#mafia AU shit i've never even thought of that but i'm adoring it
ofmorninglory · 4 years
ladyofarrows4701 ha respondido a tu publicación “hey, y’all i’m having a hard time writing what i want to be writing,...”
Perhaps a mafia AU or Fluff, be creative
I love the idea of Mafia AU even though I have no idea how to start writing it, but I will start to brainstorm soon to get something!!
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becca-e-barnes · 3 years
Hey gorgeous! Hope you're doing good <3
So I love me some mafia!Bucky and I guess I've even requested you to write about him and you said that someday you will. So umm I had this idea about the persona of the reader and I thought you might find it interesting (and I think if you write about it you'll def put it to justice). Anyways so I've read a number of mafia!Bucky fics and in most of them, the reader is either this total sweetie or she's kinda like a sugarbaby? (I really can't find the words to describe it). My point is that I've never read a mafia!Bucky AU where the reader is this badass, powerful, confident female with this strong persona and the 'I don't need no man' vibes and idk I find it so cool and sexy like it makes me go 🤤 (if you or someone else has read a fic similar to what I'm describing, do tell me bestie)
Like come on imagine she's this rich and powerful lady who's independent af and she's used to getting what she wants and she doesn't need anyone, she gets shit done (basically she's a boss ass bitch). When mob!Bucky comes across her, he's intrigued coz she's the first girl who doesn't throw herself at him, and he isn't used to that as girls are always fawning over him bcz of maybe his popularity and status or his wealth (and his very handsome appearance ofc). My point is that she's equally as powerful as him (if not more) and bro how cool would it be if you ever decide to write something like that coz in all of your fics that I've read, the girl has this badass vibe (and I love that so much), so I really think you'd absolutely kill it!
Also also, you can make it enemies to lover (seeing that both of them are powerful people with a lotta attitude) like umm rivalry mob or something like that? Or you could maybe make the reader the CEO of this huge weapons company or something and Mob!Bucky has to get into business with her? Or it could be plain old strangers to lovers? Idk my stupid brain can't figure out the backstory but yeah all I'm tryna say is that if you ever decide to write Mafia!Bucky, you could look into this.
(Also I'm so sorry I didn't plan on making this so lengthy🤦‍♀️)
Hi sweetheart!! I’m doing really good actually, I hope you are too! 💗
But can I just say that this ⬆️⬆️⬆️ is the most exciting idea ever! Since you requested mafia Bucky, I’ve read a couple of fics and everything I’ve seen is usually focused on the reader not having that same kind of power and authority.
And while I love reading those, don’t get me wrong, I adore writing women in power who are real badasses so I always gravitate more towards that! Plus, a power struggle is so sexy 🥵
I’m really really tempted to do a tiny little experiential blurb first to get a feel for it but Mafia!Bucky with a Mafia!Reader is absolutely on my list!!
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