#maea's reminder tag
Au to remember
Krogan gets turned into a dragon, and… people think said dragon ate Krogan. And it’s not until Viggo starts watching the so called man-eater that he realizes that a) the dragon responds to Krogan’s name, and b) it can talk. In Krogan’s voice. (It was unsettling the first time it happened, however that’s when the pieces really started to be pieced together by Viggo.
After discovering this information, however, Viggo now has to convince everyone else that yes, his boyfriend is now a fifty foot long, scaly, fire breathing, flying lizard.
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An idea of what I figure Krogan would look like.
Also Krogan has to struggle with dragon instincts too so uH he can’t help but shamelessly collect gold, shiny objects and other shiny things for a hoard lmao
Feel free to ask me more about this au-
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