#maeve and knox say as much because she’s their FRIEND and friends don’t hurt each other the way they hurt phoebe
izzielizzie · 10 months
rereading one of us is back has me angry about how disjointed the oouin trio is all over again. like you’re telling me that phoebe was found drugged and in a shed after an argument and maeve and knox had no reaction ??? phoebe is maeve’s best friend (and one of TWO friends she made on her own in remission). not to mention knox is in LOVE with phoebe. they know her better than anyone in the bayview crew and we got NATE’s pov of all people when the crew was searching for her?
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izzielizzie · 3 years
I know that we all rave/rant about the oou couples (as we should) but we don’t talk about the friendships enough so i’m going to do it for y’all (these are just some of my favorites, feel free to add on)
Nate and Maeve
If Nate and Maeve weren’t already iconic without ever interacting in oouil, they just took it to another level in oouin, and honestly it makes me want to cry how amazing they could have been if Nate and Bronwyn had stayed close from fifth grade on. 
Nate gives Maeve the love and support that she needs, without expecting anything back. He held her as she broke down at Cooper’s game because she is his little sister and he loves her. He didn’t want anything from her, and most importantly, he doesn’t expect anything from her either. Bronwyn and her parents expect her to follow in Bronwyn’s footsteps and it gives her so much anxiety, but Nate doesn’t do that. He loves her and guides her because she deserves it. No strings attached. 
And Maeve is just the person in his corner. She doesn’t want him to go to sporting events or socialize or make something of himself. She just adores him so much and he’s her brother and she knows what it’s like to be living in a constant shit storm and be expected to deal because that’s just the way it is. She never had a stationary object to look at when losing her balance, so of course she’s Nate’s port in the storm. 
They have so many conditions in their lives, so why wouldn’t their love for each other be unconditional?
Cooper and Addy
Ah yes they’re so chaotic but also they really get each other. I feel like Addy is the type of person who’s secretly always wanted an older brother because they just seem so fun to be around. And Cooper becomes that for her. 
But the chaos aside, they both understand what it’s like to be different from their family. They know it feels to be shunned for who they really are/their actions. And they might not be over it yet, but they’re getting there. And honestly? There is probably never a dull moment with those two, which they need. They need to laugh until they cry and run around Bayview buying as many iced coffees as they can and binge bad reality shows just so they can laugh some more. Because they’re hurt. And they will keep hurting. And it’s about time someone made them laugh so much that they forget about why they were hurting in the first place. 
That is why Coop and Addy are such wonderful friends. Because they know that sometimes you just need to happy for a little bit. 
Phoebe and Maeve
Phoebe and Maeve are really different people, which I think is why they’re such good friends. Maeve needs someone who will pull her out of her shell, but be gentle about it. Phoebe knows that Maeve isn’t very comfortable with herself yet, she she’s not going to drag her to parties or anything like that, but she will make Maeve talk to Luis or try something new. 
And Maeve knows about hurting, and being hurt. She’s such a good listener, and Phoebe needs that. She needs someone who will understand how badly it hurts to not be who she is expected to be, or wants to be. Honestly, these two are the ones I hope Karen expands on in the third book. 
Knox and Maeve
I know that they started dating which is why they’re friends now but they’re more siblings than friends. Maeve isn’t the type of person to talk about how much she loves someone, but Knox is, and it’s so easy to see how much Maeve means to him. 
They don’t bring anything drastic to each other’s lives. They’re pretty standard as far as high school friendships go, and the most believable. But that’s what makes them so special. How often do we see friendships like theirs in the media? They’re supportive yeah, but they have their arguments and in the end they come back to each other because that’s just the way they are. 
And they love each other so much it’s so sweet. 
Cooper and Luis
I mean what else is there even to say about these two? They’re supportive, and Luis’s acceptance of Cooper without question was amazing. They’re so funny together and the fact that they like, only talk about baseball is hilarious. 
