nestcart · 1 year
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soryualeksi · 1 year
Soap opera levels of drama in my small(-ish) seaside fort today again.
So I've limited my population cap to 50. Want to keep things cozy. Have 62 citizens, 7 of them kids born after the cap was reached and 5 crow people I caught in traps and then makeown-ed via dfhack because hell yes crow people.
I had very few deaths until now. 3 from the weirdo merchants who wouldn't leave and got decimated by wildlife eventually (including Urist McSlipperyslope, who kept falling down our entrance ramps...).
Then later.
One unfortunate mother of two. Who ALSO fell down the entrance ramp, but only after getting hit and CATAPULTED down across it by a terminal-velocity lamb?? which might or might not have been killed in the incident, too?? and which I don't know who or what hurled it through the air to begin with?? Anyway. One poor mother of two, shot down the stairs like a croquet ball and then crashing and leaving a looooong smear (RIP).
Life goes on. Nobles are made. Nobles begin uttering their unhinged demands.
The mayor loves crowns. The mayor forbids the selling of crowns. We have a billion VERY lucrative crowns. We don't sell any crowns. Or at least we try to.
Apparently, the last merchant caravan left with one or two crowns, regardless.
The captain of the guard goes to punish whoever was last seen dropping the crown(s?) off where the merchants could get their greedy little hands on. We don't have enough cages and chains, so she mercifully ops for a beating.
She beats our poor spinner to death.
I engrave the slab. "Devoted husband and father." I try finding his spouse. I try finding his kids.
His wife was Urist McCroquetball. Their kids are now orphans. The only two citizen deaths in my fort.
I happen to check on my mayor. She's mourning a lover.
You guessed it.
She's been seeing the guy who was beaten to death.
For putting the bin with the crowns down to where I could mis-click and sell the vile things.
It's been her demands and unhealthy fixation of headwear that doomed him. Doomed their blossoming love. Doomed his kids to be orphans, forever, the only two orphans in my peaceful, to this day still siege-free fort.
Or maybe she weighed her options and didn't want to become a stepmother yet.
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g-vr · 2 years
Mi último viaje, me ayudó a seguir.
Y tengo que admitir, pensé que jamás podría
Te amo, eso me queda bastante claro
Y te pienso, mi mente no permitiría mentirme en ello
Pero tuve que aceptar, que ya no eres de aquí, solo de mis recuerdo y de este amor perpetuo.
Estoy avanzando mucho, en muchos ámbitos, quisiera poder contártelo, pero, ya no es posible.
Siento que jamás pude darte una carta de despedida definitiva, porque en cada intento, quería seguir despidiéndome una vez más.
Aún guardo en mi piel, el último beso y vivirá conmigo siempre.
Conocí a alguien, creo que, me hace bastante bien, así como a ti el te hace bien en tu día a día. Estoy muy feliz por ti.
Jamás te detengas, sigue tus sueños, no importa el costo, es lo que ahora yo hago y siendo sincero, no me va para nada mal.
Lee el libro de Escencialismo de greg makeown, creo que te ayudará mucho a simplificar las cosas que en realidad valen.
Toma agua, duerme bien (ya entendí que eso es lo primero) todo mejora con ello, medita, sigue haciendo ejerció, termina primero tus actividades de mayor aporte y al último las de menor (lee el libro del principio 80/20 de Rochard koch, me ayudó a gestionar mi enfoque) invierte en conocimiento no dejes de aprender, te ayudará a seguir creciendo, evita a toda costa las sustancia nocivas, engañan a la mente con satisfacción express y momentánea, reduce siempre la ingesta de azúcares, cuida tu vista, aliméntate saludablemente.
Todo va estar bien, el tiempo, es tan relativo, que cuando una crisis pasa, nos permite reírnos después de vivirla.
Decidí descargarme el historial de esta cuenta, (solo por lo textos, por que son importantes para mi ) y en unos días, simplemente, borrarla, es mi ultima forma de decirte adiós.
Gracias infinitas por tanto, desde el lugar en donde me encuentre, te amaré.
Hasta otro tiempo.
Tu moti gus, por siempre.
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