theron-darksunder · 5 years
A plain letter arrived, its writing curt, all business, lacking the formalities of high courts and flowery speech: "Darksunder, I hope you're well, and that there's been progress with our little 'puzzle', if I can help in anyway, use the return address, I check it once every three days. -N" Said address was to a commonly used box located in the Row of all places.
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Days had passed. Weeks had come and gone.  Was it up to months now? The passage of time was minute to him, seen only when he looked upon others.  The encounter with the Nethermancer of Silvermoon seemed but a heart-beat ago yet the letter had arrived so long ago.  Had it truly been that long? It was with a strange fondness he recalled the encounter, curiosity piqued entirely by the flamboyant if not bold approach Nixalegos had.  Despite his innate need to dislike most people, Theron found himself being lured by the beguiling warlock.  Perhaps he was getting soft in his old age, letting Nixalegos entice him only because he had shown a delightful charm and careful regard to a person of Theron’s caliber.  Or maybe he was just old fashioned and a sour old codger ready to berate the ineptitude of the younger generation.
Instead, he had fondled the vial Lord Felscythe had given him several times, thinking not upon the task that had been set before him but the complexity and intent of the creature, Nixalegos Felscythe.  He sought to catch a glimpse of the Nethermancer through the eyes of his ravenwatch or perhaps a careless whisper caught by the spirits.  Alas, there was more chatter on other matters than what he needed to sate his curiosity.  Lord Felscythe had done his due diligence somehow as not many wooed Theron with careful praise on the blood magic he oft shrouded in secrecy and shared with very few.
It had only worked too well.
Distractions aside, Theron puzzled over the vial, finally paying it due mind when the frustration of keeping tabs on the Nethermancer was rendered moot and his specimens had been gathered.  It was true, the charismatic lord found his way to a mailbox every third day, checking it religiously as he had stated.  In hopes Theron would deliver something? Eager to find the words of his ally in this endeavor?
“They are ready, Master.” The raspy voice of a raven horror was accompanied with the soft clicks of its beak, trying hard to wrap its throat and beak around the common language despite the fact Theron could understand ravenspeak.  Silently, Theron followed his minion through the snaking halls of his Sanctum, idly playing with the vial in his hands as he came upon the scene he had tasked his minions to prepare.
His obsession with Nixalegos had made him tarry long enough.  Realizing that he had wasted time trying to decipher an elf that might prove just as much as an enigma as The Sanguine Sorceress, Theron delved into the project at hand.  Instead of questioning the motives, he dove into what he could learn from Nixalegos’ little project itself.  After all, he held in his hand the ability to either thwart or aid the Nethermancer.  
But one could lure more flies with honey than vinegar.
Theron followed his raven minion into one of three larger spaces in his underground sanctum. Four figures were blindfolded, bound, gagged and hung upside down from meat hooks against the far wall.  Two raven horrors stood in each corner as sentinels, silent and attentive.  “A Ren’dorei warrior and shadow priest.  A Lightforged paladin and a Kal’dorei priestess.  Very well.  Take notes and let us begin.”
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“The goal is Ren’dorei blood that will remain mobile yet be tame enough to be used as ink.  The second goal is to keep the very same blood in a pseudo fluid state so that it is able to run. It is too unruly in its natural state to be forced into the wiles of the writer and faces the issue, as most blood is wont, to dry.  It is unknown what the end result will be used for but I can only surmise Lord Felscythe has much in store for such a … sanguine tool. Perhaps a way to hide secrets within false documents? To present a message that reads one way to one and different to another?” The slight scratching of a quill against parchment could be heard as Theron worked, drawing blood from all four of his subjects. 
“My attention was drawn to the issue by Lord Felscythe himself, showing interest in my expertise in the subject matter of blood magic.  How and when and from whom he discovered I practiced such is unknown.  Another enigmatic persona as the Sorceress though far more pleasant, so far.”
“Subject 1 was chosen for his inability to display any particularly large feat of magical use. He is of typical appearance of a Ren’dorei with darkening of the skin, blue eyes and emerging appendages from the crown of the head.  Subject appears to be in great physical condition, breathing and struggling. Blood was drawn from the arm without any significant incident.  Subject’s blood is to be used as the control and be labeled as Sample A and B.”
“Subject 2 is a Ren’dorei with a class of shadow priest.  Typical of appearance.  Darker in appearance than subject 1 with multiple tentacle growths.  Capture revealed that he is able to wield four more tentacles in combat.  Subject 2 has been subdued not only with binds but with a special collar of my own design to nullify magical ability.  The subject appears in good physical condition, breathing but a bit lethargic. No other extraordinary observations found.  Subject 2’s blood is to be Sample C and D, a more concentrated form of void magic.”
“Subject 3 is a Lightforged draenei.  Typical of appearance.  Twin horns with Lightforged tattoos etched into the skin.  Capture revealed an innate ability to channel the Light both as offensive and defensive.  Subject 3 has been fitted with a collar similar to Subject 2’s for restraint and nullification.  Subject is in great physical condition and has broken her bindings twice, displaying exceptional strength.  No other extraordinary observations are reported.  It is worthy to note that the idea of a holy priest of the Lightforged draenei might have been a better subject but an argument can be made against such usage. Priests can be tainted with shadow magic.  It is my understanding that paladins are graced by the Light, favored if one will believe the farce of the Naaru, and thus dependent on the Light alone.  To date, I have not seen a shadow paladin but have encountered many a shadow priest.  It stands to be understood that while priests may wield the Light just as paladins do, priests are able and therefore more prone to be tainted by the shadows and the Void itself.  There are indeed more creatures of the Void than we are led to believe, perhaps an endeavor for another time.  Subject 3’s blood is to be used in Experiment 1 and added to both Sample A and C.”
