#magdalen and alasdair
leiflitter · 1 year
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As I am now 30 and apparently an Actual Adult and Twitter is exploding even more, I figured that before I get back to the last bit of ArtFight I'd do some Dolly Introductions because most of my characters exist in the form of very expensive, very large dolls rather than the far cheaper "just draw them" option.
This is because I have impulse control issues and just love these idiots so... Hey! LORE is below the page break, as well as their sculpts!
These are just the ones who are important in some way in the big ol' thing I have going on, there are MORE DOLLS. So many more dolls.
1. Callum Shelley - Dollshe David Kuncci - the man who made Frankie and his siblings. Married to Science and Science only; he's also very gay and very awkward, and so decided that his desire to be a father could only really be achieved through sewing a ton of bodies together and reanimating it using science and Arcane Shit. He's technically on the run, as Frankie was kinda made in a lab that was meant to be looking into ways to improve transplants and other slightly theoretical ideas rather than Maybe Magic Could Help Me Have A Child, but he's managed to embed himself into Harlan's weird little underworld and so they don't have to jump ship at a moment's notice anymore. He now lives in London, in one of the many buildings owned by the Twins- Harlan wrangled that, as it would be useful to have an actual doctor on standby, right?
2. Franklin "Frankie" Shelley - Ringdoll Frankenstein 2013 - Frankenstein's Monster if he was a mid-20s Horrorpunk Dirtbag with a heart of gold. Very family-oriented- it was him and his dad for a few years just after he was made and they're very close. Had a few wobbly times as he came to terms with Being A Bunch Of Corpse Parts and therefore not really being able to do stuff, but now they have a little niche he's having a good time. Would literally die for-
3. Poppi - Aimerai Scraps - a ragdoll that was brought to life via some fairly arcane shit. A literal cinnamonbun angel. Frankie's other half, and generally makes sure that Callum doesn't accidentally forget to eat while he's working on stuff. As she can't have children (she literally has no internal organs), she's also involved herself heavily in looking after Frankie's siblings.
4. Evelyn Shelley - Sugarble Night Miriam - Frankie's "little sister". She's about six and she's always going to be about six- she's a very sweet little kid, loves dolls and dressing up. She has that "Family Princess" confidence, and can often be found "making Frankie Pretty".
5. Valentine Shelley- 5StarDoll Aiden - Frankie's "little brother". Although he's technically younger than Evelyn, he's probably more akin to a 7/8 year old. He was made as a playmate for Evelyn as she was getting pretty lonely. Callum had honed his technique a little, hence Val not literally being blue like his siblings. He's always ready for some sort of adventure, but lets Evelyn take the lead.
6. Magdalen - Doll Chateau Oort -very old vampire. She's the tactician; although she's very powerful, she tends to direct her brother rather than get her hands dirty. She talks the most of the twins, but even that's not much. The twins function almost as one person, and are rarely far from each other.
7. Alasdair - Doll Chateau Cyril - also a very old vampire. He's Magdalen's muscle- if something threatened them, he'd be the one actually dealing with it. He barely speaks, but when he does it's generally something very important. The twins live in Highgate and do not appreciate any link between them and that Highgate Vampire business. Their home is a massive Victorian thing that has some minor glamours so it's not considered "the clearly haunted house".
8. Harlan Silver - Ringdoll K -puts the Whore in Victorian, he's here representing the Pansexual Slut Vampires. He's considered the "oldest son" to Magdalen and Alasdair, but his function is less as a child and more as their connection to the outside world. He brokers deals and access to the twins, sources... food for them if they don't feel like hunting and has shown them how to connect to the wifi about 5 billion times. He lives in a basement flat in London that would make any antiques dealer jealous. He also kinda has a... thing... with Callum, but it's less emotion and more mutual benefit.
9. Seraphine - Doll In Mind Marcellina - the precious baby daughter in the vampire family. She was brought to them by Harlan as a toddler in the late 1800s, and they have raised her the way they were raised. She is doted upon absolutely- however she's not as odd as the twins, mostly because Harlan has done his best to expose her to humanity and help her be as well-adjusted as an immortal creature can be. She's currently going through Vampire Puberty so she's spending a lot of time with Harlan because there's nothing more frustrating than having a teenage mood swing in front of the twins.
10. Siddiq "Sid" Shah and Noa Kim - Universedoll Tsukimi and iDoll Arnoah - long-term schoolfriends who grew up in the London Borough of Camden. They were both on the 'social misfit' side of things, and spent a lot of their time trading Stephen King paperbacks and watching crappy horror films, until they found a book at a car boot sale that was apparently an actual Grimoire of spells- and then their interest in witchcraft took off, and all that time speaking one language at home and another at school really helps when finding rituals that work. They describe their magic as "kinda like one of those buffet restaurants that serves, uh, everything? Like you can get pizza, curry and fish and chips if you want, but instead of getting food poisoning, you get results."
