#makina birthday 2023
Though her birthday had long since passed, that didn't mean that Makina Setsukura still wasn't getting presents. The doorbell to her apartment sounded out, causing her to sigh in frustration. She was thankful that whoever it was decided to bother her now than in the next few minutes, since she was about to start a speedrun livestream on an old video game that she had beaten multiple times in the past.
Looking through the peephole, she saw that it was a deliveryman carrying a large brown box in his hands. Opening the door, the deliveryman nodded to her.
"Package for Miss Setsukura," he stated.
"That's me." Makina answered, as she signed for the package, before taking it from the deliveryman and lugging it into her bedroom. Dropping it onto her bed, she wondered just what was inside this thing. Grabbing a pair of scissors, she cut the tape separating the top part of the box and looked inside at what was inside.
Her eyes grew wide as she pulled out three items from the box: a wireless mouse, a colorful keyboard, and a headset. All items looked and felt brand new. They were also obviously an upgrade compared to her normal equipment. Looking back in the box, she saw that there was one more item present: a letter, which simply read:
"I noticed you seemed to be lagging in the last few MOBA matches that we've played. Knowing you, you probably can't be bothered to go out and get some new equipment, so I took the liberty of doing it for you. Don't thank me. Just promise to do better in our next match.
...And happy birthday, I guess."
Makina blinked once. Then again. Then her eye twitched.
She threw the letter over her shoulder and set the items on her desk. It was generous to receive brand new gaming equipment when her current ones worked quite well. Still, she wasn’t one to turn down presents.
Oh well… I guess I’ll be busy this weekend decorating these…
“Thanks, I guess… I dunno who you are to send all this— ah… nevermind, I probably have an idea… I fucking hate you.”
Why do I even agree to do MOBA matches in the first place…
Thank you for the gifts!
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shinagawa-division · 11 months
The day had long passed since Sumire Shinomiya’s birthday and the morning daylight had flooded the city of Shinagawa.
Sumire begrudgingly made her way to the front door upon hearing the front doorbell ring.
“Package for… Sumire Shinomiya?” said the deliveryman.
Sumire, still half asleep, groaned and took the package inside without much thought.
Sumire tore through the cardboard box in her half asleep state.
“Happy Birthday, Diabla
I don’t know if this got to you in time, but I did have to do something for your birthday. I’m always online if you wanna join another game, whether it’s you being on the same team as me or going against me. I don’t plan on losing. Anyway. Enjoy your new controller stand. Hope you like Skeletor.”
— Screen Shot (you know, from Akihabara Division)”
Sumire reached inside the additional box inside the package and peered inside.
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Sumire snorted at the stand and took it out, looking at it “Ha..” She chuckled and then winced at the sudden headache, it’s all fun and games until you’re hungover as shit the next day, she knew she should’ve said no to Trickster when he gave her the sixth absinthe drink. She made a mental reminder (that she would soon forget, c’mon, the girl was drunk as hell how would you expect her to remember shit in this state) to kill Trickster the next time she saw him or at the very least, get rid of his alcohol collection, the dude was a good chemist but holy shit was he a horrific mixologist.
Setting the stand on her nightstand, the now 20 year old flopped back into bed with the gracefulness of a dead fish and immediately went back into dreamland, going back to her imaginary date with her boyfriend, Jiro.
Thank you for the gift!
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edogawa-division · 1 year
The cloudy blue skies of Edogawa slowly turned to darkness as night fell.
Kaoru Shinozaki, upon seeing the notification on her computer that there was a small package just outside, made her way to the front door.
Surely enough, there was a small cardboard box sitting on her doorstep. On the side was the sticker with Kaoru’s address. It didn’t take long for her to realize it was a present that someone had ordered online and sent to her address.
Curious but no longer surprised, she brought the present into her home.
Excited, she lifted the lid off the and found a rectangular machine.
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Shortly, a storm of indigo glitter spewed in every direction from the machine, landing all over the table, the floor, even on Kaoru herself.
Kaoru spat, watching the purple glitter fly out of her mouth, absolutely dumbfounded.
Her phone chimed and she pulled her phone out of her pocket and read the text that was just sent to her.
