#make your minds eye image of me into a funky fresh person with spikes and comedy clown shoes please and thank you
corrodedcoughin · 1 year
Okay so, this is the last time I’ll post about this I swear so uhhh burnout/autism/questioning etc under the cut
Has anyone experienced burnout, autistic or otherwise? And if you have what is it like? Because I feel like I just haven’t been able to engage with anything for months meaning work or social things or just general life. I’ve had days off here and there from work and every first day back is me hard-to-breathe crying about everything being so hard and feeling like I try so hard but in reality I probably don’t and not knowing how everyone else manages but also that I’m making a big deal out of literally nothing.
It’s like I get a small but if reprieve but then as soon as it’s over I’m back on the edge and I can’t do anything to stop it. I mean I was full sobbing because of the gym of all things as well as the usual work/life/relationships/no energy/bothering people and just not being Right in anything I do. Idk, I just have no one to ask and worry that if I do I’ll just be told it’s anxiety, depression and The Rest.
I don’t even know why I’m posting this, it isn’t a cry or help! I promise! Just wanting to see how other people are I guess? I hate treating this account like a blog, that isn’t what I started it for and I’m sorry when it does pop up it’s just been a wild 6 months.
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