#madatac 05
joasnebe · 4 years
“Still Shining” curated by Mia Savant on pondersavant.comCreated during this lockdown, Joas Nebe presents a short creative video for our viewing pleasure! Go see the abstract perspective and use it to look at the world in new and exciting ways!https://pondersavant.com/2020/05/21/the-room-project-magic-box-video-by-joas-nebe/INTRO:THE ROOM PROJECT: MAGIC BOX(4k, color, single channel video, 2020, 1m55s)Blooming cherry trees bewitch us for a few days when they are in full blossom. But the magic they create is fragil. Just a light breeze makes blossoms fall and takes the magic with them back on the ground.http://www.jsnebe.de/film14.htmlArtist:Joas Nebe, who holds degrees in psychology and literature, is a self taught artist, born in Hamburg but now located in South Germany. After a few years in Berlin he decided three years ago to move south close to the French and Swiss border. Important exhibits include the artist´s “Climate Change Cartoons“ on display on exhibition “Letters from the Sky” which accompanied the Durban UN conference on Climate Change 2011 in South Africa and “Machine Fair”- a film about the mechanical site of a metropolis- shown at Museum of Modern Art, Moscow as part of “Now&After” screening in 2012. Other film works has been shown at 25th Festival Les Instants Video (Biblioteca Alexandrina, Cairo), Videoformes Festival 2014 and 2015, Sustain Our Africa, Madatac 3, 4, 5, 6 Competitive Official International Selection (Madrid), Papy Gyros Nights 2016 Hong Kong/ ART_TECTURE, just to name a few.Solo shows are “Intrude Art and Life” at the Museum of Modern Art, Shanghai in 2008, where Santiago Capriccio, a short epilogue to the Philosophical Cartoon cycle was chosen to be one out of 100 non-Chinese artists to be displayed on public video screens in Shanghai for one day, 2016 “Encyclopedic”, a one night solo show at The Greenhouse, Berlin, 2016, “You Did A Bad Thing For A Good Reason”, solo show at Berlin´s Cormac Weiss Gallery, curated by Marinus Jo Dimitrov, IFEA (International Curatorial Award 2016) supported by Christopher Grape Fund; 2017 “On Nature” at 16:9 Gallery, UTCL, USA curated by Manzi Yang.2017 Joas Nebe received a M 5 ARTS stipend for his video work “The Dictionary serial” (USA). 2017 he has been awarded with the Residency by Correspondence from The Arts Territory Exchange Program, 2018 with the Social Media Residency by Peripheral Forms and the Online Residency by Coldbench (all UK).
Joas Nebe ́s curatorial works have been shown in different European countries. He developed three projects to which international video artists contributed. “The Encyclopedic Cartoons Video Project” had it ́s premiere in Berlin and has been shown since in many European countries. His second curatorial work “the Proverb Picture Project” again with participating artist from different continents and countries had it´ s premiere on VisualContainer TV in 2014. 2017 Joas Nebe developed a project about democracy, scrabble and wordlists, called “The Democracy Scrabble Project”, had it´s premiere again on VisualContainer TV and (.BOX) Video Project Room, Milan in 2018.Follow This Artist:http://www.jsnebe.de/https://joasnebe.wordpress.compondersavant | May 21, 2020 at 4:00 pm | Tags: art, joasnebe, lockdownart, stillshining, https://pondersavant.com/2020/05/21/the-room-project-magic-box-video-by-joas-nebe/
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exartist · 11 years
La tarde en 24 horas - Cultura en 24 h. - 19/12/13
19 dic 2013
En Cultura en 24 horas el videoarte y el documental son los protagonistas. Brian Eno ha inaugurado la quinta edición del festival MADATAC, y entrevistamos a su director iuri Lech, y una de las videoartistas participantes Elena Gaztelumendi. También hablamos con la directora Isabel Ocampo que nos presenta su documental "Piratas y libélulas".
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