#mainly just trying to remain neutral these days especially with frontiers
bitter-sweet-coffee · 2 years
idk if anyone remembers this but like, last year when frontiers (then dubbed "rangers") was being introduced they said something along the lines of "ever since sonic adventure 2, we've been trying to emulate and carry on from the game since it had changed the image of sonic in such an impactful way. we hope this next game will do the same for sonic, giving him a new image and fresh start for the years to come, just as adventure 2 brought us everything since then"
now, this is a VERY rough paraphrase because i genuinely couldn't be bothered to go find the real quote, but it happened. they said something like this
why am i mentioning it? well, not to be a pessimistic veteran of the sonic fandom, but i see a LOT of people getting their hopes up for sonic adventure 3. and let me just say...
if i'm being blunt, i don't think "sonic adventure 3" means what the name implies at first glance. if frontiers is supposed to be some form of reboot for the franchise (piggybacking off the movie's success and renaissance of new fans) and also the fact iizuka mentioned using the work of frontiers for said "adventure game" i... guys i don't think he means a literal adventure 3. as in, what WE think it might be (similar format, story, vibes, campaigns, a silver game lol, etc...)
now, i could be wrong. i'm biased and i certainly do not trust a word iizuka says since he's usually just improvising during interviews lmao. HOWEVER, i'm fairly certain that we can't predetermine what adventure 3 means or looks like until frontiers is released or we know more about the game. if "adventure 3" is supposed to break away from the sonic formula and match/utilize the energy of frontiers, it won't be like the adventure games since that would be a regression, something which it seems like sega is trying to avoid rn
i guess those are my thoughts for now, i'm actually putting a disclaimer this time because LAST time i did a sonic hot take vent piece, people went a little feral since i was saying things the general fandom would not want to hear 🥴 don't pick fights i'm not here for it
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forgxtemall · 5 years
Writober day 28 - Midnight
// Let’s start this day’s prompt by focusing on these two, which are the easiest ones. I’ve mentioned and talked to some extent, how Rowan and Drake are mirrored/opposite images from each other. From their looks, even their personalities.
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Rowan’s calm and collective nature, would be replaced by Drake’s short fused and impulsive one.
Making him unsuitablefor the position of a professor and schollar, for starters- he wouldn’t even have the patience to go through his researches or even dealing with his assitents. Overall the scientific field, isn’t the ideal place for someone like him.
His once dread for pokemon battles, would turn into a passion- seeing how this is the best place to put this nature into good use.
Togekiss- which can be considered his go to pokemon, would have his spot taken by Infernape.
His sweet tooth, would also be dropped in favor of an addiction to alcohol and tobacco- only making his temper issues even worse.
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Drake on the other hand, would embrace the calm- collective and most importantly patient traits. Where very few things would be capable of getting under his skin, or even make him raise his voice. No longer showing any signs of being a violent man. Somewhat resembling mr.Briney’s usual demeanor.
However, considering the fame he has garnered himself throughout the decades and the fact his pokemon are actually driven by hatred towards him. This no longer is a safe environment, for someone who won’t fight back- or try to avoid confrontation. As such, Drake no longer would be capable of maintaining his Sailor job- nor his elite four member position.
It’s uncertain what he would be capable of doing for a living, this late into his life. His illiteracy, only further contributes to this issue. Probably join mr.Briney as a fisherman, although rest assured- since he is quite rich he most definetely won’t be going through any financial issues.
As expected, Salamence is out of the question. Meaning Altaria would be the one to take his role as the signature pokemon.
Drake would develop a sudden sweet tooth- forcing him to drop both alcohol and smoking addictions, but it isn’t something easy. After all he has always been a heavy drinker. But at least, this means he may gain some much needed weight for once in his life.
// This one may be surprising, but the best next personality swap- might be between Lance and Palmer.
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Lance would become a humble man, a genuine, caring and pleasant company. People may actually come to enjoy his presence. He would be someone that could brighten up the mood of those around him. In fact, I think the biggest change on him, would be the lack of any violent drive or need for it.
For his family, the changes aren’t quite noticeable or not as clear. It is at the League and the other nobles, that would spot the changes right on. And that would actually be a trouble for him, his surrounding suddenly becomes a threat to him. As from left and right, people will try to turn against him. Meaning for his own safety, he would have to let go of his champion role, involvement with the Interpol and take charge of his clan’s duties a lot sooner.
