#mal fortuna juvat
thedetectiveofinaba · 5 years
Raidou doesn't sing anymore. But tonight he is humming something. Something old, older than himself. Occasionally there are words. He sounds so sad still.
[for reference he's humming/singing Dead Hearts by Stars]
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It was a somewhat… positive sight to see Raidou do something else than work in silence at the same room as her. Don’t get her wrong: she prefers the silence compared to the pests and noise at Tokyo PD but too much silence is a sign of sorrow in one’s soul if you ask her. She knows this by a personal experience and it at least applies to her.
A hum of a tune even she has no idea is something new to see and a sign of on maybe he’s somehow gotten past the tragedy they both had. Emphasis on maybe: she just has a hunch the fuck up of the elders will never disappear.
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moodboardgarden · 6 years
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-  十四代目 葛葉ライドウ - Rᴀɪᴅᴏᴜ Kᴜᴢᴜɴᴏʜᴀ ᴛʜᴇ XIV Mᴏᴏᴅʙᴏᴀʀᴅ
ғᴏʀ @mal-fortuna-juvat ○ ғʀᴏᴍ @steelbanchou / @dusksummoner  
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tactful-kind-daedra · 6 years
@mal-fortuna-juvat // continued:
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A bowl of hot soup was a welcome surprise. The boy who had just been joined up with the Shepherds definitely had not gained many friends, and had tried to just keep his distance.
He took the bowl with a soft smile.
“Thank you, Miss Daedra. You don’t need to worry about me. The rain will eventually let up, I’m sure.”
“It’s no trouble. I didn’t see you at the mess tent and I wanted to make sure you got your dinner while it was warm. The soup isn’t as tasty when it’s cold.”
The tiny tactician offered him a bright smile, one to rival the sunshine if they weren’t stuck in a downpour. 
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“Ah~ You don’t have to call me ‘miss’... we’re not so formal here. Er... except Frederick... but that’s more his preference on things. “
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needlepunk-a · 7 years
@mal-fortuna-juvat wanted a starter
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Dark skies, bright moon, and...coffins everywhere. It seemed normal enough all things considered after living in Iwatodai City after a few weeks He had heard of supernatural incidents happening across the world before, so when he came across one over taking the whole town, it just felt normal after the first month or so since nothing bad seemed to happen...at least not to him. He was lucky,and he knew it, given the countless times he had heard someone screaming in whichever direction when it got like this.
If nothing else, it made his delivery routes a lot easier to make good time. The Dark Hour had granted him a perfect delivery record for work. Kanji hadn’t had any run in with shadows or persona users. For all he knew, this was something only he was experiencing, and the screams were just part of the illusion...that was until the night came where he noticed a silhouette along the street path that was unmistakably human....
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dusksummoner-blog · 7 years
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🌀 —   ❝You are irritating.❞
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kingressentiment · 7 years
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One moment, the Shadow had been assisting, answering questions as best he could, Raidou had been kind enough, even though he could have very easily seen him as the enemy, so he had found no need to be rude or unhelpful. But then he had grown quiet, eyes closing for longer than what was normal, and when eyes opened, all that could have been sensed about him not being Human was gone. 
“...I-I’m sorry?” Were they talking? What was going on?
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bloomingempress · 5 years
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“I wonder if I should tell him that I miss him. Hmm...” 
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goofyfacade · 6 years
Today was the day Raidou was supposed to be arriving in Inaba. As usual, Adachi had been slacking off and didn’t exactly ask Dojima if he could go pick up his brother but honestly it wasn’t like there was anything more important going on. 
Arriving at the train station he looked around for Johei. It had been so long since they had seen each other, and while he was excited to see him again he was also nervous too. Right now wasn’t exactly the best time for Johei to visit considering the strange murders going on in Inaba at the moment. Well, at least they’d have something to talk about. 
He waved his hand when he noticed Johei on the station platform.
“Hey, Johei! Over here!” 
