#makes a tiny box house that's like 6 blocks tall and it somehow looks so detailed like if you squint it could be an oil painting
liauditore · 4 months
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#hermitaday#bdubs fanart#bdouble0 fanart#hermitcraft fanart#hermitblr#my art#bdubs#im so happy#a day where i get to draw bdubs is a good day#my favourite guy. lich rally.#this is one of the softer bdubs i've drawn i think..#as much as high energy matches him 99% of the time idk idk he's so sweet that 1% of the time#and this season rlly has me feeling that. secret life rlly changed alot of these mfs in my head.#secret life is such amazing pay off for the whole life series im always saying tihs#anyway yeah insanity aside his builds this season have been so incredible i know bdubs builds are bdubs builds but like. wow#i think we should all appreciate idk. the way he plays w/ scale#makes a tiny box house that's like 6 blocks tall and it somehow looks so detailed like if you squint it could be an oil painting#and those trees. idk what else to say man. those trees.#anyway (insanity goggles on again) bdubs living far off happily in his cottage a bit off the grid. makes me so happy.#idk. bdubs learning to chill. it's so awesome.#his interactions with etho joel and pearl have been so cool to see#ethubs is gonna ethubs#but him and pearl are so funny together too. i love the kinda? sheepishness he talks to her with lol#and joel. i haven't quite figured out exactly what's going on between him and joel but i like it.#i think. bdubs wants to hit joel with sticks. but in like. an oh you rascal kinda way. little troublemaker you#i don't fuck with familial headcanons and I don't like assigning people parental roles. But.#coughs. okay that's enough.#i love bdubs alot he's my favourite. good night guys.
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A very long description of my OCs and their universe.
I have made the decision to start writing oneshots and short stories as well as prompts now, so woo! And that means…*drumroll* I’m going to be explaining in great detail my OCs and the universe I’ve built around them! Also, I am aware that 90% of OC posts are art, but I cannot draw anything and I don’t have any digital art pad type stuff to do it on anyway so no Imma just write one loooooooooong block of words. I regret nothing, btw. (Rosa and Robin’s descriptions will be the longest, so just try not to fall asleep until you’ve finished reading them?)
Okay, so, my OCs all live in this village out in the English countryside called Thistledoor. It’s like a whole old-timey, chocolate-box-village type deal, minus the school (which is joint secondary and primary) of course. (Americans might want to look up when British kids start school if you guys don’t already know, just to understand Noah’s predicament.)
The whole thing is a sort of monster AU, kinda a Gravity Falls type deal where they’re just things like gnomes and goblins and the occasional horde of brainthristy zombies to deal with.
The Maddoxes live in the middle of the village, while the Lupins’ house is a bit further away along the edge of the woods. Robin and Rosa are my main characters, Rosa lives with her parents, twin brother Gabo, and younger brother Noah, and Robin lives with his mum, his two older siblings Molly and Jack, and younger siblings, the triplets Ethan, Ben and Sirsha (It’s actually spelt Saoirse but Robin’s mum spelt it wrong on the birth certificate), and Starling. Robin’s entire family have faint Irish accents (idk and idc why). Maeve is one of their friends and Gabo’s crush, and Marcus is the school jerk who likes to flirt with Rosa. Now, what the characters are actually like:
 Rosa Lupin (15):
Medium-reddish-brown hair that’s so thick and silky but not that shiny and reaches the middle of her back. It’s always wavy even when she brushes it.
Her skin is quite light, and she cannot tan, she just burns. She has freckles on her nose and her cheeks, but you can’t see them as much in winter. When she smiles… Oh. My. Goodness. Her smile is so beautiful, and her nose scrunches up and it’s just ADORABLE! Her eyes are wide and dark brown, but they get a tiny bit lighter towards her pupils. She also has a little crescent-moon-shaped birth mark just above her collarbone. Gabo has one too. She’s quite tall and kind of slim, but still a bit curvy at the same time.
She always wears oversized jumpers and jeans when it’s cold or t-shirts and shorts in the summer, or occasionally she steals Robin’s jumpers when it gets cold because for some reason his are mostly warmer than hers.
She’s about 5’6.
Her favourite colour is purple, she loves ballet, singing, reading, chemistry, and making up conspiracy theories with Gabo, and she’s quite quiet around most people but a force to be reckoned with when someone makes her mad, mainly by insulting Noah. She and Gabo also get killer migraines and insomnia when they’re stressed. Rosa is also the mum friend of my group of chaotic 15-year-olds and has a thing about loud noise and crowded areas (as in if she stays around them for too long she’ll either freak out or get a migraine or both). Gabo’s similar, but he can just about manage.
Robin is her best friend in the whole world, and they’ve known each other since they were 5. Secretly, they both like each other more than that, but they’re much too shy to tell each other, which obviously leads to their siblings making devious matchmaking plots to get them together. Rosa and Robin then get back at them with their own schemes, mainly with Gabo and Maeve.
 Robin Maddox (15):
His hair is dark brown and so messy it’s unbelievable, and literally impossible to imagine him with tidy hair. Somehow it never gets knotty. Ever.
His eyes are really dark brown and sparkly, kind of like an actual robin’s. He’s a bit tanned and he’s not really muscly but still quite strong. Like seriously, he can carry Rosa when she falls asleep in the middle of doing something or if she gets a migraine.
Lives in red t-shirts and brown jeans rolled up a bit so they don’t get dirty, and literally never wears shoes except at school because Thistledoor is the best village in the area for not littering so there’s nothing to cut his feet on. Some people tease him for it but he just ignores them (or splashes in a big muddy puddle to get water all over them) He does actually own a few jumpers that aren’t red or brown, but they are mostly stolen by Rosa. That’s actually why he has them but shh, no-one needs to know that.
He’s about 5’7, or maybe a bit taller.
Robin’s favourite colour is red, he likes inventing, playing music (he can play about a gazillion instruments) and pretty much just tagging along with whatever mystery hunt Rosa and Gabo have gotten themselves into. He’s very bold, brash and silly, occasionally getting into fights with Marcus before Rosa drags him back to her house by the ear, but he does have a very sensitive, protective side, particularly over Starling, which you will learn why when I get to their mum’s description.
 Gabo Lupin (15):
He’s Rosa’s twin brother, so he basically looks like the boy version of her. His hair is pretty short and neat, and he has a fringe pushed over to the left side of his forehead. He is incredibly short sighted and can see literally nothing without his glasses.
His favourite colour is yellow, he likes reading, poetry/songwriting creating conspiracy theories, and dragging his sister on mystery hunts with him, on most she and Robin end up saving his life when he reads out the words from a cave-wall-painting-crypt-thing to summon the dead. He’s very quiet and intellectual and gets scared easily unless he’s too busy finding stuff out.
 Noah Lupin (4 or 5 depending on when the story takes place):
Noah looks a bit like Gabo, except his hair is much lighter and he doesn’t need glasses. Noah is a rather unusual four year old in the way of his intelligence – he’s got the same IQ as his father, who is a scientist. He didn’t start talking at all until he was about three, but when he did it was in full sentences with none of the normal baby talk, but he doesn’t like to talk around people so most people think he’s just dumb.
