#made him up in their head and wrote one (1) drabble with him and connor
sunwarmed-ash · 16 days
I'm rewatching Bee and Puppycat LIS for the 1298743298th time
so im obligated to reshare this drabble I wrote for @strangebrainrot
Detroit Cat Cafe
"Ugh! Mr. Sweaty Napkins no!!!" Gavin shouted, louder than he probably should have at the senior tabby cat, who on the best of days tolerates humans. But he had knocked over a glass of water for the 7th time now and this time it landed all over his phone.
In the cat's defense, he really wasn't supposed to be on his phone. He's supposed to be working. But the customers who come into the Cat Cafe (which is attached to the Detroit Cat Rescue) on Thursdays are always dicks. It's always the same 4 assholes who come in, loiter in their restaurant, spend no more than the cost of drip coffee, and worst of all, mistreat the cats.
Howell won't even kick them out. Their cafe\adoption shelter was barely scraping by as is. Any money coming in, even from bad customers, was worth it.
However, Gavin wasn't standing for it today. He shook the water off his phone and finally looked through the kitchen window to see what Mr. Sweaty Napkins must have been trying to get his attention about.
Charles, M.S.N's longtime boyfriend and best friend, is up on one of the red and teal booths, his hackles raised all the way up. He's hissing and swatting at Resident Jackass Number 4 who is currently shoving a fork in the animal's face for fun.
"Hear ya loud and clear buddy," Gavin says to the orange tabby before demanding it to stay put, knowing he would do whatever he damn well pleased before heading into the small dining room to address the situation. "Hey, asshole! What the hell do you think you're doing?"
Gavin's sudden and angry presence startles the man and subdues the cat, who jumps immediately onto Gavin's shoulder when he gets close enough.
"What, we're just playing," the man scoffs, confidence back now that they had an 'audience' to entertain.
"Bullshit. I mean, are you stupid? He was phcking hissing. He's telling you he's not cool with that shit. So knock it off."
The man's smirk only grew when their spectacles humored the other dickwads that seemed to show up too often for comfort.
"Oh I'm sorry, I don't speak pussy."
The lewd comment doesn't bother Gavin, but it does bother the other smattering of customers. Specifically, the handful with kids and Gavin growled and doubled down.
He yanked the scrawny man up by his jean jacket, reveling in the man's sudden choked surprise.
"Time to go asshole," he mutters quietly, pushing the squirming man up, out the front door, and out of their lives.
Howell, his junior, blue-haired twink of a boss was furious, of course, because the man, a 'Jeremy Turnpike' left a one-star review of their cafe a half an hour later and Gavin got his ass chewed for it.
Gavin didn't care. Even if Howell didn't have his back, he knew he made the right choice. He did the job he was hired for. He protected Charles, and all the other cats from cruel assholes.
"Well?!?" Howell demands suddenly and Gavin grimaces because he definitely checked out the second his boss started bitching him out.
"Well, what?" He asks anyway, getting another pretentious scoff from the younger man. 
"I can't believe you Gavin. I just can't believe you!"
Me? I can't believe you don't have my back! Gavin shook his head and made up his mind.
"You don't gotta believe me anymore. I quit and I'm adopting Charles and Mr. Sweaty Napkins when I leave."
[So, how is Sumo with multiple cats… 1:23 PM]
His phone was still struggling to load certain apps and would need a rice bath when he got home but he was at least able to text Hank and Connor, forewarning them of the two new roommates coming home with him.
Hank texted back a,
[How many we talking?]
Knowing Gavin all too well and Connor called requesting video proof.
The camera only loaded partially, gaining confused remarks from the other side.
"Sorry if you can't see much. This guy, decided to knock a glass of water onto my phone. But it was to save his partner. So I guess I can't be too mad."
The cats were currently sitting in the zipped-up fur of his winter jacket, looking at the inside of his car while the old engine roared to life.
"They sure are cute Gav," Hank says, a softness in his voice he only gets when he's talking about animals or babies.
"How soon until you're home Gavin?" Connor asks, a child-like eagerness in his voice that accompanies the addition of animals. The first time Gavin brought a kitten home Connor and the thing were practically inseparable.
"You'd know that better than me wouldn't you, computer boy," Gavin teased gently, no longer holding any malice for the android.
Whatever Connor was gonna say next was halted by an inhuman static squeaking noise that confused both the humans and the cats. When they realized it was Connor's verbal reaction to the cats falling asleep in Gavin's jacket, they all laughed collectively.
"I'll be home soon as I can. I think you're gonna get along with these guys Con. They are a couple of old grumpy gays like Hank and I."
"Hey!" Hank rebuffed, causing another wave of laughter to fill his car, adding a bit of silver lining to his storm cloud of a day. 
I feel like I need to draw this. Feel free to draw it too!
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