maureen2musings · 1 month
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birdblues · 11 months
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snototter · 1 year
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A Malaysian snail eating turtle (Malayemys macrocephala) in Bangkok, Thailand
by Isabella Chowra
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茯苓 Poria cocos : 祛濕
白朮 Atractylodes macrocephala : 健脾 🌿😊 Thanks🙏
《白朮茯苓祛濕茶食譜》Atractylodes macrocephala & Poria cocos - Chinese herbology Tea (soup) Recipe:準備白朮5克、茯苓5克、陳皮2克。先將所有食材洗乾淨,在鍋子裡加入適量的水煮沸,轉小火,再加入所有的食材煮2分鐘,即可飲用。 good having it in summer. xoxo
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sterlinggalaxy13 · 10 months
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Hyperia macrocephala: 💢
Astrid: ?
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margocooper · 1 month
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Василек крупноголовый (Centaurea macrocephala). Один из самых высоких и мощных васильков, как его еще называют, Гроссгеймия крупноголовая.
Golden thistle (globe cornflower). One of the tallest and most powerful cornflowers, as it is also called, is Grossheimia large-headed.
P.S.:Делюсь своим васильком, как и было обещано @noseysilverfox
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herpsandbirds · 6 months
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Malayan Snail-eating Turtle (Malayemys macrocephala), hatchling, family Geoemydidae, Bangkok, Thailand
Photograph by Gabrielle Poh
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jillraggett · 1 year
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Plant of the Day
Tuesday 18 July 2023
On a roadside verge by a cottage was this fine plant of Centaurea macrocephala (giant knapweed, Aremanian basket flower). This herbaceous perennial has stiff stems carrying large, shining buds of brown papery scales from which burst the yellow thread-like flower petals.
Jill Raggett
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nncastle · 5 months
Seeds Purchased from Stonecrop Gardens, NY
One of the biggest benefits of membership at Stonecrop is access to their amazing seed bank. Members can purchase rare seeds for $1 a pack. These are plants that are sometimes extremely difficult to find at nurseries and that work perfectly for my area. Here is a list of what I purchased from them...some I've already begun.
The seed collection got suddenly a lot more interesting.
Rarium: Centaurea macrocephala
Rarium: Digitalis parviflora
Rarium: Echinops exaltatus
Rarium: Hosta sieboldiana var. elegans
Rarium: Polygonatum giganteum
Rarium: Salvia coccinea 'Brenthu
Seminum: Acmella oleraceae
Seminum: Actaea japonica (syn. Cimicifuga japonica)
Seminum: Actaea racemosa (syn. Cimicifuga racemosa)
Seminum: Actaea simplex 'Brunette' (syn. Cimicifuga ramosa 'Brunette'
Seminum: Agastache foeniculum 'Alba'
Seminum: Allium angulosum
Seminum: Allium tuberosum
Seminum: Amaranthus hybridus var. erythrostachys 
Seminum: Ammi visnaga
Seminum: Anemone virginiana
Seminum: Anethum graveolens
Seminum: Angelica gigas
Seminum: Anthriscus sylvestris 'Raven's Wing' 
Seminum: Aster tataricus
Seminum: Astilboides tabularis (syn. Rodgersia tabularis)
Seminum: Astrantia major
Seminum: Calendula officinalis
Seminum: Campanula takesimana 'Alba'
Seminum: Cuphea viscosissima 
Seminum: Cynoglossum amabile ‘Firmament’
Seminum: Emilia coccinea
Seminum: Helleborus orientalis
Seminum: Ipomoea lobata (syn. Mina lobata)
Seminum: Monarda punctata
Seminum: Nigella damascena 'Miss Jekyll Blue'
Seminum: Papaver somniferum Mix
Seminum: Salvia farinacea
Seminum: Verbena bonariensis
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Anemone virginiana. Interesting thing about this plant is that for years I've pulled it thinking it was a weed. On the years that I forgot to pull it, I was like, man that is pretty! So I now leave it alone. It's drought tolerant and the flowers are loved by pollinators. I'll be planting some more from seed as well.
