#mafia!blaize zabini
remusslove · 2 years
hello could ask for a poly!mafia!Slytherin x little reader in which the dads go to a meeting and leave the little one with the mommy!pansy and she ends up losing the little one and finds her with the golden trio
Awww I could just imagine all of them panicking but litte!reader just pops out of nowhere with the golden trio and a big smile on her face and giggling! 😭🥺 I hope you don’t mind I changed it to them still being in hogwarts and then in the mafia as well!😅
Lost~ the slytherins
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“Angel!? Come on out please baby!? I’ll give you a lot of candy!” Pansy said profusely looking around the common room for you.
She had lost you in a game of hide and seak about 5 minutes ago but her being the person she is, was already worried.
Little did she know you were tucked away in the gryffindor common room with your stuffed animal giggling with your hand over you mouth so she couldn’t hear you.
“Hey tiny, what are you doing here all alone?” Hermione asked worriedly looking around trying to find at least one of your caregivers. “Relax hermione. She’s obviously playing aren’t you?” The twins chimed in looking at your huddled figure tucked in the extra gryffindor broom closet.
You nodded giggling making hermione look at you with sympathy. “Have you told your mommy your here?” She asked you. You shook your head oblivious to her concern.
“Why would she tell her hermione that would obviously ruin the point of hide and seak” Ron replied matter of factly. She rolled her eyes before returning her gaze back to you.
“You wanna come with me and Harry? Your mommy is probably looking you for you” she suggested making you nod. You were getting a bit uncomfortable in the position you were in anyway.
“Hey hermione, hey tiny! Just got back from extra quidditch lessons!” Harry said panting giving you a hug. “Hi Harry!” You greeted him. “She said she was playing hide and seek with Pansy but she never told her she was going into the gryffindor common room.” Hermione explained to Harry making him furrow his eyesbrows.
“I don’t want Pansy to get worried or anything you know?” She finished making Harry nod in understanding. “We could take her to the slytherin common room and see if Pansy or one of the boys is there or not” Harry suggested making hermione nod.
“Make sure you cover our tracks. If they don’t know we’re killing their men we’ll have the upper hand.” Mattheo said sternly looking at the men in the meeting.
“We’ll see all of you guys on Tuesday. Your dismissed” Theodore finished as they all began apperating home. With a pop they were met with a empty dorm room beside Pansy frantically looking through everything.
“What wrong Pansy? Where’s tiny?” Blaise spoke first studying the girls behavior. “I lost her!” She exclaimed making their eyes widened.
“What the fuck do you mean you lost her?!?” Mattheo shouted. “I don’t know ok?!? We were playing hide and seek and now I can’t find her!” Pansy explained in a rush trying to explain herself.
“How do you lose her in just two hours all we did was go to a godamn meeting!?” Draco replied before running his hands through his hair in frustration.
“Daddies!” You shouted running towards mattheo. They all whipped there heads to the door being met with the golden trio with smirk on there faces. “Be careful with this one, she seams to escape a lot.” Ron chimed in before they all walked away.
Mattheo effortlessly hoisted you up to hsi waist before looking at you with a smirk. “Sneak little one aren’t cha?” He teased.
Not proofread so sorry if it’s sloppy :(
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