The two fell onto Harlan's radar fairly quickly because he's a nosy pest that lives pretty much opposite the little park where they do business. He's now got them "in" with the twins, and they're also the ones who managed to create Poppi. They're now pretty good friends with Frankie and Poppi, and are working on some Glamour spells because Frankie would really love to go to a gig at some point. Or even just to Nando's.
They often find themselves helping Callum, but mostly because he's a scientist at heart and although he's used magic before, he doesn't really... get it. They're also both on the twins' payroll, because witches are also very useful, and not as common as they used to be.
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saylorsims · 6 years
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a family portrait. 
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scotianostra · 4 years
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James Graham, 1st Marquess of Montrose was born on October 25th 1612.
It's a really empty day for anniversaries today, although if I followed blindly two of my usual sources tell me, Elvis landed at Prestwick on this day in 1960, he didn't it was in March of that year. Even with this post all is not clear..........
Most of the posts I have made about "The great Montrose" have covered his battles, and his capture and execution, today I shall put some meat on the bones and work through what made the man one of the most admired figures in Scottish history.
So here we are with my only major post today, the birth of  James Graham, to be fair his birth date is unknown, it is thought he was born in mid to late October, a couple of sources give this date.
There's  not much known about his childhood, James inherited the earldom of Montrose when his father died in 1626. Aged only 14, he was was placed under the guardianship of his uncle Lord Archibald Napier.
In 1627, Montrose enrolled as a student at the University of St. Andrews where he first became inspired by the classical ideal of military glory, as well as enjoying a wide range of sporting pursuits, including hawking, golf, chess and archery. In November 1629, Montrose married Magdalene Carnegie, daughter of Lord Carnegie of Kinnaird. After the birth of his first two sons, Montrose went to France and Italy to complete his education, which included a period at the French military academy at Angers.
He was back home by 1638 and became involved with The Covenanters after King Charles had attempted to impose an Anglican -oriented prayer book upon the reluctant Scots, resistance spread throughout the country, eventually leading to the Bishops' Wars .
Montrose joined the party of resistance, and was for some time one of its most energetic champions. He had nothing puritanical in his nature, but he shared in the ill-feeling aroused by the political authority King Charles had given to the bishops . He signed the National Covenant , and was sent to suppress the opposition which arose around Aberdeen and in the country of the Gordons. Three times Montrose entered Aberdeen, where he succeeded in his object, on the second occasion carrying off the head of the Gordons, the Marquess of Huntly.. 
Graham  was a leader of the delegation who subsequently met at Muchalls Castle to parlay regarding the 1638 confrontation with the Bishop of Aberdeen . With the Earl Marischal he led a force of 9000 men across the Causey Mounth through the Portlethen Moss to attack Royalists at the Bridge of Dee . This set of events was an element of Charles I decision to grant sweeping reforms to the Covenanters . In July 1639, after the signature of the Treaty of Berwick , Montrose was one of the Covenanting leaders who visited Charles. The change of policy on his part, eventually leading to his support for the king, arose from his wish to get rid of the bishops without making presbyters masters of the state. His was essentially a layman's view of the situation. Taking no account of the real forces of the time, he aimed at an ideal form of society in which the clergy should confine themselves to their spiritual duties, and the king should maintain law and order. In the Scottish parliament which met in September, Montrose found himself in opposition to Archibald Campbell, 1st Marquess of Argyll , who had made himself the representative of the Presbyterian and national party, and of the middle classes. Montrose, on the other hand, wished to bring the king's authority to bear upon parliament to defeat Argyll, and offered the king the support of a great number of nobles. He failed, because Charles could not even then consent to abandon the bishops, and because no Scottish party of any weight could be formed unless Presbyterianism were established ecclesiastically. Rather than give way, Charles prepared in 1640 to invade Scotland. Montrose was to play something of a double part. In August 1640 he signed the Bond of Cumbernauld as a protest against the particular and direct practicing of a few, in other words, against the ambition of Argyll. But he took his place amongst the defenders of his country, and in the same month he displayed his gallantry in action at the forcing of the Tyne at Newburn . After the invasion had been crowned with success, Montrose still continued to cherish his now hopeless policy. On 27th May 1641 he was summoned before the Committee of Estates and charged with intrigues against Argyll, and on the 11th of June he was imprisoned in Edinburgh Castle . Charles visited Scotland to give his formal assent to the abolition of Episcopacy , and upon the king's return to England Montrose shared in the amnesty which was tacitly accorded to all Charles's partisans. Highlanders had never before been known to combine together, but Montrose knew that many of the West Highland clans, who were largely Catholic , detested Argyll and his Campbell clansmen, none more so than the MacDonalds who with many of the other clans rallied to his summons. The Royalist allied Irish Confederates sent 2000 disciplined Irish soldiers led by Alasdair MacColla across the sea to assist him. In two campaigns, distinguished by rapidity of movement, he met and defeated his opponents in six battles. At Tippermuir and Aberdeen he routed Covenanting levies; at Inverlochy he crushed the Campbells, at Auldearn , Alford and Kilsyth his victories were obtained over well-led and disciplined armies. The fiery enthusiasm of the Gordons and other clans often carried the day, but Montrose relied more upon the disciplined infantry from Ireland. His strategy at Inverlochy, his tactics at Aberdeen, Auldearn and Kilsyth furnished models of the military art, but above all his daring and constancy marked him out as one of the greatest soldiers of the war. His career of victory was crowned by the great Battle of Kilsyth on 15 August 1645 . Now Montrose found himself apparently master of Scotland. In the name of the king, who now appointed him lord lieutenant and captain-general of Scotland, he summoned a parliament to meet at Glasgow, in which he no doubt hoped to reconcile loyal obedience to the king with the establishment of a non-political Presbyterian clergy. 