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Anethum graveolens - Dill
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Centaurea macrocephala - Started Seeds 5/3/2024 - This plant is too cool for school!
Category: Rarium | Sub-Category: Perennials for Sun
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Centaurea macrocephala
Family: (Asteraceae)
(P) to 3′. Great Golden Knapweed. Caucasus. A large, leafy, robust plant bearing sturdy stems topped with incredible, rich golden yellow, hemispherical, thistle-like blooms. The fringed, rusty brown coloured involucre of bracts is very prominent and persists. Midsummer. Makes excellent dried cut flowers. Sun.  3, D & T2
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Digitalis parviflora - Started seeds 5/3/2024 - Really different foxglove. Love it.
Category: Rarium | Sub-Category: Perennials for Sun
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Digitalis parviflora
Family: (Plantaginaceae)
(P) to 2′. Spanish Foxglove. This is a true perennial species of Foxglove, native to the mountains of northern Spain. Plants form a rosette of dark, deeply veined, green leaves bearing in early summer, tightly packed spikes of small, rusty orange-red to chocolate brown flowers on stiff, leafy, upright stems. Eye-catching. Well-drained soil. Sun. 4 & T2
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Echinops exaltatus
Category: Rarium | Sub-Category: Perennials for Sun
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Echinops exaltatus
Family: (Asteraceae)
(P) to 6′.  Tall Globe Thistle.  Eastern Europe to Russia.  Globular flowerheads composed of numerous, tiny, pale blue florets.  Flowerheads to 2-½ inches in diameter stand tall on sturdy, downy-white stems and mature into dense, prickly seedheads.  The bold, greyish green, thistle-like foliage forms an impressive clump.  This summer-to-fall bloomer is a magnet for bees, hoverflies and butterflies.  Sun.  4 & T2
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Hosta sieboldiana var. elegans
Category: Rarium | Sub-Category: Woodland
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Hosta sieboldiana var. elegans
Family: (Asparagaceae)
(P) to 3′. “…most sumptuous of all the Hostas.” (GST**).  Huge, broad, glaucous, heavily textured, bluish green leaves form magnificent, stately clumps that add accent and poise to the woodland garden.  The pale lilac-white flowers appear in early to midsummer, though they barely emerge from beneath the foliage.  3 & T3, then it may need 40º for 2-3 months.
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Polygonatum giganteum - Started 5/3/24
Category: Rarium | Sub-Category: Woodland
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Polygonatum giganteum
Family: (Asparagaceae)
(P) to 7′. Giant Solomon’s Seal. Statuesque and unmistakable. This spectacular giant is similar to Polygonatum biflorum in everything but size. Bell-shaped, greenish white, tubular flowers hang from the tall arching stems in early summer with the dark blue berries following in fall. Moist soil. Shade/partial shade. 3 & 6
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Salvia coccinea 'Brenthurst'
Category: Rarium | Sub-Category: Annuals for Sun
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Salvia coccinea 'Brenthurst'
Family: Lamiaceae
(A/TP) to 2.5′.  A cool-coloured cousin of the red bedding Salvia with numerous spikes of bicoloured,  lipped blooms.  The pale whitish pink upper hoods and three lobed, deeper pink lower lips contrast nicely against the dark tinted calyces and stems.  Blooms late summer and lasts until frost.  Sun. 4 & T2
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Acmella oleraceae - Toothache Plant
Category: Seminum | Sub-Category: Annuals for Sun
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Acmella oleraceae
Family: (Asteraceae)
(A) to 10″.  Toothache Plant.  South America.  A profusion of rounded, orange-yellow disc florets with brownish red centres resemble eyeballs.  Creeping, bronze-green foliage has numbing properties when chewed, hence the common name.  Easy to grow.  Very unusual and fun; a “must have”.  Summer blooming.  Sun.  3 & 6
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Actaea japonica (syn. Cimicifuga japonica) - snakeroot
Category: Rarium | Sub-Category: Woodland
