#mahiru was okay with kuro killing him if it meant he could stop tsubaki
childrenofthesun77 · 7 months
Still wondering if mikuni making 13 clone illusions of himself that need to be killed in order to destroy the barrier spell is just mikuni messing with everyone or if he's secretly hoping someone will kill him thinking he's just one of his clones before he causes the death of so many people.
One thing I still find so baffling about mikuni seemingly being on board with the ritual is that his main spell, the one he created when he was a teenager, judges you if you killed a human and gets heavier for every additional human you have killed.
We also saw how terrified young mikuni was when he used the spell on tsurugi for the first time, regardless if it was because he could have killed tsurugi or because he realized tsurugi had killed humans before, it shows that when he was younger mikuni valued human life.
Even if mikuni changed his views since then, maybe there is still a part of him that wants to be stopped.
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atherinashura0305 · 7 years
I Could Get Used to This
So this is an extremely late one shot that I had meant to get out months ago. But, things happened and I couldn’t get around to finishing it until now. This one is for @crazyanime3 and was meant as a way to cheer her up back when she had been super sick with pneumonia. Hope you all like it!
The sun had finally gone down for the evening. It meant that Kuro could finally leave the apartment. Mahiru had caught some sort of cold and was laid up in bed. He had told Mahiru to cancel his plans when it had started to downpour but had he listened to him? No. And now Mahiru was sick and he had to take care of him…which had led to him having to leave the apartment to pick up some cold medicine, since Mahiru didn’t have any on hand.
Of course, as soon as Mahiru had learned that he was going out he had quickly scribbled out a list of groceries that they needed. He sighed heavily as he glanced at the list once again. It was a small list but troublesome all the same. Thankfully the convenient store was just around the block so he was still well within their distance limit, because even though the list wasn’t very long, he had no clue where to find all of these items. He usually didn’t pay attention when Mahiru was shopping and instead spent his time trying to sneak junk food into the basket.
Once inside the store he grabbed a basket and once again looked the list over. It shouldn’t take him too long to find all these items, but the first thing that he wanted to get was medicine. It was the whole reason why he had left the apartment in the first place, so it was the most important thing to get in his mind. It didn’t take long to find the aisle dedicated to medicinal items and after quickly scanning through everything, Kuro picked out something that should help Mahiru recover. He also decided to grab some herbal tea since he had noticed Mahiru had started coughing. He suspected that his Eve had a sore throat and wasn’t telling him. It was an extra item, but Kuro couldn’t care less. If it would help Mahiru get better, he’d get it.
Now came the troublesome part; getting the rest of the items on the list. He supposed that he could just ask one of the employees for help… That would be the ‘simplest’ thing to do…and he wanted to return to the apartment as quickly as possible. He was almost at the front of the store when he registered a familiar presence. Ugh. This was the last thing that he wanted to deal with. Maybe if he just ignored him…
“Oi! Sloth!”
The sound of footsteps quickly approaching him dashed Kuro’s hopes of getting out of here undetected. With a heavy sigh and posture slumping even more he turned slightly to face Sakuya as he subclass caught up to him. He and Mahiru had patched things up between them now that Tsubaki wasn’t trying to kill them all anymore, but Kuro was still rather frosty with him. He had really hurt Mahiru that day that they had learned that he was Tsubaki’s subclass and he hadn’t quite forgiven him for that just yet. While it was troublesome and required effort to keep that little grudge going, it had the added benefit of at least keeping him in line and making sure that he wasn’t going to hurt his Eve again. Oh, Kuro knew that Sakuya wouldn’t dare hurt Mahiru again, he had seen firsthand just how hard he was trying to make amends, but a little extra insurance didn’t hurt.
“Why’re you here alone, Sloth? Where’s Mahiru?” The slightly accusing tone did not go unnoticed and a mild glare quickly had Sakuya backing off. “…Sorry… It’s just…I’ve never seen you without Mahiru around. …It’s weird,” he confessed. Truthfully he knew that if there was one person who was more protective of Mahiru other than him, it would be Sloth. It was just worrying that Sloth was out alone with no Mahiru in sight. He heard the Servamp sigh in what was probably annoyance before answering him.