However that parliament never met. Charles  I had been defeated at the Battle of Naseby on 14t June , and Montrose must come to his help if there was to be still a king to proclaim. David Leslie , the best of the Scottish generals, was promptly dispatched against Montrose to anticipate the invasion. On 12th September he came upon Montrose, deserted by his Highlanders and guarded only by a little group of followers, at Philiphaugh . He won an easy victory. Montrose cut his way through to the Highlands; but he failed to organize an army. In September 1646 he fled for Norway .
After Charles I execution Montrose was to appear once more on the stage of Scottish history. In June 1649, burning to revenge the death of the king, he was restored by the exiled Charles II to the now nominal lieutenancy of Scotland. The new king however hung Graham out to dry afterwards disavowing his noblest supporter in order to become a king on terms dictated by Argyll and Argyll's adherents. 
In March 1650 Montrose landed in Orkney to take the command of a small force which he had sent on before him. Crossing to the mainland, he tried in vain to raise the clans, and on 27th April he was surprised and routed at the Battle of Carbisdale in Ross-shire . His forces were defeated in battle but he escaped. After wandering for some time he was betrayed by Neil MacLeod of Assynt at Ardvreck Castle , to whose protection, in ignorance of MacLeod's political enmity, he had entrusted himself. He was brought a prisoner to Edinburgh, denied a trial on 20th May he was sentenced to death by the parliament. He was hanged on the 21st, with Wishart's laudatory biography of him put round his neck. To the last he protested that he was a real Covenanter and a loyal subject.
Shortly after Montrose's death the Argyll Government switched sides and became Royalists too.
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bixpicks · 5 years
Bix Picks 2019
20. Omni - Networker (Sub Pop)
Stripped down post-punk-pop Like Television demos Or Wire unplugged
19. Earl Sweatshirt - Feet of Clay (Warner/Tan Cressida)
In confident mode Earl’s crushing anxiety Sounds light and carefree
18. FKA twigs - MAGDALENE (Young Turks)
Hints of Björk. But Just the music, not her voice, So you might like it
17. Alasdair Roberts - The Fiery Margin (Drag City)
The fair bonny lad Sings for thee new songs that sound A hundred years olde
16. Rustin Man - Drift Code (Domino)
Pastoral delight From former Talk Talk bassist A warm, rural treat
15. Fontaines D.C. - Dogrel (Partisan)
Feral, Dublin punks Match smart, heartfelt lyrics to Urgent blasts of fun
14. Hemlock Ernst & Kenny Segal - Back at the House (Ruby Yacht)
Dream matchup dazzles With notes from the underground. Beats and rhymes and life
13. Thom Yorke - ANIMA (XL)
Paranoid android Tries to make digital sense Of analog woes
12. Thee Oh Sees - Face Stabber (Castle Face)
Look at that cover! We need more of this and less Of everything else
11. Bon Iver - i,i (Jagjaguwar)
Fractured and searching Claustrophobic and glitchy Yet rife with feeling
10. Tool - Fear Inoculum (RCA)
First ask yourself this... Have you changed in thirteen years?? Exactly. Enjoy.
