#ma elring to istanbul
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I want my unborn son to be like my daddy
Love me
My heart isn’t strong, don’t be long
Do you think, just like that, you can divide this
You as yours, me as mine, to before we were us
You wrote the plot out from the start and Made yourself the beating heart
OH SO CURSED(not my caps)
You're just a fake well read super mean girl
Who I don't want anywhere near in my world
Hahahaha Armageddon**
They call it stormy monday, yes but tuesday's just as bad.
Wednesday's even worse;
thursday's awful sad.
The power's so strong, and if you don't know why
there's deeper knowing in that big old sky
And a witch will come for you
Your eyes betray your diaries
Grainy little figures on television screens
Weighing up the moment, guilty, guilty
Back in the bunker
What's he doing with that stick?
Which one is guilty?
Saaiz the trees
I wish I didn’t sleep so late
I won’t fuck us over
Community saw the best in me
Exchanging the common heart
for the salt in the sea
We don’t got no money
We do the dishes and we make the bread
Take a look in your photobook I'm not there anymore
I don't think I can anymore
Monkey see, monkey do
Less is more, love is blind
Have to have poison skin
Stay away
The haunted, frightened trees**(this is the only lyric she dropped on, and considering how Jakk told me back in 2016 not to take my upset out on trees, I find it deeply upsetting at the violence they endure in our park)
Ahhh #3 you’re up
He's Lonesome Cowboy Bill, He rides the rodeo.
Sometimes even New Orleans, down by the Mardi Gras
And all the ten-gallon girls…
We are strangers by day, lovers by night. Especially around 9 and 2.
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We come from Dublin Ireland
Erubey/brave man, almighty
Like you’re playing out the end of a storyline
Tell the secret you can’t keep
Call me if you need a friend or never talk to me again
She had more than the five senses she knew more than books..she could teach and raise everyone she touched just a little bit higher and all around her there was a natural sense as though she sensed what the stars say, what the birds say, what the wind and the clouds say
I want an answer to all my problems and
You will regret it.
“She’s doing so much harm, doing so much damage. But you don’t want to get involved.”
We’ll repeat the same stories, but of course never in front of friends.
But 12 watching me at the wheel
You told me secrets I was shocked to know
How It all started in the kitchen: yeah, let’s get some answers. What is the brown stuff sprayed all over my kitchen, Bubbles?
Because it is everywhere. And Enquiring minds want to know.
(It inspired an improv scenario about why I refuse to remove your gestures)
Down in the graveyard where we have our Tryst
 Lord have mercy, fire and brimstone,I was dancing with mistress D (dude this song used to play All The Time )
Little sister, let your sharp teeth show: seriously, don’t be shy to show your gifts. You’ve missed your true calling btw, really don’t know why you’re pretending to care about law for God’s sake
I mean anyone who can get away with treating a human like a caged animal? That’s pure gold.
“Following the prelude to the Red Curtain: “
The answer is quite simple: the big red theater curtain allows the audience to sit in anticipation, and off. Prior to the start of the show, the audience sits and waits, wondering what the opening scene will look like. The curtain provides a simple barrier between those on stage and those in the audience. moreover, the lowering of the curtain at the end of the show signals That It Is Finished. 
“When once you had believed it now, you see it sucking you in.”
There’s a radio in the corner it’s dying to make us see
 you can’t hide you can’t run if you leave me there will be torment it’s me or no one if you leave, I’ll take your life away like you were no one so tell me you love me.
Sounds kind of psycho, tbh
Floor collapsing, falling: “So she knew about the floor/ stool thing.” That’s fucked up, mags
911, what’s your emergency?
Suicidal ideation.
“I’m dying laughing. “
But to me they sound psychotic
He tells his friends, “ I like her because she’s so much smarter than me.”
For the first time in my life I am moving away from within the reach of me and all the while being held like a big old baby
Christmas Katie calls the people names
 never wanna see Katie cry
Christmas Katie, baby, blow your horn
Men of good fortune very often can’t do a thing. While men of poor beginnings, often can do anything.
They have no rich daddy to fall back on.
“Have I learned Restraint? Am I quiet enough for you?”
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(don’t get caught in your little world)
Till the last lifting of the veil and the first opening of the gate
I know that we shall meet again in some divine eternity
I forget about where it all begins
I sensed my loss before I even learned to talk
She comes and goes, that I know, aw, she cums at least once a day
Six days at the bottom of the ocean has to do with The Event
This is awkward
And I'm nervous
I took your hand
And went with it
You run with the devil
Tell your mother not to wait
Deliberate acts of pretension shackle your arms to the deck
I can understand that you’re grieving
I can even understand how
Write yourself a map to your healing
 you can get anything you want, know what I’m saying? Do you want that over there? Do you want that over there? I got you.
Ramona, I was around that corner with the 22, five shot eyes on stand (so in Seattle there was a waitress named Ramona who was my doppelgänger… We never met, but people used to talk to us about each other all the time for years)
It’s funny I was going crazy not too long ago. At the park politicking with the kids
should’ve been dead broke, should’ve been chalked out but it didn’t happen now it’s time to get it Crackin
They’re going to hold you back and we got a fight the things they do. Get on up, get out. Take control of it.
The shade of her who is very sweet is evoked to hear, in a minor key which makes one’s soul swoon, in the shadow where her long fingers bring death to a phrase on the piano which moans like a poor woman.
Well, didn’t I risk my neck for you? Didn’t I rise above it all for you the most unfortunate circumstances?
I’m just glad it’s over and I’m seeing the real you at last.
 please forgive me
Help me out here all my words are falling short and there’s so much I want to say
 oh mama, I am in fear for my life from the long arm of the Law. The jig is up, the word is out: this will be the end today of the wanted man.
Please stop emailing me about death, it’s psycho
I just might have tapped into your mind and soul you can’t be sure
No need for talking I already know
tell it like it is
I really have a love for you
Now, if you get me that could save 1000 conversations
if I move you’d be standing by, it would make a difference
“ oh, OK, well, Since, you want to be Mr. Fucking Secret Agent what song you want to hear? “
“The one about me.”
 just because I really love you
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