 Mrs Maddox (Robin’s mother):
Mrs Maddox is possibly the worst mother in the history of the whole multiverse ever. She’s drunken, angry, neglectful, and doesn’t have a job, leaving supporting the family to the government funding and Molly, who’s 19 and has two part time jobs at the weekends and after school. Mrs Maddox leaves most of her children alone in the physical sense, except Robin and Starling. She hits both of them, usually just a slap across the face or something, always small enough for everyone to just assume that Robin had gotten into a fight or Star had fallen down the stairs, clumsy as she was. Neither of them wanted to correct them otherwise. Rosa, Maeve and Gabo figured it out fairly quickly, though.
 Molly (19), Jack (17), Starling (11) and the triplets (6):
The rest of Robin’s siblings don’t make an enormous appearance in my stories, them being mainly centred around Robin and the Lupins, but I’m going to describe them anyway. Molly’s the oldest, and generally the one taking care of all her siblings. Jack is basically a father figure to his younger siblings, as their dad died when Mrs Maddox was pregnant with Ethan, Ben and Sirsha. Sirsha never learnt to talk. Starling is very clumsy, but other than that she’s just like Robin. They all hate wearing shoes.
 Okay, I think that’s it!
P.S. I’m going to use a tag with my username as a way to get all my stories together, so if you’re reading this in the future and want to read my stories, that’s a quick way to do it without being swamped by reblogs and whump prompts!
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brokenmusicboxwolfe · 6 years
On a photo of a not exactly human face I sculpted....
labratbren said:                                                                                                                            What do you do with them when they are done? Do you ever post pictures of the finished product? 
Ah, well, um....short answer? Nothing.
Here’s the longer answer (VERY long)....
While I was always drawn to sculpting, I really didn’t sculpt growing up. 
I mean, I tried to use clay I dug out of the ground, drying it in the sun, when I was tiny. Naturally it crumbled except for this lump of a head I still have. In Kindergarden the art teacher had his own kiln and let us use the scraps left over from the pots he had us make. I still have a loop armed alien and creature head I made, but he left with his kiln the next year. The dough art they had us make in second grade was gone by the next year, ‘cause this buggy and humid climate doesn’t agree with it. My parents gave me modling clay, but I hated it. I wanted something that would “stay”. 
But everyone acted like sculpting was hard, so maybe I wasn’t missing out. 
Then one day, when I was 19 or so, my hands got bored. Anyone would have laughed if I’d said I was bored right then. I had a book open to one side of me, a magazine on the other, as I went back and forth reading both. I was also  listening to music AND watching the movie The Brothers Karamazov at the same time. I have this problem where I always feel like I should be doing more, and when I am doing something I get itchy to be doing something else. Like my brain isn’t fully occupied even if I’m really enjoying whatever. That day my hands needed something to do, and there was this block of clay left over from a project one of Pop’s projects (a river system display, I think) It was just sittin’ there on the porch so....
And it turned out sculpting was easy! I mean, maybe not art bit doodling around having fun making faces. Do NOT be intimidated by sculpting! It comes so much more easiy than trying to convert our 3D world into some 2D drawing. Seriously, try drawing a nose head on! But toss on any wedge on a sculpted face and you have a nose...
Ok, maybe I just am bad at drawing! But I really do wish more people would try sculpting.
Anyway, the clay was another dead end, but it did inspire me to hunt for something I could “make stay”. And that something was sculpey. 
Whenever I was certain I would have the place completely to myself for a full hour I’d go stand out on the ramp behind the house and sculpt. It wasn’t too often, what with the house also being the office of the family business and my family being the sort of close one that did everything together. I couldn’t sculpt and be watched. All I needed was an our because I sculpted quickly. In an hour I’d have a little bust, rough as heck but with some detail I liked.
But then I ran out of places to put my busts in my already overstuffed bedroom. I solved this by just slicing the faces off and just baking them. I could glue magnets to them and line all the edges of my metal bookcases.
I did dabble in other things. I tried a full figure and made a few little stick figures. I sculpted something from Babylon 5 for my brother, mixed my box painting (I used to paint boxes when I had a table) with sculpting for a Discworld box for Mom, Easter bunnies for my parents, magnets for everyone, Christmas ornaments...
When she saw the Christmas tree ornaments my cousin Katharine, dollhouse collector, roped my into making her a doll. She had specific requirements for a 6″ tall Beast in what I gathered were Regency era clothes from her decription. In my ignorance I assumed the doll would have to have a jointed body, fabric clothes and furry fur, which kinda drove me nuts! But somehow I pulled it off! I sculpted a few more of those little dolls (no sewing on these!) as gifts for my parents and brother, as well as a bit of goofing around for myself (I liked my little  Sleestack a couple decades late for little me). But that was that.
Then the weirdest darn thing happened: I was suddenly stricken with a full imaginative block!
I stopped sculpting. I stopped painting boxes. I stopped writing stories. Worst of all I stopped dreaming! I still remember how upsetting that was, this sense of loss. It was like having a part of me paralyzed.  
It lasted years. Terrible years.
When my father became sick right after my irreparable rift with my brother, as I was facing the most terrible external loss of my life, something woke back up in me. Constant, vivid dreams, elaborate epics spiraling through night after night, images and stories that writing didn’t full  satisfy the need to express. I started painting miniature boxes again. Box after box after box....
But no sculpting.
I dunno why I still didn’t sculpt. I just didn’t.
Then my father died.
Pop’s death was a devistating moment. My father. My best friend. When Pop was sick I told him he couldn’t die because I wouldn’t have anyone to talk to. There is a lot of truth in that.  I love Mom dearly, but our brains work very differently. Pop might have been smarter, and his depth of knowledge was certainly mind blowing, but our mental wiring followed a similar eccentric pattern. That said, somewhere along the line my parents and I had become a sort of unit, functioning as one. Think one of those anime giant robots made of smaller ships, Voltron or something. Then imagine it functioning with the head section missing. Five years later we still feel that void.
So anyway, Pop was dead, the family business gone with him, and I was unemployed with no qualifications in a rural area with few job opportunities anyway. This was, and frankly still is, not a good situation. And my cousin Katharine thought she had a solution.
Katharine sent me a letter suggesting I make dolls. She’d shown the doll I’d made her to a dealer who said I had talent, and she sent me a copy of Art Doll Quarterly to show me that my “weird” stuff might have a market...
Honestly I felt inspired by this. I immediately seriously considered it. I’d work a bit bigger than 6″ scale, sculpt the clothes instead of the stress and tedium of sewing, and figure out a way to do ball joints. Because each thing would be unique (until I could teach myself mold making) and letting go of something I make is soooo hard for me, I decided to use the story of one of my painted boxes as inspiration. I’d make wolf people, which I figured would create enough sameness to help me let go, but enough variety to keep me from being bored. I quickly sketched out a reasonable design and got to work.
