#making this unrebloggable because if it somehow breaches containment...let's just say I do NOT trust people.
musical-chick-13 · 1 year
The worst feeling is seeing women are my favourite ghy posted everywhere but none of those users who post it even care or support female characters.
You are not wrong!
I don't have a problem with people quoting "women are my favorite guy." I really don't think it's meant to be malicious, it's a joking meme phrase that's meant to elicit a smile due to the unexpected way it's worded. And I don't have a problem with people liking male characters (hell, I myself have had three emotional breakdowns over one of them in the past two days!). What I don't like is that a lot of people I've come across seem to be saying this phrase as some sort of "proof" that they Really Care about women. And many of them. Do not actually seem be making an effort to back up that claim. (And this isn't even just in the context of refusing to engage with female characters-it's avoiding media created by or for women, it's harassing actresses for playing characters they don't like or who "get in the way" of a desired story outcome, and most egregiously, it's the way so many people treat female victims of domestic abuse or other similar kinds of trauma or mistreatment.)
It's not the fact that this meme phrase exists, it's the fact that too many people are hiding behind it as a show of "support" without actually doing anything. And, honestly, it's the specific way that people use it to suggest that we don't still have a rampant misogyny problem, both in and outside of fandom. If women were your "favorite guy," you'd treat them better. (At the very least, you would spend some time actually thinking or talking about them.)
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