9. Michael Kiwanuka - KIWANUKA (Interscope)
Proclamatory Statement of artist and self Proud, strong and sublime
8. Angel Olsen - All Mirrors (Jagjaguwar)
Among synths and strings Angel soars, finds her groove and Fiercely stakes her claim
7. Cate LeBon - Reward (Mexican Summer)
Quirky, cryptic koans That leave their mark.  Artful, with A strange insouciance
6. Bill Callahan - Shepherd in a Sheepskin Vest (Drag City)
Married and content, Domestic bliss has dulled none Of Bill’s mordant wit
5. Billy Woods & Kenny Segal - Hiding Places (Backwoodz Studioz)
Grim transmissions from Deep within the rubble of Black America
4. Black Midi - Schlagenheim (Rough Trade)
Nihilistic yet Palatable. A tetchy, Confident debut
3. Purple Mountains - Purple Mountains (Drag City)
Profound, poetic Funny and gutting, Berman Saved his best for last
2. Big Thief - U.F.O.F. + Two Hands (4AD)
Haunting, anodyne And beguiling in quiet But transcendent ways
1. Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds - Ghosteen (Ghosteen Ltd)
Threnodies weighing Love and loss. Cuz that’s how you Cap a trilogy!
HONORABLE MENTION (in alphabetical order)
75 Dollar Bill - I Was Real (Thin Wrist) Bonnie 'Prince' Billy - I Made a Place (Drag City) Danny Brown - uknowhatimsayin¿ (Warp) The Comet is Coming - Trust in the Lifeforce of the Deep Mystery (UMG) Deerhunter - Why Hasn't Everything Already Disappeared? (4AD) Floating Points - Crush (Ninja Tune) Froth - Duress (Wichita) Steve Gunn - The Unseen In Between (Matador) Cass McCombs - Tip of the Sphere (Anti-) MIKE - Tears of Joy (10K) Modern Nature - How To Live (Bella Union) Sean O'Hagen - Radum Calls, Radum Calls (Drag City) Panda Bear - Buoys (Domino) Tim Presley's White Fence - I Have to Feed Larry's Hawk (Drag City) Gruff Rhys - Pang! (Domino) Ty Segall - First Taste (Drag City) SUNN O))) - Life Metal (Southern Lord) Swans - Leaving Meaning (Young God/Mute) Josephine Wiggs - We Fall (The Sound of Sinners) Wilco - Ode to Joy (dBpm)
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jeramymobley · 7 years
With Savvier Social Marketing, Burberry Checks In With Millennials
British luxury fashion house Burberry, headquartered in London, is renowned for its iconic trench coats, ready-to-wear, fashion accessories, fragrances, sunglasses and cosmetics. Its distinctive check pattern is among the most widely copied trademarks in the world, and its signature coats were worn in the trenches during the First World War by British soldiers.
Today, Burberry has more than 500 stores in over 50 countries and revenue of £2,514.7 million last year. The brand has made some bold moves for a venerable British brand. It was the first to livestream shows and debut right-off-the-runway preordering (2009); first global luxury brand to feature “in-tweet” purchasing (2014); the first to combine its women’s and menswear collections in a single show (2016); mobile marketing via WeChat and Line; and on September 16, it will become the first luxury brand to embrace the new see-now, buy-now show strategy at its London Fashion Week show.
Old Sessions House is revealed as our new #BurberryShow venue in London #LFW . Watch the show live, 16 September, 7pm (BST)
A post shared by Burberry (@burberry) on Sep 12, 2017 at 4:33am PDT
The show will be the first under the brand’s new management structure, which saw Marco Gobbetti arrive from Céline to take the CEO reins from Christopher Bailey, and Bailey resume full creative duties along with the added title of president.
Two days later the brand, a longtime supporter of music and the arts, will host a photographic exhibition entitled Here We Are, inspired by the creations of Henry Moore. Photographers include Shirley Baker, Ken Russell and Alasdair McLellan.
‘Here We Are’ . Our new exhibition of British photography to celebrate the Burberry September 2017 collection, 18 September – 1 October #HereWeAre . Introduced by Christopher Bailey. Tap to listen . Dafydd Jones, Magdalen Commemoration Ball, Oxford, 1988 © Dafydd Jones (@DafyddJonesPhotographer) . Ken Russell, In Your Dreams, January 1955 © TopFoto / Ken Russell . Martin Parr, O’Connell Bridge, Dublin, Ireland, October 1981 © Martin Parr / Magnum Photos / Rocket Gallery . Alasdair McLellan, Belfast, 2005 © Alasdair McLellan
A post shared by Burberry (@burberry) on Aug 29, 2017 at 4:23am PDT
“When we started thinking about curating Here We Are, I knew I wanted it to celebrate a certain strand of British photography that I have always loved—one which documents the many and varied tribes and clans and classes that make up this island of ours,” said Bailey, who introduced the concept on Burberry’s Instagram account.
For more than a century, Burberry trench coats were made only in khaki and black, but in 2015, trench coats for men and women liable in red, white and honey worldwide. “Historically, as a brand, we’ve always been less stuck on a specific gender,” said Bailey. “Take the trench coat: completely unisex.” As for Burberry’s see-now, buy-now strategy, “I’ve yet to meet somebody who tells me, “I wouldn’t want it now; I want to wait. It’s much more intriguing.”‘
‘Thought It Was Serious’ . Part of a series of illustrations by @DannySangra for #Burberry #NowThenDannySangra
A post shared by Burberry (@burberry) on Aug 24, 2017 at 5:29am PDT
Bailey’s challenge, like so many retailers, is attracting millennial customers. The Business of Fashion notes: “While Burberry reported it generated cash of $897.6 million for the year ended March 31, there is little to console investors elsewhere in the business as it still has a mountain to climb to make itself a millennial must-have.”
