maugus · 2 years
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@mahamatran​ so anyways,
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mcuntainbcrn · 2 years
@mahamatran​ liked for a starter!
She had to swallow a snarl of frustration, teeth clenching together - him again, and once again, despite making contact with the ground, she hadn’t felt him tailing her so much as once; she would be curious if she wasn’t so annoyed - his presence meant that the new location she was considering taking up temporary residence in wouldn’t do.
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“Have I slighted, or wronged you in some way? Forgive me for probing, but I think it’s a reasonable thing to ask when I’m being followed for seemingly no reason.”
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seventhdecrees · 2 years
[ GUIDE ]: sender readjusts the receiver’s stance and posture with their hands while training together.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Her visit to Sumeru took a little detour per say since Buer is quite busy reclaiming back what the sages took from their archon and she must find new sages that she can fully trust. Though when she was free, she didn't skip a beat to hug the other archon and start their tour.
While the two deities have time to talk as they stroll down the streets of Sumeru and then later to the desert where Buer introduced the Electro Archon to the general Mahamatra but after him training newer recruits. The shorter deity notices the older archon kept her gaze on the general with a spark of interest behind those violet hues making her let out a little giggle.
Buer decided to let the poor general take the reins on showing Ei more of Sumeru. The former kagemusha look at Buer then Cyno in confusion before she hops away leaving them alone with a little mischievous grin — to say they were talkative would be a lie. Standing there awkwardly until the taller woman broke the silence by asking him to show her more of his technique with faint excitement in her voice.
Out of habit, Ei lowered her naginata in a gedan-no-kamae position causing the general to shake his head a bit. She jumps a bit feeling his hands upon hers while he fixes up her stance — unconsciously her flesh started to redden a bit because of the touch.
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ “ I see. What was this technique called again? I know each region have their teachings with the pole-arm? Sumeru’s polearms have more flat like blades so it's intent is not to kill? ”
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sakuradreamerz · 2 years
“Hey, did you hear...?”
“...there’s a figure that can speak to the dead!...”
“Speak to the dead??”
“Wait, seriously? I heard something about them raising the dead!”
“Are they with the Akademiya or a member of the Eremites?”
“Desert? Maybe? or under Ashavan?”
“A friend of mine told me that they know a guy that...”
“And she said he saw them use magic to raise her dead dog. They were a bit slow but they were good as new!”
“Oo! Can they learn how to do that to help my kid, next?”
Caravan Ribat was supposed to be peaceful...and yet...the words echoing from the next table were the complete opposite. Their words of excitement left every movement of her pencil shaky. Rigid in a sense.
The pencil strokes became rougher, slower, shakier, distracted from the page...
Calm...calm. No...these words....
Nothing was calm about them. These claims...to rise from the dead...to speak to those laid to rest...
Even in Teyvat, it seemed like she couldn’t escape the talk of the undead...nor necromancy, could she?
No more strokes on the page...but words were added to it instead.
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Claims: Speak to dead. Raise others from death. Unknown entity involved. Uses magic. 
The more she wrote down those words, the more her mind flashed back to the past. 
One of constant death and bloodshed. Of Validar...and Grima summoning undead to face the Shepherds; her first friends. The Risen. Of King Garon’s corpse...Anankos bending the deceased’s spirits to his will...no matter if they came from Nohr, Hoshido, or even Valla...
Inhale...exhale...her sketchbook flips shut. The group still chatters on, their topic of interest seemingly flowing into the next. 
How many others latched onto this supernatural rumor?
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akashaless · 2 years
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“The forest has been a lot quieter lately.  Fewer scholars around trying to connect with the divine knowledge, I suppose.” One only had to take a few guesses to realize it was probably the new residents of the forest that were deterring them.
Still, as much as Tighnari complained about having to take care of foolish visitors who collapsed due to dehydration or ate poisonous mushrooms, his job being completely quiet made him antsy.
“Perhaps I should use the time to work on my research.  There are still plenty of plants I haven’t tested the properties of.”
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maugus · 2 years
MEME. @mahamatran​ asked ;; “Don’t worry about it. I was already awake.”
Ahh , she felt . .  Bad. Minette had been trying so hard to stay quiet , she hadn’t wanted to bother anyone just because she couldn’t settle down.  They said they had already been awake but , she wouldn’t have been surprised to find they were only saying that to make her feel better about having been too loud.
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“ A - Are you sure ? ” Skittishly inquired in a hushed tone as the knight adjusts the small pack leaning up against her side. Since she couldn’t sleep anyways , she was going to try and finish a sketch she had started earlier before the mental image left her entirely . . It was difficult to get close to Rishboland Tigers without getting knocked around a bit , so she needed to at least get the general form down before trying to sleep again.
It had been in the process of getting her pencils out that she had dropped a couple against the floor. They had made a fair bit of noise for it being so late . . So , when Cyno had first popped over , she was sure they were about to give her a scolding for it.
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luminousglimmer-a · 2 years
〝 ✦ ┊ ┊  𝖲𝖳𝖠𝖱𝖳𝖤𝖱  𝖢𝖠𝖫𝖫 ▸ ﹝ cyno ﹞  :   @mahamatran​
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     the  traveler  smiles  ,  pure  and  angelic .  she  inches  close  to  him  slowly  with  hands  clasped  behind  her  back .  there’s  a  mischievous  twinkle  in  her  eyes ,  though  she  does  her  best  ‘ innocent ’  act .   paimon  dared  her  and  lumine’s  pride  is  on  the  line ,  so  she  hopes  she’s  fooled  him  enough  to  get  in  his  space .   ❝     hey, cyno. if you were a steak . .    ❞
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     ❝     . . you’d be rare.    ❞
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mcuntainbcrn · 2 years
What was this?
