#major props to my partner and the friend who listened to my “crack theories” and my hollering with a straight face and gave nothing away
kinthulou · 5 months
So I just finished reading Gideon the Ninth.
And lads. Oh, lads. I'm in it now.
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vanaera · 5 years
Of Cliches and Romcom Tropes
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Synopsis | You find yourself literally living a classic Romcom trope by being the nerdy introvert in love with her unexpected friend, Kim Taehyung, your university’s golden theater boy and campus heartthrob. It only turns more disgustingly cliché when you learn he part-times as a prince actor in the same carnival where you work as a ticket booth attendant. Trusting on the clichés you’ve watched in numerous Romcom films, you embark on a plan to get your crush to like you back this Halloween. Pairing | prince actor!taehyung x ticket booth attendant!oc Genre | So much fluff, slight angst, humor that’s close to being crack Wordcount | 10,184 AU | Carnival Prompt | “You’re the most beautiful creature I’ve ever laid eyes on.” – “I bet you tell everyone that.” Warnings | None A/N | This is for @foreverpark​’s Halloween Writing Challenge! It’s my first time joining a challenge like this so thank you so much Sarah for giving me an opportunity to experience this! For my hons out there, here’s my Halloween fic for you! Please also check out Sarah’s fics and the other fics for this challenge, they’re all great! Happy reading!
               At every start of success story speeches, there is a ninety percent probability you will hear “Fake it ‘til you make it.” How Mark managed to chance upon an idea of an app, How Sarah snagged the director position she dreamed of, how introverted Kim developed progressive networks–it is an imperative that saying will pop out in every single one of these stories. Well, except yours, because it’s the other way around in your life. At times “Fake it ‘til you make it’ does makes a cut, but in most of your major life events where you desperately wished for it to work, it doesn’t really work. You know because you’ve long tried to fake you’re so invested in your part-time job, only for you to cry out at night that you didn’t want to do it anymore.
               Sitting on an uncomfortable stool with a small fan on your right as reprieve from the heat, you spend most of your day with cramped legs inputting number of tickets sold, handing over ticket stubs, becoming an instant customer service attendant, and smiling through clenched teeth at the people that stop by your booth. Working the most boring job in the carnival is not something you can fake to enjoy until you make enough savings for your college tuition. That is, until Kim Taehyung came.
               “Wonder boy” is an extreme understatement to describe that guy. Kim Taehyung is cute and has a model-esque body and his voice sounds so nice when he’s in his prince costume entertaining the kids who enter the Fairytale Land booth. Okay, maybe you’ve been staring at him too long than you’re supposed to when you’re at work. But in your defense, you’ve known Kim Taehyung long before you discovered he also part-times at the Enchanted Carnival–long enough for you to harbor a massive, embarrassing crush on the boy.
               Kim Taehyung studies in the same university as you and you first saw him the day you didn’t attend your history class just so you can prepare for your midterms in the said subject–the irony of college students’ philosophy. That day, you just entered a classroom you frequent for study purposes, knowing it will be empty during your history period. Except for that day because the moment you pushed open the door, a stable vibrato echoing within the rooms’ walls halts in an awkward coughing fit.
               Your anxiety-driven nerves immediately take over you. “Uhh, I’m sorry I just barged in I didn’t mean to interrupt you–”
               “No, it’s o-okay,” the boy coughs, hitting his chest repeatedly. “I was just su-surprised.”
               “I’m really sorry for interrupting you,” you take a step back, your hand grasping for the knob. “Continue on, I’ll just find another room–”
               “No, it’s okay, you can share the room with me.”
               “A-are you sure?” you squint, still rooted at the door. “You don’t have like, a class in here or something? You have a projector set up on the teacher’s desk.”
               “Nah, it’s just my prop when I do my final runs.” He walks to the projector and flips down its lens cover. A picture of a wooden fort set in what looks like cobble-stoned streets of 18th century France flashes on the white board. “See?” The boy turns to you, grinning. “I’m cutting just like you. No pressure, mate. Stay.”
               “B-but you’re practicing, I may distract you.”
               “It’s okay, I don’t mind some audience–unless, you get distracted from studying by music, then I’ll go and find–”
               “No, it’s okay,” you chuckle. “I don’t get distracted by music. I love music. Actually, I like listening to songs while I study so yeah, go on.” You set your papers on the nearest seat and plop down.
               “You do?” The boy asks and you find yourself smiling at his beaming face. You’ve never seen someone who smiles so bright like him on a constant-interaction basis.
               “Yeah, I do. By the way, what are you singing for?”
               “Oh yeah,” the boy scratches his nape, reds forming on the tips of his ears. “uh, this is for my Drama club. I’m still in the application process and we have this task to play and perform as a theater character tomorrow Friday. I wanted to do Jean Valjean from Les Miserables.”
               “Wow, that’s great,” you smile, “actually I’m studying for my History midterms, so yeah, your practice is very timely. You can be my background music,” you chuckle, “to give me the better feel of what I will be crying over later back at my home.”
               Taehyung laughs and you chuckle before going back on your own devices. An hour and a half passes with you flipping furiously through your reviewer in time with the instrumentals behind Taehyung’s velvet voice. When the bell rings and the afternoon class scheduled in the room starts to form a mini clique outside, you scramble out the door with a mess of papers pressed to your chest and a new name to mull over during your breaks: Kim Taehyung.
               Unlike what you predicted, that encounter was not the last you will have with the theater boy. You had a couple of classes with him in the next semester and he sat next to you in each lectures. You also became partners for a pair project in your Communication Theories class. Kim Taehyung became a regular presence in your college life that at the end of your sophomore year, you knew his dream of becoming a theater actor, all his likes, dislikes and insecurities, and even his secrets he said his friends knew none of like “Y/N, do you know I used to dream of becoming a Disney prince? Not used to, actually I still low-key dream of playing Shang from Mulan just so I can sing ‘Make a Man Out of You.’”                You never imagined you would hit up such a friendship with someone who’s the total polar opposite of you. Taehyung’s a social butterfly while you hate going out of your house. He knows almost three-fourth of the total population in the university with him getting to manage nine clubs while still maintaining his academics. In total contrast to you who never got to join any organizations, too afraid of making commitments you neither can fulfill nor prioritize over staying at home and reading your fiction books. Not to say Taehyung’s on the top of the strata with his handsome looks, blessed physique, impressive talent, and wide range of friends. While you’re someone who easily blends with the crowd’s background noise, with nothing too much to offer but a small group of friends and a fascination for critiquing movies–especially those that are really bad.
               You guess that people say, “Opposites attract” for a reason because when you and Taehyung move on to sophomore year, you find yourself crushing hard on the boy. However for you, the attraction is definitely going to be one-sided. You’re sure of it because how can Taehyung ever like you back? You’re the epitome of average-ness that you even became the stepping stone for the girls who want to snag a date with Taehyung. Of course you wouldn’t let Taehyung miss out on cute girls he can probably date when he can have any girl he wish to be with. And, you’re too chicken to act out even a hint of your feelings for him. Clammy hands, jumpy heart, and equipped with an instinct to run to the opposite hall when you so much as glance at Taehyung’s approaching figure, you are sure he will be the death of you. Everything turns worse when you learn he part-times this summer break in the same carnival you work pathetically.
               “Yo, Y/N, you work here, too?” Taehyung nears you, clad in a white polo dangerously unbuttoned down his chest, navy trousers that cinches his narrow hips, and brown combat boots. He is also wearing an unbuttoned red military jacket, its shoulder pads making his shoulders look broader than they’d ever been.  A rich red cape embellished with golden details flows behind him, complementing the gold tassels on his jacket and his golden crown that makes him look impossibly more ethereal. He fucking looks like a brunet Howl from Howl’s Moving Castle.
               You consciously glance down at your outfit: sweat-stained purple polo shirt with Enchanted Carnival’s logo embroidered on its breast pocket, tucked in generic black slacks that doesn’t fit you well. When you  reach up to tuck the stray strand of hair that escapes your ponytail, you’re reminded you’re still wearing the silly mandatory headband with pink bunny ears. Your face feels oily, your hair’s unwashed, and you just remembered you’re not wearing any makeup on. Great, you fucking look like all college students’ worst job nightmare.