Interestingly his signature pokemon, wouldn’t change. It would remain Dragonite, due to their extreme tight and powerful bond between each other. Something that would never change, no matter what.
His relationship with his arranged fianceé, on a surface level wouldn’t change. But he would try as best as he could, break the illusion that he loves her- so the girl at least can become aware of what awaits in their marriage.
As for Morty? He would be extremely confused by the change, he might even think Lance is mad at him. But the truth is that- Lance would be trying to ammend, to the horrors he has done to him. It would be the end of their relationship, but trying to show him how there is still a long life ahead of him.
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Palmer’s changes wouldn’t be pretty. He becomes a cold, bossy, manipulator and liar man. A superiority complex develops within him, as he makes his place at the frontier into his throne.
From there he starts having affairs with other women, embracing his infidelity to his wife. And he has the guts to keep liying to her- all while distancing himself from her and his son.
If that wasn’t enough, Palmer has started to have destructive outbreaks as a means to relief himself. Effectively trashing his home at the fight area, and even his office at the frontier.
Interestingly the environment is perfect for this new personality, and behavior. He thrives within this place like this, and the other frontier brains can’t do anything about it- but follow Palmer’s words. One thing is certain though, their respect and loyalty to him have been lost.
Palmer’s Dragonite would no longer be his signature pokemon, his soft and sensitive nature is unsuitable for him. He would be replace by his Milotic, who tends to have a more neutral stance.
As his marriage goes downhill, so does his relationship with his son. Who is still blindly idolizing his father, completely oblivious to everything he does. It won’t be until he becomes a frontier member himself, that he receives his wake up call. His image of him would be shattered, and he just wouldn’t be able to stand being near Palmer- forcing him to ultimately move to Johto. This will hurt him, more than he wishes to admit.
// And lastly we have the swap between Morty and Riley!
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Riley would go through a drastic transformation. He becomes quite the moody individual, but at the same time- he is honest, reliable, loyal and a trustworthy person.
As such, he would try to end his relationship with Byron as quit and amiable as possible. Mainly because he no longer can stand liying and deceiving him like this, but also because he can’t find the man anymore attractive either. Finally putting an end to the torment he was putting both Roark and his father under.
From there- he shows himself to be quite the hard working man, as he would be trying to get his life together after his break up with Byron. Since he was living off the guy. Riley would no longer be seeking out a luxurious lifestyle, instead his aim would be at a simpler one. In fact, he might even try to reconnect with his adoptive family and return to them. He might end up becoming a pokemon breeder, at an actual daycare.
However, not everything is sunshine and rainbows. Riley would find himself in a similar state as Morty, as in- a part of his life energy is missing. This will no doubt, affect his aura usage. In fact, he might no longer be even considered an aura user.
Unfortunately this puts him at risk, around certain of his pokemon- as he wouldn’t be able to effectively control them. Especially Ajax, his signature Lucario. Which, for his own safety will either have to be thrown at the Storage system, nevermore to be called out. Put down due to his savage behavior, or abandoned. From there, Riley’s next best choice, might be the Metagross he received from Byron.
Another drastic change to him would be his loss of interest on Sir. Aaron altogether, as well as his immense disgust and hatred- on himself for being an aura user. Or well, a deffective one- considering what his current state is.
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The first big thing to change on him, would be the fact that he has recovered his lost energy. Meaning he is capable of using his clairvoyance.
Morty becomes someone extremely untrustworthy, flirtacious/seducer, a liar, a manipulator. But it is all covered up by a fine layer of friendliness- honestly from an outside standpoint, most may realise- how far friendlier he has become. Although, it won’t do anything while at his job- considering his awful relationship to his colleagues, who will see that as nothing more than an attempt to trick them.
His disgust- hatred about himself over his powers, are long gone. Now replaced with an admiration, a curiosity... An obsession over what he may be capable of doing with his abilities. That is when he finally, starts having visions about the future- he eventually is up to the same level as his ancestor, Matsuba.
Speaking of him, somewhere down the line he learns about his existence and their bloodties. Driving him to develop an obsession over the formidable ancient clairvoyant.
It doesn’t take long for him to lose interest in working as a gym leader, he ditches his work in favor of seeking out powerful- influential and rich men for him to sleep with and date. As he now aims for a luxurious lifestyle, something that he deems worthy for himself.
Needless to say- Gengar is no longer his signature pokemon, due to his childish, playful and spoiled behavior that Morty deems unacceptable for him. And so- his next best option, is Cofagrigus.
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