#mailna all the way
akazbrekkersimp · 1 year
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Nooo the shade😭
Just finished reading the trilogy i loved it as much as SOC .... but it makes me question why the Crows are in SAB Show when they were not in any of the book in SAB series??? Can someone tell me please?
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Discord RP: 4/27/2018 (Other RP’ers’ swear words are under the cut)
[2488] and finally, lured from the smell of fresh meat. they crawl out. their powers mostly gone. they hiss:
"Fine, go be free. I don't care about you any more" they mumble. they then expel a Soul, is that the mage soul? that powerful soul? it doesn't matter. 2488 looks around, glaring at Mailna. they steal a cookie cake than dart back into the safety of the bushes. odd... doesn't he hunt these areas? 
[Mail] "oh great. he took a part of the cake. meanie"
My lamentations are interrupted by the sudden sensation of being shot out from somewhere. I land on the ground and sprout a pair of tiny red legs to stand up with. I realize that I can no longer feel the presence of the three other human souls, the dragon soul, or 2488.
"...Am I... free?" I wonder to myself. However, the sounds of 2488 showing up and releasing me have attracted the attention of the Temmie, who had been perusing her list of music on her cell phone. Her head darts up and she fixes a wide-eyed gaze on me.
"is... is a... a... SOULs?!?" she whispers in disbelief. Temmie has heard of human souls and how they are far more powerful than monster souls, but until now, she has never seen one in person. Transfixed by the sight of me, she leaves her phone and LED light by the tree and vibrates over to where I stand. "u a SOULs?!?!"
[Mail] Mailna watches
...That voice. I know that voice. It's the voice of a-
Temmie claps me between her paws. "h-h-h-human SOULs... such a... CUTE!!1!"
Wait a minute, wait a minute. If Temmie's holding my disembodied soul, I realize, then that would mean that she could...
...Oh no. Oh no. Oh dear god, no. Right after I just got free from 2488, I'm about to get absorbed again?! What the heck would happen if a Temmie, of all monsters, absorbed a human soul?! Would she become a super-powerful Temmie to rule the rest of them?! With my soul and my powers, she probably could...
[M] "wow. the Island just got a whole lot more interesting"
But on the other hand, Temmies adore humans. Would she really do this to me? Would she- Temmie snuggles me against her.
"is a nice SOUL...! a nice hoomin SOUL...! ...u liek hapY fun rAev time, humin???"
Happy fun... rave time? Is that what she just said? Why would a Temmie ask me that? Temmies don't rave, they just vibrate until their faces detach. At least, that's the closest thing to a dance I've ever seen them do...
Of course, I certainly know another monster- a Fresh-possessed one- who does, but he hasn't shown up in quite some time. I can't help but wonder if I'll ever see him here again...
[C] Corrin wasn't sure what to make of the Big Sister still. It seemed harmless enough. She was about to say something else when something slammed into her side, knocking her out of the Big Sister’s hand. As Corrin fell, she noticed that the figure that attacked her was... HER?!?
"What the? Wha-How is this possible!" Corrin said. She drew Yato out as the chocolate figure also pulled out what looked to be Omega Yato! Two other chocolate figures fell along with it wielding what looked to be a chocolate version of the Blazing and Shadow Yato. Corrin wasn't sure what was going on, but it looked that they were out for blood...HER blood! She transformed into a dragon as she flew over back toward the countertop. The three chocolate clones also transformed into dragons as they gave chase to Corrin. As she reverted to normal along with the chocolate clones, Corrin held her Yato in a defensive stance as the three figures only glared at Corrin, clearly bent on killing her!
Temmie glances up at Corrin and her chocolate clones for a moment, before placing me in her mouth and wandering back over to the tree where she left her phone and lamp.
[Big Sister] A quick glance from the Big Sister would show one she's still around, and piecing the situation together it could easily say this. SAY YES. Give it what it wants. If, of course, the little thing in its arms didn't want to be eaten like that cookie it devoured. The humanity. Then the Big Sister saw as Corrin was about to fight a bunch of chocolate monsters. What the hell. She would give Corrin a little hand, feeling as if this wasn't her place by placing her hand upon the counter where Corrin had stood, giving her a chance for a tactical retreat. However... its attention was on the little white furred thing that had just put another thing in its mouth before going back to a phone. What the hell was happening today.
Temmie attempts to ask me another question, but she doesn't seem to be able to speak clearly with a human soul in her mouth.
"yrrr nr brrkrr rrrvmrrrn???"