               “Hey, you’re still there?”
               “Ye-yeah, uh, hi, Tae,” you smile awkwardly, snatching your headband off and hiding it behind your back. You tried to make yourself look less embarrassing but it backfired when all short strands of your hair messily spill down to your cheeks. You smile wider. Okay, this is the worst day ever.
               “I didn’t know you’re also working here,” Taehyung says.
               “Umm, yeah. I forgot to tell you, I’m sorry–”
               “No, no, no, it’s okay!” Taehyung waves his hands, laughing. “In fact this is great!”
               “Great?” You want to jump off from a cliff right on.
               Taehyung remains oblivious in your self-pity and just grins. “Yeah, it means I get to see you everyday even when we’re outside uni!”
               “We do see each other outside uni. I tutored you for six months straight in the library.”
               “Yeah, but I mean, it’s nice we get to be co-workers. It’s good to have a familiar face around so work wouldn’t be so boring. Say, Y/N, why don’t we have lunch at the cafeteria later? I have so many to tell you and–”
               “Yah, Kim Taehyung! You’re up next, what are you doing outside?” you glance behind your friend and see Jimin, dressed in the same uniform as you minus the silly headband, wildly waving for the boy in front of you. When Jimin notices you, he breaks into a smile, “Oh, hi, Y/N,” and then he returns to his agenda. “Taehyung come here quickly! The batch of kids is nearing the Princess’ Castle, boss is gonna chew us out if you didn’t get back to the booth in three!”
               Taehyung sighs and looks at you with shoulders drooped. “I have to go back now. Guess, I’ll see you later?”
               “Okay, later, then. Have fun, Tae,” you wave at him with a smile.
               When you head back for your booth, you cross your fingers and hope you don’t see him later. How can the universe do you this dirty by placing him so near you right when you are at your worst?
               At the end of the day, you learn the universe just does you dirty for the hell of it. Taehyung bounds your way for lunch break in his prince costume, grinning stupidly just when you’re about to sneak off to the comfort rooms. Nevertheless, you accept the lemons life is giving you and decide to relish in your crush’s presence as you joke over lunch. You just didn’t expect that day will start an unannounced routine with Taehyung eating lunch with you and him walking you home after your shifts for the rest of your summer break.  The seemingly grey area in your friendship with Taehyung turns more mind-boggling when the man keeps up with the routine even after the summer break has ended, with you two continuing your part-time jobs at the carnival every weekend.
               Truth be told, your set-up with Taehyung is a blessing in disguise. He may see you greasy-faced, constantly suffering at work, and daily pissed at your cramped station with poor ventilation but at least you get to see the man you fell in love with everyday. Not just the Taehyung who’s the campus crush and the talented actor every kid in the carnival loves. But the Taehyung who stays up with you until three in the morning talking about what you want for yourselves, who genuinely laughs at your puns and memes everyone else finds corny, and who tells you he’s enjoying himself in his job because finally, he gets to act like a Disney prince.
               So when you find yourself only falling for Taehyung deeper, getting over him becomes the last resort in your to-do list. You start to let yourself get ahead of you and assume that maybe, just maybe, there is a chance Taehyung likes you back. Or else he wouldn’t do all those things with you with his stare lingering on your face, and his hand brushing against your own on multiple occasions you swear are not conjured up by your lovesick heart. Right?
               With the Halloween season closing in and your part-time contracts at the carnival nearing its end, you are compelled to finally make a move on Taehyung. The carnival is the only place where your social and visual gap matters the least.  You’re going to get an answer from him before this perfect chance expires. All you have to do now is have courage for the things you’re about to do and you pray that this time, the universe lets you successfully fake it ‘til you make it.
 Plan 1: The Makeover Montage
               You’ve watched enough Romcom films to know that a good makeover montage creates an obvious statement that a woman is about to claim her man. And so, you started making your wallet cry and your fingers ache by splurging on cosmetic brands and watching YouTube makeup tutorials. You’re proud of yourself when by the time Monday rolls in, you are confident you can pull off the cat wing and coral peach color scheme you learnt in exchange of sleep-deprived nights.
               You wait by your locker and glance at your watch. 7:48 A.M. Great, just in time. You look down on your outfit: a white ruffled blouse tucked in a pink and yellow plaid skirt. Spending three hours planning today’s outfit was totally worth it, you mentally pat yourself.
               Three minutes pass and then the bell chimes. You stand up straight and crane your neck to look for your target. Amy from History, Dave from Economics, Amanda from the College Secretary’s Office, Jimin from Arts and the Enchanted Carnival–There! Kim Taehyung.
               Taehyung catches your eye and waves at you. He whispers something to Jimin before he bounds toward you. “Hi, Y/N. Didn’t know you’re an early bird now. I thought your first class today is later at eleven thirty?”
               “U-um, I have so-something to pass to Ms. Terry at the Department of Arts and Communication,” you laugh awkwardly.
               “Oh is that so? Wait,” Taehyung looks at you, eyes wide. “Is it a homework I may have forgotten to do at home?”
               “N-no! There’s no homework! It’s just uh–a follow-up on a project!”
               “A project? Did Ms. Terry announce any project? I’m sorry, I’m just confused because we take her class together and–”
               “It’s a personal project!” you interject with a grin. “I…uh, I’ve been working on it since last month. I forgot to tell you about it, but it’s not much, just a collection of…news clippings.”
               “News clippings, hmm, that sounds interesting. Tell me about it at lunch, I will go ahead now to my first period,” Taehyung steps back and makes a salute, his alternative of a goodbye wave to you. “Good luck with your project!”
               “Wa-wait, Tae!”
               Taehyung halts in his steps and looks at you. “Why? Is something wrong?”
               “I–uh, did you notice anything new today?”
               “New?” Tehyung tilts his head. “Is it a new promo for the diner we frequent?”
               “Uhh, no.”
               “Umm,” Taehyung bites his lip, “is it a new movie you sent to me in our Discord?”
               “Uh, also no. And, I will gush about a movie first to you in person before I send it to our Discord.”            
               “Oh, right,” Taehyung chuckles. “Is it a new book then?”
               “New supplies in the bookstore you love?”
               “A new flavor of coffee in the vending machine?”
               “A new–”
               “Goddamn it, Taehyung, you know what, just go to your class,” you purse your lips and Taehyung gawks at you.
               “W-why? Did I say something wrong, Y/N?”
               “No, it’s just, you’re so obliviou–UGH!”
               “‘Obliviou-ugh?’” Taehyung looks more confused than ever he’s been in his life.
               You take in deep breath and take it as a signal for you to retreat. “Don’t mind me it’s just my mood swing!” you holler as you turn your back and walk fast to the exit. Following-up with a faint “See you later!” to the bewildered boy by the time you step out the hallway.
               After what happened today, you guess Taehyung won’t easily notice your makeover with just one encounter. You decided to keep it consistent for the rest of the week, waking up earlier to curl your hair and apply makeup before going to your classes. And every day you kept trying something new – a change of shade in the lip gloss, a swipe of a bolder eye shadow, a shift from preppy to sophisticated clothing styles–Taehyung still fails to notice anything. Even when you turn up for your shift in the carnival with full-on makeup for the very first time, Taehyung just passes you by with his usual demeanor.
               “Hi, Y/N!”
               “Hi Tae!” You cringe at how chirpy you sound. “Umm, you look exceptionally good today!”
               “Yeah?” Taehyung looks at his clothes, the same Howl costume he always wears in his shift. “Well, I look like this everytime in my shift so thanks?”
               “But, have you noticed anything new today?” you bat your mascara-laden lashes for emphasis.
               “New?” Taehyung leans closer to you and this time you feel your heart pounding in suspense. Of course he’ll notice it now, you never wear this much makeup at work–
               “Oh, your ID lace!” Taehyung snaps his fingers, grinning. “Right, you changed your ID lace, how can I miss out on it? You always complain about the neon orange you used to have and now it’s black just like how you always want.”