Bronwyn and Addy
Bronwyn needs a girl like Addy in her life: someone to talk to about relationships and do her nails with and talk about fears at three in the morning while baking cookies. And Addy needs someone who will love her no matter what, and will calm her down if need be. Kind of like the less traumatized version of Maeve and Phoebe. 
Cooper and Phoebe
I’m still waiting for Cooper to talk to Phoebe about moving on from trauma and learning to love an accept herself. WHERE is their relationship Karen????
Addy and Nate
Ahhh they have so much trauma and I need more moments of them talking about how the stuff that happened to them was not their fault or a reflection of their worth. Also? They build each other up so well, and it’s so sweet. I missed them in oouin. 
Knox and Literally any of the other guys (but especially Nate)
Knox, Cooper, and Nate would bond over their father issues (yikes the poor boys) and would be so supportive of each other. And Knox and Luis would bond over being expected to take over/run their father’s businesses, and you know Knox would go to Luis if he had any problems. I really want all four of the guys to have amazing, solid relationships in the third book (plus Kris!!!!)
Maeve and Addy
Addy is just Maeve’s second sister and this point and their Peru shenanigans are probably talk at during parties for years to come. 
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izzielizzie · 3 years
it's crazy that so many of the songs from Maisie Peter's last soundtrack fits a lot of the oou couples
yes!! a bunch of analyses below for natewyn, maeve/luis, cooper/kris, addy/keely, and phoebe and knox lol
Neck of the Woods:
Falling asleep in a hospital waiting room 'Stead of holding it over my head Baby, you held me instead
That's such a Maeve and Luis line. Maeve was so worried about her relationship with Luis, and after the bomb went off, all he did was hold her, be her safe place, so she could sleep.
I'm scared but I'm never alone And I'd swim to your call on my phone
Maeve hates beaches but Luis is so important to her that she's willing to overlook that (see: kayaking)
Cup of coffee spilling over, oh, cleaning all my cuts
When they cut class to get coffee, Phoebe definitely realized she had a crush on Knox
'Cause you deserve it and we're somewhat decent people Or at least trying to be
That's so Phoebe and Knox. Phoebe says she's trying to be a better person and Knox well... he already deserves the world.
I want you to know that the past is past That everything changed when I heard you laugh
This screams Maeve and Luis. She had a hard childhood and he’s just a goofball and she absolutely adores that he’s so laidback, and she’s learning to let go of her past to be with him. 
And I can't blame you for things you haven't done yеt Even if I'm scared you will
Maeve spent the entire book hearing about how Luis cheated on the girls he dated, and she is secretly scared that he will do the same to her, but she’s caught in the limbo because he hasn’t actually done anything. It’s terrifying for her, but she’s also learning to love him.
I'd pin all of my hopes to your handlebars
Every time I hear this I think about Luis trying to convince Maeve to ride on the handlebars of his bike (after they start dating it’s basically the only mode of transportation she has)
Happy Hunting Ground
Now interlaced, for worse or for better My bird of a feather
Cooper and Kris have had their lives intertwined now, and they’re so lucky that they love each other. 
So don't take it for granted I love you, don't take advantage
Maeve really, really loves Luis, and she’s so scared that everything will implode, and the vulnerability is very obvious in the lines
So careful where your boots tread Oh, protect the love that you get
This entire song is about loving someone so badly you’re scared they’ll hurt you, and Bronwyn is handing Nate her heart, and even though he’s broken it before, she’s letting him know that she’ll still be here.
And we got way too much to lose here, don't you think so? It's too good, yeah, just to let it slip on by without a pause And we've been stacking up the boxes trying to reach for what we wanted 
This is so Phoebe and Knox. They’ve got so many hard things in their lives and their friendship and subsequent relationship is something they’ve both unconsciously agreed is worth preserving and fighting for.   
I Want You to Change (Because You Want to Change)
I'm not a movie hero, just a guy you say you love Lyin', you say it's fine, you're lyin' But how am I supposed to know that? I can't read that stuff
It feels like sometimes Bronwyn has a lot of expectations for Nate, and it can be overwhelming for him.