Style a #Burberry washed satin silk dress with sneakers for effortless elegance
A post shared by Burberry (@burberry) on Aug 4, 2017 at 5:00am PDT
One way it’s doing that is through savvier digital marketing of lower-priced items from its Burberry Beauty line. According to Adweek, it’s “delving into AI search, recently gaining major traction for its Cat Lashes mascara on Pinterest, where users received a custom board after answering a survey. More than 30,000 new boards and one million pins were created for Cat Lashes.”
As Burberry expands from a digital presence online to a robust e-commerce destination, CFO Julie Brown said, “Our core technology platforms are between 5 and 15 years old,” on Burberry’s May 18th earnings call with analysts. “Over the next two years, we’ll move to a single set platform with a combined solution for both retail and wholesale, taking full advantage of operating in the [SAP] HANA Enterprise Cloud, supporting enhanced and more responsive decision making throughout the business.”
The post With Savvier Social Marketing, Burberry Checks In With Millennials appeared first on brandchannel:.
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markjsousa · 7 years
With Savvier Social Marketing, Burberry Checks In With Millennials
British luxury fashion house Burberry, headquartered in London, is renowned for its iconic trench coats, ready-to-wear, fashion accessories, fragrances, sunglasses and cosmetics. Its distinctive check pattern is among the most widely copied trademarks in the world, and its signature coats were worn in the trenches during the First World War by British soldiers.
Today, Burberry has more than 500 stores in over 50 countries and revenue of £2,514.7 million last year. The brand has made some bold moves for a venerable British brand. It was the first to livestream shows and debut right-off-the-runway preordering (2009); first global luxury brand to feature “in-tweet” purchasing (2014); the first to combine its women’s and menswear collections in a single show (2016); mobile marketing via WeChat and Line; and on September 16, it will become the first luxury brand to embrace the new see-now, buy-now show strategy at its London Fashion Week show.
Old Sessions House is revealed as our new #BurberryShow venue in London #LFW . Watch the show live, 16 September, 7pm (BST)
A post shared by Burberry (@burberry) on Sep 12, 2017 at 4:33am PDT
The show will be the first under the brand’s new management structure, which saw Marco Gobbetti arrive from Céline to take the CEO reins from Christopher Bailey, and Bailey resume full creative duties along with the added title of president.
Two days later the brand, a longtime supporter of music and the arts, will host a photographic exhibition entitled Here We Are, inspired by the creations of Henry Moore. Photographers include Shirley Baker, Ken Russell and Alasdair McLellan.
‘Here We Are’ . Our new exhibition of British photography to celebrate the Burberry September 2017 collection, 18 September – 1 October #HereWeAre . Introduced by Christopher Bailey. Tap to listen . Dafydd Jones, Magdalen Commemoration Ball, Oxford, 1988 © Dafydd Jones (@DafyddJonesPhotographer) . Ken Russell, In Your Dreams, January 1955 © TopFoto / Ken Russell . Martin Parr, O’Connell Bridge, Dublin, Ireland, October 1981 © Martin Parr / Magnum Photos / Rocket Gallery . Alasdair McLellan, Belfast, 2005 © Alasdair McLellan
A post shared by Burberry (@burberry) on Aug 29, 2017 at 4:23am PDT
“When we started thinking about curating Here We Are, I knew I wanted it to celebrate a certain strand of British photography that I have always loved—one which documents the many and varied tribes and clans and classes that make up this island of ours,” said Bailey, who introduced the concept on Burberry’s Instagram account.
For more than a century, Burberry trench coats were made only in khaki and black, but in 2015, trench coats for men and women liable in red, white and honey worldwide. “Historically, as a brand, we’ve always been less stuck on a specific gender,” said Bailey. “Take the trench coat: completely unisex.” As for Burberry’s see-now, buy-now strategy, “I’ve yet to meet somebody who tells me, “I wouldn’t want it now; I want to wait. It’s much more intriguing.”‘
‘Thought It Was Serious’ . Part of a series of illustrations by @DannySangra for #Burberry #NowThenDannySangra
A post shared by Burberry (@burberry) on Aug 24, 2017 at 5:29am PDT
Bailey’s challenge, like so many retailers, is attracting millennial customers. The Business of Fashion notes: “While Burberry reported it generated cash of $897.6 million for the year ended March 31, there is little to console investors elsewhere in the business as it still has a mountain to climb to make itself a millennial must-have.”