‘Happy Birthday, you old hag’
‘Didn’t take me long to find out it was you that hijacked my birthday stream a few weeks ago, so here’s payback. There’s cameras hidden in this thing and I gotta say, that expression you made just now is gonna forever be a personal favorite’
‘Oh btw, I’m not that mean. Your actual present’s inside the box’
Kaoru carefully peered into the box and found a palm-sized white box and with all the caution in the world, took a look inside.
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It was a trio of enamel pins in the shape of Ancient Greek icons: Athena’s owl, the Caduceus, and the Hippocampus.
"Makina….you little…." Kaoru seethed, already making plans to get the streamer back. Kaoru was brought out of her frankly villainous scheming as she heard footsteps approaching.
"Kaoru…." Yuriko paused, taking in the scene in front of her. Glitter was everywhere in the living room. From the floor to the furniture and all over Kaoru. Yuriko could feel her eyebrow twitching. Kaoru felt a shiver run down her spine as the temperature of the room dropped several degrees.
"Kaoru…clean this mess up or else."
"Okay, but this wasn't even my fault-"
Kaoru immediately shut her mouth, knowing Yuriko was not in the mood. Not wanting to see the state of her living room anymore, Yuriko turned around, leaving Kaoru alone in the glittery mess.
"Goddamn it, Makina. I'm in so much trouble because of you."
Thank you for the gift!
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minato-division03 · 3 months
Many Thanks!!
Wow, Reiaki’s so loved this year! What an absolute joy to see this wild child spoiled with so many treats and goodies! Thanks all who participated in today’s birthday event. Here’s to many more for this new birthday style!
Actually, speaking of! If you’d like birthday art for your own OC’s in the 2024 style (or even the 2023 style), by all means, take a look over here and feel free to shoot me a DM! I’d be more than happy to see the OC’s of this epic community brought to life! Just… make sure to let me know at least 2 weeks prior to the actual birthday, please…
With that being said, stick around for the next birthday, which will be for Makina Setsukura from @akihabara-division03 ! Good night, all!
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“Waaaaa so many presents this year! I’m just glad they were all treats and none were tricks, heehee! It was a suuuuuuper busy day, but man, was it all rewarding! All the presents and love I got today… really made me remember that a birthday is a day of joy and celebration, not to bury myself in nasty memories. Thank you all for lifting my spirits! Ack, I’m getting too cheesy! Bye-bye, now! See you guys next time!”
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Many Thanks!!
Thanks for all the birthday wishes for my youngest member! This wild child deserves the world and it makes me happy to see so many presents for this ultra comfortable gamer girl! Thanks a bunch!
Onto the next birthday, which, will be for Queen Card from @minato-division03 !
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“Just where did all the time go? This is probably one of the best birthdays I’ve had in a while… just got to spend the day with my viewers and some streamer friends without the stress of everything else happening around me. I haven’t had a birthday this peaceful in a long time… peaceful except for all those horror games and people throwing in among us for content, no thanks to me. Thanks for a great birthday, guys.”
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The day was almost over and almost the end of Makina Setsukura’s birthday, the said girl was sitting on her gamer chair, still streaming for her birthday. Right now she was just talking to her chat and occasionally thank those that sent superchats, it wasn’t until she heard a few knocks on the door did she paused and looked over, sighing before telling her chat she’ll be right back. After getting various ‘okay’s, Makina got up and walked over to the door, opening it to reveal Anika holding an assortment of gifts. “Hey Makina.” Anika greeted, giving the presents to the streamer. “These are for you, they were on the doorstep.”
“Thanks.” Makina nodded and took the gifts, closing the door after and walking back to her setup, the chat roared to life after seeing her and the gifts. “Hey chat, I got more presents. Should I open them?” After many answers of ‘yes’ and ‘do it’s’, Makina opened the first gift she saw, revealing it to be…
A large collection of beautifully crafted jewelry inspired by the popular anime, Sailor Moon. Along with it came a letter.
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‘Happy Birthday, darling!
We didn’t get to talk much during the pageant but I was really impressed with your performance so here’s a little something for me, congratulations on turning a year older!
— Lola Takahashi’
The next gift revealed to be a painted portrait of popular virtual idol, Hatsune Miku. Like the first gift, this also came with a letter.
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‘Happy Birthday, Setsukura-san
We’ve never talked but I’ve seen your streams and I really like them, since it’s your birthday I wanted to send you a gift, sorry if that’s weird but I hope you like my gift.