Obviously things didn’t turn out to be so simple. Sculpting ball joints by hand is fiddly to manage. It would need a bit of experimenting. I could do a head on day, casually. I could do the upper body, arms and waist joint  with a lot of effort another day. A third day would be waist and legs. Fourth day was the hellish threading. I wasn’t set up for safely storing unbaked work in progress, so I had to do these marathon one sitting sculptings on the bodies. Then I’d rest up a few days and just sculpt a few heads.
The ball jointing drove me nuts. So I gave myself permission to not worry about wolfheads, but just sculpt whatever head happened. From the backlog of heads I’d just pick one to experiment with body making. In just a couple months I was making progress.
The first discouragement came with an art show. The county has a sort of art society and they were having a sculpture show. I was scared silly to show my work to anyone, since at that point it was 2014 and I wasn’t even on Tumblr. No one had seen them. Still, when I went to see about entering the lady there was encouraging. I was soooo nervous and tentatively hopeful when I went to the grand opening with Mom amd my cousin Shirley. I was soon deflated. No one seemed to notice my figures. My work was the odd one out anyway in a sea of found object sculptures, colored paper masks and ceramics abstractly suggesting the figural. Also, everyone there knew each other and so no one was talking to me. At one point I did this really sad thing of hovering near my figures in case anyone came near so I could sorta maybe get them to notice them....
When the show ended a few weeks later the lady very nicely said at least a couple school children had liked weird figures, ‘cause, you know, kids like that fantasy stuff.  I definitely should sculpt a lot bigger and maybe use terra cotta instead....
Yeah. I felt my stuff was crap. I was crap. Why had I ever thought anyone would like my crap? Heck, I’d thought I’d at least find a club I could join, belonging, friends....
But, I kept at the doll making experimenting, crap or not. That winter it was too cold for much sculpting in my unheated house, but I could work on trying to figure out how to paint them....
Then life happened don’t ya know. At first I thought it was a temporary break while I dealt with crisis after another. I kept sculpting heads, strictly sculpting a head a day (still just an hour each)....until the spreading collapsed floor situation forced me to move the box I’d made for storing the bodiless heads out. And that was that for doll making.
Still, I kept sculpting. I went back to just the faces....
And that’s where I am now. I gave up sculpting every day, because I no longer have time. I watch a movie and sculpt. I bake the face and take pics I post on here. I wrap ‘em in tissue and put them in a storage container....
And that’s it.
I don’t do anything with them. I’m not entirely convinced there is any point anymore. My life isn’t going to include free time. Or tables to work on. It has been years after all, and it gets less and less likely I’ll make anything more than a few boxes full of chipped up sculpey faces for the nephews to find when I die. Well, unless they follow my brother’s advice and throw them out unopened! LOL
I sculpt just ‘cause I sculpt. I post pics of them on Tumblr, ‘cause Mom isn’t really all that interested in looking at them. They aren’t ever going to be anything, but I guess if I enjoy making them and someone out there likes looking at them that’s okay. They may be nothing, but that’s something.
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comebeonetwothree · 3 years
Blog #6: Coast to Coast
The homeland of the rich, the famous, and the homeless junkies of Los Angeles, California will always have my heart.
With my first near death experience, I have come to see life in a new light… YOLO!
Remember that term? Yah, it was one of those fads that had meaning to it but no longer holds a place in fashion... thank god.
Everything on this coast is slow, even the way people talk is dragged out. No one J-walks here. They seriously wait for that little white man to pop up on the cross walks before walking, even if there is not a car in sight.
Yet everyone here has a serious addition to coffee.
Hangovers are even more dragged because everyone is so uber healthy here, they straight up do not have greasy food.
I made the mistake of ordering an egg and cheese, knowing it’ll only be a disappointment compared to a New York BEC. It was beyond disappointing, especially being hungover as fuck.
Everyone here is stoned all the time and have been for years. I truly believe the whole city moves so slow because everyone is high all the time.
No wonder they can survive with the shitty food- they are too high to realize.
They do have some fire weed here, so it makes sense, but damn… they are so slow and ditsy.
There is so much art here, from music, to painting, to theater, to creativity, everyone comes here with a dream. Some make their dreams come true, others end up addicted to crack, but everyone originally came here in hopes of making something of themselves.
That energy runs through the streets, it is so lively and so filled with hope. It is truly an inspiring place to live.
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Who have you become…
The people on the west coast are just genuinely nicer. We had a conversation that consisted of outrageous hand gestures with a random man in his car.
He had blocked an intersection accidently so I couldn’t make a left turn, where he then proceeded to see me raging about it and trying to mouth to us how sorry he was. We straight up had a conversation with this guy and were joking around while waiting for the light. We left mouthing, “We are from New Yorkk, move outta the way” as a joke, and he just understood and left us with a peace sign.
There is a surplus of homelessness here, and it is sad to see but also so interesting to watch them set up communities on the sides of highways and all along the beach.
There is never just one homeless dude posted up under a cardboard box. It’s always 15+ people posting up together in nice ass tents they probably stole or making cardboard houses with tarps for extra coverage.
They get super creative with their homelessness; it is fascinating to watch.
This one guy was zipping down the road in what looked like a decked-out bike, with high handlebars and a motor. He was moving with traffic and was looking cool while doing it.
As he got closer, we realized his get-up was made from an ironing board he bent into a seat, a plastic crate holding up the ironing board to a lime scooter he probably stole a month prior. Topping it off, he added tall handlebars for that 70s badass look. That man mastered one man’s trash, into another man’s treasure.
The saddest part is knowing majority of them came out here looking for their big break and got so hooked on drugs, they could never make it farther then that last $10 in their pocket for drugs.
On the other hand, some of these people have money to their names, but choose this lifestyle.
They really enjoy the life of nothing. This one woman was offered a job and a home, and she politely turned it down because this was her home. She loved the community around her and wouldn’t trade it for any material. What a way of life.
My family was so generous to let us three, stay with them here in Venice Beach. My Uncle Greg is my mom’s brother. He moved out here with his family to further his comedic career. Unfortunately, that meant I couldn’t see my cousins often.
My cousin Owen is a year younger than me and in the same grade as my brother. My other cousin Jojo is four years younger but grew up so fast. I always said the water in California was cracked out, because she always appeared older than my brother and I.
Since COVID I hadn’t been able to see them in two years, so I was so excited to hang out with them.
Jojo just graduated high school, so she is finally old enough to do drugs with!!
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We also got to meet up with our friend Izzy from Oneonta. She is living out here for the summer with her sister. What a life.
Izzy is thriving here with her job at this night club and is living in her sister’s cute ass apartment in Echo Park. She has the total LA vibe and even knows all the local spots to hang. Shout out to you for sneaking us into a random hotel’s rooftop pool! Confidence never gets questioned.
We love meeting up with friends from school, it makes the trip feel more homie.
What’s hanging dude…
Joshua Tree National Park was something out of another planet. It seriously looked like Jurassic Park and a dinosaur should be appearing at any second.
It was very different from anything we had ever seen before, but it was still a desert and was hot as fuck.
We did some gorgeous hikes through all the massively large, rounded rocks that somehow were placed on top of each other ages ago.
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The trees that are all around are Joshua Trees, also considered Trees of Life.