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Actaea japonica var. acerina (syn. Cimicifuga japonica var. acerina)
Family: (Ranunculaceae)
(P) to 3′.  A Japanese native with handsome maple-like foliage that has long, pointed lobes.  Slender branched spikes of white, tufted flowers bloom in September and October.  Moist soil.  Sun/partial shade.  3 & 6A
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Actaea racemosa (syn. Cimicifuga racemosa)
Category: Seminum | Sub-Category: Woodland
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Actaea racemosa (syn. Cimicifuga racemosa)
Family: (Ranunculaceae)
(P) to 6′. Early Snakeroot, Black Cohosh. An eastern North American native with branched wands of white, bottlebrush flowers. Blooms prolifically in June. Light green, divided foliage remains at three feet tall. Partial shade. 3 & 6A
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Actaea simplex 'Brunette' (syn. Cimicifuga ramosa 'Brunette')
Category: Seminum | Sub-Category: Woodland
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Actaea simplex 'Brunette' (syn. Cimicifuga ramosa 'Brunette')
Family: (Ranunculaceae)
(P) to 6′. One of the darkest leaved Cimicifugas. Stems are a rich purplish brown with pure white, upright, fragrant flower spikes in September. Not all seedlings will be as dark as ‘Brunette’, but definitely worth a try. Partial shade. 3 & 6A
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Agastache foeniculum 'Alba'
Category: Seminum | Sub-Category: Perennials for Sun
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Agastache foeniculum 'Alba'
Family: Lamiaceae
Short-lived perennial to 3.5′.  White Anise Hyssop.  A white cultivar of the above. Sun/partial shade.  4 & T2
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Allium angulosum - mouse garlic
Category: Seminum | Sub-Category: Bulbs
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Allium angulosum
Family: (Alliaceae)
Hardy bulb to 16″. Mouse Garlic. Europe. Loose heads formed by multiple, cup-shaped flowers of pale purple. Blooms June to August. Sun. 3 & 6
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Allium tuberosum - this already grows wild here
Category: Seminum | Sub-Category: Bulbs
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Allium tuberosum
Family: (Alliaceae)
Hardy bulb to 18″. Garlic Chives. Southeast Asia. Spherical, white blooms freshen the flower garden throughout August. Sun/partial shade. 3 & 6
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Amaranthus hybridus var. erythrostachys
Category: Seminum | Sub-Category: Annuals for Sun
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Amaranthus hybridus var. erythrostachys
Family: (Amaranthaceae)
(A) to 5′.  Peruvian Tassel Flower.  Many branched panicles of crimson, tassel-like flowers accentuated by the deep maroon foliage of this plant, creates drama in the border.  Sun.  3 & T3
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Ammi visnaga - Started Seeds 5/3/2024
Category: Seminum | Sub-Category: Annuals for Sun
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Ammi visnaga
Family: (Apiaceae)
(A) to 3′.  Khella, Toothpick Plant.  Egypt.  Grown since antiquity for medicinal purposes.  This sophisticated Queen Anne’s Lace relative produces masses of feathery, delicate, aromatic foliage topped with wide, compound, flat umbels of tiny, greenish-white flowers.  An excellent and unusual filler; most desirable for cut flower displays.  Well-drained soil.  Sun.  3 & T1
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Angelica gigas - Started seeds 5/3/2024
Category: Seminum | Sub-Category: Perennials for Sun
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Angelica gigas
Family: (Apiaceae)
(B/P) to 5′. This terrific Barry Yinger introduction from Korea and Japan is a stunner. Dramatic, deep maroon, spherical flowerheads emerge from red-flushed, bulbous, leafy sheaths above glossy green, dissected foliage. The afternoon sun intensifies the colour and lends this plant another dimension. Please note, insects, especially hornets, also find it irresistible. Sun/partial shade. 3 & 6
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Anthriscus sylvestris 'Raven's Wing'
Category: Seminum | Sub-Category: Perennials for Sun
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Anthriscus sylvestris 'Raven's Wing'
