#making some more progress with cleaning my room and purging stuff i don't need so
ellcrys · 4 months
was too tired to post about this last night but yesterday i went to the mfa to checkout two temp exhibits leaving in mid-feb and both of them really exceeded my expectations!
matthew wong: the realm of appearances
tiny treasures: the magic of miniatures
the realm of appearances was really a hidden gem, imo. i wasn't expecting much from the previews i saw online and i didn't really connect with his early work but oh man his later paintings that delve into landscape and the color blue especially were frankly amazing. love the color blue so there's bias there whoops and i love the impressionist era which he took a lot of insp from so whoops there's more bias there lol, but really, i loved his color work. he had this really cool technique of scraping wet paint off for super cool texturing and color also which really caught my eye.
tiny treasures was just fun. i love miniatures. a really nicely curated collection that hit on a bunch of different themes. i got the exhibit companion book lol
also picked up 'fashioned by sargent' which was sold out last time i was there and i am so pleased with the purchase 🥰
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cosmomoore · 4 years
I don't want to go to work tomorrow, not because it hasn't been going well, thankfully it has been, I'm just really enjoying staying home as much as possible, at least this is a short week.
My doll bodies still say they are in Indiana, so hopefully they will arrive in time to have them this weekend.
Has anyone else noticed since the international shipping rules changed that international packages arrive in the states pretty quickly, but sit around for a while before moving again? Maybe it has to do with Covid-19 affecting service?
Anyways, I'm looking forward to getting my new girls on bodies.
I wasn't very productive this weekend... I wanted to be, but it didn't happen. I did make my mom a mask (that I'm sure she will complain about and not wear) and I also made dollsonmain some Amiibo cards.
I was going to sew some, but I guess I made more progress on my pile a few months back than I remember? I pulled out my precuts and I only had like... Three things cut? I'm honestly in no mood to cut more at the moment. I can't figure out what is going one with me, everything I do right now I feel like is a waste of time in hindsight. Reading, watching stuff, playing games... About the only thing I do right now that makes me feel productive is clean and aside from purging more stuff, everything is tidy.
I'm feeling a lot of anxiety about my next move, which isn't until October... I don't know if I want to rent or try and buy a house... Rent is unusually expensive where I am for a one bedroom (when I was originally set to move in April I started looking at places and was shocked by how much even the lowest priced apartments had increased to). I know I could find a roommate, but I don't know anyone in the area well enough to propose that idea and I have no interest in finding a stranger to room with me. I think I can afford a house, mainly because it will probably be cheaper than renting on my own, and I am really lucky and thankful to potentially be able to do so, but the thought of trying to find a place to buy right now is so anxiety inducing that it kind of makes me feel sick to my stomach a little bit?
I haven't been doing well depression-wise lately. All I really want to do is lay in bed. Everything happening in the world plus everything that has happened to me personally this past year has been a lot to say the least and I know I am not the only one that feels this way. I have another therapy session this week, but I feel like progress is slowing down. There are always these awkward parts in the sessions where I don't know if I need to respond or what?
I really need to get back into some sort of exercise routine, I know that would help me feel better.
I am over sharing as usual, I just wanted to get these thoughts out of my head and typing them out helps sometimes.
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mshopamazon · 5 years
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This is my “room” after a quick pick up. I have a love/hate relationship with the boxes. (Link below)
I will be working on chapter 2 February Creating a Bedroom Sanctuary because September was meant to help organize the children's room, but it's hard for them to learn to be clean if their remodel is not clean. “Our contribution to the progress of the world must, therefore, consist in setting our own house in order.” -Gandhi
Q: How would you describe your room?
A: My room is a messy! Clothes are everywhere. I don't enjoy making my bed. My bedroom is also where I store extra items.
Q: Do you love your bedroom?
A: I love being in there. My bed is comfortable. I don't like the appearance though.
Q: Might I find you sneaking a snack while you read the Sunday paper in bed.
A: Yes and No. I will be in bed reading or watching youtube with a snack.