This means they produce a way of life for other creatures at all stages of its growing/dying process.
While in beginning stages of its life, Yucca moths use the trees pollen to lay their eggs in and produce pollen scatter, creating more trees. When the trees are gown, the caterpillars use the tree for habitats and provides food sourcing for a lot of other desert species. When the tree dies, the bark is used to create habitats for humans and used to wove baskets and other materials.
These trees look like a palm tree and a cactus went to TOWN together.
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Los Angeles is the other city of dreams. It is not comparable to New York City besides the homelessness and the traffic.
The Ocean really makes the whole city’s surfer aesthetic. Everyone, even the rich and famous, dress like they are in last weeks outfit.
The style is so different from New York. People really don’t dress to impress but spend half their life savings on their wardrobe.
Visiting my family here has always been the ideal way to do this city, since they take us to all the local shops, and we do fun activities like surfing. It’s not just another tour bus showing us where Kurt Cobain shot up some heroin for the first time.
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They also show us the best food joints. We got these sushi balls, and it was the greatest -post beach snack- imaginable. A little hit of the wax pen and a bite of this ball is comparable to an orgasm.
Where are all the famous people…
Joshua Tree was so beautiful, it is a place I will be re-visiting, considering we were only there for one night.
Los Angeles is where I have always wanted to live, ever since a young girl. Whenever we would come out here to visit my uncle, he would take us to the coolest places, and we would meet the coolest people.
One year I was here on my birthday, and his buddy stopped over to say hi, when I came downstairs in was Zach Galifianakis chilling there with a $20 bill and my name on it as a birthday gift.
You could imagine my teenage self shitting a tiny bit in my pants as he handed me $20… However, in my head I was thinking, “I know you’re rich, give me more you cheap fuck.”
This year for graduation I only got a phone call from him… how rude.
My Uncle is a popular comedian, if you know him you know him, but if you don’t, he is very irrelevant to you.
When we arrived, he took us out to a show he was preforming at in West Hollywood, featuring other comedians you might know or might also be very irrelevant, including Bill Burr, Anthony Jeselnik, Pete Holmes and Beth Stelling.
It was a cool venue, and a fun time. My favorite part was being called out for attempted DUI’s in every state we have been in due to my funneling addiction, thanks Uncle Greg, that was supposed to be a secret.
After the show he dropped us off at this bar that his friends said was the “it” spot. When we walked in, the bar itself was perfect, expect it was populated by older rich men trying to find their next sugar baby.
We had some contenders, but they were asking for too much… No, I don’t want to go back to your house and sneak past your wife and kids as we dart to your hot tub.
When will we leave…
When we first got to LA we had full intensions of staying only four nights and getting out of my family’s hair, but then plans fell through.
Because I love it here so much, we decided to stay!!
Just kidding, I wish we could stay longer… One day I’ll move out here though.
COVID restrictions are back at it again, ruining our plans of going Yosemite. They are the only National Park that requires a whole ass separate pass just to enter the park, on top of the $30 day pass we already have.
The only reason our route was heading inland California was to see that park. So, we did a little digging and decided to just send it up all the way up the coast and do the legendary Pacific Coast Highway.
This is what we originally wanted to do before we found out about Yosemite. Guess we will have to come back to see the park, aw shucks!
Why can’t I afford this…
California is fucking expensive; I can see why the population of homelessness is so high… Even gas is $1.00 more than it is back in New York.
And for Why? They are on a coast, it’s not like the desert where there is a gas station every 100 miles.
They know people here have the money, so they overprice literally everything. A fucking water bottle is $7.00. Sorry didn’t realize paying for survival would be this expensive.
The older man at the bar loved to throw the fact he had money around (as do most people with money around here). He kept saying he works on wall street, but wall street is literally a street in New York City.
He just wanted to flex he works in finances and has a hot tub, okay we get it you have a small dick.
How we almost died…
This is my favorite part of the last week, but also the most traumatizing.
So, have you ever heard of cowboy camping?
Well, neither had we until our friend that had just camped in Joshua Tree told us about it and how legendary it was in that specific spot.
Cowboy camping: you don’t pitch your tent, you just post up with your sleeping bags under the stars.
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Since Joshua Tree is known for their stars, we thought fuck it, we are here for less than 12 hours, the weather is perfect let’s do it.
That night was a full moon, and it was a killer sunset (all pun intended). We cooked up a nice rice bowl for dinner and then laid in our sleeping bags watching the stars.
The moon was almost too bright, it was taking away from the illumination of the stars, but it was legendary because I’ve never seen such a big and bright moon before.
But you know what they say about the full moons, it brings out the crazies. And in our case, coyote crazies.
After drifting off to sleep under the peaceful star and moon lit sky, I was rudely woken up to really loud growling and whimpering.
It was not something that was off in the distance, it was right next to us… barebone in the wild.
I quickly and quietly turned over to grab my bear spray that I keep next to me when camping. I started thinking, “Alright this is the only thing keeping me from getting mauled by whatever the fuck is next to me.”
Not knowing what we were dealing with, I slowly popped my head up hoping the animal didn’t catch my movement… I saw about 5 feet in front of us was a pack of about 10 coyotes, running around chasing animals.
We happen to be the center of their circle and were surrounded by their pack. Thankfully their attention was diverted to our asshole neighbor’s whose food was left out. Thanks for that.
We just laid their paralyzed in fear of death. As we laid there, I saw two shooting stars and wished for life… Shoutout to those shooting stars.
We tried to stay as quiet as possible, so we didn’t become their next victim. Maya was not having it though and couldn’t stop shaking. There was a moment when her shaking was so loud, and I could see a coyote right next to us, so I had to hold her body so it would stop moving.
We laid there for about 20 minutes until the noises stopped… then we booked it for the car. We slept in the car until the sun rose.
As the sun was rising all the coyotes simultaneously howled for the rest of the pack to meet up and disappear before daylight. That was one of those, “holy shit that was the coolest most terrifying moments of my life”, moments.
We left the next morning as fast as possible, running on no sleep and fear… we headed for the city. I had never been more grateful to be in a city.