— Eclipse’
The last gift was a plushie of Servamp character, Kuro but in his cat form, much like the other gifts, this one came with a letter as well.
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I’m a huge fan of your streams! I try to catch one at least every few days but my job is soooo demanding 😖 but I wanted to give you a gift for your birthday! I heard you’re a huge fan of Servamp (great anime btw) so I searched high and low to get you some merch and came across this cute lil guy! Now you have your very own Kuro! Be sure to treat him well, okay? Happy birthday!
— Joey (Quicksilver)’
Makina sighed. “The pageant… right… the pageant that I placed dead last in! Nah, I’m kidding, I was more there for exposure and even though I placed last, I guess it worked? Like now we got another two thousand people in chat today. Which, again, welcome in, you guys. Hope you guys are enjoying the stream so far!”
She took her coffin and skull earrings off and replaced them with one of the gold earrings with a ruby pink heart jewel. She brushed her hair behind her ears and showed her new accessory to her viewers. “What do we think, chat? Cute, isn’t it?”
She chuckled as she read the endless flood of ‘how cute,’ and ‘pretty!’ comments and dancing bunny emotes in her chat box. She hugged her poster and new plushie. “Y’know, I don’t know much about the other two gifters, but all gifts are welcome. Look! We got a legend right here,” she held up the poster. And then she lifted the plushie right next to her face. “And then we have my black cat twin right here. We look identical. Don’t know if you guys that sent these are watching right now, but uh…” She paused to read the names labeled on each of the letters. “Lola Takahashi, Eclipse, and Joey… Quicksilver… Thanks for the presents, you’re adding more and more to my family. I mean at this rate, I’m gonna lose storage space… damn…”
Thank you for the gifts!
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Connection: Ruthless and Precious — Track I
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Warnings: angst, violence, abuse, mentions of smoking, mentions of suicide
Word Count: 1.5K
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Anika and her interpreter stepped out of the clinic, being immediately met with the warm late summer breeze. Anika stretched her arms out in front of her.
‘See you tomorrow, Kiyozaki-san,'' signed Anika’s coworker.
“Thank you, Kataoka-san,” Anika signed back with a warm smile. “Good work, today.”
The said person, Kataoka, bowed politely.
Anika smiled, watching her walk off.
She scanned the parking lot in search of her own vehicle.
You’re kidding me…
She found her car rather quickly. Leaning against the boot of her car was a woman with ginger hair and eyes glued to her cell phone.
The woman lifted her head up and Anika could fully see the woman’s features. She was in her thirties and she had the same coral eyes as Anika. Her eyes lit up when they landed on her.
She opened and closed her mouth repeatedly, but no sound came from her.
The corners of Anika’s lips lifted into a smile. Though her eyes didn’t express any form of warmth that smile did.
‘Hey, cousin!’ my ass, Anika thought. She tapped on her ear, making sure the woman in front of her could see the gesture.
The woman lightly smacked her own head and laughed. She continued to… talk?
‘Oh, silly me… I… team— keep? Forgetting… you can’t he— hear… so how do you… talk?’ Oh my fucking god, Anika did what she could to pick apart her cousin’s lip movements.
She pulled her phone out of her pocket and began typing.
‘well, maaya, instead of coming here to see me, you could’ve just texted me like you seem to do every single day’
Maaya snickered and began typing away on her phone. Not before Anika caught that quick ‘what a pain’ that she’d muttered.
‘but you’ve been ignoring my texts recently! plus it’s makina’s birthday so I had to make sure she at least got my present you know?’
Anika’s eyes twitched before she typed on her phone screen again.
‘are you trying to get something from her? Is that why you’re giving her a gift?’
Maaya clicked her tongue, losing that cheerful smile from before.
‘is it so wrong for a MOM to give a present to her child on her birthday?’
Anika smirked.
‘oh of course not, but didn’t your parental rights get terminated in under a year of adoption?’
Maaya nearly threw her phone at Anika.
‘well in case you forgot, Makina is STILL TECHNICALLY MY CHILD according to the paperwork’
Anika narrowed her eyes and pursed her lips. She scoffed and typed back.
‘well in case YOU forgot, makina is under MY care according to the lawsuit that I WON.’
