storieswrittcnarch · 4 years
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@magicandmayhcm​ sent "Lower your voice I said. Let's discuss this rationally." Antonio to jay
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“Lower my voice?” That just makes him want to yell louder - telling Jay to calm down or ‘lower your voice’ is never a good idea and Antonio knows it. Teeth grit together - it’s taking everything not to yell at Antonio but he really doesn’t want other people knowing why he’s so damn upset. “You went in without backup. I was right there. You couldn’t have waited a little bit? You could have been killed Antonio. Hell, you would have been killed if I hadn’t been there in time.”
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storiesungaa · 4 years
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@magicandmayhcm​​​ sent TFLN -  Adam
(text; Adam): I should have kept drinking, a coma can't be as bad as this hangover
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chicagosfincst · 4 years
@magicandmayhcm​ 𝙰𝚂𝙺𝙴𝙳  ‘ maybe you’re right. “ chris to will
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will walks out to the waiting room at the office to see his brother there. he smiles at him and pats his hand on his shoulder, glad there were no patients waiting to be seen, as they started their lunch. ❛ look chris, i am not going to say I told you so. I understand why you feel the way you do. ❜ he motions Chris to sit down on one of the waiting room chairs, sitting on the next one over himself.  ❛ I think the fact you walked in the building alone proves to me you can walk in those double doors and let me help you. you are stronger than you think. and I can go very slow. at your pace. whatever you need during, i can do it. anything to make you feel at ease. ❜
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herheroics · 4 years
@magicandmayhcm​ erin & hank
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          WHEN SHE AND JAY had found out, there was one person that had to tell. And that was Hank. He was the father that she always wanted to have. Even now, if anyone asks about him, she’ll always refer to him as her father. Because he was, he was there when no one else was. Moving towards his front door, Erin used her key to his house and walked in, calling out to the older man, ensuring that he knew she wasn’t a random just walking into his house. Walking into the kitchen, she smiled “MORNING HANK.”
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chicagoiisms · 4 years
did someone ask for rhodestead? | @magicandmayhcm
“-- no one warned me this halloween was coming with actual ghosts.” he’s being funny. mostly. kind of. it’s been hard, honestly. connor leaving left a void in will. no best friend to lean on, to taunt and harass and love. but now he’s here, standing in front of him and will can’t tell if he wants to punch him or hug him... so he goes with the latter. arms loop hips and draw connor in, squeezing him and then letting go, backing off and sighing.  “you look good, rhodes.”
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labyriinths · 4 years
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@magicandmayhcm​ Pamela Rebecca for John Ross
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While she hasn’t moved from South Fork, Pamela was making strides with setting clear boundaries. It’d been unwise of her to think she could suddenly adopt a new family and ride the waves with them as they came. If it’d only been John Ross’ cheating it wouldn’t sting as much. But it was the betrayal of those around her that kept her awake at night. Time and time again she’d underestimated the collateral damage she was taking in by thinking she could trust them. Thinking she had a handle on this game they played. But a game couldn’t be played right if the rules kept changing. 
So, Pamela Rebecca vowed to have them change to her will. Playing the fool was the last thing she wanted to be anymore. If that meant to put a wall around her heart, then so be it. But they were going to quickly notice she wasn’t going to take this fight sitting down while she hurt. She was going to drag them with her. As she walked into the conference room at Ewing Global, she took a manila folder from her bag, and slid it across the table towards John Ross. She sat down, and smiled with cold emerald blue eyes. “I figured you should be aware of the expectations of our marriage moving forward.”
 In the documents it indicated he move forward in the expansion of the house at South Fork. Agree to a 80/20 split of all profits the marriage brought to the combined wealth of their estates, should they divorce. In return, she would be present and play the dutiful wife for the shareholders and the company while they navigated these murky waters in their cashflow. In the by lines it read, she would receive 100 percent  should John Ross be caught philandering in public or by press. It was a clear indication they would be together in paper and by reputation, but nothing else. She couldn’t see any other way to hurt him as much as he hurt her than in his wallet, and freedom. 
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empathichearts-a · 4 years
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@magicandmayhcm​ asked:  ‘ i answer to no man . ’ from the dynasty meme
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           ❝ that’s a wonderful attitude to have and i hope that you keep it, gabby. as a man myself, i think i can speak for all of us and say that we’re terrible. ❞
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          ❝ -- but your daddy better be an exception to the rule. ❞
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solvrdust · 4 years
@magicandmayhcm​​  ♥‘d for a starter !       ↳  hallucinogenics by matt maeson
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    "  i  crawled  back  to  the  life  that  i  said  I  wouldn't  live  in  "
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danceswiththedead · 4 years
"I could never lie to you." (Emily to Spencer)
“No. You have other people do it for you.” Spencer’s jaw sets, tense and tight, before he turns to look at the paperwork in front of him. He doesn’t hate her. Not even close. But he was hurt, and the thought of her having been alive this entire time was enough to make him feel like his body was on fire. A silent rage, coursing through his veins, soaring up to the base of his throat where all his unsaid words stayed dormant. “I don’t want to talk right now. Please, just... go.”
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storieswrittcnarch · 4 years
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@magicandmayhcm​ sent "Well he started it." Tori to Jay
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“Yeah, well, I’m finishing it.”
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storiesungaa · 4 years
@magicandmayhcm​ gets a very very sad starter
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It’s been building up for weeks and no one has noticed. Of course they haven’t, Jay is good at hiding things. Always has been, ever since he was a little kid. It’s his off day, Antonio is off too - he’s gone out for something, Jay doesn’t remember what. Whatever he’d told him sort of faded into background noise for him.
He hadn’t meant for anything to happen, hadn’t mean to wind up in the bathroom with a damn razor and a bottle of pills  He’s sort of going through the motions half-there, half-not. Like his body is acting of it’s own accord, his mind is telling him to do something and the rational part of his brain has checked out.