Style a #Burberry washed satin silk dress with sneakers for effortless elegance
A post shared by Burberry (@burberry) on Aug 4, 2017 at 5:00am PDT
One way it’s doing that is through savvier digital marketing of lower-priced items from its Burberry Beauty line. According to Adweek, it’s “delving into AI search, recently gaining major traction for its Cat Lashes mascara on Pinterest, where users received a custom board after answering a survey. More than 30,000 new boards and one million pins were created for Cat Lashes.”
As Burberry expands from a digital presence online to a robust e-commerce destination, CFO Julie Brown said, “Our core technology platforms are between 5 and 15 years old,” on Burberry’s May 18th earnings call with analysts. “Over the next two years, we’ll move to a single set platform with a combined solution for both retail and wholesale, taking full advantage of operating in the [SAP] HANA Enterprise Cloud, supporting enhanced and more responsive decision making throughout the business.”
The post With Savvier Social Marketing, Burberry Checks In With Millennials appeared first on brandchannel:.
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joejstrickl · 7 years
With Savvier Social Marketing, Burberry Checks In With Millennials
British luxury fashion house Burberry, headquartered in London, is renowned for its iconic trench coats, ready-to-wear, fashion accessories, fragrances, sunglasses and cosmetics. Its distinctive check pattern is among the most widely copied trademarks in the world, and its signature coats were worn in the trenches during the First World War by British soldiers.
Today, Burberry has more than 500 stores in over 50 countries and revenue of £2,514.7 million last year. The brand has made some bold moves for a venerable British brand. It was the first to livestream shows and debut right-off-the-runway preordering (2009); first global luxury brand to feature “in-tweet” purchasing (2014); the first to combine its women’s and menswear collections in a single show (2016); mobile marketing via WeChat and Line; and on September 16, it will become the first luxury brand to embrace the new see-now, buy-now show strategy at its London Fashion Week show.
Old Sessions House is revealed as our new #BurberryShow venue in London #LFW . Watch the show live, 16 September, 7pm (BST)
A post shared by Burberry (@burberry) on Sep 12, 2017 at 4:33am PDT
The show will be the first under the brand’s new management structure, which saw Marco Gobbetti arrive from Céline to take the CEO reins from Christopher Bailey, and Bailey resume full creative duties along with the added title of president.
Two days later the brand, a longtime supporter of music and the arts, will host a photographic exhibition entitled Here We Are, inspired by the creations of Henry Moore. Photographers include Shirley Baker, Ken Russell and Alasdair McLellan.
‘Here We Are’ . Our new exhibition of British photography to celebrate the Burberry September 2017 collection, 18 September – 1 October #HereWeAre . Introduced by Christopher Bailey. Tap to listen . Dafydd Jones, Magdalen Commemoration Ball, Oxford, 1988 © Dafydd Jones (@DafyddJonesPhotographer) . Ken Russell, In Your Dreams, January 1955 © TopFoto / Ken Russell . Martin Parr, O’Connell Bridge, Dublin, Ireland, October 1981 © Martin Parr / Magnum Photos / Rocket Gallery . Alasdair McLellan, Belfast, 2005 © Alasdair McLellan
A post shared by Burberry (@burberry) on Aug 29, 2017 at 4:23am PDT
“When we started thinking about curating Here We Are, I knew I wanted it to celebrate a certain strand of British photography that I have always loved—one which documents the many and varied tribes and clans and classes that make up this island of ours,” said Bailey, who introduced the concept on Burberry’s Instagram account.
For more than a century, Burberry trench coats were made only in khaki and black, but in 2015, trench coats for men and women liable in red, white and honey worldwide. “Historically, as a brand, we’ve always been less stuck on a specific gender,” said Bailey. “Take the trench coat: completely unisex.” As for Burberry’s see-now, buy-now strategy, “I’ve yet to meet somebody who tells me, “I wouldn’t want it now; I want to wait. It’s much more intriguing.”‘
‘Thought It Was Serious’ . Part of a series of illustrations by @DannySangra for #Burberry #NowThenDannySangra
A post shared by Burberry (@burberry) on Aug 24, 2017 at 5:29am PDT
Bailey’s challenge, like so many retailers, is attracting millennial customers. The Business of Fashion notes: “While Burberry reported it generated cash of $897.6 million for the year ended March 31, there is little to console investors elsewhere in the business as it still has a mountain to climb to make itself a millennial must-have.”
Style a #Burberry washed satin silk dress with sneakers for effortless elegance
A post shared by Burberry (@burberry) on Aug 4, 2017 at 5:00am PDT
One way it’s doing that is through savvier digital marketing of lower-priced items from its Burberry Beauty line. According to Adweek, it’s “delving into AI search, recently gaining major traction for its Cat Lashes mascara on Pinterest, where users received a custom board after answering a survey. More than 30,000 new boards and one million pins were created for Cat Lashes.”