               You balk at him. “Uhh, it’s still the ones provided by the staff. They just changed the color.”
               “Yeah, isn’t that great? You’ve always wanted a black ID lace! Remember when you used to tell me you’re gonna file a petition to change the neon orange lace to black? It’s finally black!” Taehyung claps you on the back and then makes his signature salute. “See ya later at lunch Y/N. And congrats to the ID lace!”
               You poke your cheek with your tongue in annoyance. You’ve done such a good job perfecting your makeup and all he notices is just your ID lace?! What the motherfucking–
               Okay, maybe Taehyung doesn’t get makeover montages. You cross Plan 1 out and step up to Plan 2.
Plan 2: The Assertive Approach
               If Taehyung can’t notice physical changes, maybe this time, he can notice behavioral changes.  In the films you have watched, you’ve seen countless protagonists be successful in catching the eye of their love interests by changing their flirting style. You’ve always dreamt of becoming like Julia Roberts in her hit romance films: confident, bold, and unafraid to make the first move. So this time, you get to finally be the woman of your dreams and you hope she can also entice the man inside your heart.
               You started your metamorphosis by sitting closer to Taehyung during lectures, leaning closely to him whenever he’s talking with you, closing the space between your faces with a mere inch of breath. You also let your hands do the speaking for you whenever you walk home from work, masking the frequent brushing of your fingers against his, an obvious open invitation for him to hold your hand, seemingly accidental. But whatever you do, Taehyung still can’t get any hint. He’ll just smile at you and proceed to what he’s doing without even a waver in his tone.
               Fueled with desperation, you decide to cross the boundary from subtle to blatant assertion in your lunch break with Taehyung.
               “Today’s a pretty beat day,” Taehyung remarks, taking off his sweaty cape. “Some teens decided to not go with the usual flow of the booth and visit the stops in reverse. I felt sorry for Jimin. He looked so stressed manhandling each teen out of the booth and giving them a stricter run-over of the booth’s rules.”
               “Yeah?” You slide closer next to his seat and cross your legs. “Then what about you, did the teens made fun of you? I heard from Seokjin that Lisa almost broke down when they poked around her unicorn costume.”
               “I’m glad I’m the last stop. Jimin already entered the booth when the kids made the ruckus at Lisa’s stop.” Taehyung sighs, running his hand through his damp fringes. “I couldn’t imagine myself dealing with such troublesome people. If I were in Lisa’s place, I would have already been screaming at them for being bastards at such a young age. It’s a relief, it didn’t happen. I would have lost this job.”
               “I’m glad, too, you didn’t get hurt.” You lean towards him, resting your head against his shoulder. You felt him stiffen in his seat and you smile. “I would have been so worried, you know. I don’t know what I will do,” you grab his hand, intertwine it with yours, and look up at him, “if I don’t see you around here anymore.”
               “Really?” Taehyung turns to you and you nod. He smiles. “Thanks, Y/N, for your concern. I would feel the same if you were to experience that. Oh, we should probably eat now, our food’s getting cold.” Taehyung immediately detaches his fingers from yours, leaving you gaping in your seat.
               Your lunch proceeds like usual and the awkward hand-holding you pulled off was never brought up again. Like Plan 1, you kept Plan 2 consistent for the week. However, Taehyung still remains painfully oblivious.
               Plan 2 is unsuccessful so you cross it out and decide it’s time to take your game to the full notch.
 Plan 3: The Vixen’s Touch
               If Taehyung can’t recognize physical and behavioral changes, he cannot miss out on a temptation handed over on a silver platter. Plan 3 is the ultimate overkill.  No one can resist the seductive vixen. You already braved through doing a Julia-Roberts-character. Going for the longest mile with Megan Fox shouldn’t be a problem. This is probably just your ego talking but you’re not gonna let the smallest bit of shame creep in to you now. Not now, when you’re putting all your cards on the table for Taehyung’s heart. This is all or nothing.
               You see, the Vixen’s Touch is the epitome of all Romcoms’ super power move. Just one scene is enough to turn the tables around and let the heroine achieve whatever outcome she desires. However, such great power comes numerous setbacks. One can only do a vixen move once and never more because if it’s overdone, it will lose it’s mystery, charm, and power–everything that makes it an effective Romcom move. So, you planned your Vixen Touch meticulously.
                You can’t do a Megan-Fox-move at school because you’ll attract too much attention, especially with Taehyung who’s already at the spotlight of social interactions. Instead, you will pull it off in the carnival, where you can have your crush all to yourself without worrying about ambitious bitches intruding your scenario. You’ll enter the Fairy Tale booth during your break time and sneak to the backstage from the “Authorized Personnel Only” door on the left of the second stop. From there, you will do Lisa’s advice to take a right turn and then a left.  It will lead to a connecting hallway that ends with the red curtains behind the Princess’ Castle. There, you’ll surprise Taehyung, who’s waiting for the princess’ cue, with a tingling touch against his spine and a sexy and breathy, “Hi, Tae.” Taehyung will be shocked and you’ll close the gap between the two of you. With the dark setting and the seemingly scandalous set-up, the thrilling mood will compel you to lean towards him and he will close his eyes and interlock his lips with  yours in a passionate kiss. If you make it fast to the connecting hallway, you will have enough alone time with Taehyung before the batch of people even reaches the third stop from the princess’ castle. You grin to yourself. Your plan has never been this perfect.
                Weekdays pass with you continuing your Assertive Approach. Taehyung’s still clueless, making the transition to Plan 3 much more thrilling. When Saturday finally rolls in, you set your game-est face on.
                It’s a week before Enchanted Carnival’s Halloween Party, which means the management is lenient on the part-timers’ work uniforms. After all, you only have one week left before you end your contracts. And so, you pull out your fanciest casual outfit–a little red dress with off-shoulder sleeves, partnered with fishnet stockings that go well with your black combat boots. You also perfected your makeup: eyebrows on-fleek, cat wings on-point, deep brown smoky eyes, and blood-red lips. To top off your look, you put on a thin, black choker. You smile at yourself. You did a good job making yourself look hot. You know it’s not just your ego talking because when you arrive at the ticket booth, Jimin compliments your look.
                “Yo, Y/N, I never knew you could look this pretty,” Jimin grins at you.
               "You also look good today,“ you return, taking note of how well his striped buttondown fits his frame. “I didn’t know today is leg day,” you add, admiring how his ripped jeans accentuate his legs you never knew were this muscular.
                Jimin smiles, “Say it for yourself, Y/N. You look a solid twelve.” He rocks on the balls of his feet back and forth. “I guess the management did a good job letting us wear our casual clothes. You don’t know how bad I wanted to take off our horrendous uniform whenever we work.”
                “That’s…highly inappropriate but I guess you do you,” you point finger guns at him. Jimin chuckles and waves goodbye to you, heading for the Fairy Tale booth. You seat yourself in your work station. Today’s a good start. You hope your luck continues until break time.
                Lunch passes by and so far everything’s a breeze. You haven’t seen Taehyung today, probably caught up with the kids who frequent his booth in large batches as Halloween approaches close. Nevertheless, it’s good news. Your surprise will totally knock him off his feet.
                The clock chimes two. Seokjin comes over and takes over the ticket booth as you take your break. It’s show time.
                Just like your plan, you head for the Fairy Tale booth in quick strides. Lisa manages the entrance to their booth today and she lets you in without any ado, already used to you and Taehyung crossing to and fro your respective booths. Greeting Val, the Elfen soldier of the first stop and Yeji, the mermaid from the second stop, you head for the “Authorized Personnel Only” door and push it open. It leads to a darkly-lit  hallway with a heavily carpeted flooring. You follow Lisa’s tips, taking a right turn and a left. True to her word, the connecting hallway ends with the thick red curtains. And there in the corner, is your dream man facing the curtains and waiting for his signal. You don’t hear any clamor of people nearing the Princess’ Castle, even the faintest of chatter inaudible. You thank the universe for this luck. You made it in time.