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cosmosogler · 7 years
hi guys it’s 10:30 i was looking at comics. i really like comics.
i woke up on time. i somehow ended up getting to the office actually late though? i’m not sure where the time went. maybe i spent too long making breakfast, i dunno.
i taught my class. one student told me she had been in one of my classmates’ sections the other week. i remember taylor told me about that. i kinda knew who it had been right away. not sure why she’s such a huge sammie fan. i told her i wanted to cut my hair but i’d leave it long enough for bows because bows are “kind of my look now i guess.” she said it was definitely my look. 
i had one student who was real concerned about his grade. i felt like i’d been real unfair to him... i helped him out this week by looking through his lab report and making sure he had answered all the questions and i caught one mistake for him. i can’t just give him a 100, but... i understand that he’s putting in effort and i want to reward that but i also need to be fair to my other students and i ALSO need to hit a certain grade average or else people who earned an a are going to be assigned b.
at the end of the class the girl asked who my favorite student was (highly implying it should be her). i said i like each of them equally. she pushed me further so i grinned and said i couldn’t pick favorites, but i also couldn’t lie to her. she thought i was gonna compliment her but instead i said they are all my favorites. the girl at the table behind us smirked.
i WANT to give them all an a. but suzanne does that and she really had to crank up her grade thresholds, which i find really unfair to the students. it’s kind of unfair to force the class average to be a certain number even if the students are genuinely doing well. but i also understand that it’s to try to account for all of us having different teaching styles and skills and grading preferences. they basically turn us loose on these poor undergraduates with no training other than “we have done the lab ourselves.”
anyway after that i went to my appointment with the care area. we got my medical drop paperwork finalized and sent a last thing to my professor, who needs to sign off on my dropped course approval. and... annie told me it’s done, as much as i have control over at least. i have no more work to do on this “project.” i feel... too open-ended, i guess. it’s disorienting to work toward a goal and then actually reach it, and in a really timely manner too. annie complimented how well i’ve handled everything. i gave her a list of the steps i’ve taken to improve my situation and she asked some questions. i think i was mostly just talking though and then we spent like 15 minutes trying to fix her computer so she could send the email to my professor. i didn’t have to make a follow up appointment, but i let her know i’d call and schedule something if a problem came up with my tuition waiver or if my meeting with the individual therapist didn’t go well so we could get me set up with the counseling center for next semester.
then i biked over to the pharmacy and picked up my meds. i googled my therapist just to confirm the address and then hopped on a bus over to the other side of town! i had to bike up a big old hill and then i got to where google said her office would be. 
it was a law firm. i checked that her name was correct. it was. the person at the desk there was extremely confused. i got sent next door to an in-house care specialist and that wasn’t right either. they sent me to the other side of the parking lot to the autism center. i asked them what was going on and the lady behind the counter there googled the therapist and found the same exact address i did. 
i scrolled through my phone texts trying to figure out what the problem was and then i realized that the insurance web site had given a different address than google. her actual office is 17 blocks north of my apartment complex, which was on the other other side of town. i was gonna cry.
i hustled back down to the bus stop and caught the bus headed the other way. FORTUNATELY i had left for the office just over an hour early so i still had 15 minutes before i was gonna be late. i called karin and told her what had happened. i also learned how to put my bike on the front of the bus, which was an adventure and ended up with me getting whacked in the back of the head by my own handlebars. and also taking a tire to my shirt more than once. my good ice cream shirt that i had just given a stain treatment.
it looks like it’s fine but i was unhappy about the road dirt getting under my fingernails and everything.
it took a half hour to get across town and sprint-bike up the 17 blocks to her office. i don’t think i’ve biked that fast in my life and i even kept hitting red lights.
her name wasn’t on the office sign at the side of the road marking the address. i frowned. there were cats at the back door on the porch. they were nice enough but i didn’t have time to stop to pet them. i was 15 minutes late.
inside there was a bunch of the typical crystal healing stuff. i saw a flyer for “lymph drainage cleansing” or something like that. that put me on edge a little bit, considering the last therapist i had who was into that stuff back in march.
karin herself was eager to get down business though. i filled out a page of paperwork and got my insurance squared away. i ran through a list of current problems i was having (lack of energy, mostly, and having a hard time managing to get stuff done with what energy i do have) and what i was doing about them. she asked if there were any other ways i could streamline my homework/grading process and i didn’t have any ideas right then. i talked about my family a little bit and told her my mother and brother were coming to visit next wednesday. she said she’d really like to see me again before that happens so i’m seeing her again in a week. i like her well enough for now.
we only got to talk for a half hour but she let me fill out the majority of my paperwork after the appointment instead. the writing was so blurred and tiny that i had trouble figuring out what some of the questions were and had to cross out initial answers when i figured out what this or that word was. then i groaned because i realized my backpack and everything in it were still back at the office. so i biked the 30 blocks back to campus, sat around feeling exhausted, had a snack, and then came back home at around 7 (...?), which was way longer than i wanted to take. i was so tired, trying to get up the hill on the way home. even getting to the second stoplight was just... i was out of breath.
i notice that i can make way sharper left turns than right turns. i wonder what’s up with that.
when i got home i made myself some dinner, and made my pasta salad for the rest of the week, and changed out snoopy’s litter box. publix only sells the disposable ones so i got a replacement last weekend... while i was out by the trash chute i looked out over the courtyard. it was a little chilly. hard to remember i live in the middle of florida, with the cold nibbling at my arms. the tall buildings across the street looked surreal. the whole courtyard was so empty i had trouble remembering how many people live here. i caught someone using the elliptical in the gym through the window though so at least there was one human in my field of vision. 
after that i watched one youtube video i had bookmarked earlier (out of the four- three are gonna be reasonably watchable, the last one is like an hour long and i don’t think i’ll be able to get to it for a long while), and the rest of the night was COMMENTARY!! AND COMICS!!!
(like an hour.)
i let my leisure time cut into my journal writing/bed time though. i just don’t feel like i have enough of it to really feel like i relaxed or took some time to myself every day. like a full time job is eight hours a day, five days a week. grad school has been 9-11 hours a day, 6 days a week. some weeks, six and a half days. and... i know that grad school is hard and i’m not supposed to have free time. but like... i need to rest, you know? my body and my brain are falling apart.
while i was at my office hour in the lab help session today jennica came in to hang out. i told her that i don’t know how they do it. how they get all the homework done even when they only start on the last possible day. she said they just don’t sleep. i said i don’t really have that option and she said “you’re a grad student, you don’t get sleep any more.”
i said “if i don’t sleep enough every night i literally will die.” 
she thought i was joking so i told her if i don’t get enough sleep for too long i start seeing weird stuff that freaks me out and i hurt myself. she said oh. it was... part of why i wasn’t doing well at villanova my first two years of college. the second year it was more because of irregular sleep than lack of it. and, you know, everything else that was going wrong with my life.
i think i burned myself out in high school really bad. like i thought i was young and springy and i didn’t NEED to sleep, i had so many other fun things to do!! internet people to talk to!!! stories to write!!!! i was lucky to get five hours of sleep most nights. i did that for like three years. most nights. things didn’t start getting spooky until my body straight up quit one morning and i almost passed out at our morning assembly. i had to go to the hospital for a few hours and get checked out and everything. the doctor told me i wasn’t drinking enough and that i had to take a whole day doing nothing but drinking tons of fruit juice and gatorade and water. 
after that i carried a water bottle around everywhere. i still do. it helps me remember to stay hydrated.
but the sleeping problems persisted through undergrad. it gets kinda rough trying to rest at my parents’ house too. and it really did wear out my health for several years straight after those first few years of high school. but i’m doing way better now.
but apparently grad students don’t get to sleep i guess? 
my anxiety really does stay under control way better when i get regular sleep though. eight hours is ideal, seven hours is... ok for maybe five days and then it gets bad. i don’t get much more out of nine hours than i do eight... and i need every extra hour of being awake i can get.