“…he’s at the apartment…” he eventually drawled out.
Sakuya focused his attention back to Sloth, knowing that he had more to say, even if he had to prod it out of him. “Why is he there?”
“…caught a cold over the week…” Kuro replied tiredly. When he saw Sakuya about to ask him another question did he sigh heavily again. “…he was out in the storm the other day… …told him to come back inside…and that he could finish his project later but he just waved me off and said that it was ‘simpler to just get it done now’.”
Sakuya couldn’t help but to laugh slightly. That definitely sounded like Mahiru. Nothing could deter him once he set his mind to something and Sloth’s attempts to get him to stop were likely ignored. “So you’re here because…?”
“No medicine…” Kuro sighed out.
“And the list…?”
“Ugh. Mahiru saw that I was going out…to get medicine and scribbled out a list…of things that we needed…”
Sakuya laughed again when he heard that. If Mahiru could still write out lists then he must not have been too sick. He then noticed that the basket that Sloth was holding only had two items in it. “Huh? That’s all that you’ve found so far?” He couldn’t keep the surprise out of his voice even though he should have known just how Sloth operated. The glare that he received in turn told him that Sloth had probably just gotten to the store before he had stopped him. “Sorry, sorry! Jeez, lighten up a little,” he grumbled out. He watched as Sloth looked at the list in his hand and glance around the store. Normally he wouldn’t offer to help Sloth because Sloth was pretty scary when he wanted to be, and coupled with his low key grudge against him, he tended to avoid him when he could. But, Mahiru was sick and he wanted to help, if even a little, so he gathered up his courage and gained Sloth’s attention once again. “So…do you want some help?”
Kuro turned his gaze back to Sakuya when he heard his question. As much as he wanted the subclass to just go away, he knew that his help would mean going back home to Mahiru sooner. So it was with reluctance that he handed the list over to him. He saw surprise flit over Sakuya’s face before the subclass quickly schooled his expression into one of concentration.
“Well, this shouldn’t be too hard,” he murmured to himself when he saw the list. Most of the items listed were staple things so Sakuya was quickly able to find everything and place them into the basket that Kuro was carrying. The two made quite the sight as they bickered slightly over what was better to get. Sakuya wanted to get extra things (which is something that Kuro would usually agree to) but this time Kuro just wanted to get what was needed and leave. Their bickering didn’t stop until their sensitive hearing picked up on a group of high school girls giggling at them and remarking that they were ‘cute together’.
“Ugh…can’t deal…” Kuro complained.
“It’s your fault! If you’d just let me get these things we wouldn’t be in this situation,” Sakuya bit out, though his face was tinted slightly with a blush.
Kuro saw this but decided to just ignore it. There was no reason to bring any more attention to it than necessary, though he did send a glare at the group of girls which sent them scattering. Sakuya laughed a bit at that, served them right for gossiping about others. “…Let’s go…” Kuro muttered without really thinking about what he was saying. His statement caught the subclass off guard but he followed after Sloth anyways. The two were soon at the checkout and paying for the items, though Sakuya noticed that Kuro had pulled out his own wallet instead of using the money that Mahiru had probably had given him. It struck him as odd as he hadn’t even known that Sloth had any money, and he was equally sure that Mahiru didn’t even know that his Servamp had money. Oh well, he didn’t think much more about it. After all, Tsubaki had to have a ton of money to be able to afford their hotel suite, it only made sense that most of the other Servamps probably weren’t that bad off.
Once they had their groceries did the two head back to Mahiru’s apartment and it didn’t take long before Sakuya couldn’t take the silence any more. “Uhm, Sloth? Are you feeling okay?” he ventured hesitantly. It wasn’t like Sloth to just openly invite him back to the apartment without Mahiru around to make him.
