thesenseisays · 1 year
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gmanwhore · 8 months
Doing this because i am the only person who ever thinks about V3/silly
Rantaro is Nagito Kirigiri
Kaede is Mahiru Naegi (Makotoways)
Ryoma is Mondo Togami (Imposterways)
Kirumi is Celestia Ishimaru
Angie is Sonia Tanaka
Tenko is Ibuki Koizumi
Korekiyo is Nagito Tanaka
Miu is Junko Souda
Gonta is Makoto Ogami
Kokichi is Celestia Komaeda
Kaito is Mondo Naegi (Makotoways)
Tsumugi is Junko Yamada
Kiibo is Makoto Hinata
Maki is Kyoko Pekoyama
Himiko is Gundham Nanami
Shuichi is Hajime Kirigiri
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thesenseisays · 1 year
Don't Be a Negative Nellie!
We all make mistakes (just look at the Monday Night Buffalo Bills game against the Jets… ugh, ugh and UGH). I mean, we make mistakes every day and at any time. And when we make these mistakes, we can be awfully hard on ourselves, right? I mean, how many times have you said to yourself (mentally or out loud)… “You’re such an idiot” or, “Can’t believe you did that.” Too many times to count.
With that kind of self-talk who needs negative nellies or critics. We can bully ourselves just fine. And while many of us just pass off the mistake (and our reaction) as a fleeting moment of stupidity, negative talk like that does linger. It affects:
Our mood. Everything now seems harder to do.
Our actions. How we react to the mistake.
Our self-image. Maybe we are actually stupid?
But that’s all happening internally. What happens externally when you talk bad to yourself out loud.
Coworkers may begin to see you as less sure of yourself. Question your leadership. Friends might avoid you more as you dampen a mood. And your kids… well, they may just begin to adopt that negative talk, too. They are — after all — little sponges that soak up all we say and do.
So, how can you take down your inner critic?
Change the intensity of your language. Instead of saying “stupid” use “challenging.”
Don’t exaggerate your mistakes. It’s just one Moment… not the end of the world.
Give your internal bully a nickname. Separate those thoughts from the real you.
Think like a friend. Would your best friend talk to you that way? No? Then don’t talk to yourself that way.
There’s an old saying, “you are what you eat.” Well… you are what you think. So go easy on yourself. Talk positive and turn that inner critic into your own personal champion of positivity.
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thesenseisays · 2 years
High Expectations
For those who don't speak German, it roughly translates to self-reliance. It's not uncommon to see young kids in Germany preparing their own meals... using public transportation... and walking themselves to school. In Scandinavia, 5 and 6-year olds attend forest school where they learn to whittle and carve with knives as well as start cooking forest. We understand that this might sound daunting -- even terrifying to think of your kids doing that -- but at Makoto we believe ability comes down to expectations. 
Do you think a four-year old can help bring in groceries... pull weeds,,, or make the bed? Could a 6-year old vacuum? Or a 10-year old make their own dinner? Developmental experts say the answer is "yes" to all of those things. Most American parents, unfortunately, don't expect their kids to do such things as preparing meals. But why?
Parents might say... "Well, they might hurt themselves," or the all too common "It's just easier (and quicker) to do it myself." At Makoto -- and the Martial Arts Studio -- we have a saying... "If you can do it, we expect you to do it." You see, kids love to please us and show us (as well as themselves) that they are capable of doing many, MANY things. So if we expect them to make the bed, they will. But we have to expect it. We have to give them the opportunity to rise to the occasion.
Now, giving them that occasion may be hard. It can be a struggle for us parents to completely stay out of it and let them do the chore/responsibility all themselves. (After all, we realize that in the beginning we will most likely have to re-wash the dishes that they do). But the end result -- the increase in their confidence, capability, and self-worth -- will totally be worth it. 
At Makoto, and The Martial Arts Studio, we always have high expectations for your kids. Because we know that they can do many, many things. And, with work and guidance, rise to every occasion and flourish. Your son or daughter is more capable than you think. 