i dunno. one good thing today is that when i was resting at the office before trying to tackle the ride home, i was talking to luis about homework i guess. rebika keeps asking if i’ve finished the homework the day before it’s due and it’s like, rebika, i am still three weeks behind, please stop. i told her something like that finally, i said something like i’d get it done when i could and i was keeping the professors informed. she asked if she could do that too and i asked what steps she was taking to remedy her situation. she said none and taylor joked that that would be too responsible. he kinda glanced at me when he said that.
it’s just, it’s nice to get the feeling that my classmates have faith in me. that they believe i am working hard with the resources i have, even though i don’t feel that way. you can say you don’t care what other people think all you want, but it is a genuine relief to know that most of them know i’m doing my best and believe that. not having the silent judgment of my peers hanging over my head is a relief to me. 
i can take rebika’s judgment. she doesn’t pay enough attention for her opinion to mean much to me, even if i care about her wellbeing. luis seems to be suffering from even more intense lethargy than i do but he just doesn’t sleep i guess. i don’t usually check in with his homework situation because it stresses me out to talk about it. he’s also just really good at physics and picks up homework concepts faster than i do.
he said his grades aren’t as good as i think they are. taylor’s aren’t either. he watches a lot of anime in the office. suzanne also said her grades aren’t as good as i probably think they are. we had a conversation about the american education system as compared to, say, europe’s. like ioannis just knows all this stuff already and he gets fantastic grades. some of us (like harrison) know some of the material from undergrad, but for people like me, from fricking arizona, even the beginning of these courses was essentially new. suzanne said that being an american physics undergraduate just does not put you at the level that phd students should be at. and when you have your phd you’re still not at the level you should be at, which is why postdocs end up happening for so long i guess.
anyway. i’ve been a little cagey with my friends about what i’ve been doing, spending so much time out of the office, but it’s good to know that they, sort of, understand, maybe indirectly. like they look at me and seem to see me working hard, even though i don’t feel like i am and i feel like i spend a lot of time slacking off. (an entire half hour!!! oh no!!!!!!!)
i can’t know what they REALLY think, of course, but their behavior and wording suggest they are supportive.
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flairina · 7 years
Flair’s Dreams, February 2018
Separating this into two parts, because it was just way too long otherwise. Here’s my dreams from the past month.
2/2/18: (1:11-7:00) (Sick) (Powers Dream) (Continuation Dream)
I have the powers of The Simurgh (Worm), due to being designated by her as her replacement. This blurs my vision- a lesser version of her inability to see the present?- but I could make certain parts of it (single columns of a transparent "grid") clearer with focus. This may have affected something else as a result when I made use of it. If The Simurgh is hurt, I have the option of repairing it (from afar, through the bond), but if the damage is too severe I will have no choice but to take over.
I'm in an auditorium with many other teens/children, who've been enlisted/recruited by a cult-like group. The group requires them to complete schoolwork in a very odd way, and shows them a "Tomato Surprise" fighting game, the setup of which is familiar to me, but better through out. I allow the guy on the left of me to rest his hand on mine because he likes the contact, and he then becomes a black girl with braids named Jupiter. The auditorium is suddenly empty, leaving us alone. Underneath the cloak she's wearing are oxygen tubes and four green bottles attached to her belt/waist. I then wake up (for real), and think to myself that I need to hurry up and finish the dream before falling back asleep, whereupon the dream resumes. Kaneki (Tokyo Ghoul) takes my place, and Jupiter's skin melts. She survives, if barely, which may have been part of "Kaillou's" plans.
I and a few others are near a large farm-like complex where the Nichijou characters are running around. I'm quite convinced that you don't get hurt falling off of stuff in dreams (without actually being aware this is a dream, somehow), and attempt to prove this by jumping off a tall tower, three separate times- once, with large plastic box lids in my hands for drag. This does not, in fact, hurt me. Another guy, on the other side of the farm, can't seem to bring himself to do it.
Upon waking up to my alarms over and over, I repeatedly had the same impression of the end of a dream involving DDLC, many small rainbow squares, and my having the ability to manipulate reality. I kept using this ability to change the "ending" (of the dream) to be simpler, because the alternative just seemed too complicated.
2/3/17: (Sick) (Repeated Wakeups) (Powers Dream)
After being stuck and unable to move for the longest time, I somehow turn this into a literal weapon (large pyramidal shaped metal object). Others are in the same situation as me, and they do the same. We're in some sort of containment area/underground enemy base, and upon emerging into a golden room (the view is 2D), I hear a huge "thrumming" noise. It turns out that I have superpowers (telepathy and spirit sight), and that was the thoughts of something huge. Later, I'm sitting in a room with two of my captors looking at me. Either they send forth an enormous red energy lance that spears through my right eye, or something behind me sends it out, spearing through my head/eye from behind, but through my captors as well.
2/5/17: (10:30-6:15) (Sick)
There is a large white hotel/conference-like building where we (Northrop Grumman?) are holding a food banquet. I pass Marion at the vegetarian table, and go upstairs to the things I'll actually eat. I somehow end up in an entirely different building (the basement of a house in a residential area), where I eat with several people I don't know. I exit, and find that the world has a very surreal feel to it, and everything is tinted slightly golden yellow. A floating, grinning white mask stares at me from behind, which I laugh at before strolling down the street towards a downward slope. As I head down it, I tug at my legs, which are pale metallic yellow, and made of pointed symbols and machine parts. There are weird creatures made of white orbs that look sort of like snowmen called "natives". The scene then zooms out to show Akko (LWA) holding up a charm of one.
There is a "mentor" Kuzuhamon (Digimon) who cares for/trains a "Flaredramon" (actually a Flamon, who may or may not have been me) inside of Dad's house. Kuzuhamon gets extremely angry at Flamon for some reason, and starts "training" him by attacking him with brown energy construct versions of various Digimon. Flamon tries to run away, de-digivolving step by step with every hit, until he de-digivolves all the way down to "Kuramon" (actually a Dorimon). Kuzuhamon suddenly becomes much nicer, which Dorimon enjoys, but he's experiencing time much faster now, to the point that several days go by without his mentor moving. He runs away for real, re-digivolving as he does, and encounters a field full of Digimon. They point out Piedmon in the other direction (was a goal of Flamon's to hunt him down?), but he doesn't care, and just keeps running into the sunset.
Me, Dad, some guy with bluish hair, and some girl with sort of bronze skin and brown hair have a real treasure map, which we set out to discover the treasure of. After passing through a city at night and a mall (where I have a frustrating interaction with a "pen-phone"), we come to a twisting path under a pitch black sky, which passes through areas of tall brush visible basically only in outline, everything is so dark. This place is utterly terrifying, to the point that there is a literal SAN meter in place, and all of us are certain we are going to be eaten. Despite that, we make it through the path with no incident, until we reach the end and accidentally step into a lake we can't see. All of us feel a sharp, cutting feeling on our feet that makes us think we just got bitten by snakes, and hurriedly pull back. Our eyes begin to adjust, and it becomes apparent those were not snakes, but pirahnas, which share the lake with anglerfish, _____, and mermaids. We debate over their gender for a little while, as we're not quite sure where to go right now. Eventually we decide we need to go underwater after all, despite our reservations. Again, this goes better than expected, as it's not really underwater beneath the lake surface, leading us to end up in a fascimile of my room. We again find ourselves at a loss for what to do, and after several minutes I end up digging at my carpet, which is covered in pictures of tiny penises. It turns out there are small pieces of black plastic and metal that look like part of some larger component beneath it, which we gather together with plans of reconstructing it. We then decide we're done for the day, put some recycles in a large bag, and leave... to the rest of the house. It's still light outside (only 2:00 PM), and Dad has disappeared. The three of us look in a mirror and a song is sung, followed by a rendition of Namae no Nai Kaibutsu, as a love song.