Kuro sighed heavily as they reached the stairs to the apartment. “Did you want to see Mahiru or not?” he questioned back. Ugh, why was he doing this? He could have just sent the subclass on his way and not have to deal with him for a while. However, it was too late to take his offer back. He had seen Sakuya’s eyes light up at the mention of seeing Mahiru.
It didn’t take long for them to reach the apartment and to quietly toe their shoes off. Mahiru seemed to be sleeping so the two vampires quietly put things away. “At least Mahiru isn’t trying to do anything,” Kuro sighed in relief when he saw no sign of his troublesome Eve up and about.
Sakuya chuckled at him. “Is Mahi Mahi giving you troubles even when he’s sick?” he teased.
Kuro flopped down onto the couch before replying, “He insists that he’s fine…but he’s clearly not… …he doesn’t know how to let others…take care of him for a change…”
“Sounds like Mahiru,” Sakuya replied before casting a glace around for somewhere to sit since Kuro was taking up the whole couch. “Oi, Sloth, move a bit, will ya?” he eventually grumbled.
It was a chore but Kuro eventually sat up. “Such a pain…” he sighed as he did so causing Sakuya to roll his eyes.
“You can make yourself useful, you know. Mahiru’s sick, so shouldn’t you be making him something?”
“…he’s sleeping…and resting… …He’s not being troublesome for a change,” Kuro replied as he closed his eyes. “…besides…he has a sixth sense for when someone enters the kitchen…”
Sakuya couldn’t help but to snort slightly at that description of his friend. “But he’s sick now, so he shouldn’t be able to use his super kitchen senses to know that you’re in there,” he countered.
Ugh, why did he have to have a point? Sure he had been thinking of making something but…right now? “…fine…” Kuro mumbled as he pushed himself up off the couch. “…but you’re helping…” he finished as he hoisted the subclass up as well.
“Wh-What?!” Sakuya yelped slightly. “I’m horrible in the kitchen! I’ll make a mess of everything and create some sort of blob monster that will eat us all!” he exclaimed.
Kuro ignored him as he dragged him into the kitchen. “You’re good with knives, aren’t you?” It was a rhetorical question, but it made Sakuya frown at him anyways. “You can chop things up,” Kuro continued as he got things set up. Sakuya was still reluctant to do so. He was not a good cook. It was why he usually got things from the mini mart. “M’sure that Mahiru would like it if you were to help,” he added.
Sakuya threw him a dirty look at that but took up a knife to start chopping things regardless. “That was low,” he stated with a slight growl.
Kuro just shrugged slightly as he prepared everything else. He had to stop Sakuya from slicing his fingers off a few times but eventually they had a simple ramen and broth made. And since Mahiru was still sleeping they helped themselves before heading back to the living room to challenge each other on some video games. That was how Mahiru found them when he woke up about an hour later, sitting next to each other on the floor and highly invested in some kind of fighting game.
“Kuro…? …S-Sakuya?” he questioned blearily, still not quite believing what he was seeing.
The game was quickly paused as Sakuya sprung up to hug him. “Mahiru~!” he crowed happily. “How are you feeling?” he asked as he kept his friend from wriggling away from him.
Kuro had stood up by now and was stretching out as he answered for his Eve. “…he’d be better if you weren’t squishing him…” he yawned out. Sakuya quickly released him, giving him a sheepish grin as he did so.  
“…Sakuya…? Why’re you here? Not that I’m not happy to see you but…” Mahiru trailed off, still not able to comprehend what he was seeing. He had been pretty sure that Kuro just tolerated Sakuya for his sake but…there they were, playing video games with each other and not trying to kill the other with their glares.
“Well~ I saw Kuro at the mart and followed him back. I slipped inside the apartment before he could shut me out~” he replied with a playful smirk on his face. Mahiru could only stare at him, more because he had just called Kuro by his name instead of Sloth than anything else, before he saw his Servamp roll his eyes slightly. So…was what Sakuya saying true then? “So, how much of that was a lie~?”