Maaya gritted her teeth as she typed back.
‘ah yes, the lawsuit and the contract that expires by the end of the month’
Anika raised a brow. The hell? She’s still eighteen, she has two more years—
Her eyes widened.
Fuck… how could I forget… she thought frantically. The legal age of adulthood was lowered to eighteen years old earlier this year…
Eyes wide, she hung her head down and stared at the concrete.
That’s right…
Anika had been able to keep Maaya away from Makina because of that lawsuit and because she legally had to house Makina, who had been a minor.
Until now…
Maaya shoved her phone in Anika’s face.
‘my probation will be lifted once the contract expires and nothing will stop me from seeing my daughter.’
‘makina’s gonna be eligible to be housed without a guardian, so what makes you think she’d want to keep staying with you? you may be her legal guardian FOR NOW but that girl is practically your babysitter.’
‘not to mention, you’re already the disgrace of our family since you’ve retired, you’ll ruin makina’s reputation too’
‘that contract says she gets to decide where she wants to stay. and where is makina gonna go once she decides to move out? we (HER PARENTS) will be the first to offer a home to her’
‘and on the subject of that contract, it doesn’t forbid me from giving makina a present on her birthday through YOU’
Anika gently swatted her hand away.
Maaya smirked, shoving her phone in her pocket and taking a few steps forward. She took a wrapped present from her purse and forced it onto Anika’s hands.
“Now… be sure to tell Makina that I wished her a happy birthday and to consider moving back in with me.”
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Makina turned off her camera and ring lights and ended her stream. She leaned all the way back in her purple and white gamer chair, hugging her knees to her chest.
Her eyes moved to the corner of her monitor.
A little head’s up if you’re gonna be home late would’ve been nice…
It was the first time Makina was celebrating her birthday with Anika and Shian. They did promise Makina a dinner out once they got back from work, yet Anika was nowhere to be seen.
She sighed and sipped on her energy drink.
Time… please, just slow down…
Why can’t you just slow down and let me be happy where I am?
She closed her eyes.
Maaya placed a hand on Makina’s shoulders, face centimeters away from her own and eyes wide as saucers. Despite the eerie and dark look behind her eyes, her smile was cheery as could be.
Makina shuddered under Maaya’s touch.
“Our family’s future depends on you… and you’ll help us damage that Anika Kiyozaki’s reputation. We’re counting on you, so you better be responsible and do your part for your new family…”
Makina laughed nervously and shuffled. “Maaya-san… I, uh… I don’t think I’m comfortable with that—”
Maaya slapped Makina across the face.
The world around her became hazy and her eyes began watering.
Makina brought her shaking hands to her stinging cheek.
It hurt…
It still hurt…
Maaya clutched her chest. “Oh… my own daughter won’t listen to me… I spent so much money to adopt you and I chose to save you from those horrible people that were your parents!”
Makina’s lifted her head up. “And I’m grateful for that! I really am! But—”
Maaya wrapped her hands around her own throat. “Oh… maybe there’s nothing left for me than to just end it all!”
Makina’s eyes widened and grabbed Maaya’s arms. “Wait, Maaya-san, don’t—”
Maaya grabbed the sides of Makina’s head and stared right into her eyes.
“Shh…It’s ‘mom’ for you. You’re my daughter now… and you’ll do as I say. You’ll take responsibility, right?”
Makina’s eyelashes slowly fluttered open.
She sat up and turned her attention to her monitor, switching to a random video online.
Her eyes were glued to her screen but her mind was elsewhere.
A small child with lilac hair that was so light in color that it was almost white fidgeted with her fingers nervously. Light apricot eyes wide as saucers, sweating profusely, shifting in her seat uncomfortably.
An older man was seated next to her and placed a large hand on her shoulder.
“You’re old enough to say what you want…”
Makina shook her head.
The child wailed as she hugged a woman’s legs, nose bloodied and tears streaming from her glassy eyes.
“I didn’t do anything… I didn’t do anything…!”
“You chose to do it! It’s all your fault!”
Shut up, you fucker… I didn’t chose to do anything…
“Make your decision, Makina!” Maaya hollered, holding a knife over her own hand. “Or else!”
Her eye twitched.
Stop saying that…
Anika gently patted Makina’s head with a gentle smile. “You don’t have to let anyone decide what you should do. Your future is up to you, okay?”