A large, muscled black woman throws two giant sword "fish" to shore from underwater. She becomes famous as the first ____, transgender weaponsmith over time, who does commissions, but none that are just for the sake of the user "looking sexy". I'm a bit confused by this, as the line between "cool" and "sexy" is rather indistinct, and ponder it for a bit.
2/7/18: (???-5:45)
I and some others are on a colorful (fluorescent) island, trying to get off of it. There are many obstacles and dangers on the island, such as a tribe of people who ambush and turn us into trees if we wait in one scenario. It is possible to "outbid" the chief however, and stop them. If not, I'm left as the last to be revived/untreed, by which time everyone outlevels me (9-10, as opposed to 4).
I start taking gymnastics again at a center with a bunch of exercise bikes. This time, there is archery mixed in (at the same time), making it far more difficult. I'm told I was born under the "sign of the vine", which is an apple. Usually archery is apparently a girl's concern, since it's the main method of attack/defense if her wedding turns into a fight. I become a girl with short, dark hair halfway through explaining this, complaining that the "apple" basically just means on the wedding night "do not eat unless clean/unstained". I am now IN a wedding dress, standing on a table while I talk to a guy sitting at it.
2/9/18: (1:??-8:45) (Powers Dream)
Subtly eldritch hallway course, with stuff like a book which dark purple hands emerge from that grab you, which you need to shake off, sentient exits, and other inanimate-but-not stuff. I accidentally seal off the exit because I looked at/used a binder in the wrong way, which is bad. Others gather in the other room at the end, as do I. If the hallway can no longer be completed in a single bout/one long stretch, I'll be turned into a toy car. This does in fact happen when I can't fix things, but thankfully Amethyst (Land of the Lustrous; not the one we see in the show) still knows about/remembers me despite time/the world readjusting, and builds an intricate addition to the hall for me, consisting of a series of spinning, polished blocks built into the walls that send a ball rolling down to "complete" it, turning me back to normal.
I start out the dream as a gem (Land of the Lustrous), talking to someone about how we've surpassed the need for gender, in an apartment building. I exit it, and encounter large drops of honey on the road, which I find strange. I'm now just me, heading down the road towards the "Little JJ" (Jean Jacket) shop to get clothes. There are some people talking about a real Zero Escape style event, who I call out to and talk with briefly before moving on. I then go to a museum/park or something with many sandstone buildings. I recycle a root beer bottle I brought with me, and enter. Near a building, I hit my head somehow, and accidentally use telekinesis on a huge block of something out of my immediate sight but nearby. I know someone is unhappy about that, as I'm supposed to keep my abilities secret. Annoyed by this, I start levitating another large rock and wing it around in eight different directions. I then mass manipulate a bunch more, right out in the open. The organization that wants me to keep things secret won't let me turn myself into a girl for some reason (which I could), so I'm feeling vindictive. I cackle inwardly.
2/11/18: (1:??-6:45)
There is a "blossom festival" celebrated by monks, wherein they carry giant iron discs down neighborhood streets. Others can also run back and forth between their homes and the temple multiple times to receive enlightenment. Their temple is more of a wooden complex, and when I get there, someone in the back tries to stop me from moving further in.
There are "feminine timelines" for Ranma, wherein he is or becomes a girl at least semi-permanently for various reasons. In a mall, she chases after Happosai, who is threatening to use the "Yowl of the Demon Cat". Ranma corners him in a window, whereupon he blows everything up. The severed rainbow tail of a god (looks like a mermaid's) lands in the wreckage.
A ship pulls into port. Ranma drives a motorcycle through shallow water to Wolverine and a girl training to be Wonder Woman. Ranma threatens Wolverine into training with rocks.
All "planes" of magic have been based upon a single one, that made them all for fun/fiction. Its inhabitants look like cloth creatures and puppets, with a ruler named "Lord Lubrante". We manage to beat him, and progress to the next area.
2/12/18: (1:01-6:45)
I am playing a game that is actively trying to kill me, where every step/necessary action is dark and creepy in some way. One of these involves going outside my house to find thousands of tiny black creatures with bright white eyes staring at me. They giggle, and try to fade me out of existence. Another is to go out into the driveway in the dark and dig blindly in the soil with a knife for something that it turns out is actually in the mail.The package is in Chinese, and contains a question, the answer to which is written in the sky ("____ cloud computing"). There is only one step left after this.
2/13/18: (12:??-4:19, attempted SSILD, 4:30-6:45) (Powers Dream)
I'm an anime-girl with curving pink hair down to the small of my back, which narrows at the end and looks almost like it was painted with watercolors. I'm named "Sayori", and probably was in fact some version of the Sayori from DDLC. Inside of a giant, lengthy structure that looks still partially under construction and floats a few feet off the ground, I do some stuff for others involving pictures of me ("lessening"/thinning the number thereof?), then slide down a large, chunky red triangular thing that looks sort of like a tongue to get to the bottom. I transform/turn into a girl with long purple hair, wearing a dress of some sort. I use my hair to glide into the "girl's side", which is a section at the very back of the structure with a pale and royal purple color scheme. I really like how convenient it is to glide places like that, and really don't want to give it up, even though I know I should. I find Yuri (DDLC) in the area, and talk to her, now myself again but wearing pink jeans for some reason.
Taylor (Worm) is on a deserted island, by her own choice. Leet somehow gets in contact with her over the phone, which she's pissed about, and she consequently threatens Number Man for letting Leet do so or giving him her contact information. He replies that "thinking in real time" is rare, which is something Leet possesses, hence why he allowed it. Leet is annoyed the "latex" (webs) Taylor sold him have stopped working, which is clearly his own fault. Taylor gets fed up and tosses the shoes of the two mercenary guys Leet sent as proxies into the water, just past some playground equipment I'm hiding near. She retreats to a nearby cave where a velociraptor mother nests, and one of the guys follows. I quietly follow both of them, wanting them to notice me but also wanting to be mysterious. The cave is mostly puddles and pebbles at first, but becomes a dull, dusty auditorium. Taylor talks to the guy off to the right, while I settle down a little further back. Taylor then leaves to find one of the two baby raptors, and the guy calls out to me. Perry (Phineas and Ferb) abruptly pops in, and I recognize him as such only because his eyes widen. I laugh, and talk with someone on the other side of the room, as tons more people from Phineas and Ferb pour in from nowhere. This makes me laugh even more, as this is supposed to be a deserted island, and I can't figure out how they even got here. I mention to someone offhand that none of them even asked about me when I showed up, as the auditorium renews, gaining red carpets, bright lighting, and gold walls. A "light fight" conducted with flashlights ensues.