               The seconds seem to slow down into minutes as you stepped closer to Taehyung. Your heart pounds loud and fast against your ears. This is it. You’ll finally make Taehyung realize you have your heart laid out for him.  And if you’re lucky, he will also give his to you today.
                With a mere foot left between you two, you reach out for him.
                “Hey, Taehyung–”
                “What the fuck–”
                 Everything happens too fast.  Instead of Taehyung’s surprised face, a hard punch straight to your nose is what greets you. Intense pain spreads over your senses and you reel over, feeling your entire face on fire.
                 "Oh my fucking, God, I’m sorry!  Oh my God, Y/N, I didn’t see you–are you alright?!“ Taehyung catches your arms as you stagger backwards, pulling you to your feet to prevent you from falling.
                 You nod and waved dismiss-ally to his panicked state.
                 Just right then, you feel something wet trickle down your lips.
                 "Oh my God, Y/N, you’re bleeding!” Taehyung screams and he immediately leads you to a chair propped on the corner. He frantically pulls out tissues on the table nearby and dabs the wetness that seeps on your skin. “Shit, what are you even doing here?! I thought you were a ghost, I’m so sorry I punched you!”
                 You’re too dazed to register everything that has happened and your lack of response causes Taehyung to panic more.
                 "Fuck, Y/N, I’m so, so, sorry! Oh my God, this is all my fault. Just sit right there, I’ll call for help!“ Taehyung rushes to the end of the hallway and you hear him scream for Jimin. Pounding footsteps follow and then it’s not just Taehyung fussing over you, but also Jimin.
                 "Do you think it’s broken?” Taehyung asks Jimin, voice trembling.
                 "I don’t think so. She’s not bleeding that much. Taehyung, relax, I already called for first aid–”
                 "How can I relax when Y/N’s in pain?! Which I inflicted on her! You know what, let’s call the ambulance!–”
                 This is not what you planned for. This is not how you imagined you will spend your last shift at the carnival with Taehyung.
                 Wetness trickles down your cheeks and before Taehyung can rush over and wipe your tears away, the Carnival’s first aid team has already barged in and crowded over you.
                 You were led to the small clinic of the carnival where you were given a tissue to stick in your nose. The physician told you your nose was luckily not broken and your body has just undergone shock. Once the bleeding has stopped, you’re good to go. Seokjin also called you he already informed your boss about what happened, telling you he’ll take over your shift and you’re now free to go home. The next few minutes pass in silence and you sink further onto the foldable bed. However, the universe decides it’s not yet done fucking up your day when the door opens with a loud bang and there stands Taehyung, huffing and drenched in sweat.
                 "I’m sorry I only got here now. Boss scolded me for what I did to you,“ Taehyung sighs deeply as he sits on the chair next to you, leaning his elbows on your bed. “I’m really sorry, Y/N. All of this wouldn’t have happened if I didn’t overreact.”
                 "I-it’s okay, Tae. You didn’t know I was there.“
                 "What are you even doing at our booth? Much more creeping in the dark?”
                 You bit your lip and look away. “It’s my break, it’s just,” you sigh, “I thought of surprising you today and well, it didn’t go as well as I planned it.”
                 "Plan? For what? Is there something we’re supposed to celebrate today?“
                 You turn back to Taehyung and meet his eyes. His eyes are focused on your face, waiting for your answer.
                 Well, maybe not all Romcom cliches work just like how they appear to be in movies. Maybe not all romantic gestures need to be grand in order to convey the sincerity of one’s feelings. Maybe it could be as simple like this– two people staring at each other in a clinic, uncaring of the world happening beyond your little bubble.
                 And as you stare at Taehyung’s face and see the reflection of yourself through his eyes, confused and tired, you decide it’s time for you to finally say it. No more orchestrated pretenses. No more intricate plans.
                 "Today is our last day in our work and I wanted to surprise you by finally being true to my feelings. I no longer look at you as a friend, Taehyung. I’m in love with you.”
                 Taehyung doesn’t reply. He just stares at you. You slowly feel the air getting squeezed out of your lungs, and it’s not just because of your stuffed nostril. Another beat of silence passes and then Taehyung’s face falls as he gapes at you, confused, shocked, and for a moment you see disappointment flash across his face. “W-what? Y/N, when did you-I, I don’t know what to say, I-why now?”
                 You bite your lip, feeling the tears well in your eyes. “Why not now, Taehyung?”
                 "Because–” Taehyung sighs and he purses his lips, dragging a hand over his face. “Y/N, you’re my friend, but I–”
                 "You know what, Taehyung,  I get it,“ you turn your back on him, tasting blood on your lips from biting too hard to keep the tears at bay. You won’t cry because of him and in front of him at the same time. He doesn’t get to see you this weak. “You can leave me now.”
                 "But, Y/N, I–”
                 "Does punching me in the face not enough for you?! Just leave!“
                You hear Taehyung sigh. The mattress of the bed puffs up again as the weight leaves. A faint “I’m sorry” resounds in the stifling silence. When the door closes with a soft click, the tears finally fall.
You stifle your broken sobs on your pillow.
You’re back in your old cycle: Eat, sleep, study, and lie low at the background. You steered clear from Taehyung in your classes, seating far away from your usual seat. You neither stopped by his locker in the mornings, nor waited for him in front of your own locker for lunch. You even went as far as avoiding your common friends, the thought of people asking about what happened between you and Taehyung makes you reel back to the embarrassment and disappointment of that day.
As much as you wanted to hate Taehyung, you find it hard to admit that every single thing that has gone wrong points back to you. You assuming anything more than what you already have with him, you doing outrageously unnecessary things for him, you bending yourself backwards in your desperation for him – it has always been yourself.
You tried to stay as identical to the background as you can be, away from Taehyung and anything that is associated with him. Because as much as you feel like an empty vessel for every single day, you cannot find it in yourself to erase Taehyung from your mind. Even when his last words with you kept on re-opening the wounds you’ve been trying hard to stitch back together. And, you can’t have that. You can’t run back to him and let him kick you back to the curb. It’s time for you to learn your lesson.
But no matter how successful you were the past days in running from Taehyung, you know you cannot avoid him forever. Especially when Enchanted Carnival has required the part-timers to attend their annual Halloween Party tomorrow, arranged by their permanent staff. After all, it’s the day you’ll terminate your contract and receive your last salary for your job.
You have never sorely regretted your past decisions like this before. You’re love-fool state of mind back then has induced you to buy an expensive costume. A fancy dress that has a carnation pink rayon bodice and full skirt, layered with delicate purple cotton voilewhich looks like soft rose petals that perfectly cinch the waist. It has long, glittered see-through sleeves that ruffle at the end of your arm, and it is adorned with golden intricate curvilinear details that go around the bust area and matches the golden flower belt on the waist. It even came with a faux golden crown with a short pink veil attached to the back.  Yes, you fucking bought a princess bride costume just to match with Taehyung’s usual work attire because of course, Taehyung will come looking like a Disney prince. And now that everything you planned has gone downhill, the excitement is over and the only thing you feel is bitterness and a desperate wish to get things done and over with.
You reached the carnival at seven and by that time, the party is in full swing. Enchanted Carnival looks like a cirque-esque other-world. Small Jack o’ Lanterns replaced the usual light bulbs to light the carnival in an alluring tangerine glow. Signboards of “Happy Halloweens” range from small cutouts that hung from the poles, to gigantic illustrations pasted right on the walls of the some stalls. Pumpkin and ghost-shaped candies were sold at almost every corner and the people that pass by, carnival staff or not, embody the fantasy and surrealism of the carnival. You’ve seen pirates, sirens, faeries, and even witty realistic horror such as Jung Hoseok, the roller coaster attendant, wearing casual jeans and shirt with electric bills pasted on his chest and back.
“Hey, Y/N! I thought you weren’t coming.” You look to your left and see Lisa in a No Face costume. Seokjin follows close behind, dressed like Sokka from Avatar: The Last Airbender.
“Uh, yeah–I mean,” you clear your throat “how can I not come when I get to be paid at the end of the night?”