Family: (Apiaceae)
(B/P) to 5′.  Lacey compound umbels of tiny, five-petalled, creamy white flowers, reminiscent of Queen Anne’s Lace, float on hollow, dark stems above fern-like, dusky purple-coloured foliage.  Long bloomer that provides an airy elegance to the border.  Always admired in our Flower Garden.  Self-seeds gently.  Sun/partial shade.  3 & 6
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Aster tataricus - this is already thriving in the garden
Category: Seminum | Sub-Category: Perennials for Sun
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Aster tataricus
Family: (Asteraceae)
(P) to 7′.  Tatarian Aster.  Siberia.  Tall, long-blooming Aster with glorious, loose sprays of bold, lilac-blue daisies with yellow centres.  Dense clusters of wide, lance-shaped leaves.  Tough, durable plant that will thrive in a variety of conditions.  No staking needed, blooms late – September and October and well worth the wait.  Sun/partial shade. 3 & 6 & Δ
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Astilboides tabularis (syn. Rodgersia tabularis) - Planted some last year, started a bunch of seeds - we'll see. 5/3/2024
Category: Seminum | Sub-Category: Woodland
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Astilboides tabularis (syn. Rodgersia tabularis)
Family: (Saxifragaceae)
(P) to 4′. William Robinson described it best, “A bold growing and handsome species with huge peltate leaves and plumes of creamy white flowers.” Leaves reach a height of 2 to 2.5 feet. A superb plant to use as a focal point in the garden. Definitely stimulates conversation. Partial shade. 4 & T2
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Astrantia major
Category: Seminum | Sub-Category: Woodland
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Astrantia major
Family: (Apiaceae)
(P) to 2.5′. Great Masterwort. Central and eastern Europe. No garden should be without this effortless and beautiful plant. Several greenish white, often blushed pink flowerheads each arranged in a dome with a “collar” of bracts. Dense clumps of divided basal foliage. Content in the flower garden or in the woodland. Summer blooming. Great in flower arrangements, too. Sun/partial shade. PC- 4 weeks. 4 & 7 for 4 weeks, then T2
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Campanula takesimana
Category: Seminum | Sub-Category: Woodland
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Campanula takesimana 'Alba'
Family: (Campanulaceae)
(P) to 2′. Korea. An outstanding white variety of the beautiful Campanula takesimana. Leaves large in basal rosettes. Branched inflorescence of large, pendant bells on nodding stalks. Flowers are pure white with purple spotting within. Blooms July to September. Sun/partial shade. 4 & T2
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Cuphea viscosissima - Seeds already started 5/3/2024
Category: Seminum | Sub-Category: Annuals for Sun
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Cuphea viscosissima
Family: (Lythraceae)
(A) to 20″. Blue Waxweed. A North American native and one of our most revered annuals. This non-stop summer bloomer has six deep, magenta-purple petals with the upper two being the longest and a tubular green calyx covered in fine purple hairs. An easy-care annual that requires no deadheading or staking. Very sticky stems trap unsuspecting insects. Self-sows. Sun. 4 & T3
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Cynoglossum amabile ‘Firmament’ - chinese forget me not
Category: Seminum | Sub-Category: Annuals for Sun
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Cynoglossum amabile ‘Firmament’
Family: (Boraginaceae)
(A) to 2.5′.  Chinese Forget-me-not.  Producing all summer long a profusion of sky-blue, five-petalled flowers.  Reminiscent of the Forget-me-not, only taller.  Self-sows.  Sun.  3, D & T2
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Emilia coccinea
Category: Seminum | Sub-Category: Annuals for Sun
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Emilia coccinea
Family: (Asteraceae)
(A) to 3′.  We love this selection of Tassel Flower.  A native of Tropical Africa that produces a profusion of orange to scarlet, thistle-like flowers in terminal corymbs.  Best if inter-planted or grown closely together.  A real beauty in our Red/Orange/Yellow Bed.  Sun. 