Mall, time travel allows us to save a laser ray exposure victim, flies and maggots saved someone else by way of Trelawney (Harry Potter), there's a short, long sleeved, purple and white jacket with stars on it that I want, Mom refuses to believe the house is going to be set on fire by a drier explosion (which we time travelled back to avoid) without details.
After some sort of accident, four people are reconstructed in bodies not their own. They were based on pictures from a manga/light novel someone in the group had been writing, as well as a picture of a parent in someone's case. Mine (I wasn't part of the group at first, but then was) looks kind of like Ashley from EGS, and was based on the "dark magic" sister from the manga who wore long, ornate dark dresses and kept her hair in a fancy updo. Later, we wander through a Japanese city, where zombies are wandering around, though we only see two. Japan apparently did this to itself. We enter a building and go into a top secret room in the back, where a lady we know is waiting at a table for us. She was partially responsible for the body reconstruction.
2/16/18: (2:00-9:00) (Change Dream)
I'm Mia (La La Land), but with red hair. Apparently I'm getting married, which I formerly wanted, but am now quite unsure about. 800 demons will be attending as my guests (what was I doing BEFORE this?). I try on a dress (THE wedding dress?), which is a shiny green "culture doll" (or "culture thief"?) design. I'm concerned I don't know how to dance, because I'm NOT Mia, I'm me, and I know I am. Earlier, I was on an island covered with wheat, stick bugs, and many other animals. My "husband" gave me honey flowers, which smelled great, and we walked down a wooden "bridge" on the ground. Later, a giant whale creature and a small "1/1" beluga thing are on my side as Hex-like troops/creatures at the edge of an island of ice, where the ceremony is going to take place. The giant whale goes nuts when attacking, crashing through EVERYTHING, the ice and the ceremony area included, in just three lunges. It turns pink and cartoonish, and a woman's torso sprouts from its forehead, yelling "It's mine, all MINE!". The whale then leaves, leaving everyone in shock, besides several of the demons who foresaw this. I can't help but be a bit relieved by this, as the wedding will at the least be postponed (and possibly outright cancelled) by this, silently thanking the woman I assume was my stepmother-to-be for her intervention.
Oneshot-like game, inside an old house, return later to find a previous mini-boss, a woman with long ears/hair extending to the sides, a koi-like color scheme (white, black, and orange), and tubes coming out of her, she has turquoise/pink/yellow colors on the overworld map (while not fighting her), "one of the few things to give me hope" (a quote from her), secret ending involves her, to get it Undyne (Undertale) and a wizard ghost must first be appeased, followed by her.
2/19/18: (Powers Dream)
There are time travel watches, which I have one of, but seem to have lost. As a result, I resort to "rewinding" by simply dying instead. I and someone else go to live at an apartment, which is a "fixer upper" (a gray, crumbling, destroyed concrete complex). Later, I sneak into a building with a group of others (including Mineta from MHA), going through two of the five special "hub" rooms (they have energy lines going out from their centers and interconnect with the others) in order to get to a normally inaccessible area. Mineta goes into the hall, sticking to the ceiling in order to scout, but we get caught anyways, and Ectoplasm enters the room we're in and attacks. He demands to know (from me) who killed "Scarlet", a girl with long red hair in a ponytail who used a sword to fight, telling me that "I know you know". He's right, as I know from a previous timeline, which I try to explain but don't do a very good job of. Eventually I do get to the point and tell him it was "Laokhen" (Laoshen? Laorhen?), a man with a child's appearance and wearing yellow robes, who uses many short blades to fight. I explain the time travel and my missing watch, returning to Dad's house to try and find it. I THINK that I took it to my house and left it in my room.
I'm Taylor (Worm), with a power similar to Sundancer's, but the sun is created around me, protecting me while also serving as offense. I'm practicing my powers with the Travellers, who attack me (while I float with the sun around me) with some sort of sparkle beam and some other ability, noting that "she still hasn't moved" when I remain still. I continue to not move even after that comment, because I'm feeling tremors for some reason, which I continue to feel even after waking up for a short period.
After I try to enter a bathroom, I end up falling through a giant vertical rock tunnel into the Earth, back down towards the "Green" (as in the Pokemon game) area. There is a girl "falling" (floating) alongside me, possibly Ciel from Hero Oh Hero, who explains why we are falling, but not in a way that makes much sense or satisfies me. We pass by a Yugioh duel occurring on a rock pillar on the way down.
There is a regenerating man/entity with a weird, organic sort of black/green shell body. He can turn parts of himself separated from his main body into other parts of himself, including those with more mass than they have (miniscule pieces into full sized organs and such) so as to fix himself, and can reconglomerate by using them. The tiniest piece left over means he'll just come back- a robot guy disguised as human by artificial skin pounds his head practically out of existence, only for the pieces that splashed everywhere to turn into lungs, then snakes, which lunged at robot guy before recongregating and becoming the man again.
There are giant Pokemon in the style of the Pokemopolis episode, one of which we confront in a clearing in the woods. The other is an enormous Abra with wings, which we see through a hole in a cave's ceiling. The same "clear/block the river" plot is being used here.
By brushing an electronic chip with a toothbrush given to me by the Steven Universe gems, I can teleport anywhere I so desire. I use this to freak out people/my new neighbors by teleporting into the middle of their group at a canyon.
A robot replaces Dad, which I instantly become aware of despite its attempt to disguise itself. I can't turn my head, and ask Robot-Dad for help, whereupon he reveals himself, and I tell him I already knew that. He builds a wireless phone (for me?), but I will have to get through a barrier first and absorb a near-equivalent of Sauron, which terrifies our maid (we have a maid?).
2/27/18: (1:45-6:45) (Powers Dream)
In a building (in space?), I descend a staircase into a dingy corridor, with many doors on both sides. All of them have monsters behind them, which I have to take on with nothing more than an iron sword. It takes me a while to actually enter the corridor, because I'm thinking how to approach the task before me. I can earn skills by beating different monsters, associated with their species/type. Unfortunately, in the throng I incur, I beat a samurai-esque guy who grants a "sense everything in a small radius" skill, followed by another monster who grants a "heighten senses" skill, which is a very bad combo because it makes wounds excrutiatingly painful. Still, I manage to make it through the fight, and exit the corridor to a giant, metallic green complex/building, which I need to get to the bottom of (or at least near). There's a mayor-like guy in an alcove on the way down, and killing him will let me evolve. Later, I'm on a bridge/rectangular platform affixed to a wall (with no obvious way to get on it), which bends at a right angle in the middle and extends out into midair. It's set up to be mostly linear for a Hebiko-esque boss with over 10 arms (in a circle around her body), who emerges from a large, electro-globe like machine atop a pile of screwed together metal at the end of the platform. I personally want to fight her AS Hebiko, and may be able to become her eventually, what with the evolving ability. The "game" had planned extra features for replayability, but they were never implemented, so the "Faux-Hebiko" fight doesn't have any variants.
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