro. “You imbecile…!”
“Byakuya’s got a thing for chubby dudes!” Mondo called out, as now he was laughing.
Byakuya nearly growled as a few giggles rose in the room, but most were quiet. Makoto watched Taka march over to Mondo and proceed to lecture him on how it was rude to call out peoples secrets like that.
After Sakura let Makoto borrow her jacket, the professor came in and the first class has begun. After it was over, Makoto and Byakuya were the last to leave the room. The door clicked shut behind Byakuya. As soon as it did so, Byakuya grabbed Makoto’s shoulder and pulled him off to the side, in a private area of the building.
“Wh-What’re you doing?” Makoto stammered, turning beet red again. “I’m sorry about all the chaos I caused, I-I forgot to do my laundry and this is all I had-… I’m so sorry I’ve gained weight.”
“Hush.” Byakuya ordered, as he suddenly pushed up the bottom of Sakura’s jacket, revealing Makoto’s chubbier stomach. Makoto nearly squeaked, covering his eyes with his hands. Byakuya smirked at this reaction, feeling unable to control himself and his primal urges. He liked this new Makoto: Makoto looked properly taken care of and very well-nourished.
Makoto felt a cold yet smooth hand now brush against the side of his firmer, chubby belly. Makoto shuddered as Byakuya pulled him closer, his lips right next to Makoto’s ear. Makoto could feel Byakuya’s breath get slower and heavier as his hand rubbed back and forth, exploring this new mass of flesh on his boyfriend.
“I-I guess you like it..?” Makoto whispered, feeling nervous yet intrigued at the same time. He had never seen Byakuya act this way before.
“Like it?” Byakuya growled. “No. I love it.” Byakuya reached behind Makoto, grabbed a doorknob and pulled open the door behind him which happened to be a janitors closet. Byakuya lightly shoved Makoto in as he squeaked, and then giggled softly. Byakuya shut the door once they were both inside.
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dangantums · 3 years
Have a very self-indulgent Naegami fic :) I will be getting to requests soon
Better? Better.
TLDR: The aftermath of Makoto’s stuffing.
“You did so good, Makoto…” Byakuya whispered into Makoto’s ear as he felt the weight of his boyfriend lean against his chest. All Byakuya heard in response was a low grunt, and an intense hiccup.
“Aww, does my baby need tummy rubs?” Byakuya cooed, letting his hands rest on Makoto’s extended abdomen. Makoto’s usually oversized hoodie was now fairly tight around his midsection, and his jeans surely had to be pressing uncomfortably against this new mass of flesh. Makoto grunted again, feeling himself drift in and out of a haze.
What was it that he ate again? Oh yeah, a large pizza— by himself. Byakuya ordered it for him out of nowhere, so he felt obligated to eat the entire thing. Not that Byakuya minded, in fact, it was encouraged. Every time Makoto had slowed his pacing, Byakuya would whisper sweet nothings to encourage him to keep going. He wanted this to happen, Byakuya enjoyed the aftermath of a stuffing. He likes feeling around Makoto’s drum-tight abdomen, rubbing his stretch marks and making him belch or hiccup.
Makoto’s attention was suddenly brought to his jeans, as he felt Byakuya unbutton them. Once the button was opened, his overstuffed stomach spilled onto his lap and poked out from the bottom of his hoodie. Byakuya let out a low chuckle, pushing up the rest of Makoto’s hoodie.
“Someone’s getting big,” Byakuya teased lowly, his hands gently gliding against the surface of Makoto’s now bare stomach.
“It’s your f- *mmrrRRP!* fault,” Makoto panted.
“Ooh, that was a good one,” Byakuya teased, patting the surface of Makoto’s belly a little too roughly. Another belch fell from Makoto’s lips, bigger than the last. Byakuya chuckled again.
Byakuya’s hands started working their magic, as he starts massaging the sides of Makoto’s aching tummy. Makoto leaned his head back on Byakuya’s shoulder, his eyes falling shut. It definitely felt nice, and made his belly feel more comfortable. Every once in a while the shorter boy would hiccup roughly, in which Byakuya would chuckle in response.
“I’m tired, but my belly hurts..” Makoto would whimper, eyes still shut against Byakuya’s shoulder.
Byakuya would poke out his bottom lip before saying, “Poor baby. Let me help.”
Byakuya would take his hands and place them flat on the front side of Makoto’s tummy, almost over his belly button. His cold metal rings would make Makoto shiver a little. Byakuya would then dig his hands in slowly, and slowly lift upwards.
Makoto’s eyes shut tighter and his muscles tensed as he felt air force its way through his body. He opened his mouth to let out a final, huge but much needed burp. Makoto would moan of relief, feeling all of his muscles relax again.
“There we go,” Byakuya would murmur, resting his hands back on the sides of Makoto’s belly. “Better?”
“Better,” Makoto replied groggily.
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dangantums · 3 years
Could you do naegami mpreg where naegi is struggling with the pregnancy, then finds out he’s having twins? I would love a oneshot, but I don’t mind hcs!
Anon!! This is so cute! I had so much fun writing this one, thank you for requesting! I’m so sorry it took so long, but I hope you like it!
TLDR: Makoto and Byakuya find out they’re having twin boys.
“You’re having twin boys, Mr. Naegi!”
Makoto’s eyes widened immensely as he stared at the screen before him. Only two words came to his mind: holy shit. Twin boys, that was sure a lot to handle. Makoto was excited yet nervous; his first pregnant gave him twins? He’s never taken care of any child before, and now he has to raise and birth twin boys?
Oh boy.