"...brrkrr d rrvmrrrn?? brrft drrjrr?? brrft hrrpr frr rrv trrrmmf??? ...hrrmrrrnn???"
[M] Mailna quietly freaks out on the inside.for no apperant reason
I can feel her mouth moving against me as she talks... o_o;
I wiggle my tiny red legs in a pitiful attempt to escape, to which Temmie responds by dropping me out of her mouth and into her paws.
She then asks me again: "u no Baku?? u kno best dJ Baku? is best dJ raEvman?!?1" She vibrates excitedly at the thought of her favorite DJ.
Hearing that name coming from her- coming from a Temmie, an innocent, naive Temmie- sends a chill through me as the realization takes hold. She knows Baku. She's met him, and judging by how excited she's acting just from mentioning him- she seems to adore him. That slimeball. That selfish, personal space-invading, awesomely-dressed CREEP. She LIKES him. I'm at a loss for words, and not just because of my current lack of a mouth.
[Big Sister] What the hell was a Baku? What was that thing even saying? Unlike other humans with their odd speech, the Big Sister could barely understand the Temmie with her weird inflections. It was distracting, sending the creature all sorts of mixed signals. Where do they start and where do they end? Perhaps she could inquire about it... the Big Sister would glance to Corrin and give them a small open palm to signify waiting before walking over to the little fluffy white thing. The last step it makes is a stomp, trying to get the little critters’ attention.
Temmie misinterprets my little shiver of nervousness as a shiver of excitement. She was about to keep talking when she hears a loud thud, and turns to the Big Sister. With my soul still firmly in her paws, she asks:
"OO! OOO! u no Baku da ravEman to?1?!! is best dj!! has best fun haPy rAevtImes!1!!!"
All I can do is quiver, uneasy at the thought that Baku has an actual devoted fangirl. And she's a Temmie, of all things. This poor creature most likely has no idea of just who she's really obsessing over...
After all, Baku isn't who he appears to be. While he may appear to be a tall, sleek skeleton monster in a sleeveless hoodie, he's really a tiny little slug-like creature living inside said skeleton monster, controlling his every move. I highly doubt that this Temmie knows that, however, since there'd be no way for her to tell unless she had already learned what Fresh parasites were and how they functioned beforehand. And I very much doubt that she has...
[C] Corrin knew that she was outmatched facing against clones of herself... even if they were made entirely of chocolate. She looked back at the Big Sister as she saw that it gave her a sign that she took as waiting. She nodded as she turned her attention back towards her chocolate coated clones. The Chocolate Corrin (Which for simplicity’s sake will be abbreviated as C.Corrin) that had the Blazing Yato in hand rushed forward as the chocolate coated blade swung at Corrin. Corrin reacted quickly by raising Yato to meet with the Chocolate Blazing Yato. The blades clashed with a ting as tiny pieces of chocolate flew from the Chocolate Blazing Yato. Corrin reached for her Silver sword and swung up to disarm the C.Corrin. She then swung Yato at the C.Corrin, chopping at the chocolate-coated arm, which seemed to have fallen off easily. The C.Corrin jumped back as her arm fell on the table. Corrin could only grip her blades as she observed the chocolate clone’s every move.
"u no Baku?! u no da Baku best dJ?!?! u kno him?!?!" Temmie asks the Big Sister again, vibrating with anticipation.
[Big Sister] Damage control would be attempted immediately. The Big Sister would nod in response, seemingly capable of actually understanding someone. But first... seeing as the little red thing was terrified, as fear was something the Big Sister saw as commonly as corpses, she would extend her hand and make a little gesture with her fingers in a polite attempt to convince the cute creature that the red thing was hers. Of course it wasn’t at all hers but, the kitty couldn’t know. Or was it a super fluffy dog with one of the most adorable faces its ever honestly seen? It would turn back for a moment before taking note that the things trying to attack her were chocolate. Not even close to dangerous. Unless they shot fire or something. But in the meantime, turns back to the little thing and nods. Did the Temmie have two sets of ears? That’s just weird.
Not getting an answer, the Temmie asks again, with more urgency:
"u no him?!? u kno him?1?1! u no da RAVEMAN?!?!?!" She is vibrating harder than ever, to the point where her face can't keep up with how hard the rest of her body is vibrating.
[Big Sister] OK this was weird, but the creature nods again towards her, hopefully she doesn’t require a vocal answer otherwise she would vibrate until she explodes.