“Yeah, that’s the spirit,” Seokjin chuckles. “The salary is my only motivation when I lost a bet to Yeji and agreed to dress like…this.”
“Hey, Sokka’s not bad!” Lisa frowns. “Avatar: The Last Airbender is the best show ever and Sokka’s like a perfect ten.”
“Yeah, but it would have been better if you know,” Seokjin huffs, “I get to be Toph. So I can finally un-see Hoseok’s stupid’s antics, especially his dumb electric-bill costume tonight. It doesn’t get to be low-cost, witty, and funny all at the same time. It’s unfair.”
You laugh, feeling your jaw hurt a little from smiling so wide. It’s been a while since you smiled, with the past days spent crying and moping around in your room. You’re grateful for Lisa and Seokjin who tried to cheer you up throughout the night, distracting you from thoughts that revolve around Taehyung by pulling you into ride after ride, playing games in stall after stall, and stuffing your mouths with delicious treats.
You were having the best night of your life, until you find your group stopping in front of a booth – The 13th House.
You turn to Lisa. “Hey, you didn’t tell me a horror booth is included in our itinerary.”
“Because I don’t need to,” Lisa grins. “Horror booths are a classic! How can Halloween be Halloween without some spook?”
“Right, and relax Y/N,” Seokjin says, “It’s not like we’re gonna leave you. And trust me, it’s not that scary. I already visited this booth to prank Jungkook. Too bad I was unsuccessful that time with Jungkook already immune to jumpscares from manning the effects and all.”
Except it is scary. The 13th House is the only booth you didn’t dare to visit during your entire work period. Your remember how your legs turned to jelly the first time you saw its front: An old gothic mansion with dilapidated walls and broken windows, its wooden main door covered in bloody handprints, and its gray, dry lawn surrounded by amputated body parts. You know all of it were just manmade but it doesn’t lessen the creeps you get when every detail and props are fashioned too realistically.
Nevertheless, you went along with Lisa and Seokjin and get your ticket-bracelets scanned by the booth marshal. Even if you feel like running away the moment you hear the loud, sinister creak of the main door when you start for the first stop, you stood your ground and wear your big girl game face on. It’s your last night in the carnival, might as well do everything you were never able to do before.
The first half of your trip in the booth were somehow a smooth ride. Although you almost jumped at the scream of the bloody Victorian bride from the first stop, almost backed out on the second stop because of the swinging headless knight, and almost cried on the spot because of the wailing man with its guts ripped apart from the third stop, you’re still far from getting scared out of your wits.
That is, until you reach the middle stop.
The fourth stop required you to do an easy escape-room task with a ghost kid guiding you through a fake Ouija board session. You quickly finished the activity and the wooden walls shifted to reveal a small passageway with thick hanging cobwebs. Lisa leads the way and you find yourself gripping her hand and Seokjin’s tighter as you enter a dark hallway lit only by torches fastened to gray, blood-splattered walls.
And then, out of nowhere, foreign hands cover your eyes. You scream and thrash around but your suffering is only momentary when you find yourself back in the hallway with no looming figures behind your back. Okay, maybe it’s just part of the booth experience–Wait. Where’s Lisa and Seokjin?
“Lisa! Seokjin!” You call for your friends’s names.  They were just with you earlier. You were holding their hands for Christ’s sake! “Where are you, guys?! This is NOT funny!” You bite your lip and wring your hands in anxiety. “Guys, I swear to God, this is not fun–”
               The lights of the torches flicker. The background music starts to grow louder, and eerier as it now plays with Latin incantations. And then there’s a loud bang.
               The lights were blown out.  The blood-splattered designs on the walls turn neon. And, the rest of the hallway goes complete dark-out.
               “Holy shit!” You run, straight ahead. Heart pounding loud on your ears, you don’t think anymore and just run. Surely, there will be some end to this hallway, right?
               Except there’s none, because a forked path greets you just right when you thought the hallway is getting too long. The two paths stare at you, the neon designs on their walls starts to get disturbing with child-like drawings of disfigured people and morbid beasts.
               You slump on the ground. This is a complete nightmare. You wish you didn’t go with Lisa and Seokjin. You wish you didn’t let your loneliness get to you and spent the whole week crying about your crush who doesn’t like you. Because now you’re trapped in this hellish booth and you’re gonna die alone and pathetic. You didn’t even get to experience at least the “moving on” happy ending alternative of Romcom films. You didn’t –
               Just right then, there’s a flash of light from the end of the left path. A second later, a voice  echoes loud. You didn’t understand a word from the echo. Hell, you’re not even sure if it’s from a human. But at least it seems to have a light that is nothing part of 13th House’s props. Before thinking twice, you’re already running toward the direction of the light. You run and run and never dared to stop. The light’s getting near, you’re gonna get help soon! You won’t have to die alone because you’re gonna get out of here and–
               Light blinds you.
               "What the fuck-! I’m sorry!”
               You feel the light on your face dim down. And the moment you bring down your raised hands, you can’t seem to speak.
               Taehyung stands in front of you, flashlight in hand, and looking handsome as always. But, it’s not his presence that makes your heart still. Enchanted Carnival’s purple polo shirt, generic black slacks, and the silly headband with blue rabbit ears atop his head–Taehyung’s wearing the carnival’s ticket booth uniform.
               And Taehyung’s jaw is ajar seemingly for all the same reason. Pink princess gown and glittering princess crown–you were an open book to him now.
               "You…you’re the most beautiful creature I’ve ever laid eyes on.”
               All of a sudden, everything that has happened in the last weeks comes back to you and you feel your eyes stinging with tears as the dam of bitterness floods your chest. “I bet you tell everyone that,” you scoff, “since you’re such a disgusting flirt.”
               Taehyung’s mouth hangs in shock, “Di-disgusting flirt? You’re the only one I told you that!”
               You stand back to your feet and meet his eyes with a steely glare. “I find it hard to believe that, Kim.  Especially your type of guys.”
               Your eyes seem to do tricks to you when you see Taehyung wince at your tone, but that wasn’t for long because Taehyung now sounds defensive.  "What are my type of guys?“
               You scowled. "The type who leads on girls and cruelly rejects them after they’re done playing with them.”
               "What rejection are you talking about? I did not reject you! How could you-“
               "What else could your reaction mean when I told you I love you?!”
               "I was trying to move on from you, okay!“ Taehyung screams. "And that day, you just–dropped the bomb like that. How do you expect me to react huh? Especially, when I fucking spent one year trying to make you realize I see you more than as a friend and you just ignore me as if my feelings don’t matter to you.  And then, when I finally decide to move on from you, you act weird for a couple of weeks. And out of nowhere you’re telling me you love me. How can I even react properly? You didn’t even wait for me to process things,” Taehyung’s voice breaks, “You just up and go and shut me out!”
               "I liked you, Y/N. For so long. And you never turned my way–you wave off my advances as if they mean nothing to you, you keep on setting me up with other girls, and you run away from me whenever I so much glance at you. You don’t even let me see you properly when we’re at school. You hide from me and run away as if you’re gonna die just by being with me. And last week, you’re suddenly telling me you love me? So, how can I be a disgusting flirt when you’re the one who’s sending me mixed signals?!”
               "Mixed signals?“ you frown. "For the past year I’ve been your friend Tae, I tried to love you in my own way. I stayed up late with you as you told me all your problems. I’ve been there with you in whatever shenanigans you thought of. I spent almost every break I fucking have with you talking about whatever we want. They are blatant signals, Taehyung! So I’m sorry if I have to hide or run away sometimes, because if you didn’t fucking know, we don’t belong in the same world.”
               “What do you mean we don’t belong in the same world? Fucking hell, Y/N, you’re not an alien–”
               “In your world, I am! In your world, you are the star, the life of the party. People who belong in your world live their fucking fantastic lives as the star of their own stories. They achieve their dreams, they get whatever they want, people look up at them for being so great. But, people like me? We spend our fucking lives looking into your world from the outside. Pathetic side characters of their own pathetic lives. People just pass us by, some even run over us. No one even remembers our fucking name. So, even if these don’t matter when I look at you, I can only love you from afar because people will look at us and all these shits will come back for me.”
