#makes me feel like ive dooped them too
nerdy-hyperfixations · 7 months
When middle aged men call me sir at my job: 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
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britishb3atlemania · 5 years
imagine being in a relationship for 4.5 yrs and u open it in the last yr bc long distance happened but its still good it still works but ur sig other gets jealous abt this one person u thought was cute even tho all other hook ups/dates we each had with diff ppl have been fine and ur like ok lol? and then they immediately go on a date wit a new person and apologize abt them getting jealous but then u notice they made playlists for each other and u have a bad feelie abt it and ur sig other just keeps telling u u shouldnt feel threatened and its all good and ure their #1 forever (bc that was ur one rule when u opened relationship) but u still feel weird and they fly to visit u after months and theyre texting the other person the whole time and the other person sends them good morning texts and shit and u finally explode so yall have a serious talk where they tell u u cant be their #1 anymore bc bla bla and u like lol break up with me if u want then and they like omg no im so in lov with u and ure like i am with u too aaa and they say its all purely casual wit other person and u feel liek u overreacted and so now its like lol stop being jealous just gt over it but nah they go back home and a week later they hang with the person and u feel poop for 2 weeks until u finally ask them over the phone if theyre still in lov with u and its quiet and u say lol this is done and they sad and say they had doubts abt being in lov with u for mayhaps even a year now so lol u essentially been living a lie for a year and u ask them if they lov the other person and they say yes they in faCT told them that last week (so a week after they flew to see u and reassured u they are casual) and so lol at ur gut feeling being right bc fuk them for trying to make u feel like u were being paranoid and overreacting and jealous and like lmao so u want me to believe u ~fell in love~ in a week bc nah fam lmfao and ur heart is broken into millions of tiny shards and u nvr been thru a breakup btw and they text u the next day while u at work saying some bullshit that apparently is all true and they mean abt how they still love u they just not in love with u and they miss u and they need u in their life they BEG u to stay bc they be lost in the world and they want to talk to u every day and b there for u but lol its all a lie and after days of them ignoring u when u rlly needa talk abt something bc they been busy or wtvr but they also been hanging wit new person and new person has been going crazy on socials putting their relationship with ur now ex on blast they finally call u but theyre now hostile and aggressive and when u say u been feeling like absolute shit they interrupt u mid sentence to say “yeah bc of me because i hurt you wow i get it you dont have to tell me every time i dont have to do this yknow” like lmfao arent u the one that insisted on talking to me every day and being there for me and calling me multiple times the first 3 days post break up even tho im working like mayb dont fucking tell me bs if u cant back it up lmfao and yknow just like i lot yall and they get petty abt ur friends unfollowing them like lol glad to know thats a huge deal to u bc i feel suicidal af again after 6 yrs so fuk u and u tell em it just cruel to see them post all this shit with new person and they make u feel bad and question ur word choice of “cruel” and they say they been feeling manipulated and theyre not responsible for other ppls feelings but like fuk mans it just sucks that they cant even begin to understand how heartbroken u feel yknow bc after all this u thik less of them for sure but u also are still so in love so fucking in love and it hurts so bad to see the other person front and center at ur exes shows and wearing their clothes and showing them music u tried to shwo ur ex that they didnt give u the time of day for and it just rlly fucking sucks to visibly see urself being replaced and they just dont bother to empathize in the slightest that 4.5 yrs just end like that and they get to immediately have someone else despite them lying to u for a year and being too scared to admit anything and ure the one that ends up lonely and isolated and wanting to die so fuckcigngignging badddddddd fuck
and u say u need a break from them on socials and need to mute/block em and they say “wow” and act like ur being immature at first but ure like lmao i just wanna make sure i dont actually kill myself thnx and u feel good abt saying this and cutting ties for time being but then all it takes is accidentally seeing a pic of them and their new binch again for u to wanna !!! so bad fuckckcigng christ fucKCKCK!!
like yall lmao love is fake and ive been dooped and its so cruel to just have it rubbed all over my face lmao i dont deserve that i know im not perfect but i dont deserve this
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