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Maggotfest (2008)
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jjsphlt · 7 years
Pious Faults do melbourne
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anaerobictrip-blog · 7 years
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Rapid Dye, Maggotfest Saturday 29/10, Tote Viper Bar.
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urruckinfine · 7 years
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Maggotfest 2017 was a success!!!! A little late to the posting game but hey I was still recovering from lack of sleep y'all... Had such a fun time meeting new/old friends, playing rugby, watching people try and play rugby, and just genuinely enjoying my time there with the team! I can't wait for next year woot woot!! #rugbyweekend #rugby #maggotfest #50shadesofcrayon
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fearofgod · 7 years
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Oily Boys at Maggotfest. New songs are up on soundcloud.com/oilyboys
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benjaminforde · 6 years
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Civic at Maggotfest 9
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glossypaper · 7 years
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Saturdays set list + new song lyrics. We’re playing maggotfest this Saturday! #skull #sharpie #blackandwhite #design #illustration #ilustracion #diseño #setlist #skull (at Melbourne)
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anaerobictrip-blog · 7 years
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UBIK @ Maggotfest Saturday 29/10,Tote Bandroom
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urruckinfine · 7 years
Maggotfest 2017!
Holy fuck y'all... I had one of the best weekends filled with rugby, alcohol, nudity, costumes everywhere, drunk rugby, partying, more nakedness, and did I mention rugby and drinking? A wild ride there and back, caravan with my teammates and stopping by a hot springs ended up meeting a honeymoon couple getting stoned and sharing a few drinks with them. A couple of teammates trying to convince the people there to go to maggotfest lol. Once reaching Montana and settling in, got food and off we go to rep the Nemesis downtown woot woot! The usual drink up spot was pretty packed and I had two underaged rookies to sneak in(but I got this) luckily one had a fake so I had one less person to worry about. We walk up to the ID dudes, noticed there was a big crowd and the two guys were looking down. I took the initiative to shove the rookie right past the guy like nothing happened and it was smooth sailing from there(was dying of laughter) So for fest we all have these drinking wristbands and we get mug to get free refills of beer throughout the weekend(sweet deal) But of course my team shows up later in the night when the mugs are all gone...(curse you hunger!) So my team comes up with a plan to find/steal other mugs from the ground or other clever ways to get one. My two rookies found at least 4 on the ground and I got one on a random ledge and found one right behind a friend said "watch this" and just snatched it for them(ridiculously smooth snatching) and got $20 for it! Don't think this is evil my friends, cause everyone was literally doing this, it's like a fucking war zone y'all(but more alcohol and drunken stupers) Then the rest of the night was just having fun, dancing and me awkwardly trying to avoid guys grinding/hitting on me, staying sober cause DD and then finding the drunkers and stoner to get back to our hotel. Quite the first night haha! Let Maggotfest begin! There's just so much to cover in text and if you're truly curious just ask me seriously or come join the excitement at maggotfest just a few regrets but not bad ones! Seriously, just think of it like Vegas but 10x better. "Whatever happens at fest, stays at fest... Except for it stays with the rugby family!"
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benjaminforde · 6 years
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Sex Drive at Maggotfest 9
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aquacobalt · 7 years
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Maggotfest, The Tote, Melbourne, 28 October 2017
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absorptionmelb · 8 years
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Geld @ Maggotfest VII 
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fleshw0rld · 8 years
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Police Force (BNE) @ Maggotfest VII 
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anaerobictrip-blog · 7 years
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Helta Skelta - Maggotfest Saturday 29/10, Tote Viper Bar.
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urruckinfine · 7 years
New discoveries
Another thing I’ve discover from my Montana trip is that I’m apparently a good kisser… Yes I’m almost 22 and I just am figuring this out, no I do not have any good past experience, and yes I did enjoy the random make out sessions. Thank you drunken rugby players for discovering this skill for me! Good thing I knew the ones that I made out with which is so much more hilarious thinking back ha! If you want to kiss attractive/average people go to Montana’s maggotfest you might regret it, but you'll still enjoy it!
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jhatphoto-blog · 9 years
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