               “Jesus Christ,” Taehyung huffs, carding a hand through his hair in frustration. “There are no worlds separating you from me because people are just different!  And these differences cannot dictate who should belong with who because guess what? We’re the only ones who can let other people in or out of their lives.  So can you just stop for a second and see that there’s nothing that actually separates you from me? I thought you would already know this by now since we’ve been friends for so long.”
               You feel tears blurring your eyes and you look away from him. “But still, that’s not enough to explain all the shits that’s happened this past week. Okay, we may be different and I tried to express my feelings in my own way. But I tried to change it up, Tae. I worked so hard to pattern my advances to every Romcom clichés and of course they all went wrong when it came to you.”
               “W-wrong? Y/N, what Romcom cliches–”
               “The cheesiest Romcom clichés!”  You snap. “You know, the makeover montage, the Julia Roberts’ Assertive Approach, the Megan Fox Vixen Touch. You were telling me how oblivious I were to your advances but you never fucking noticed how  I changed up my advances just for you. You ignored how I dressed up pretty-to-the-tip for you. Even after I came to you and blatantly asked you if you noticed something new. You don’t take the cue when I freaking hand over my feelings for you in a silver platter. Hell, you even punched me in the face when I tried to be sexy!”
               “God, can you let it go? I already said I’m sorry!” Taehyung huffs and you look down on your feet. Taehyung sighs, “I was trying to move on from you during those weeks you’ve acted really, really weird. So obviously, I will be very confused. Secondly, Y/N,” Taehyung sighs, “Romcom clichés are called like that because they only happen and work the way they are portrayed to work, in Romcoms. Romcom is a film genre. Sure, they may reflect some aspects of reality, but Y/N, they are planned out, manipulated in a controlled environment. They’re not your life. Life doesn’t work that way.”
               “I’m sorry, I just–” you bite your lip but it’s not enough to prevent a tear slip from your eyes. “This is my first time feeling like this and I don’t know what to do. I absolutely have no fucking idea what I should do next and I–I’m just so sorry for dragging these shits up and made our lives messier than it should be. I’m sorry for probably making you feel guilty about yourself for this past week I ignored you like the plague. I’m sorry for being so stupid, I just–I’m so sorry, Tae!” your voice breaks at the end and before you know it, your tears have already consumed you to the ground.
               "Oh shit Y/N, don’t cry.” Taehyung panics as he kneels next to you. You shield your face from him with your hands, but Taehyung pries them away and cups your face in his large, warm hands. You feel the pads of his fingers wipe away your tears and when you look up at him, Taehyung’s face is too close to yours. Too close that you can practically see the deep, dark circles under his eyes despite the darkness. The thought that you caused him this made you tear up more.
               Taehyung goes frantic. “Y/N, do-don’t cry. Shit, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you cry. Y/N, I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry–”
                 “C-can you just h-hug me?”
               “O-okay,” Taehyung hesitantly loops his arms around your shaking frame. “Thi-this is fine with me.”
               You close your eyes and lean on your friend’s chest. You don’t care if Taehyung’s shirt get wet with your tears. He’s partly at fault for making you cry. But still, you squeak out a muffled.  “Thank you, Tae.”
               Taehyung hums. “It’s okay.”
               Amid this night’s horror and breakdown, silence, for the first time in a while, envelops you in comfort. Even with no words, Taehyung easily dries away the tears. He just pats your back and rubs soothing circles on your tensed muscles, leaning closer to you when you hug him tighter.
               “I hate fighting with you, Tae.”
               Taehyung turns his head closer to yours. “Are we already fighting?”
               “W-well yeah,” you hiccup. “Somehow.”
               “Okay…Next time we’ll understand each other better so we don’t need to have unnecessary fights like this, okay?”
               “Okay,” you mutter. You sink deeper into Taehyung’s arms and he holds you tighter in his embrace.
               Even if you can’t see his face, you know Taehyung’s smiling.
               It doesn’t take long for your sobs to die down that you’re now slowly disentangling yourself from him.
               “Are you okay now?”
               “Y-yeah. Thank you.” You lean your back against the wall and Taehyung sits next to you. You look at him and he smiles at you. For a moment you stay like that, staring into his eyes, falling deep in the little world you’re sharing with him. And then, it hits you. Taehyung’s still here. Even after you blurt out every insecurity and self-doubt you have that others may find petty and invaluable, Taehyung’s still here. Even after he voiced out his disappointment of you and things you’ve done him wrong, Taehyung hasn’t walked out. He didn’t run away, he didn’t leave you. Taehyung stayed.
               And so, you take the cue the universe is giving you and put all your cards on the table again. You cross your fingers as you ask the question that has plagued your mind ever since Taehyung confessed he has long liked you. "Tae, Ha-have you already moved on from me?”
               Taehyung sighs and for a second, you don’t breathe. But, you don’t have to hold it for long because when Taehyung looks at you again, a soft smile is on his face. “Unfortunately, no. Because even after all the shits you put me through, you still occupy my heart–and mind.”
               “S-so, can I kiss you?”
               “I’m the one who’s supposed to say that, but, ye-yeah you can kiss me. Anything for you, Y/N.”
               You close your eyes and lean forward. Your lips meet his in a soft peck and everything suddenly stops. You don’t feel the perspiration on your back from all the running in the booth. You don’t think about the dust and dirt soiling your dress. All you could feel was Taehyung’s soft lips. All you could taste is the sweetness from the crumbs of cherry tart left on his lips. All that fills you nose is Taehyung’s smell that’s so naturally his and his ocean mist spray you gifted him on his birthday. All you could hear is the loud pounding of your heart, and even with your eyes closed, Taehyung’s face is all you could see.  And, you can’t think of anything but Taehyung–him and him alone.
               The world suddenly moves again when Taehyung leans deeper and interlocks his lips with yours. You immediately let your heart take over. You mold yourself closer to him, kissing him with every ardor you’ve kept locked in yourself for so long. You fist his shirt and Taehyung caresses your cheeks and puts his hand on the back of your neck as he kisses you deeper. You loop your arms around his neck and return the vigor of his kiss. Teeth bumping, fingers reaching and clutching onto anything, sloppy interlocking of lips–you don’t care. Even if you have your first kiss in a gloomy, creepy horror booth, nothing else mattered but the boy in front of you. Taehyung’s here and he’s finally in your arms. You don’t have to long for him from afar anymore because now he’s here with you and he’s not leaving you. He’s finally yours.
               The same thought probably runs into Taehyung as you feel him grin into your lips before kissing you again. And even when the creepy background music of the booth starts again, you can only focus on the gentle way Taehyung’s thumbs coursed over your cheeks while tenderly pecks your lips as your kiss comes into a close.
                As you draw back a little to look at your friend, your crush, and now your lover, Kim Taehyung, in the hideous purple uniform you used to wear in the ticket booth with silly rabbit ears perched atop his hazel locks, you can’t help but smile. Taehyung may be the center of the world while you watch him from the side, but at the end of the day, he’s right. You’re just two people who are happy being with each other. There’s no boundaries, no walls separating him from you and you from him. You just have to see him for what he is and take the leap. You don’t need to re-enact Romcom clichés just to bring him towards you because he’s never been away from you from the start.
               Taehyung leans his forehead on yours and smiles. “I love you, Y/N. I’ve waited for so long for this.”
               “Me too,” you grin, “And, I love you too, Tae.”
               Taehyung chuckles and presses another peck on your lips.
               Just right then, you can feel a vibrant white light on your face.
               “Yo, lovebirds, are you finally together?”
               You turn to the direction of the voice and it’s Jimin. Behind him are Lisa and Seokjin, walking from the right pathway while making kissy faces at you.
               It all clicks in: Lisa and Seokjin hanging out with you, leading you to the 13th House, and disappearing like smoke the moment you reached the longest hallway of the booth. It’s to get you alone with Taehyung and finally talk everything out before you leave your part-time jobs.