Stop saying that everything’s up to me…
Without looking away from her monitor, she reached for a shiny baby-pink rectangular pod, hardly larger than the size of her own hand.
She brought the small pipe that stuck out on one end of the pod to her mouth and sucked in a deep breath.
She drummed her fingers against the pod, listening to the way her nails clacked against it. With her eyes still glued to the screen, she turned her head to the side and blew through her mouth, a cloud of smoke releasing from her mouth.
Despite her video being blasted at full volume, her ears perked up when she heard the codes to her front door being punched in.
She grabbed her pod and her switch and pushed herself away from her desk and to her bed, spinning around in her chair.
She dug through her mountain of plushies that were piled haphazardly on her unmade bed. She reached for a teddy bear-shaped backpack, which was a light bubblegum pink color, shoving her switch, a small makeup bag she grabbed from who-knows-where, and her pod in the main compartment as she headed out the door.
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The sun was beginning to set on this fine day, not that Makina Setsukura noticed. She was too busy, as always locked in her room, playing video games and talking with her chat to notice something like what it was like outside.
Makina cursed as she took damage in the game she was currently playing. Her loyal chat was cheering her on. Then, all of the sudden, to Makina's surprise, all of her screens flashed to static. A blue eye flicked on her main screen just for a second before disappearing. It was then that a message was typed on to her screen. 
What up, Screen Shot? Happy Birthday! Sorry for hijacking your stream like that, but wow, you got crappy security. That's not what I'm here for. I'm just here to tell you that currently, outside your front door is a gift from me. Tried knocking, but no one answered, so drastic measures were taken.
Makina, seeing this, took off her headphones and rushed to the front door, opening it. Sure enough, there was a giant package on her front door. Grunting at how heavy it was, Makina brought it back inside to her room. Collapsing into her chair as soon as she laid it down. Opening the gift, Makina was surprised to see several items inside. 
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The first gift was a giant Kuromi doll that was nearly as big as her. Giving it a quick hug, she placed it to the side. Then she picked the second item up.
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The second item was a 24 case of monster energy drinks in the ultra strawberry dreams flavor. Grinning at the sight of them, Makina knew she wouldn't be getting sleep anytime soon. 
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The final gift was the most shocking. Makina's eyes nearly bulged out when she pulled out a brand new gaming laptop. Hearing a beep, Makina looked back up to her screen and saw a new message. 
So what do you think? Great, right? The look on your face tells me yes. Okay, so the laptop is something I personally built and is infinitely better than anything on the market. You'll be able to play any game there with no issue. Now we'll be able to see who kicks who's ass in a video game soon enough. So see you then!
8Cloud Out!
Just like that, the message disappeared, and Makina's screens were brought back to the game she was playing and her chat. Makina saw a flood of messages asking what happened and if she was okay. 
“You jackass… that’s what our doorbell’s for…” Makina sighed and adjusted her microphone. “Chat, are we back? ‘We’re good, now,’ ‘we’re good,’ ‘we’re back…’ Okay, awesome. Sorry about that… I’m fine, chat, don’t worry. Some old hag sent some presents in her own stupid way.”
She looked into her camera’s viewfinder and pat the containers of energy drinks that was half her height.
“First off, a twenty-four pack. Enough Monsters to last me a week. Oh shut up, chat, no more ‘that’s too many energy drinks’ from you,” Makina stuck out her tongue playfully.
Makina held up her new plushie to get it in frame. “Then she gave me a new Kuromi.” She hugged it to her chest. “Now this completes the Kuromi family.”
She quickly caught a glimpse of a passing comment. “‘You mean the Kuromi family that’s on that shitstorm you call a bed?’” Makina threw her plushie over her shoulder and onto her unmade bed. She reached for the rather heavy final present as she flipped off the camera. “That was a low blow, fuck you.”
“Fine, I guess you guys don’t wanna see what else that bitch sent me… oh, you do? Well, she got me a new gaming laptop, but since you were so rude I’m not gonna show~ But she did leave a birthday message. So thanks for the presents and the birthday wish… and for hacking into my apartment, I guess…”
She slammed her hands on her desk. “And I bet you’re still watching right now! Bring it on, old hag! I’ll kick your ass any day! I ain’t losing to someone who uses shitty grammar!”