Tryin' doesn't mean it's better Doesn't mean you're magically the pеrson that I want from you Tryin' doesn't make you perfеct
I don’t really have a reason for this, but I get Cooper and Kris vibes. Cooper is trying to learn how to live in a world where he can be with Kris, but Kris is already there. It probably causes some tension between them, but they also love each other and know that it will work out. 
The Party
I know I'm a piece of work But I wanna make it work with you
Again, Maeve and Luis. Maeve has never willingly given someone control of her heart - even Bronwyn had to force her way into Maeve’s heart. So she’s really trying to love Luis and let him love her.
I'll take your chaos and your crooked in a heartbeat Heart beats louder, I'm gonna make you proud of me
This is so Addy and Keely. Keely would probably be annoyed with how chaotic Addy is, but she lover her either way, and Addy just wants Keely to love her and be proud of her.
People ask how long have I loved you, no comment 'Cause probably since I was seven and you were eight We didn't know each other, but baby, it was fate
There’s something appealing about the age of seven, because that was the year Maeve was diagnosed with cancer. The idea that there was some eight year old boy - a boy who loved to cook and play with his baby brothers - waiting to grow up and fall in love with the broken girl at his lunch table is so damn romantic to me. 
Your friends think I'm bad news and a part of you believes them I understand, I know how lucky I am
Luis loves Maeve, and people don’t think they’ll work well together, but he loves her. And he understands how lucky he is to be able to love her.
You mouthed, "Babe, you look beautiful" From across the room, grin in your eyes And I tell the group, "Look that's my guy"
The fact that Cooper can tell people that Kris is his boyfriend probably makes him so happy and bubbly and all kinds of excited and it’s just so cute to imagine him just pointing out Kris to people like Addy and Bronwyn who pretend they’ve never seen him because Cooper looks so happy
Glowing Review
This year's a plot twist 'Cause I'm not the sort to be certain a lot
I love the idea that over a year Keely and Addy start falling in love with each other and they’re just really surprised.
You are better than you know yourself I found you off the highest shelf
Maeve very clearly has a very poor view of herself, so Luis takes it upon himself to build her up every moment he gets. Also, Bronwyn does the same for Nate.
Baby nothing much has changed, I guess your buzzcut, it grew But I'm still the girl with the blush, giving a glowing review
Phoebe made some offhand comment about how hot Knox would be if he grew his hair out, and I can imagine her in the future just staring at him, wondering how she got so lucky to end up with someone like him. 
Maybe it's perfect, maybe it's incredibly flawed It doesn't matter I'm happy honey, I'm locking the door
Bronwyn and Nate’s relationship is flawed and broken and scary, but they really are each other’s homes. They really love each other.
Blood moons, skylarks My baby's out the ball park
Ballpark? Baseball? Maeve/Luis and Cooper/Kris??
Life without ya, I never wanna find out You're scared, me too I won't leave you
Again, Bronwyn and Nate’s relationship is so scary but they love each other so much
Lunar Years
I know something that you don't know Scathing down the landline, I still kind of love you And I'm four steps forward in my plimsolls But I still wanna stab any girl that wants to touch you
This feels like Bronwyn after she broke up with Nate. Like, she’s not his but she still feels like she is.
And no one wants to kiss a bad sport So I keep my head high, wave at all your family
Nate had so much respect for the Rojas that he took care of Maeve, even though he wasn’t Bronwyn’s boyfriend. And also this screams Cooper and Kris because Kris is so polite to the Clay family even though they hate him. Mostly.
You got good, I got better But I still care about you, and I think I'll care forevеr
Nate and Bronwyn still love each other, no matter how many times they break up
I know something that you don't know These days all our friends think you're kind of an arsehole
Were there moments where people hated Luis because of the way he treated girls and was now, in their mind, moving on to Maeve? Yes. 
And I'm glad we got to do All those perfect, ugly, almost priceless Lost and lovely lunar years together
This is kind of for all five couples. They had their struggles and things were impossible sometimes, but they got to do everything together. 