Everything had been so peaceful before, a cavern deep below the surface of the desert above, one that she had taken the liberty of filling with an amalgam of both native, non-native species in order to make it more comfortable for her; after all, it wasn’t as though she ever intended on having company…and even in the nigh improbable chance she entertained the notion, there wasn’t a soul around for miles in any given direction.
So why…why, and how, was she currently on her back with the razor edge of a spear pressing into her throat?
How had he managed to catch her unaware? His feet were touching the ground, she should have felt him coming and had time to hide…but even though he stood there, there was nothing to feel; almost as though he were ephemeral, and were it not for her own efforts to drop the temperature, perhaps she could pass this off as a heat induced mirage.
…if only she didn’t feel her skin threatening to give against that wicked sharpness, left mute from the shock of it all with only the gleam of her eyes to show as much from beneath the shade of a makeshift hood.
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frcstwinded · 2 years
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@mahamatran​: “ you’d  be  a  better  memory  alive  rather  than  not. ”
if only that was oh so simple. memories are such a fickle thing with origins so unknown yet known, but perhaps being there to forge said memories first hand is far more impactful than being just mentioned in passing by those who were involved and saw one’s end. that only made kaeya smirk as he looked at the general mahamatra with a shrug.
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“memories are such a fragile thing, with no documentation it becomes nothingness. my involvement in other’s memories doesn’t concern me anymore, be it if i am alive or deceased, but i understand your concern, and i will take it to heart.”
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seventhdecrees · 2 years
Send 🎼for a short playlist for our muses.
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Cyno / Ei
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀“ The bolt of thunder runs same in our blood. ”
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ——————-
Lavender blood
Lavender is always running through my blood.
I've had enough, I'm cold and it is dusk.
Turn into dust, it's dripping from my gums. It's not enough
Towards The Sun
Turn your face towards the sun.
Let the shadows fall behind you.
Catch my breath and hold it for me.
I'm wasting my time, tryna make up my mind
You leapt from crumbling bridges
Watching cityscapes turn to dust. Filming helicopters crashing
In the ocean from way above.
Got the music in you, baby. Tell me why.
You've been locked in here forever. And you just can't say goodbye
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xianqu · 2 years
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        “  it was a good try;  i can’t say i know how to work it either,  but perhaps it just wasn’t meant to be.  ”
     「 @mahamatran​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​   ❤ ‘d    for a starter. 」        
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maugus · 2 years
@mahamatran X.
The thought does briefly cross her mind that maybe she should have referred to him by his title (it was an important one, after all,) and an uneasy feeling settles in the pit of her stomach. It was just that , how to put it . . It wasn't that he wasn't an intimidating figure ! He certainly was ! Minette had simply found herself less tense around him than most , for some reason. She couldn't put her finger on why , exactly , but she was happy for it ! Being skittish with others often made it hard for her to get her work done . .
" G - Gotcha ! Cyno it is , then ! " The queasiness in her stomach quickly disappears , replaced instead by a cheerful warmth , a bright smile quick to take hold of her expression. Minette couldn't guarantee she wouldn't slip up once in a while but . . It was nice to know he didn't mind. Though - " Wait . . Really ? " The knights head tilts curiously , " You're a really nice person (at least you have been to me,) and you only go after people who have done something really bad if I've understood correctly . . There's no reason to be scared of you or anything . . " Maybe it wasn't as serious as she was envisioning it but , the thought that people possibly avoided him (or something of the sort,) made her sad . .
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" I'm sorry , Cyno . . I think that's silly of them . . "
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mcuntainbcrn · 2 years
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@mahamatran said: ❝  it’s okay—  you can touch it if you want.  doesn’t hurt anymore.  ❞
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She blinked - apparently she had been staring without meaning to while lost in thought; it was only after he spoke that she actually paid any mind as to where her gaze had apparently lingered.
It was a rather large scar on the gatekeeper's hip - no doubt the wound had been rather grievous at the time of injury; she wasn't in the habit of touching anyone she didn't intend to immediately kill...even when the two sparred on occasion, there was always a barrier that prevented her from making direct contact, so her hands remained tucked within folds of fabric.
After all, all those she dared to handle always tended to meet rather violent ends...and this one, other than ensuring she had no intention of desecrating the tombs of King Deshret, hadn't harmed her in the slightest.
"...no good can come from such a thing - even remaining within proximity is pushing it."
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frcstwinded · 2 years
@mahamatran​ liked for a starter
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“maybe if i fall asleep, i won’t breathe right.”
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luminousglimmer-a · 2 years
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〝 ✦ ┊ ┊  𝖯𝖱𝖮𝖬𝖯𝖳𝖤𝖣 ▸ ﹝ cyno ﹞  :   @mahamatran​
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               bright eyes, filled with a playfulness that lumine normally does not get to express, look straight at him as she explains the rules. they’re quite simple, really. this inazuma born game is little more than a game of chicken and she’s no coward. whoever backs away first loses. the smile on her face is meant to taunt, more of a challenge than anything else. will he, now knowing the rules of the ‘pocky game,’ choose to participate? or will he leave her sitting with the chocolate covered biscuit stick between her lips? that would be a forfeit and lumine isn’t particular about how she wins.
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              not that a tie sounds bad, either ~
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