               You frown at your friends. But, before you can voice out how can they just up and leave you like that, Taehyung beats you to it.
               “Jimin, you bastard! You pushed me towards the backstage passageway, shoved a flashlight into my hand, and just left me in the middle of this fucking scary booth. Is this how you treat your best bud?!”
               Jimin laughs. “But at least you got the girl!”
               “Yeah,” Lisa says. “Watching you two stupidly tiptoe around each other for so long started to make me sick.”
               “And we know you two can’t sort out your stupidity alone, so we decided to give you a little push.” Seokjin looks at Taehyung. “Quite literally in your case.”
               Taehyung scowls and opens his mouth but Jimin cuts him to it.
               “Thank me later, lover boy. It’s time we get out of this booth. Jungkook’s gonna piss me out for practically renting the 4th stop without paying.” Jimin heads to the right path where he came from. “So let’s take our exit now so you two can finally ride together into the sunset.” He turns to you and Taehyung and smirks, “Well, literally and figuratively.”
               Taehung attempts to hit him but Jimin scampers away and hollers, “You’re welcome, bro. And you too, Y/N!” Lisa and Seokjin laugh as they follow Jimin, leaving you and Taehyung walking at the back.
               Taehyung turns to you. “So…are you free tomorrow? I realized I haven’t taken you to a date yet. Like, a date date”
               “Yeah, I’m free. But, where will we go?”
               Taehyung rubs his nape. “Well, I don’t know yet…I’m sorry I asked you when I don’t have any plans yet, I just want to be with you tomorrow–”
               “It’s okay,” you smile. “We can meet at the carnival, then.”
               “The carnival?”
               “Yeah. Not as the prince and the ticketbooth attendant or vice versa. Just Taehyung and Y/N.”
               Taehyung smiles. “I would like that. Pick you up at your house on five?”
               “That’s alright with me,” you lean into his arm and look up at him, “boyfriend.”
               Taehyung blushes and you giggle. You let him hold your hand as you make your way out of the horror booth to spend the rest of Enchanted Carnival’s Halloween Party with a salary waiting for you, happy and giddy, and most importantly, in love.
               In every success story, there is a ninety percent probability you will hear “Fake it ‘til you make it.” Sometimes, it worked out for you, but most of the time, it didn’t.  Like how you tried to use this tactic to get your crush to like you, your plans don’t usually go the way you expect them. But it’s okay, because life doesn’t work that way. It took you stressful planning days, frustrating reactions, and tearful nights for you to realize that life is not always a stage where people can just “fake” everything ‘til the script is fulfilled. Roles can be changed and mistakes can happen. What’s important is: You may have not “fake it ‘til you make it,” but at least you worked for it ‘til you made it.
A/N pt. 2 | I wrote this fic after having a massive eureka moment and I haven’t edited this out yet because it’s 2 A.M. and we die like brave men here. Anyway, planning this story was really a challenge! This is the first time I tried this AU so I researched stuff and had to like, fix and re-fix some of my plot points as I write through. Second, I wanted to incorporate the adorable prompt in a completely unexpected way so I hope it did what I intended for it to do. Also, I enjoyed making up the names of the Romcom clichés OC used. They are literal Romcom clichés but I can’t find what they’re officially called (aside from Makeover Montage) so I just made the rest up AHHAHAH. I hope you enjoy reading this story as much as I enjoyed writing it!
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grade11faithproject · 5 years
1. Short Story
                                                 Dear Annie
November 6, 2017
Dear Annie,
           I’m sorry I wasn’t able to visit you at the hospital today. School really has a way of keeping you busy at the worst times, I guess. The head office all of a sudden announced that they wanted some of the high school students to stay around till 6pm just to help with the decorations for the upcoming school play, surprisingly I was one of them. Yaay! (note the sarcasm) I honestly think they aren’t really thinking things through, they should’ve told us in advance, and should have at least lessened the homework for today. The worst thing about it is that we didn’t even do anything! Majority of us just sat there staring into nothing, while the student council, drama club, visual arts club, and the teachers discussed/argued (well the arguing went between the students of the clubs and the student council) about the appropriate designs and props for each scene. If you were there you probably would’ve gotten us out, but unfortunately for me I’m not as sneaky as you are. So I just stayed for 2 hours. It really was a waste of time, I wished they just planned this before-hand, before demanding that we stay in the auditorium to help with props and designs that haven’t even been planned yet! Ugh, seriously this is such a bad day. I was low-key regretting not listening to you when you taught me how to sneak out of school during after class practices, but of course knowing me I’m too scared to do things on my own. I guess this is a sickness of mine, relying on you too much.
           A funny thing happened on my walk home though. I passed the bakery where we always hung out in, and ordered some hot chocolate. The owner saw that I was alone, and asked where you were. I told her that you were sick and couldn’t make it to school. Then she gave me the hot chocolate, she handed me a bag of cookies and told me it was on the house, and for me to give to you as a ‘get well soon’ gift. The funny thing about it was that she referred to you as my “partner-in-crime” when in reality I’m kind off just your assistant. I don’t mind though, I don’t like doing too much work anyway. I guess I’ll just try to drop this letter off tomorrow when I come visit you, hopefully the head office won’t make us stay till 6pm again.
I’m sorry, I ate the cookies.
 November 10, 2017
Dear Annie
           Remember what you told me 3 years ago? You told me it was around midnight and you went to down stairs to get a glass of water, but you were greeted with the sight of your mother crying. You said you dreaded the sight, that it was the most heart breaking thing you have ever seen. At first, I couldn’t really get why you felt so bad, I mean everyone cries, it’s only normal for your mom to cry too. I guess at the time I couldn’t really relate since I didn’t have a mother of my own, but when I visited you at the hospital today, I can finally say that I see what you mean. I told your mom that I wasn’t going to be able to visit you today since I thought the school was going to make us stay till 6pm again, but turns out they didn’t so I went to visit you while totally forgetting to tell your mom about it.
           When I got to your room and opened the door, I was greeted with the same sight you saw that night 3 years ago. Your mom was sitting on a chair beside your bed, holding your hand, crying while begging you to wake up. It really was heart breaking to see. It was heart breaking because the woman I saw nearly everyday, who was always so strong, always put on a smile, faced her problems head on, had been putting on a mask to cover her genuine sadness. I’m not an idiot to not realize that she’s obviously really sad about this, and it’s only normal that she’s crying, but this really was my first time seeing her cry. What was even more heart breaking was when she saw me enter, she let go of your hand, dried her tears and once again put on a smile. She even got up from her seat just to hug me. That’s when I started crying, for you and for your mom. If you were awake you probably would’ve teased me about how ugly I looked when I cried. I used to hate it whenever you did that, but now I would really give anything just for little moments like that.
 November 13, 2017
Dear Annie,
            So the school made the whole high school department stay after class again for an announcement. You could clearly hear the groans and complaints from all the other students, I honestly didn’t want to stay either, but I guessed it was just for an announcement, at least they weren’t making us stay till the sun finally set. So the drama club wanted to announce this year’s school play. To everyone’s surprise it was the Wizard of Oz. They also announced that they will post forms for those who want to audition for what characters they want, and that they would post the date for the auditions on the bulletin board as well. When we were finally dismissed, the drama club president approached me and told me to tell you about the play since she was really rooting for you to play as the Good Witch of the North, she even gave me the sample script for you to memorize. I nearly scoffed since that type of character doesn’t really seem to fit you. I’m thinking you would make a great Wicked Witch of the West. I wonder how you would look like with green skin. Hurry up and wake up already, I really wanna see you play.