He finds himself in the bathroom with the door locked. He’s already popped a few pills of oxy which doesn’t help the half-here, half-not, feeling he’s going going on. Like he’s outside of his body watching himself make a horrible horrible decision. 
The pills aren’t enough and the tears pool in his eyes - he just wants the memories and the flashbacks and the guilt to go away. He wants the thoughts of not deserving to be here, to be alive, to go away. The pain of what happens next gives him something to focus on. The razor slices through the skin of his flesh like it’s nothing but thin paper.
Jay sucks in a sharp breath and his eyes are transfixed on the blood that flows from his left wrist, but it’s not enough, so he repeats the process on his right wrist before trembling fingers drop the blood-stained razor on the floor.
The stinging and the pain gives him a welcome distraction from the turmoil that is his mind - everything else fades into nothingness. He’s zoned out and focused completely on the red that drips down his arms, onto tile floor, instead of the sounds in his surroundings - like Tony returning from wherever he’d gone.
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crispyblonde-arch · 4 years
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@magicandmayhcm​ asked:  "Please, don't go." from the soft angst meme
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         ❝ you don’t want me here, ev. you barely know anything about my past -- and if i’m open and honest about all of it? you’re going to hate me. ❞ telling him about sam was out of the question because it was going to make him feel like a rebound or something which he completely wasn’t. she wondered if pulling up the articles about her death could even convince him that she had died. he was naive of everything out there as she once had been and she wished like hell that she could keep it that way.  ❝ i love you. i love you so much and i was so selfish to let myself love you. to let you love me. ❞
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chicagosfincst · 4 years
ANSWERED MEME: “ I’m begging you, man. Please. Please, I’m begging you.”    |   @magicandmayhcm​
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 will sighs. ❛ okay chris, okay. I will see what I can do. i will call the insurance company tomorrow and see if they can cover the rest of your treatment. i gave as much discounts as I could, but since i sedated you, it costs more than the average patient. ❜ he takes the bill from his brother, smiling.  ❛ don’t worry, bro. when you start coming to regular appointments it wont be such a financial burden. i promise you. ❜ chris had a wedding and two babies on the way. so this was the least he could do. 
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rydenkeller · 4 years
pray for ruzek, y’all | @magicandmayhcm
It was a typical night at Molly’s- Ryden was filling in for Stella, so as he sank down to grab clean glasses, he wasn’t shocked to see the boys in blue rolling through. He observed the trio of men greeting doctors and firefighters, noting that the one with the blond hair had pulled away and approached the bar, prompting him to stand up and greet him.  “Howdy, officer. What can I get you?”
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prettytragcdies · 4 years
Mutuals, followers, anons… it is your time to send in ALL PLOT SUGGESTIONS for the mun to either decline, accept, or even add to their wishlist.  This is also a perfect time to ask the mun if they’d be interested in a plot with your muse, too, that you’d been wanting to bring up.  Suggest verses, AU ideas, and even new muses if you’d like! JUST ALL THE STUFF!
With the holiday season right around the corner, I really need Scarlett and Sue Ellen to take Ella ice skating one afternoon or evening during the time of Brylett's big custody battle. Sue Ellen's been through two of them herself, so she knows it hurts the child more than anything or anyone else. That's why she calls Bryan to come and join them on their outing, but she doesn't mention that Scarlett's there. Ella's obviously excited to see her daddy, and after showing him some of her new skills, she and Sue Ellen get hot chocolate and sit in the stands while leaving Brylett alone together on the ice. It's obviously on purpose to try and push them back together, because what better time than during the magic of Christmas?
I also need something during that timeline based off of Carrie Underwood's Relapse. Scarlett somehow ends up at Bryan's place one night, and they eventually wind up in bed together, just like always. Whether or not Scarlett manages to sneak out early the next morning or Bryan catches her in the doorway is still yet to be decided, but ugh. Just all the mutual pining but being too stubborn to make the first move or even pick up the phone. I'm already having feels, wow.
What if something happened to Ella, though? Like, maybe she fell off of her horse or if I'm being really terrible out of the hay loft like her great aunt did once upon a time way back when. Brylett has to come together at the hospital, and if Kara and Samuel are still around somewhere, maybe whatever is wrong with her calls for some sort of blood donation or something, and maybe Samuel is the only one who can save her. Someone should also write Ella, but that's beside the point.
Random, but I also want to do something that involves severe weather. Like, maybe they get stuck somewhere one night during like a tornado or whatever. I mean, we're known for them down here in Texas, and they happen in Illinois as well, of course, so yeah...
Switching couples now, but since Audrey enjoys baking when she just needs to chill and relax, I've decided that George Strait's Christmas Cookies is the holiday song that she always like teases Jeff about being written about them or whatever.
I feel like I'm forgetting a plot or two, but lbr. I'm always coming up with ideas, so I'll probably eventually be adding on to this post. For now, feel free to jump on any or all of these, because I miss being consumed with all the feels. Okay, the end for now lol.
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labyriinths · 4 years
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@magicandmayhcm​ John Ross for Christopher
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“So what’s this I hear, cousin? You decidin’ you wanna hang up your suit n tie and start being part of the ranch hands? Play daddy to someone else’s kid?” he smiled amusedly as the driver took them to lunch with the governor. John Ross had so much on his plate lately, he hadn’t really crossed paths with Christopher. By most accounts it’s been the best they’ve gotten along in a long time. Probably more for the lack of interactions than anything else. As kids they’d been inseparable, but their father’s legacies had gotten in the middle. A tale as old as time-- one that many legends were known for. Who knew if this unspoken truce between them would continue, but for now, he was content he had one less problem to manage.
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