Mahiru huffed at him quietly before burrowing back into Sakuya to keep warm. He felt his friend rub his back slightly as he chuckled. “Sorry, Mahiru. Couldn’t resist teasing you.”
“It’s fine. I should be used to it by now,” Mahiru replied tiredly.
“Come on, let’s get you settled on the couch. I think that Kuro is getting you some medicine and tea right now.”
Mahiru hummed tiredly before he found himself seated on the couch with Sakuya sitting to his right. Before he could get too comfortable he felt Kuro gently push a cup of warm tea into his hands as well as some medicine. He gratefully took them, hoping that it would make him feel better soon. His empty cup was soon replaced with a bowl of ramen, and while he knew that he wouldn’t be able to eat all of it, it was heartwarming to know that it had been made for him. “This is pretty good, Kuro,” he murmured quietly after eating a few spoonful’s of broth.
“Hey! What about me?! I helped too! Sure, it almost turned into a monster that could have eaten us, but I helped out as well!
Mahiru could hear Kuro’s light huff of amusement as he chuckled himself, which caused him to start coughing slightly. “I’m sure that if a monster had arisen, you’d have taken care of it, but thanks for making me something, Sakuya. It means a lot to me.”
“Well of course we’re going to make things for you, Mahiru. You’re our friend, and friends care for each other,” Sakuya replied back sheepishly. His cheeks were stained a light pink but luckily Mahiru couldn’t see that. He caught Kuro’s eye and turned a bit redder, causing Kuro to raise an eyebrow in confusion at that. However, he didn’t dig into it too deeply. If things happened, they happened and they’d deal with it then.
Once Mahiru had finished eating what he could did Kuro go and get a blanket to bundle him up in before taking the free spot on the couch to Mahiru’s left. Being cocooned between the two vampires, Mahiru couldn’t help but to snuggle into them and watch as the two took up their match again. He watched them idly and soon the quiet sounds coming from the game started to lull him back to sleep. Before he drifted off though his thoughts were of having Sakuya over more often, especially since it seemed that neither vampire was going to fight over him anymore. He liked seeing them like this much more than when they were at each other’s throats.
When Mahiru woke up again later that night he found that he was still sandwiched in between the two vampires. Only instead of being on the couch, the futons had been pulled out into the living room. A glance at Sakuya’s phone which was nearby told him that it was still extremely early in the morning so he settled back down to go back to sleep. As he did so a smile appeared on his face as he snuggled up against the two vampires again. He could get used to sleeping like this and waking up with his two vampires.
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childrenofthesun77 · 4 months
Okay, thank god pandora finally seems to have stopped. It needs the moon to work and mahiru turned night into day with his spell.
Since misono seems to have made little progress with getting through to mikuni during their talk and kuro seems not to be able to get tsubaki to change his mind either yet I hoped that at least the pandora fight would end soon to start a new part of the plot, especially since basically every important character at the scene got to show off their powers against that thing.
Anyway, mahiru seems to be making his way to kuro now. I wonder if that is exactly what mikuni secretly planned to have happen in the first place tho. He was not at all upset that his barrier spell, that was protecting tsubaki so he could use the power of the other servamps he stole to defeat kuro and make him drink the count's blood, was broken. He practically told sakuya what they needed to do and goaded the subclass into killing his clones.
When kuro arrived at the shrine there was an illusion of sakuya standing in his way asking where mahiru was created by mikuni, which then got destroyed by tsubaki in anger at mikuni for intervening. Clearly mikuni expected the distance limit to still be in place and that mahiru would arrive with kuro.
Maybe sakuya was meant to keep mahiru busy until tsubaki's subclass could destroy mikuni's barrier spell.
Mikuni probably never intended to use kuro as the vessel, he only made a deal with him to collect the parts needed for the ritual without tsubaki trying to kill him.
Maybe he wants mahiru as the vessel for whatever is special about mahiru we have yet to find out? I do think that is what Johan found out after running tests on mahiru and showing the result to mikuni.
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