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izzielizzie · 3 years
Could you write a sad Maeve / Luis one-shot where they break up and Drivers License is from Maeve’s POV?? We can just pretend that she didn’t have her license in the books haha
yesss i freaking love this song so much thanks for the ask! This takes place when Maeve’s a senior in high school and Luis is a sophomore in college. 
I got my driver's license last week Just like we always talked about
“What’s the first thing you want to do now you can drive wherever you want to?” Bronwyn asked Maeve as she jumped on her bed. 
“Drive into hell and stay there.”
Bronwyn sighed and closed her eyes. Maeve had been pushing past her sister’s patience threshold for the last week.
“I’m being serious Maeve.”
“As am I.”
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry. But I can’t stand thinking about my dumb license. We used to talk about me getting it for so long.”
“Maeve Luis is not the end of your world.”
“Then why does it feel like he is?”
'Cause you were so excited for me To finally drive up to your house
Maeve felt her heart break as she drove past his familiar house, the one with the flowers crammed into window boxes. She wanted to pull into the driveway, ring the doorbell that always stuck and make small talk with his mom before falling into him like she always did. 
But today I drove through the suburbs Crying 'cause you weren't around
But she couldn’t. She felt the tears pool in her eyes as she kept driving farther and farther away from her town and everything she had always known.
And you're probably with that blonde girl Who always made me doubt
Maeve didn’t like to think about who Luis was with. If she had to guess, it was Monica from his culinary class, with her bright blue eyes and blonde highlights.
She's so much older than me She's everything I'm insecure about
What was there to not like about Monica? She had beautiful long hair unlike Maeve’s cropped bob, and she had the kind of curves a person with cancer for ten years could only dream about. Maeve used to feel like a child whenever she stood next to Monica.
Yeah, today I drove through the suburbs 'Cause how could I ever love someone else?
“They’ll be other boys,” Maeve’s mother had assured her when she had burst through the front door sobbing like there was no tomorrow.
“No there wont,” Maeve had wailed into her pillow.
“There will be sweetie, trust me.”
Maeve didn’t answer, but as her mother stroked her hair, she couldn’t help but feel her mother was wrong. Who else in the world was like Luis Santos?
And I know we weren't perfect but I've never felt this way for no one
Maeve could remember the way they slammed doors and yelled at each other when their tempers got the best of them. Addy reminded her of those days when Maeve started to feel sad, but Maeve didn’t listen. Because no matter how much they argued and yelled and screamed, they always made it up to each other by the end of the day. 
And I just can't imagine how you could be so okay now that I'm gone
“I wonder if his girlfriend remembered that he’s allergic to shrimp.”
“I’m sure she did honey, now please eat your dinner.”
“I will Dad, but what if he eats shrimp and dies?”
“Doubtful Mija.”
“But it could happen.”
“Maeve eat your food or I’ll stab you with a fork.”
“Don’t be violent Bronwyn. But your sister is right honey, eat your food.”
“What if he gets stabbed by a fork?”
“Maeve stop talking.”
Guess you didn't mean what you wrote in that song about me
Maeve still had the song he wrote on the back of a napkin at Glenn’s diner. She could remember that day like it was yesterday. She had been gushing over how cute a new song was, and he had flashed her his easy smile.
“So what? It’s easy to write about people you love. I could do it in five minutes.”
“Oh yeah?” Maeve was laughing at his serious expression.
“Yeah.” Luis grinned at her. “Hand me that napkin.”
“Yes, sir.”
He held the pen over the paper. “Time me. In five minutes I will have written a masterpiece about the masterpiece in front of me.”
'Cause you said forever now I drive alone past your street
Maeve hummed the tune to the forgotten song as she drove past his house.
And all my friends are tired Of hearing how much I miss you but I kinda feel sorry for them
“Maeve I don’t care that Luis had a baseball card collection,” Phoebe whined. 
“And if I have to hear about the time he hit a homerun and won the game one more time I’m going to throw you out of my car,” Knox agreed.