The doctor continued to talk to Makoto more about what was going to happen with the pregnancy when his gaze trailed off to the empty chair beside him. Byakuya was sitting there earlier, but had gone outside to take a call from his work. It frustrated Makoto that Byakuya still had to prioritize work matters over him, but in a way he understood. Byakuya was a very important, wealthy person. Makoto was not. He never understood Byakuya, but loved him nonetheless. Enough to have babies with him.
The more Makoto thought about it, the more it made sense. No wonder he was having such difficulty with the pregnancy already. His belly was larger than most pregnant bellies at this stage, and his morning sickness was just awful. His back was always hurting, and he had the wildest cravings like pickles mixed with ice cream.
Makoto snapped out of his gaze as the doctor shut the door gently, leaving the room to finalize some paper work. Then, his eyes trailed down to his pregnant belly, as he subconsciously grinned. His small, pale hands drifted to the surface of his stomach and felt around. His stomach was firm, yet warm. It was a feeling he never got tired of, even though pregnancy was hard to handle.
“I can’t believe it,” Makoto whispered to himself, still staring at the surface of his belly. He watched himself breathe slowly until he heard the door open.
Makoto looked up to see Byakuya shut the door with his back. Byakuya sighed heavily, adjusting his glasses before he walked up to Makoto.
“I’m sorry,” Byakuya said. “Work calls. I can’t ignore them. I wish they wouldn’t call at such important times.”
“It’s okay,” Makoto responded. “The doctor told me what we’re having. Twin boys!”
Byakuya’s eyes widened, and his hand flew over his mouth. Makoto could see Byakuya’s eyes light up as tears suddenly formed. He knew Byakuya would be overwhelmed by this news, as this meant there were 2 future heirs to the Togami throne.
The doctor soon returned, as Makoto looked up at him.
“Oh, hello again!” Makoto said with a soft smile.
“Hello again, Mr. Naegi,” the doctor replied, adjusting his glasses. “Did Mr. Togami ever come back?”
“Huh?” Makoto questioned. “Yeah, he’s right here—“ Makoto had reached out to touch Byakuya’s hand, but he didn’t feel anything. Makoto quickly looked over, and Byakuya wasn’t standing there.
Makoto’s eyes trailed to the ground, and that’s when he saw Byakuya on the floor. He had fainted. Makoto’s hand slowly covered his mouth, as he slowly looked back up at the doctor.
“He’s fainted,” Makoto said slowly. “I think he was surprised…”
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dangantums · 3 years
I not sure if you've done this but Do you have any Ma.koto mpreg hcs?
Greetings anon- Im so so so sorry to make you wait this long.
Makoto Mpreg HC’s
• Makoto is noticeably pregnant right away! His tummy gets big rather quickly and he has very strong, common side effects of pregnancy (cravings, morning sickness, etc.)
• He tries to do everything himself, and it gets to the point where his partner has to physically get him to stop. It’s hard for him not being able to do anything on his own.
• As stated above, he has really odd pregnant cravings. Mostly sweet things mixed with salty things, like chips and ice cream.
• Makoto is very small, and this makes it hard for him to get around when he is heavily pregnant. He needs help walking from room to room, mostly support on his back.
• Loves tummy rubs. Give this man some tummy rubs.
• Has a lot of trouble falling asleep at night. He usually likes laying on his stomach when he sleeps, but now that he is pregnant he can’t do that. It takes him hours to get comfortable.
• Enjoys it when his partner is overprotective over him. It makes him blush.
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dangantums · 3 years
Could you do a mutual stuffing fic with Naegami? Something like, Makoto stuffs himself often but someday he got too much food for him, so he persuade Byakuya to eat the rest and they both end stuffed
Anon, this is a perfect request. Thank you so much for sending this in! I hope you enjoy!
TLDR: Makoto can’t eat it all. He asks Byakuya for help.
“I can’t eat it all,” Makoto whined as he leaned back as far as he could on the couch. His face was pale except for the rosy coloring on his cheeks. He let out a few breathy pants, both of his hands laying on his extended belly, which was fully exposed.
Byakuya was standing in front of Makoto, trying to take in the precious sight before him. A small, brown haired boy surrounded by empty and full pizza boxes, with a big and full belly. Byakuya bit his lip and adjusted his glasses.
“That’s a problem, isn’t it?” Byakuya said softly, folding his arms.
“Y-You finish it,” Makoto panted.
“What?” Byakuya tilted his head, a concerned expression playing across his face.
“You eat the rest,” Makoto repeated, still sounding out of breath. “Y-You never eat anything, it’s always up for me to finish!” He let out a breathy hiccup.
Byakuya wanted to rebuttal, but he couldn’t think of anything to say. Makoto was right, Byakuya always made him eat everything, and Byakuya would go and grab his own small dish from the kitchen. This was because Byakuya wanted Makoto to be spoiled and pampered, that’s all.
Byakuya huffed, sitting next to Makoto. “Fine, I’ll finish it. Just for you.”
Byakuya grabbed one of the full pizza boxes, taking the time to examine the large cheese pizza within. His hand slowly reached into the pizza box and he picked up a slice. The blonde haired boy’s nose crinkled at the sight of the greasy pizza, but if Makoto wanted him to eat this, he would.
- Later... -
Byakuya was the one to let out a breath hiccup now. Him and Makoto were both stretched out on the couch, both of their exposed tummies looking large and full. Byakuya had a wincing expression on his face as Makoto was rubbing Byakuya’s stomach.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know there was that much left,” Makoto said, a look of guilt and pleasure ridden across his face. He couldn’t decide how he felt about this situation- seeing his dominant boyfriend being completely submissive.
Byakuya didn’t respond as he just stared at the ceiling, feeling the weight of this new gut weigh him down. Makoto leaned down to plant a soft kiss on Byakuya’s tight stomach.
“You did a good job, though,” Makoto said softly, a little smirk appearing on his face. Byakuya rolled his eyes.
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