As Burberry expands from a digital presence online to a robust e-commerce destination, CFO Julie Brown said, “Our core technology platforms are between 5 and 15 years old,” on Burberry’s May 18th earnings call with analysts. “Over the next two years, we’ll move to a single set platform with a combined solution for both retail and wholesale, taking full advantage of operating in the [SAP] HANA Enterprise Cloud, supporting enhanced and more responsive decision making throughout the business.”
The post With Savvier Social Marketing, Burberry Checks In With Millennials appeared first on brandchannel:.
0 notes
glenmenlow · 7 years
With Savvier Social Marketing, Burberry Checks In With Millennials
British luxury fashion house Burberry, headquartered in London, is renowned for its iconic trench coats, ready-to-wear, fashion accessories, fragrances, sunglasses and cosmetics. Its distinctive check pattern is among the most widely copied trademarks in the world, and its signature coats were worn in the trenches during the First World War by British soldiers.
Today, Burberry has more than 500 stores in over 50 countries and revenue of £2,514.7 million last year. The brand has made some bold moves for a venerable British brand. It was the first to livestream shows and debut right-off-the-runway preordering (2009); first global luxury brand to feature “in-tweet” purchasing (2014); the first to combine its women’s and menswear collections in a single show (2016); mobile marketing via WeChat and Line; and on September 16, it will become the first luxury brand to embrace the new see-now, buy-now show strategy at its London Fashion Week show.
Old Sessions House is revealed as our new #BurberryShow venue in London #LFW . Watch the show live, 16 September, 7pm (BST)
A post shared by Burberry (@burberry) on Sep 12, 2017 at 4:33am PDT
The show will be the first under the brand’s new management structure, which saw Marco Gobbetti arrive from Céline to take the CEO reins from Christopher Bailey, and Bailey resume full creative duties along with the added title of president.
Two days later the brand, a longtime supporter of music and the arts, will host a photographic exhibition entitled Here We Are, inspired by the creations of Henry Moore. Photographers include Shirley Baker, Ken Russell and Alasdair McLellan.
‘Here We Are’ . Our new exhibition of British photography to celebrate the Burberry September 2017 collection, 18 September – 1 October #HereWeAre . Introduced by Christopher Bailey. Tap to listen . Dafydd Jones, Magdalen Commemoration Ball, Oxford, 1988 © Dafydd Jones (@DafyddJonesPhotographer) . Ken Russell, In Your Dreams, January 1955 © TopFoto / Ken Russell . Martin Parr, O’Connell Bridge, Dublin, Ireland, October 1981 © Martin Parr / Magnum Photos / Rocket Gallery . Alasdair McLellan, Belfast, 2005 © Alasdair McLellan
A post shared by Burberry (@burberry) on Aug 29, 2017 at 4:23am PDT
“When we started thinking about curating Here We Are, I knew I wanted it to celebrate a certain strand of British photography that I have always loved—one which documents the many and varied tribes and clans and classes that make up this island of ours,” said Bailey, who introduced the concept on Burberry’s Instagram account.
For more than a century, Burberry trench coats were made only in khaki and black, but in 2015, trench coats for men and women liable in red, white and honey worldwide. “Historically, as a brand, we’ve always been less stuck on a specific gender,” said Bailey. “Take the trench coat: completely unisex.” As for Burberry’s see-now, buy-now strategy, “I’ve yet to meet somebody who tells me, “I wouldn’t want it now; I want to wait. It’s much more intriguing.”‘
‘Thought It Was Serious’ . Part of a series of illustrations by @DannySangra for #Burberry #NowThenDannySangra
A post shared by Burberry (@burberry) on Aug 24, 2017 at 5:29am PDT
Bailey’s challenge, like so many retailers, is attracting millennial customers. The Business of Fashion notes: “While Burberry reported it generated cash of $897.6 million for the year ended March 31, there is little to console investors elsewhere in the business as it still has a mountain to climb to make itself a millennial must-have.”
Style a #Burberry washed satin silk dress with sneakers for effortless elegance
A post shared by Burberry (@burberry) on Aug 4, 2017 at 5:00am PDT
One way it’s doing that is through savvier digital marketing of lower-priced items from its Burberry Beauty line. According to Adweek, it’s “delving into AI search, recently gaining major traction for its Cat Lashes mascara on Pinterest, where users received a custom board after answering a survey. More than 30,000 new boards and one million pins were created for Cat Lashes.”
As Burberry expands from a digital presence online to a robust e-commerce destination, CFO Julie Brown said, “Our core technology platforms are between 5 and 15 years old,” on Burberry’s May 18th earnings call with analysts. “Over the next two years, we’ll move to a single set platform with a combined solution for both retail and wholesale, taking full advantage of operating in the [SAP] HANA Enterprise Cloud, supporting enhanced and more responsive decision making throughout the business.”