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Helleborus orientalis
Category: Seminum | Sub-Category: Woodland
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Helleborus orientalis
Family: (Ranunculaceae)
(P) to 2′.  Lenten Rose.  Europe.  Leaves are wide, dentate, glossy and evergreen.  Nodding, cup-shaped, pinkish rose, five-petalled flowers have numerous cream stamens.  An understated, long-blooming beauty.  Early spring.  Partial shade.  3 & 72° for 6 weeks, followed by 25-39° for 6-8 weeks.
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Ipomoea lobata (syn. Mina lobata) spanish flag
Category: Seminum | Sub-Category: Annuals for Sun
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Ipomoea lobata (syn. Mina lobata)
Family: (Convolvulaceae)
Annual vine to 10′.  Spanish Flag or Firecracker Vine.  Mexico.  An excellent, vigorous, twining vine with attractive, tri-lobed leaves and single-sided, six-inch long racemes of tubular flowers held on slender red stems.  The flowers gently arc upward and outward, away from the vine, and mature from red to pale yellow, creating a gradient from the top to the base of the raceme. Blooms freely from mid to late summer until frost. The flowers are highly attractive to hummingbirds, butterflies, and other pollinators. A show-stopper on a tripod.  Sun.  1, 2B, 3 & T3
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Monarda punctata - Started seeds 5/3/2024
Category: Seminum | Sub-Category: Annuals for Sun
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Monarda punctata
Family: (Lamiaceae)
(A) to 3′.  Horse Mint.  Native to the Great Plains of the United States.  Dense whorls of pale yellow, hooded flowers spotted with purple-brown.  Each whorl is surrounded by large, pink-tipped, green bracts.  The narrow, toothed leaves have a grey cast.  A very showy plant.  Sun.  4 & T1
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Salvia farinacea
Category: Seminum | Sub-Category: Annuals for Sun
Scientific Name (Genus/Species): Salvia farinacea
Family: (Lamiaceae)
(A) to 3′. Mealy Sage. Native to Texas and Mexico. Tubular, two-lipped, violet-blue flowers are densely congested in whorls along erect stems creating a 4″-8″ spike above the numerous grey-green, lance-shaped leaves. The common name is in reference to the mealy-white (sometimes purple) appearance of the sepals, which are covered with felted hairs. A long-bloomer. Sun/partial shade. 4 & T2
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mbari-blog · 2 years
In our latest installment of things that MBARI scientists get excited about we give you—a bioluminescent arrow worm.
Arrow worms, also known as chaetognaths, are relatively small marine worms, with some species only reaching two millimeters (or nearly a quarter of a centimeter) to 120 millimeters (about four inches).
Until 1994, we had no idea that these worms were able to produce their own light (aka bioluminescence). Enter Caecosagitta macrocephala, the first known species of bioluminescent arrow worm. During a research expedition, scientists observed these arrow worms producing bioluminescent clouds from the viewing window of their robotic submersible. This deep-sea worm, usually found at depths over 700 meters (2,300 feet), is only one of the two known species of bioluminescent chaetognath.
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knizhnycmok · 2 years
дарэчы фанфакт імя Бай Джу на кітайскай - гэта вось такая вось расліна або яе карэнне, на латыні Atractylodes macrocephala
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расце высока, 600-2800 метраў над морам, у некаторых правінцыях Кітая. Выкарыстоўваецца ў ТКМ пры праблемах са страўнікам і кішэчнікам.
Доктар Ян Іфань адзначае, што
- сырое карэнне лечыць зніжэнне апетыту, нястраўнасць, стомленасць і бледны колер твару
- сухое карэнне асабліва эфектыўна пры ўздуцці жывата, вадкім крэсле і дыярэі, а таксама пры перапаўненні страўніка і адрыжцы
і танізіруе ці, вядома!