"awawawa!! U NO BAKU!! U NO DA BEST DJ RAVEMAAAAAAAAN!!1!" Temmie is completely overcome with excitement. She vibrates harder and harder, except for her face, which continues to vibrate much less intensely than the rest of her. I, meanwhile, am becoming increasingly disturbed at just how fanatical this Temmie is towards Baku. A scumbag like him doesn't deserve a fan this utterly devoted, no matter how amazing his fashion sense is.
[M] Sadly, the cake croc has never heard of Baku. but wants to learn more. But hell no are they going to ask. This is business rivalry. they're bad for business, they're not going to be friendly towards them. well, mostly. i guess.
[Big Sister] As if the cake crocodile had ANY sort of say in the matter of business in the first place. But, for the time being the Big Sister continues to nod slowly while attempting, slowly to not startle the tiny creature, place its hand upon the red “Soul” thing and perhaps slip it out of the paws of the Temmie. Because that vibrating was honestly making the Big Sister extremely confused, but she was acting like she knew Baku and she knew what she was doing.
Unfortunately for the Big Sister, Temmie notices her reaching for my soul. She stops vibrating and backs away, clutching me to her chest.
"n-n-NO!! is... human soul is MINE!!1! IS MINE1!!! IS MY HUMIN SOULs1!!!1!1 IS MINE, IS MINE, IS..."
As she holds me close, I can feel myself moving even closer to her. Moving into her. closer, closer, into her body... and then dread overtakes me as I realize what's about to happen. As I sink into her chest and out of sight, the Temmie begins to glow...
She becomes engulfed in white light...
[C] Corrin held Yato and her Silver Sword in front of her as the three C.Corrins slowly appraoched her with their respective Yatos drawn. Though the C.Corrin that had the Blazing Yato had one of its arms sliced off, it still slowly approached Corrin with the others. Corrin slowly walked back until she felt one of her foot slip. She managed to regain her balance as she looked behind her. She noticed the scene where the Big Sister was doing... something? She couldn't tell what exactly was happening as a white light enveloped what looked to be a cat-dog creature. She turned back in time to parry a blow from the other C.Corrin that had the Shadow Yato. There was no way Corrin was going to win THIS fight! She transformed into a dragon as she flew off, catching up to the Big Sister. She landed beside what she thought was the creatures shoulder as she tried to observe what happened. Fortunately, it sounded like she lost the three clones that were after her... for now.
[Big Sister] Fuck fuck fuck this was too early! Whoops maybe making a move was a dumb idea, no matter how slowly. But you only realize the mistake you made, after making it after all she was not into this shit. So seeing as the scene would probably get really ugly, and noticing that Corrin happened to be backed far against a metaphorical wall... it would take a step back, then another before turning her head away from the scene and dashing away into the resort lobby, planning on hiding wherever. In a pool or a ocean, if Corrin could breathe underwater then they could wait this out.
She stands up on her hind legs as the white light changes to rainbow colors, before finally fading.
...The fusion emerges.
...We look down at ourselves. We look at our clothes, and our paws, and then we take off the little witch's hat that has appeared on our head, turning it around in our front paws before putting it back on our head.
"im a... wat am i...?""Im a tem... but i got a human soul an' a Tem soul..."
"and I gots... magic??" I remembered that I had dropped my wand right before 2488 crushed me. What happened to it? The Temmie, seemingly in response to my wondering this, suggests an idea. Alright, I suppose it's worth a try...
We hold our right paw out to the side and a line of golden light appears in our palm, coalescing into the shape of a wand.
...My wand! It's back! How did we get it back? Did it return itself to my inventory somehow? I didn't actually get to see 2488 absorb it, so I fail to consider that perhaps it was already in my inventory when 2488 spat me back out.
"we gots my wand back! I gots a magic! Tems magic and humans magic!!1!" We stretch our paw that's holding the wand, brandishing it in a show-offy manner.
"Its a good wand! its so stronk!!" We remind ourselves- or rather, I remind myself, and inform the Temmie. The Temmie, meanwhile, is thinking about how my wand could be used to improve her mini-raves- which reminds us that she left her phone and LED lamp by the tree (having me in her body seems to improve the Temmie's memory and attention span somewhat). We hurry back over to the tree and place the lamp and cell phone back into our inventory.
What should we do next, we wonder? It's getting kind of late, and there are cots in the infirmary to sleep in; we are both aware of that. With our wand, cell phone, and LED lamp safely returned to our possession, we enter the building.
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