November 27, 2017
Dear Annie,
           Your dad came to visit you today. Let’s just say the visit was quite a surprise to both your mom and I, and let’s just say your mom wasn’t really happy about your dad visiting you nearly 4 weeks after your accident. She asked what took him so long to get here, and he replied with the most revolting answer, “I was busy with work, I had hundreds of paper work to file”. Honestly if I only had the courage to talk back to you dad I would’ve, but unfortunately I don’t, and your mom already beat me to it. She told him, “This is so like you, you’re so selfish and all you care about it work. Your daughter is on a hospital bed fighting for her life, and all you can think about is all the paper work you have to file”. I really wanted to laugh at that time because it reminded me of that time  when we were in the 8th grade and it was your first time acting in a play, you were the main character too, you told your dad about it, but in the end he didn’t even sit on the seat that you reserved for him. Then when the play was over, I went backstage to come get you, but then I saw you crying and you told me that your dad was so selfish, that he knew how important this was to you, yet he couldn’t even make time for you and that all he could think about is work. Obviously both situations weren’t a laughing matter, I just found it funny how similar you are to your mom, and how you would probably say the same if you saw him, and if you were conscious. Although you most likely wouldn’t actually say that to your dad, I guess that what you and I have in common as well.
 December 3, 2017
Dear Annie,
           It’s has been officially a whole month since your accident. Rereading the first sentence makes it look like I’m so enthusiastic about it. Please wake up, I’m really lonely in school nowadays. Although I have Eric to hang out with, but it’s really not the same. I mean we are good friends, but he’s just not you. I’m not trying to have Eric as your replacement while you’re gone, it’s just that I can’t seem to find anyone who understands and relates to me like you do. I don’t know if this is a sign that I’m that much of a difficult human being, if that is the case then I’m sorry for giving you a hard time, or I really should’ve listened to you and actually socialized with other people. Ugh wake up already, it’s almost Christmas, and knowing how lazy you are, you probably haven’t even bought me anything and I also planned something for you, so you better wake up before Christmas. I’m kidding, but seriously though everyone misses you. I miss you.
 December 15, 2017
Dear Annie,
           So today was the auditions for the school play, and I approached the president of the drama club. I was about to tell her that you couldn’t make it to the auditions, but then she told me that she knows and that she wishes you a fast recovery, then left to go inside the auditorium. Dumbfounded wasn’t even close to how I was feeling after that. Although I don’t really know why I’m so surprised about the school knowing about what happened to you when it’s only normal for this kind of stuff to travel around. I don’t really know anyone, other than me, Eric, and some of the teachers, who knows about what happened to you. It’s not like Eric and I have any other friends in school to tell this to. So maybe the teachers were probably talking about it, and some of the students overheard. It’s just a theory. Why am I so upset about this? It’s not like I could’ve done anything from the news from spreading, nor was I the one who told anyone about it. Other than that happening, I lost my last remaining pencil, spilled my juice on my uniform, and lost my homework. Quite a nice day don’t you think so? Ugh it really is a Monday, but at least Christmas vacation starts on Wednesday this week.
December 25, 2017
Dear Annie,
           Merry Christmas weirdo! I spent the nearly whole day at your house, since I volunteered to help your mom cook dinner. After stopping by to visit you in the hospital, your mom, dad, and I went to the grocery that afternoon buy some stuff that was needed for dinner. When we got back to your house, I was expecting your dad to just be sitting by the dining area while doing some work, but to my surprise (and your mom’s too) he didn’t. Your dad asked if he could help prepare dinner and your mom gave him certain tasks to do and such. It really felt like we were a family preparing our own Christmas dinner, your mom started telling your dad about things he’s missed out on, and your dad would crack some jokes here and there, he asked how my aunt and I was doing. Then after cooking dinner, I was about to bid your parents goodbye, but they asked me to stay for dinner since no one was really home since Aunt Lucy went on vacation. I had a really great time, although I feel bad since you should’ve been the one who was there, not me, it feels like I’m stealing something of yours, like I’m stealing the opportunity for you to see your family happy and complete. I really wish you were there to witness it and be able to experience it, it was everything you told me you wanted. Well, I guess I don’t have a gift from you this year, nor can I continue on with the plans I made, I’m so disappointed. Just kidding, gifts aren’t really that important and my “plans” could always be moved on some other day. I really just want you to wake up. Merry Christmas, Annie.
 January 1, 2018
Dear Annie,
           Happy New Year! Dude, now I see why you’re so annoyed with all these posts about, “It’s the New Year already, but why haven’t you changed yet?” I do agree these posts are really irritating, seriously what makes a person think that just because it’s a brand new year other people are automatically going to change? Just let theperson change when they’re ready. New Year celebrations are really overrated, it’s literally just another year, it’s just that that the calendar is different, and everyone is going to get a year older again. Same with birthdays too. I remember we would always be so excited about Christmas, our birthdays, New Year’s, but as we got older things changed, those celebrations aren’t as exciting as they used to be, oh well that’s growing up for you (as what my aunt would always say).
           Awhile ago your mom asked me why I kept writing you letters, I guess she was weirded out by me, I mean I have to admit it is a little though. None the less I told her that it was a way to keep you updated about what went one while you were asleep, like whenever you wouldn’t be able to make it to school, I would tell you what happened and the homework that needs to be done. Your mom was touched that I took the time out of my day to write you, I told her that it wasn’t a bother. I am your best friend after all.
                                                                                                                                 - Mark
Speaking of homework, you have a lot to catch up on.
 January 12, 2018
Dear Annie,
               A miracle has come upon us! I finally found your hair tie that you’ve been looking for. Turns out it was in the medicine cabinet in my bathroom. I’m not sure how that got there, but I’ll just leave it there. When you read this one make sure to remind me to give it back to you. Oh, and I also found your missing pen inside one of the drawers on my bedside table. We’ve been over each other’s houses for so many times, I wouldn’t be surprised my missing pencil was probably at your house.
             I miss having you over, I miss hanging out with you, I miss teasing you, I miss going out to that bakery we pass by after school, I miss talking to you, I miss hearing your laugh. God, I miss everything about you, Annie. Please just wake up so everything just goes back to normal. I really have something to tell you, but it’s something I just don’t feel comfortable writing on paper.
 January 31, 2018
Dear Annie,
             I always knew the world was unfair, I just didn’t know it was this much of a cheat. It was unfair to everyone, to me, to your parents, to your other friends, and especially to you. Why does it have to be this way? This wasn’t meant to happen, none of this was meant to happen. Your accident, you falling into coma, none of that was supposed to happen, and now.. I can’t even bring it up, it just makes everything feel worse. I feel sick to my stomach, I feel like I’m having nightmare that just feels too realistic. Please tell me this it is a dream, please tell me when I wake up, you’ll be there sitting on the couch watching “Beauty and the Beast” for the hundredth time already. Please Annie, wake me up from this horrible nightmare. I can’t take this. I miss you so much, but I guess missing you it the only thing I can ever do. I can only miss hanging out with you, I can only miss talking to you, I can only miss seeing you.
            There are so many things I wish I could’ve told you. I wish I told you how ridiculous you look when to do the chicken dance. I wish I told you how much you sucked at video games. I wish I told you that when you laugh you sound like you’re about to have an asthma attack. I wish I told you that your smile is the most beautiful sight I’ve ever seen. I wish I told you that every time I saw you cry it would break my heart into a hundred pieces. I wish I told you that even if you sound like a seal, hearing you sing could make my entire day. I wish I told you that seeing you happy was the best thing in the world. I wish I told you how much I love you.
           Surprising, huh? Probably not. I’ve had a crush on you since we were in the 3rd grade. I thought it was just a feeling that would come and go, but it wasn’t. As the years passed, the crush I’ve had for you never went away like I’d hoped, but it did the complete opposite. For the past 9 years, I’ve only fallen deeper in love with you. I fell in love with the way you belted out all of your favourite songs, I fell in love with your weird personality, I fell in love with the sound of your laugh, the way you scrunch your nose in the slightest bit whenever you smile. I fell in love with you, Annie. I was supposed to tell you last Christmas, but I wasn’t able to because of what happened. I’m sorry, I know I told you that I didn’t want to write whatever I had to say in paper, but now this really is the only way to confess to you.
           This is going to be my last letter. I wrote these letters for you to read when you wake up, but there’s really no need for that anymore. I miss you. So I guess I should end this letter now.
Good bye, Annie. I love you to be moon and back.
 Tell my parents I said “Hi”.
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