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“You know... this cat reminds me of you.” Akira gestured to the grey stray cat, noticeably missing one eye. Akira had been staring at for a while now. It hasn’t reacted to the string that Akira was dangling. In fact it looked a bit annoyed. Batting at Akira’s hand more so then the string. Never to hurt Akira, but to show that it wasn’t interested in playing his games. When Akira tried to pet it, it pulled away from his hand as if scared.
“Do you see it?”
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the-flower-karasu · 7 years
((continued from here)) @mal-fortuna-juvat
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“Not very forthcoming, are you?”
Well, she wouldn’t be either in his shiny black shoes, but she hated how this stony-faced stranger, dressed like someone wearing old era cosplay, was so easily able to best her. He fought like nothing she ever knew and it was tearing her apart how she had no handle on the situation. The last time she fought an unknown enemy, it nearly resulted in her death...
She hated this person, just on principle alone.
“Pardon me for saying, but with your...’skills’, one had need to have trained for a long time. Perhaps you are a ...supernaturally charged child soldier?~”
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thedetectiveofinaba · 5 years
@mal-fortuna-juvat disagreed on the uselessness of Halloween hype
“I suppose that it’s fair enough, and not that odd to let others enjoy what you don’t. At least my best friend who is a barista knows better than to get me pumpkin latte, mint latte is more what I prefer and due to my daily - I meant regular visits to Leblanc he knows what I like the most.” She’d tried the apparent variant at Starbucks and it wasn’t as good as she’d assumed, not to mention it was everywhere. It was getting a bit too much for her.
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“I just wish that they would stop dressing as ghosts and ghouls on the actual day and assume me to take part in Halloween. The lore has enough creepiness on its own.”
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spooky-lily · 7 years
((continued from here)) @mal-fortuna-juvat
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“...What sort of school requires a uniform like that? And do you perhaps practise Kendo? I only ask because of that sword...”
Truly an odd, serious looking guy and, to be honest, it gave Mami the impression that he was some sort of sentinal or soldier. He truly did srick out among the cherry trees of this plac.
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tactful-kind-daedra · 7 years
@mal-fortuna-juvat continued from ask:
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The Amala Network had this strange habit of just taking him where he needed to be, and not quite where he wanted to go. So when he came out the other side onto a dirt road in a land that was definitely unfamiliar, the young man couldn’t actually be angry. Sure, it was not where he wanted to be, but it was not like he could complain right now.
It had taken longer than he would have liked to just walk to the nearest village. He had made a point to not summon anything until he knew how the locals would react, and he already could tell he was out of place. He doubted he was even in Japan anymore.
Now I won’t be afraid. He told himself. I won’t be afraid just as long as you stand by me.
He pat the line of kuda under his cloak, and hoped that he did not draw any… unfortunate attention.
Despite Raidou’s best attempt to remain unnoticed, or more his -mild- attempt, it was for naught. He had been noticed the moment he stepped into the modest village, making his way towards the main market.
Truthfully, he should have known he would stand out in such a place. Dressed head to toe in solid black garments, with the most unusual hat and shoes of anyone ever seen locally. Yet, no one batted an eye... save one pair.
Raidou wasn’t what the main attention drawer, though....
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“Uwaaah~ Sir, is that your cat? How cute! I don’t think I’ve ever seen one like him~.... It’s a him, right? He doesn’t have a collar or leash and follows you around. How lucky!”
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plagarizedmother · 7 years
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“Odd I believe I would remember if I had a second son.” Regardless she’ll pour you a cup of tea and give you a bowl of rice porridge. Young men need to grow.
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artfulfox · 5 years
“Oh. I see you’ve met my Planetarium friend!”
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“Although do practice caution. He keeps talking about seeing an ‘eccentric character’ in places but I’m starting to think it’s just him..”
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dusksummoner-blog · 7 years
@mal-fortuna-juvat replied to your post: 40th: Possesses the body of girls and uses them...
14th: *scandalized*
40th: “Grampa is an angry virgin.”
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