#main blog hoursss
zodiaciller · 8 months
tagged by @scattered-storyteller - shuffle your favorite playlist and post the first five songs that come up.
i couldn’t choose a favorite playlist so i chose the playlist i listen to on my morning commute! so when you listen please imagine yourself extremely sleep-deprived and sitting in traffic in a beater car on your way to a shit job :)
i think the spotify algorithm pulled this one up because i played this on loop like 10 straight times last week when i successfully got my parking fine thrown out
side effects of the current yellowjackets brain rot... what can i say i love the soundtrack to the show
actually this is a new addition to the playlist! this song is off their album that just got released a few days ago
good tune! i have sung along to this one far too vigorously too often
really good song to listen to on an early morning commute tbh. like i think this song is the most potent after sunset and before sunrise. also i tap along to the rhythm of this one on my steering wheel with an intensity usually only found in concert pianists
@lyctor @owltrifecta @mayasaura @taran-wanderer if y’all feel inclined + whoever else sees this and wants to do it im mentally tagging ya (i love listening to new music soo really anyone who wants to do it PLEASE do)
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ffxivlucio · 3 months
World's worst first post
Work is in two hoursss and im sooo behind, and doing so many other things but hi! Welcome! This will be where I post all my FFXIV OC stuff! It'll just be Lucio for now, but I have others that will probably be in the works when I'm less busy. Thanks for being here! Main blog: LadySupport
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