Thank you for the gifts!
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ARB Birthday Special: Makina Setsukura
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~ September 1st ~
“Lost is a lovely place to find yourself.”
Login Lines
“Happy Birthday to myself and everyone else celebrating their birthday today. What a time to be alive, am I right?”
“Part of me is excited to eventually become an adult with all the adulty perks. But at the same time, I don’t feel like I’m ready to grow up… so while I still can, I just wanna feel like I’m alive with the people I care about the most.”
Voice Lines
“Hellooo. A whole fucking year’s passed, isn’t that wild? It really just zoomed on by. I’ll say it again and again, but it’s shocking how much time’s passed. Like, slow down… please? I want time to just slow down.”
“I think my viewers left presents and fan mail in my P.O. Box. I planned for a big birthday stream for the majority of the day, just to spend some fun time with chat and thank them for the gifts. We’ll look through all the cute fanart on social media, play some games together, and I’ll have a couple of collabs with some streamer friends, too. Aaaaand I’ve got some fun surprises for chat, too.”
“Oh, Anika… thank you… Yeah, we couldn’t celebrate last year… ‘cuz of… Right… different… What the… stop sounding so cheesy… Urgh, today’s not the day for me to cry, dammit, I have makeup on…”
“You got me a present? Can I see it now? Isn’t this one of those ccomo mini fridges? It’s the brown bear fridge… I mean it’s really cute… and it’s got a lot of storage space… It’ll be good when I stream so I don’t have to leave my room to get snacks… What the fuck, why was that so backhanded… Ah shut up… and thanks…”
“Oh hey, Shian… thanks. Oh… was that two years ago? Oh yeah, it was… It felt like yesterday but it also felt like so long ago. I can’t thank you enough… really… Ah, shit, I didn’t want you to hear that… Ugh… thanks…”
“A pink…handheld carousel…? With pink bunnies? It’s a projector? How… Oh, ok, I see how it works now. That’s cool. And it’s really cute. A gift for kids? … I can’t even be mad about that…”
Anika Lines
“Hey, Happy Birthday, kiddo! This is my first celebrating your birthday with you. Right… But this year is different! There’s nothing I wish more than for you to live your life to the fullest. I’ll make sure of it. Haha! Oh no! We don’t want you to cry all that mascara off haha!”
“While we’re still here, you gotta open your present. Yeah! Go ahead! Exactly! This way, you can keep it and your snacks, strawberry milk, other energy drinks in your room and you don’t have to leave your snack rubbish in the kitchen and you can at least keep the mess within your own room! Really, looking at you hugging that thing, it’s almost half your height. That’s so cute! Oh, but still please throw away your rubbish, even if you do keep them within the confines of your room.”
Shian Lines
“Yo, Makina. It’s your birthday today, isn’t it? Damn, where has all the time gone? I swear it felt like yesterday when I first met you, but that was just barely two years ago. I heard that. No need to thank me. It was two years ago and it was the right thing to do. You deserve a good life.”
“Enjoy your present. It’s a device that projects moons and stars on your ceiling, walls, pretty much anything. It also works as a music box. It’s supposed to be a gift for kids, but I think it’ll look cute in your room and it’ll be fun to show your viewers.”
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Happy Birthday, Makina!
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- September 1st -
Hell yeah! It’s our comfy-cozy streamer, Makina Setsukura’s birthday today!
This game addict loves gifts and interacting with fans and friends even if she won’t admit it! Do send her some birthday wishes, she and her teammates would much appreciate it!
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akihabara-division03 · 10 months
ARB Birthday Special: Anika Kiyozaki
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~ November 22nd ~
"A girl who is going to do big things cannot let small things get to her."
Login Lines:
“A reflection on my life all these years isn't a bad idea. So… cheers to another year of being alive? I think? Heehee. Maybe I’m at the age where I should start lying about how old I really am?”
"On second thought, maybe this’ll be the year I stop thinking about things that happened so long ago, especially when I can’t do anything about them now. Lets leave the past behind! Lets look forward to the future and the things that’ll come my way!”