“He wasn’t even that great. He was kind of stuck up.”
'Cause they'll never know you the way that I do
Maeve just pursed her lips and looked out the window. She didn’t bother to tell them about how he coached the little-league baseball team every week, or about how he volunteered at the animal shelter every Saturday and taught Sunday school the next day. Just because he didn’t tell everyone didn’t mean he wasn’t a great person. 
Yeah, today I drove through the suburbs And pictured I was driving home to you
As they drove past Luis’s house, Maeve closed her eyes and imagined herself leaning forward, tapping Knox on the shoulder, and asking him to “please drop me off here I need to tell my boyfriend something.” The fact that Maeve couldn’t do that make her want to curl in to a ball and cry. 
And I know we weren't perfect but I've never felt this way for no one
“Luis who are you staring at?”
“No one babe.”
“Are you sure?”
“Of course. The only person I could stare at is you.”
It was now that Maeve realized that he was watching Monica. It broke her heart to think about, but she could also feel the way she warmed up from inside out when when he turned those chocolatey brown eyes on her. 
Oh, and I just can't imagine how you could be so okay now that I'm gone
“Do you think she’s making sure he takes a break from cooking?”
“Maeve, frankly, I don’t care and neither should you.”
“But Nate-”
“But nothing Maeve.”
I guess you didn't mean what you wrote in that song about me
Maeve could still think of those song lyrics, the only ones that were coherent in a jumble of words:
I love my Maeve
She’s so fine
With her eyes that shine
'Cause you said forever now I drive alone past your street
As Maeve drove past his house to get to the mall, she saw Monica’s car in his driveway. Did he think her eyes shone too?
Red lights Stop signs
Maeve stared ahead at the red light as she remembered the first time Luis drove in the car with her when she only had a learner’s permit and he took it upon himself to teach her:
“God Maevey, make sure you don’t stop a foot into the crosswalk” he had said.
“Don’t be.”
I still see your face In the white cars
He leaned towards her and kissed her long and hard as the guy in the white car behind them honked his horn incessantly. 
Front yards Can't drive past the places We used to Go to
Maeve drove past a front yard and remembered the time she nearly drove straight into her mother’s hydrangea bush. “Try not to decapitate the flowers,” Luis had said gravely.
“I’ll try,” Maeve had laughed as she put the car in the reverse.
Maeve could still feel the giddiness the felt that day when they drove past the flower shop and Luis suggested they should get more hydrangeas just in case she decided to go on another killing spree. 
Now, as Maeve passed the store, she felt as if someone had ripped a hole in her chest. 
'Cause I still fucking love you, babe
“I love you Luis,” she whispered to the empty shop as she drove past. 
Sidewalks We crossed
Maeve could feel the weight of his hand in hers as she crossed the street to the mall. She missed how comfortable he made her feel.
I still hear your voice In the traffic
As the cars drove past, he could hear him saying to her “these cars had better be careful once you get your license Maevey. We should get you some sirens so when you start driving people will know to get out of your way, just in case.” 
We're laughing Over all the noise
Maeve smiled to herself a little as she remembered how Luis had to wrap an arm around her middle to keep her up as she laughed at his admittedly not-that-funny joke. There was something about being with Luis that made everything ten times better. Even his god-awful jokes.
God, I'm so blue
Maeve sighed a deep sigh as she thought about how much she missed. 
Know we're through But I still fucking love you, babe
Maeve would give anything to be laughing with him. Her mother had once told her that love was fickle, and that you could be in love with one person one day and another person the next. Maybe that rule applied to Luis, but it didn’t to Maeve. She still missed him so much it hurt. 
I know we weren't perfect but I've never felt this way for no one
Maeve could still remember the day he had locked her out in the rain. They had argued about something petty and she stood on the steps trying to figure out how to get home when the door opened and Luis stood with so much remorse on his face it hilled her. 
“I’m so sorry Maevey, I was an ass.”
Maeve hugged him hard and he rocked her back and forth, apologizing over and over again. 