“Subject 4 is a Kaldorei priestess.  Subject presents to be typical in appearance.  No extraordinary deformities with pale violet skin and silver eyes.  It is important to note that she appears to be older of age and female given the history of night elves and their recent lift of sex restrictions for some classes. She has been fitted with a nullification collar as well.  Capture revealed holy magic as both offensive and defensive similar to the paladin.  She was very adept with a glaive and various weapons, dispatching two of my raven minions in the scuffle.  I resort to a small explanation as to why the exception has been made for this particular priestess in the usage of this experiment.  Subject 4 was extensively followed, researched, and witnessed to only be using the power of her Goddess. While there are instances of Kaldorei shadow priests, they are far less numerous than priests in other races.  It is therefore reasonable to believe that this priestess is untainted by the call and whisper of the Void.  Well, as virginal to the Void as can be found and versed in Elune graced holy magic as can be achieved without delving into more taboo subjects. Subject 4’s blood is to be used in Experiment 2 and added to Sample B and D.”
“There was a definitive exclusion of druids given that there are no Ren’dorei druids.  Nature magic tends to have a very inert and neutral reaction to Void and Light magic combined.  Let me further explain the fact that while some can wield both Shadow and Light magic, it is very difficult and often described as painful. Holy healing magic has been experienced as excruciating, yet reparative if the patient can stand it, to those whose disciplines lay in Void and darker magic.  Nature magic, on the other hand, has been found to be able to heal both those who wield the Light or the Void without extensive and recursive side effects. Perhaps an avenue to delve into if this experiment wields no favorable results.”
“Tauren paladins and priests were also excluded given their heavy involvement with nature magic. Their worship of An’she could be compared to the Kaldorei’s Elune and thus similar to Subject 4.  The paladin is easily discounted given their most recent manifestation of the discipline.  The priest was discounted given the possibility of the shadow taint. Their involvement for the purposes of this experiment is therefore rendered moot.”
“Forsaken were never remotely considered given that blood, a life source, is the subject matter. While some necromantic energy may be able to make blood flow it is still undead blood.  The logistics of such are ... astounding as to how certain Forsaken wield Holy magic.  It would add an element that may be unfavorable but worth looking into if curiosity allows.”  
“Shal’dorei could be deemed a logical addition to this experiment but their heavy involvement with the arcane and possible involvement with demonic forces of the Legion would add factors that could produce tainted results.  Nonetheless, it is a path that will be explored at a later time.”
“The four subjects for this experiment were carefully chosen but the possibility of other elements adding or detracting from the experiment itself cannot be discounted.  Such a large endeavor could be taken on with larger samples but would require a lengthier amount of time given the size that the experiment would evolve into.  Certainly a project to be taken under my wing … for personal reasons.”
“Nevertheless, the results of this experiment will be revealed to Lord Felscythe in his venture to use Ren’dorei blood as a magical ink.  The process itself, may need a bit more convincing to be divulged but given the direction and request of Lord Felscythe, the end results should be tamed Ren’dorei blood.  As it stands now, the very mutations that manifest themselves within the host appear to be part of the blood.  It is curious that not all Ren’dorei have extra appendages though it may be true that they may manifest in battle instead of being openly seen on their person.”
“Felscythe described the blood as an ‘unruly beast’ but blood manipulation is easily achieved by a Sangromancer.  The ability is the first for any tender blood mage to master though difficult to perfect. The purpose, therefore being, to render the blood into a permanent stage of obedience for any to use.”
“On the matter of keeping it … mobile and liquid, my adept skills have kept blood in a liquid state until I no longer needed it.  It would appear that a simple spell should keep it from clotting along with a few choice ingredients from Nazmir.  One man’s loss is another’s gain.  Forbidden to go to Nazmir.” Theron laughed, thoroughly amused at the restriction that had been placed upon him once.  Hearing the scratching of the quill on parchment, Theron stormed to his raven minion’s side and read over his feathery shoulder.  “No.  Strike the last from the record.  No one forbids me.”
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In the very mailbox that Lord Felscythe checked every three days, there would arrive a package. After the non-descript brown wrapping had been peeled back, a letter was enclosed.  A bluish-violet ink held the name Lord Felscythe on the outside of the envelope.  The letter inside was written in the same, un-dried ink and read as follows:
Lord Felscythe,
As agreed, Lord Felscythe. These are but samples of what I have achieved.  If they are to your liking, we can speak on the logistics in person.
Enclosure: One oak box
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It was not signed but the seal of a raven in flight was carved into the top of the box.  The product needed no explanation.  Within the box, tucked amongst black velvet and silk as if they were two delicate pieces of jewelry, Nixalegos would find two clear ink wells.  They both held a thicker liquid of purplish-blue. One was a lighter color of violet than the vial that had been handed to Theron ages ago and held a small label with an A on it.   The other, labeled with a simple B, held the same color of violet that had been in the gift that Nixalegos had given to Theron except it held a silvery glint.  It almost appeared like stars were winking back at Felscythe.  
Upon looking at the letter once more, the words and letters on the letter itself seemed to pull themselves apart and wriggle their way over the parchment to create yet another message in Theron’s fancy writing:
For Lord Felscythe’s eyes only –
Only under the eyes of the Moon will the words dance again.
Indeed, once night fell, words whispered across the parchment again given that the moon was present even by a sliver.  As if absorbing the very rays of the moon, the words disappeared off the parchment and reformed another message.  This time, the words were outlined in silver.
You have my full attention, Lord Felscythe.  There is much more from where this all came from.
The words remained for a moment before reforming back to the original cryptic message, glistening malevolently against the brown of the parchment.
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