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catwalkerfashion · 7 years
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‘Here We Are’ . Our new exhibition of British photography to celebrate the Burberry September 2017 collection, 18 September – 1 October #HereWeAre . Introduced by Christopher Bailey. Tap to listen . Dafydd Jones, Magdalen Commemoration Ball, Oxford, 1988 Dafydd Jones . Ken Russell, In Your Dreams, January 1955 TopFoto / Ken Russell . Martin Parr, O’Connell Bridge, Dublin, Ireland, October 1981 Martin Parr / Magnum Photos / Rocket Gallery . Alasdair McLellan, Belfast, 2005 Alasdair McLellan http://dlvr.it/PjSXK2
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londontheatre · 7 years
Sara Poyzer in MAMMA MIA! International Tour, credit Brinkhoff & Mögenburg
Fresh from playing Donna Sheridan in the first ever UK Tour of global smash hit musical MAMMA MIA!, Sara Poyzer is delighted to be playing the role at London’s Novello Theatre from Monday 12th June 2017, along with fellow Dynamos, Kate Graham as Tanya and Jacqueline Braun as Rosie.
Creator/Producer Judy Craymer is also delighted to be able to announce, on the eve of the musical’s 18th birthday in London (6th April 2017), that the booking period in London will extend to 3rd March 2018, with tickets on sale from Friday 7th April 2017.
Sara Poyzer’s other recent stage work includes Janet in Northern Broadsides’ UK Tour of Jonathan Miller’s production of Rutherford & Son and Billy’s Mum in Billy Elliot (Victoria Palace Theatre, London). Kate Graham’s other West End credits include Cherry in Sam Mendes’s production of Charlie and the Chocolate Factor (Theatre Royal, Drury Lane) and Mrs Wilkinson in Billy Elliot(Victoria Palace Theatre). Jacqueline Braun previously played Rosie in the first UK Tour of MAMMA MIA!. She has also played the key roles of Eponine in Les Misérables and Mary Magdalene in Jesus Christ Superstar in Germany and Killer Queen in We Will Rock You in Switzerland.
From Monday 12 June, Georgina Castle will be promoted from the ensemble and First Cover Sophie Sheridan, to playing the role in her own right. She will be joined by Christopher Jordan-Marshall, making his West End debut as Sky. Also new to the cast of MAMMA MIA! from 12 June will be Bobbie Little as Ali, Harriet Bunton as Lisa, Damian Buhagiar as Pepper and Nye Rees as Eddie, with Caroline Deverill playing the role of Donna Sheridan at certain performances. They will be joining Richard Trinder, who plays Sam, Alasdair Harvey who plays Harry and Dugald Bruce-Lockhart who plays Bill.
From West End to global phenomenon, MAMMA MIA! is Judy Craymer’s ingenious vision of staging the story-telling magic of ABBA’s timeless songs with an enchanting tale of family and friendship unfolding on a Greek island paradise. To date, it has been seen by over 60 million people in 50 productions in 16 different languages grossing more than $2 billion at the box office. In 2011, it became the first Western musical ever to be staged in Mandarin in the People’s Republic of China. MAMMA MIA! is currently on its first ever UK Tour, receiving great critical and public acclaim.
MAMMA MIA! originally opened in London at the Prince Edward Theatre on 6 April 1999, before transferring to the Prince of Wales Theatre in 2004. The musical re-opened at the Novello Theatre in 2012.
The London production of MAMMA MIA! has been seen by nearly 8 million people, played over 7,500 performances and has broken box office records in all three of its London homes.
Produced by Judy Craymer, MAMMA MIA! The Movie, starring Meryl Streep and Pierce Brosnan, is the highest grossing live-action musical film of all time.
With music & lyrics by Benny Andersson & Björn Ulvaeus, MAMMA MIA! is written by Catherine Johnson, directed by Phyllida Lloyd and choreographed by Anthony Van Laast. The production is designed by Mark Thompson, with lighting design by Howard Harrison, sound design by Andrew Bruce & Bobby Aitken, and musical supervision, additional material & arrangements by Martin Koch.
MAMMA MIA! is produced by Judy Craymer, Richard East & Björn Ulvaeus for Littlestar in association with Universal.
LISTINGS INFORMATION Novello Theatre Aldwych London WC2B 4LD
http://ift.tt/2oajiXp LondonTheatre1.com
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leiflitter · 1 year
Some refs of the twins I drew for artfight!
I need to attack some folks now the website takes less than 60 years to update
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leiflitter · 1 year
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Sometimes you just need some vampire OCs
Gonna do a big lore post on these guys at some point but for now they're just very old, very codependent twins who share a coffin.
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