#major spoilers under that cut so do not touch if you're opla-only and not familiar with the outcomes of marineford lol
supermarine-silvally · 9 months
YES PLEASE FEED US THE META POST, literally tho I feel like one piece is the fandom where almost everything can be elaborated upon I too have Ideas™️ of my Mari and Kenji about their themes and what they mean to the story ahehehe
but anyway when you said rafts I pictured this
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like we’re both little rodents sitting on a mound of twigs and stuff and waving our Portada flags around, aksnaksj
and interesting interesting!! Mihawk was right (gasp) to get Yara to learn haki bc if she went up against Blackbeard or Akainu without it- I’m not even going there 🫣 and this made me remember- does Yara join Marco and the others when they go to fight Blackbeard? and if she does, does she at least manage to scar the dipshit (pls I need her to do that) -🍂
not me realizing I’m spoiling sm for anyone new I’m so sorry 😭
askdjhlaksjdh I love that image sm it's so cute!!! and yes hehe i'm glad to have another lil rodent aboard my portada raft (and I will happily join you aboard the midlaw and keller rafts asdfkjhsd) I'll get around to making a meta post on the Tōka Tōka no Mi once I'm done my current drawing not gonna spoil anything but it's related to both portada and my favourite movie heheh and pls pls pls make some Mari and Kenji meta omg I wanna know all about their themes!!!
I'll put the rest of this answer below cut (spoilers ahead, ye be warned!)
So Yara at the end of Marineford basically gets separated from the other WBP because she refuses to abandon Ace's body. She's been pretty badly hurt at this point (thanks to Kizaru impaling her with his light powers a few times over, just picture Ace on the scaffold watching in horror for extra Angst yet at the same time these severe injuries she receives are what actually allow Ace to survive in my no-donut-verse if you're curious about why/how that happens heheh) and eventually loses consciousness right around the time Shanks shows up. She fully intended to die alongside Ace, but fate (her father) had other plans.
At this point, Mihawk has watched everything go down and as per canon, sees Shanks and is like "nah fuck this i'mma take my daughter and leave" so he picks up Yara's unconscious body and heads out. Yara wakes up with her wounds bandaged on Kuraigana Island and her father just chilling in a chair right next to her.
Anyways, sadly but perhaps also for the better in the end, Yara has no idea about the Payback War or whatever the hell is up with Edward Weevil (Buckin assumes Yara is dead or has otherwise been removed from the equation so she sees no need to send Weevil after her). The WBP survivors also assume she's dead or has been captured by either Blackbeard or the Marines. Marco is devastated to lose his little sister as well as Ace and Whitebeard, but part of him holds onto hope that she made it out alright and basically just declares her missing in action (he refuses to make a grave for her until her death has been confirmed).
After waking up and going through the whole "holy shit Ace and Pops really are dead" moment of horror, Yara realizes that she needs to get much, much stronger to be able to kill the two people she sees as being directly responsible for Ace's death: Akainu and Blackbeard. So she begrudgingly asks Mihawk to train her alongside Zoro.
Two years later, Yara leaves Kuraigana Island minus one arm but plus an awakened devil fruit, advanced armament and observation haki (she had basic before so she's not starting to learn haki from scratch), and some new killer swordplay techniques. She heads straight to Sphinx Island for a tearful reunion with Marco and basically just chills there until they join up with Izou and head to Wano. She learns about everything that happened to the WBP from Marco at this point.
So tl;dr she hasn't had her rematch with Blackbeard yet but he's got a whole storm coming to him in the form of Ace's very pissed off widow heheh
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