Q: Do you like to take naps?
A: Yes, I need and love naps.
Habit: return clothes to there correct spot everyday.
Week One
Redesign and restructure
Plan what you need to purchase, donate, or move.
Wardrobe: New uniform hangers or dresser? Purging clothes that don't fit or shopping trip?
Time: One and a half to two hours.
Journal questions
Q: Do you have an emotional disconnect with your current bedroom?
A: a little..
Q1: What kinds of sleeping arrangements did you have as a child? Did you have your own room or did you share with a sibling? Did you like the room and the arrangement?
A1: The first house I remember was a one bedroom, so I believe we all slept in the same room. When I was three or four we moved into another home. It had two bedrooms, and I shared it with my brother for two years. My parent made another room for my brother and from then on I had my own room. I was happy with the arrangements because my brother and I would argue a lot
Q2: Did you have a lot of control over the decor in your room growing up? Is your current room an outgrowth of that early style or had it changed completely?
A2: I believe I had some say in the décor after I had the room to myself. My mom was a bargain shopper and loved yard sales. We would go to yard sales and as long as items were fairly prized my mom would buy me the stuff I wanted. I would say my current room is almost the same. I still have a lot of stuff. I even have the same dresser growing up.
Q3: Do you like your current bedroom? If you do, be specific as to what pleases you?
A3: I just bought a new mattress and bed frame this year. I like the bed frame and how the mattress feels.
Q4: Are there things about your bedroom you don't like? Be specific
A4: I just don't like the stuff around the bedroom. I have boxes around the bed
Q5: Can the things you don't like be remedied easily? What are you solutions?
A5: I have many ideas. I first one is rearrange the furniture.
Q6: Is the room filled with things from you past? Why is that? If everything from the past has belonged to you, do you realistically still need it?
A6: I have tons of stuff. I will have to through my stuff.
Q7: Are you sharing this room with someone? How do they feel about your treasures? Is one person the dominant force? Do you now realize you have been a space hog? How do you think that makes your partner feel? If the shoe is on the other foot, can you negotiate with your partner for a more equitable setup?
A7: I live in the studio with my daughter. I try to keep an area for my daughter and for myself. Most of the stuff is mine though.
Q8: Do you notice that the past is heavily represented in your space, but it's all possessions that mean nothing to you? Are you the guardian of the past in terms of antiques, furniture, and memorabilia for your family?
A8: I used to have furniture that my mom give me (without askingif I wanted), but I finally got rid of it. Most of the stuff I have is my problem, and it's hard for me to get rid of it because I paid for it.
Q9: If you share your bedroom with your spouse, did you move into a space that he or she had lived in before? Do you feel you have been able to express yourself adequately? Or is it time to renegotiate? Ladies, have you made your bedroom so frilly and girly that your husband flees to the garage and his workbench at every opportunity?
A9: N/A I've been separated for about 5 years.
Make a plan
*list the improvement that can be done right away and a list of the stuff in the future.
Schedule the improvement in your calendar
Q: Can you relocate entertainment and office equipment?
A: Done!
Q: If you need to work in your bedroom, can you set the area off with a rung or hide it behind a screen?
A: N/A
Q: Have clothes taken over the bedroom?
A: a little!
Yes or no questions
Q: Can you sit on your chair or is it forever draped with clothes
A: yes, to draped in stuff
Q: Are dirty clothes tossed onto the floor?
A: yes
Q: What about your dressers? Are they organized or chaotic? Do you need more dresser space?
A: yes, to organized
Q: What else beside clothing is stored in your closet?
A: purses
Q: Is there space in your closet or is everything smashed together?
A: it's okay
Q: Do you use uniform hangers or the wires ones your cleaner sends home?
A: didn't hangers
Q: Is there a huge space between the shelf and the ceiling in your closet?
A: yes
Q: Do you have multiple wardrobes in your closet because your weight fluctuates?
A: yes
Q: Is the closet floors a shoe graveyard?
A: no
reflect on questions.
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