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У гульне малютка Доўдоў жаліцца маці, што лекі доктара Бай Джу заўсёды горкія: сухое карэнне бай джу таксама мае горка-салодкі смак
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baiyu-universe · 2 years
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A lot of people pronounced wrong the names of the two main characters from Thank You Doctor.
bái zhú: Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz., bái zhú 白术 is a species of Atractylodes that grows in central China. The roots are consumed as a Chinese herbal medicine.
xiāo yàn: yàn 砚 inkstone. xiao yan sounds similar to 消炎 anti-inflammation.
xiāo yàn & bái zhú ➡️ xiao zhuzi (little bamboo). So fans are called "little bamboos".
The drama is based on the novel ICU 48 Hours by Sheng Li. The author was a medical student. She based her character names on medicine.
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Großköpfige Flockenblume
Centaurea macrocephala
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tlaquetzqui · 2 months
Point of order, Hemiauchenia macrocephala is not a “bighead llama”, it’s a bighead guanaco or vicuña. Llamas (and alpacas) are the domestic versions, and they only came into existence a few thousand years ago.
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odivanvelasco · 4 months
Botão de Ouro Flor do Cerrado
Botão de Ouro Flor do Cerrado ou Jupiede, ou ainda, Xyris-leque é a planta que apresento hoje. Vem comigo que eu mostro o Cerrado para você. Botão de Ouro Flor do Cerrado Dados Botânicos Há uma boa variedade do gênero Xyris. Em minha pesquisa online encontrei 10 espécies. São eles: Xyris asperula Mart., X. brevifolia Michx., X ciliata Thunb., X. jupicai Rich., X. macrocephala Vahl, X.…
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qqdahao · 8 months
Common proprietary Chinese medicines for cancer
Proprietary Chinese medicine plays an important auxiliary role in the treatment of cancer. Yangzheng Xiaoji Capsules is a common anti-cancer proprietary Chinese medicine:
Yangzheng Xiaoji Capsules is a kind of Chinese patent medicine, which has the effects of strengthening the spleen and kidney, resolving blood stasis and detoxification. Its main indications include the adjuvant treatment of primary liver cancer, especially when combined with intrahepatic artery interventional perfusion plus embolization chemotherapy, it can help to improve the efficacy of interventional chemotherapy, reduce the toxic effects on white blood cells, liver function, hemoglobin, and improve the quality of survival of patients. In addition, Yangzheng Xiaoji capsule can also improve the symptoms of epigastric and abdominal distension and pain, nausea and less food, fatigue and other symptoms.
Yangzheng Xiaoji ingredients include Astragalus, Radix Panax Ginseng, Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae, Poria, and Fructus Chicken Nei Jin, etc. All of these ingredients have the effects of benefiting qi and strengthening the spleen, eliminating accumulation, and regulating the spleen. Among them, Astragalus has the effects of tonifying qi and elevating yang, fixing the surface and stopping sweating, inducing diuresis and eliminating swelling, which can be used for treating symptoms such as deficiency of qi and fatigue, loose stools with little food, and sinking of qi in the middle of the body; ginseng has the effects of replenishing vital energy, tonifying the spleen and benefiting the lungs, generating body fluids, and tranquilizing the spirit and benefiting the mind, which is commonly used in the treatment of symptoms such as deficiency of qi and wanting to lose qi, weak pulse and wanting to stop the pulse, and insufficient qi of the spleen, etc. Jin Neijin has the effects of tonifying the stomach and eliminating food and eating, astringing essence, stopping spermatosis, and clearing lymphatic drainage to remove stones, which is commonly used in the treatment of dietary stagnation, It is often used to treat symptoms such as dietary stagnation and pediatric chancre.
In addition, compound Mylabris capsule, Kanglixin capsule, Xiaoaiping capsule, toad preparation, zedoary turmeric preparation, aconite injection, Angong Niuhuang pill, plum blossom tongue Dan, ginseng preparation, Sanjieling, lily Gujin pill and lotus leaf pill are also commonly used anti-cancer proprietary Chinese medicines.
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