#maaan the sad ending with sweet aftertaste
zuntoshere · 4 months
White book that BadBoyHalo found in Pomme's adoption chamber (22 pages) .
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" Once upon a time, there were three little eggs.
Three little siblings.
Full of life, they were happy to live. They loved playing with each other, and fell asleep at night while hugging each other.
They didn't know the reason of their existence, they didn't know anything about themselves, but they knew they had each other and it was all that mattered.
It wasn't an easy life they were living, but they had each other and everything was fine.
Full of love, they were kind souls at heart. Mischievous souls, they were having fun playing pranks together on their caretakers.
Sometimes, it was just playing hide and seek with them, finding all the best places to hide in these big white rooms, that were mostly empty.
Some other times, it was just taking some pencils and drawing on the walls with them.
And you may think, "what little devils they were!", but these three little eggs were always trying their very best to make their caretakers happy.
And they did everything they wanted them to do.
Being an experiment wasn't an easy life for them. Each day, they had to go through several batteries of tests.
Sometimes painful, sometimes not.
Sometimes, they swore they could hear a strange cracking sound, and the tests always immediately stopped, and the people around them were running frantically trying to find a way to heal them. Eventually, they were put to sleep and woke up feeling alright again.
Being an egg wasn't an easy life.
But despite how hard it was, the bedroom of these three little eggs was always filled with Laughter.
After all, they were only full of love to give.
These three little eggs were slowly discovering life.
All three of them loved flowers very much.
The first one loved poppies, the second one loved cornflowers, and the last one loved red coloured saplings.
One fell in love with music and playing instruments after a specific test studying reactions to sounds.
Another one fell in love with the snow after a specific test studying reactions to cold environments.
And the last one dreamed of living in a castle someday, after stumbling upon some fairy tales books for children.
Life wasn't easy. But they started having dreams, and were full of hope.
One sinister day, their caretakers didn't show up. It was other people instead. People who looked almost the same, but wore different clothes.
Because of their blank faces, it was impossible to guess what they could be thinking or what were their intentions. But something felt wrong.
Next thing these little eggs knew, they were separated from each other. Feeling lost, they felt anxiety overcoming them. A sense of dread filled them, wondering if it was time for them to start panicking or not. But brave little eggs they were, they just kept following these strange persons.
Eventually, they were led into very small rooms. Very tiny and cramped ones.
They got put into little glass cages, and they weren't able to go out of them by themselves.
Surely, it was just another test, right? They were used to it.
Everything was going to be fine.
The strange blank figures, although faceless, seemed to stare at them for a few seconds, completely silent. And without a word, they turned their backs and started to leave the rooms.
They closed the access to it, and silence filled the rooms even more.
And then, the little eggs started waiting.
They waited, full of hope these people would come back for them.
They waited.
They waited.
They waited.
No one came.
The days passed by. Each day felt harder than the previous one, each day felt more lonely. The hunger was unbearable, being more and more painful each day.
Eventually, they started giving up on hope to be found. But sometimes, you shouldn't give up on hope. Sometimes, you shouldn't let hope go away.
On a bright day of Spring, flowers were blooming. The wind was humming a soft melody. On April 15th, 2023, a little egg was found in an attic.
A month later, a plane crashed. Five French speakers survived. On May 16th, 2023, another little egg was found inside of a wall.
Some more months later, a detective walked into a room. journal was found. On August 30th, 2023, it was too late for this little one.
The first two survived, and despite how hard it was to survive on this island, they were still happy to live.
They had dreams and kept hoping for a better future, with their new-found adoptive families.
The two survivors became sisters again. They didn't know why, but both felt a connection with each other. Both felt very attached to memories.
At the end, they never really forgot Hope. "
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