#maker: infernare
recsbylotte · 4 years
who are some of your fav gifmakers/recs?
Ahh I love this question because I love sharing my loves but please note that I don’t even know half the gif makers that are out there? There are so many amazing ones but I can only share those I’m familiar with, nonnie. The most honourable mentions should go to @osvaldrps and @sacreddonkey because most (if not everything) I learned about gifmaking and colouring, I learned through their blogs. Their gif packs are inspiring really?? That’s how pretty they are? And the most recent inspiring gifmaker I followed was @madisonmusing who is so lovely and seems to be releasing the biggest gif packs so quickly of such diverse faces- ahhh I love them all. And the same goes for everyone inbetween that I admire from afar, like @vcdette (you outdo yourself every time, love), @infernare (everything you make is so much better than you think gosh), @macherierps, @demctozdemir &. @olliviacooke - all intimidatingly good !! But really, to every gifmaker out there, whatever your style is, whatever your pace is, whatever your gif pack size is: I APPRECIATE YOU SO MUCH, you have no idea, keep slaying xoxo
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