And I just can't imagine how you could be so okay now that I'm gone
Maeve wondered briefly if Monica was willing to go to cookware stores with him for hours upon hours as she walked past his favorite store as she left the mall. She hoped so. Luis deserved to be happy. 
Guess you didn't mean what you wrote in that song about me
Maeve passed an ad for a song-writing class as she passed a street sign pole. The words to the song he wrote came flying back to her:
I love my Maeve
She’s so fine
With eyes that shine
'Cause you said forever now I drive alone past your street
Maeve turned those lyrics over and over in her mind as she drove through his neighborhood.
Yeah, you said forever now I drive alone past your street
“Love you Luis,” she mumbled as she passed his house.
God for such a happy couple I write so many sad one shots about them :( (I have fun though keep requesting stuff). Enjoy!!!
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izzielizzie · 4 years
Can you do headcanons about Maeve and Luis dating?
They’re so affectionate
Like, normally, Maeve just gives people hugs with one arm or something, but she loves hugging Luis
They hold hands all the time
Like they could be having two different conversations and they’d be holding hands
Luis tries to instill a love of baseball in Maeve
Maeve is surprisingly insistent that she doesn’t like baseball
He then moves on to football
He soon realizes that football is not a sport Maeve likes
But for some reason she’s really good at soccer
Like really good
Maeve suggests books for Luis to read all the time
He actually reads every single one
They watch tv shows together all the time
Maeve loves snuggling up next to Luis whenever they’re together
This can be dangerous sometimes, because she will fall asleep and she will not move
Maeve steals his football jacket and his baseball hoodie and all of his flannels
Luis doesn’t mind, he kind of loves it
Maeve just looks so cozy and snugly and he doesn’t have the heart to ask for them back
But she gives them back eventually
The height difference
Luis is like, tall
Like, over six feet tall
Maeve is barely five feet
Luis can just, like, pick her up whenever he wants
Lots of piggy back rides
They miss each other so much when Maeve goes to Peru
They’ve just started dating and then they don’t see each other for two months and they both are kinda sad about that
Luis is so gentle and it’s crazy
Like he gets her blankets when she’s cold and gives her hugs when she’s not feeling well and lets her sleep on his lap and it’s so cute
Cooper, Nate, Knox, Addy, and Bronwyn are crazy protective of Maeve when they start dating
Cooper knew how many times Luis cheated on and ignored girls when they were in high school so whenever Luis talks to a girl that isn’t Maeve Cooper can be seen glaring at Luis
Nate had been to parties with Luis, and knew that Luis would get drunk and hook up with girls, and despite doing the same thing himself, Nate would give Luis a very serious talk about that
Knox, after both dating Maeve himself and being her best friend, knows how susceptible to self-doubt Maeve is, and under no circumstances will he let Maeve get hurt and he tells Luis this.
He’s kinda scary when he talks to Luis
And Addy spent two months living with Maeve, and knows how self conscious and vulnerable she is about her looks and her personality and her health and Addy just wants her friend to be happy, but she doesn’t tell this to Luis until he comes to her and asks Addy why Maeve is always so hesitant about their relationship
And oh boy Bronwyn
She watched her sister fight for her life for seven years
There is no way in hell that she’s going to let her sister get hut by anyone
She is very scary when she tells Luis this
Luis is now forever afraid of Bronwyn
Kris and Phoebe don’t say anything because they both know Maeve and Luis from a distance and know that they’re crazy about each other
The whole Santos family loves Maeve
Especially Manny
There is finally someone else who can’t cook in this family
The Rojas love Luis
He’s like a son
Maeve and Luis’s parents become, like, best friends
It’s crazy
Maeve hangs out at Contigo all the time
She isn’t allowed to cook, but she chills in the kitchen and does her homework while Luis cooks
She also gets free food, which she resisted for a while
She came around eventually though
Double dates with Bronwyn and Nate
They aren’t frequent but they’re fun
Okay, I have more but this is long enough. These two are my favorite couple from any book and I love writing about them, so ask away!
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