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thesenseisays · 3 years
Top 5 Reasons Why Change is Good!
As a person who FIGHTS against change at every turn, I wondered if I should be the one writing this little ditty. But truth be told, I’m probably the best person for this job. Because I -- like the majority of humans  -- fight change… all the time. Yup. Completely resist it tooth and nail. But change is inevitable (no matter what we tell ourselves). Eventually we all have to give in to it. And if I look back at where I was before changing -- and where I end up after changing -- I must grudgingly agree that change is beneficial. Because…  ​
#1… Change pushes you out of your comfort zone. Life in the comfort zone is easy. You get your morning Starbucks. Head off to work. Do your job. Come home. Make and eat dinner. And life is comfortable. Simple with no surprises. When change comes it pushes you out of that predictable routine. Challenges your assumptions. Tests your skills. And even makes you question your belief system. By forcing you to re-evaluate not only what you do but how you do it, change pushes you to grow mentally, spiritually, and even physically. Building  a stronger you.
#2… Change forces you to experience MORE. Like new opportunities… perspectives… and relationships. Things you haven’t seen or experienced before. Honestly, look back at your life. How many completely awesome things happened because you stepped outside of your box and did (or viewed) something differently. Would you have met your spouse? Climbed that mountain? Even taken that career path? Each one of those different experiences has taught you something new about yourself. Something that you could never learn in school or on the job. And all those new things have made you a better you.
#3… Change challenges you to find out who you really are. Life can throw you a curveball. It can be fast, slow or right to the head. And when that curveball hits, you realize you’re going to have to change the way you think. Update that mindset. This is when you find out exactly what you can handle… and what you can’t. You learn your limitations and the strength of your will. This helps you to find out exactly what you’re made of. What you can take and keep on pushing forward. I think Rock Balboa said it best (shout out to my fellow Philadelphians), “You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about ​how hard ya hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward.”
#4… Change makes you more flexible and adaptable. Yup. Change can make you feel like a rubber band. Stretched every which way to the point of breaking. But when you’re there -- at your limits -- you realize exactly how much you can adapt… pivot. And that gives you confidence. The armor needed to thrive in new, unexpected situations. Because you know you can take the punches and keep on rolling. Even flourishing under the new rules.   #5… Change helps you have more fun. Being open to change means that you’re more likely to say “Yes” when a new experience or opportunity comes your way. More doors will open. More friends will be met. And more adventures taken. Oh, just imagine the fun places you’ll go… all because you decided to embrace change. 
Yes, I know. It all sounds good. But easier said (or read) then done, right. Just remember, not all change has to be extreme. Take some baby steps. Because just one small thing -- one small change -- can make all the difference.   
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thesenseisays · 6 years
The sweetest thing are those you learn from and EARN. Never, never ever give up. #makotoway #makoto #earnedit #earn #blackbelt #blackbelts #winningmindset #bestrong #karate #martialarts #atthetop #ididit #nevergiveup #growthmindset #positivity #thepowerofpositivity
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thesenseisays · 7 years
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Why be good when you can be great. #makotoway #stickynotes #begreat #fearaverage #postit #goodtogreat #progress
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thesenseisays · 7 years
A dancing unicorn made her way to #parentsnightout ! #makotoway
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thesenseisays · 7 years
Months of practice + Countless push ups = Success at handstand pushups. No shortcuts. Work for it. #makotoway #strengthtraining #strength #pushups
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thesenseisays · 7 years
Months of practice + Countless push ups = Success at Handstand Pushups. No shortcuts. Work for it. #makotoway #pushups #strength #strengthtraining
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thesenseisays · 7 years
Months of practice + countless push ups = her first handstand pushup. "It's hard to beat a person who never gives up." -- Babe Ruth. #makotoway #pushups #strengthtraining #strength
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thesenseisays · 7 years
Body motion. Body movement. Learn it. Understand it. And feel your way through that Daito Ryu throw. #daitoryu #daito #aikijujutsu #judo #bjj #flipout #martialarts #makotoway #karate #aikido
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