#ma'am can knock down a tree with a punch she doesnt need to use full strength cri
pastel-archived · 1 year
He was grateful for the help all told---and in truth it reminded him of the kiddo in the earlier days---and yet there's that all too ever-present sharpness to him, a keenness to his eye granted by both EFFORT AND EXPERIENCE.
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"Are you tryin' to RUIN MY FIELD, SHANTOW?" Stern though he is Flynn's words---the use of 'shantow', specifically---carries no bite whatsoever as he nudges the mortal out of the way with one prod of his elbow. "Watch what I do, ishul?" He drives his thumb into the hole that the redblood had been making and twists it sharply; once to the right then to the left, and then withdraws the digit. "For this row you want one seed, anymore than that an' their roots will tangle and the fruit will be ruined." They'd fight for space---literally as well as figuratively.
He snags a red cloth bag off of a nearby peg and shows it to her---he practically shoves it under her small nose, actually---before dropping just one of the strangely shaped seeds into the hole, with the outer shell of it already broken and spilling forth a STRANGE, COTTONY FLUFF. "Veglamb are fickle beasts, they don't like sharin' spaces."
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The immortal stands up then and walks what are obviously well trod, measured paces and then unceremoniously slaps his long tail into the dirt before gesturing at his 'assistant'. "Put a new hole on the opposite side of my tail and then grab the green bag. Drive your thumb in hard as you can, two twists, and then put the seed in." This row would be of a lively variety.
◌・❀➵ To Sun, planting and nurturing crops was a way of feeling connected to her mother and her mother's traditions. It was the half of her she did't despise with her entire being. So, any opportunity to feel that connection was well welcomed. Yet this opportunity presented challenges she had never faced. Namely in the kind of crops she was dealing with.
◌・❀➵ Perhaps it was the inferiority complex, or the general strive to be perfect at everything, but she felt ashamed of knowing something that wasn't even common knowledge. And instead of yipping back, the golden-haired angel watches, making a mental note of every detail. She won't mess up again.
◌・❀➵ There is a nod at his order, as she makes her way over. It seemed easy enough but at the same time he wasn't going to get her full strength, that would be too disastrous. Just a fraction of her strength would be enough to get the results he was looking for.
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◌・❀➵ Of course there is the truimphant smile as she completes the task he had given her, "What else have ya got fer me? I'm mighty strong so I can do any manual labor ya can throw at me." Take advantage of the free labor, essentially.
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