#made rafi lose their mind by informing them how close virginia and dc are
crimeronan · 4 years
ive driven up and down the east coast many times and every time i cross from DC to virginia it fucks with me because i swear to god you can stop for lunch at the edge of DC and be surrounded by vaguely undefined northern accents but then you take a piss twenty miles into virginia and suddenly everyone in the world has a casual southern drawl. like the regional north-south split is right there (DC is considered “north,” virginia is “south”) but even so, the IMMEDIATE VASTNESS in the accent difference Always gets me. i think part of why i dont know how to react is because i have heavy traces of a boston accent despite living a state away 60 to 70 minutes outside boston so im like. hello whats happening. please dont take this post as a definitive cultural factoid sheet about how geographical accents work in DC and virginia because i am probably incorrect about the noticeability of the divide. it just Feels different
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