Voice Lines:
“Ok, look, so unlike last year, I was actually aware that my birthday was approaching. The days pass by so quickly when I get to see so many clients throughout the day, so I kinda forget my own birthday is a thing. But today! I planned to bring some desserts from a local cafe to give out to my coworkers and my clients I met today. But I was surprised this year again! The guys over at the clinic decorated the break room and my clients brought some goodies for me today! Man, I’m so grateful to have some of the sweetest clients ever!”
“You know, I used to think that the older I get, the less I’d look forward to my birthday. But I guess the older I get, the more it hits that I’m still alive all these years later. It could’ve been all over for me, what, like thirteen or fourteen years ago now? I guess I’m aging like a good glass of wine, huh?”
“Oh, hey, Shian! Care to explain why you’re in my office and sitting in my patients’ chair when I never let you in? Oh… hehe, thanks! Hm? A present for me? Oh, how sweet!”
“… You really handed me a mug that says ‘Back & Body Hurts…’ and it’s mimicking the ‘Bath & Body Works’ logo… Thanks, girl! It’s kinda funny, actually, This might just be my new favorite mug I have! Wha— how dare you call me interests ‘stupid’… I’m gonna pretend I didn’t just see you sign that—”
“Oh, Makina! What’s up, did you need something? Wait, hold on, you’re supposed to be at school! Oh my god, you gotta stop doing this… you’re gonna age me up another seventeen years… I swear to god, you take after teenage me too much. Oh, um… thanks…?”
“… Cute! I can see that it’s Baby Groot from the Marvel movies. I mean, he’s adorable— Baby Groot is always adorable, but… what is it? Ohhh that’s so cute! You know you could’ve waited to get home to give this to me, you did not need to play hooky… oh my fucking god, no!!”
Shian Lines:
“Oh, there you are. Finally. Look, the receptionists up front let me in. I guess being in the same team as the prized therapist that will be representing Akihabara gets you a few perks. Anyway, I just dropped by to tell wish you a ‘Happy Birthday’ in person. And to hand you your present.”
“A coffee aficionado like you needs more mugs to have around the house. And I remember you have this weird thing for stupid gag gifts. They’re weird, get over it. So a Happy Birthday to you, old lady.”
Makina Lines:
“Anika, you there? Hey. Oh, be quiet, it’s not like anyone’s gonna miss me at school so who cares if I disappear for a few hours. Dude, we’re not even related, don’t give me that ‘you take after me’ crap. And you sure you want me to leave? I got your present with me right here. I had to stop by for your birthday.”
“It’s just a phone stand. But it’s Baby Groot holding your phone for you. Yeah, yeah, I’m not just here for you. I was on my way to the new arcade that opened up in town. I promise when I win some new prizes you can have them as another birthday present.”
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Akihabara Division
Admin: @ Z_Willburn on Twitter
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Pixel Syndicate is the Akihabara Division representative rap team, consisting of video game streamer Makina Setsukura, bail enforcement agent Shian Meizono, and their leader, hypnotherapist Anika Kiyozaki. Their designated color is indigo purple.
All of the members wear a puzzle piece-shaped pin on their outfits. This can be found on Anika’s zipper charm, Shian’s biker hat, and Makina’s barrettes.
The purple and silver puzzle piece represents connection between people, or a lack thereof.
Their hand sign is the letter ‘P’ in American Sign Language.
Akihabara is a buzzing shopping hub famed for its electronics retailers, with venues specializing in manga, anime, and video games, such as  Tokyo Anime Center and Radio Kaikan.
They call their fans “PixElites.”
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✦ Anika Kiyozaki ✦
Old Character Profile (2022)
New Character Profile (updated 12/06/2023)
Birthday 2022, 2023
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✦ Shian Meizono ✦
Old Character Profile (2022)
New Character Profile (updated 12/06/2023)
Birthday 2024
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✦ Makina Setsukura ✦
Old Character Profile (2022)
New Character Profile (updated 12/06/2023)
Birthday 2023
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✦ Extras ✦
Character Inspirations
Before & After
Fashion Lookbook 1
Miss Hypmic Pageant 2023
Halloween 2023
Mr Hypmic Pageant 2023 Judge Panel
The Team Members’ Homes
NSFW Week 2024
Day in the Life: Workplaces
Division Reviews Masterlist
✦ Albums (Songs & Drama Tracks) ✦
First [TBA]
The Block Party [08/08/23]
Rise From Dead [06/10/23]
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