#male sosu
newvegascowboy · 1 year
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yea, though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death, i shall fear no evil
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mat-neptune · 6 days
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Happy Birthday my sweet boy 🥳 you don't know you're a synth!!!
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m-1-8 · 4 months
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Pretty sure that’s ‘Paladin’ for "fuck off"
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v4ult-dw3ll3r · 5 months
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Wanted to share some images of my main / favourite Fallout 4 OC, Eric Dawson 🥰
In my Fallout universe, he’s married to Danse lmao
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sirmanmister · 1 year
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MacCready in dad drip + Damien cuz I feel like I haven’t drawn him in a minute
This is so stupid LMAO
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watchyourdigits · 1 year
Falloutober Day One:
War Never Changes
I'm a little late to the party, but here's what I've got for day number one of Falloutober! The main fic for these two is Danse-centric, so I thought it'd be a fun challenge to rewrite the opening scene from Frankie's perspective this time. Enjoy~
Word count: 1.3k
Warnings: mild sexual language, canon typical violence
Ship: Paldadin Danse x male Sole Survivor
"What's the plan here?"
Frankie rolled his eyes behind his gas mask, barely suppressing a groan. His newly acquired commanding officer had been, up until that very moment, the one calling the shots.
Why would Danse, an otherwise by-the-book kind of man, hand him the reins without warning? The question served as an obvious test; it wasn't as if this so-called 'Paladin' had been anything but wary of him thus far.
Now, facing down an unknown number of super mutants, he was suddenly leaving Frankie to figure out the best course of action.
He wouldn't know subtlety if it smacked him clean across his stupid, perfect face.
Frankie peered above the bushes they were squatting behind to get a better look at the camp. He did a quick visual scan of the place before pulling his head back down behind cover.
"I see three, but there's definitely more."
He tried to explain that his preferred method of sneak-attack wouldn't be as effective with super mutants as it would with human enemies, but the Paladin cut him off.
Frankie tapped his fingers against his thigh impatiently as he was, once again, chastised for his manner of dress.
"You'd see better if you weren't wearing that ridiculous thing."
That tone of his was enough to make Frankie grimace. Despite his disarming good looks, Danse was proving no different than the military officials he served before the whole world went to shit. Society was functionally nonexistent and all Danse could seem to think about was arbitrary uniform codes.
Maybe you should just, I dunno, show him your ugly fuckin' mug? Then he'd get it.
He knew that was never truly an option, but it was nonetheless entertaining to imagine Danse's reaction to the grand reveal that he'd been on the receiving end of an unsightly facial disfigurement.
Deathclaws and power armor... Bad combo. Should probably warn him about that...
Frankie opted to ignore him, a momentous exercise of restraint on his behalf, the likes of which the Paladin would probably never be able to appreciate.
"It's not my favorite idea, but how's about you provide covering fire and I'll go in guns blazing?" he said confidently.
"I suppose it's not the worst plan in the world," Danse replied, shrugging his hulking, metal-clad shoulders, drawing an unseen smirk from Frankie at the sight of it. "You point, I shoot."
It was all too obvious that Danse didn't think he'd succeed. Frankie wasn't one to take such a challenge lightly. Hell, if a deathclaw and the literal end of the world couldn't take him down, he was practically invincible, right?
Frankie gave a smug smile behind his mask, clapping Danse on the shoulder.
"Good man. I'll see you on the other side."
He gave a quick two-finger salute, knowing damn well it was sure to piss Danse off to no end since it wasn't the classic Brotherhood salute he'd been taught. Just before he slid down the side of the hill, he caught a glimpse of Danse's face as expression changed to that of a man questioning his life choices.
He sure is somethin'... Guess this shit ain't so different from how it used to be, though. Murderin' everythin' in sight, dealing with annoying military bullshit… Annoying commanding officers with big ole cow eyes. Tryin' not to think about how good said commanding officer would look on his knees…
Frankie shook his head, trying to reel himself back in. He could dwell on his perversions later. Right now, he had to prove he was all he claimed and then some.
God, if you can hear me, just know that I think you're a real sick sonuvabitch.
"Two-hundred years on ice and a fella still can't catch a fuckin' break," he mumbled to himself.
He loaded his shotgun as he approached the first mutie he saw guarding the entrance to the camp. He noticed Frankie far too late.
Before the lumbering abomination could open his mouth to alert the others in his company, a laser fired from the hillside hit him square in the chest. He stumbled a little and Frankie finished him off with two shots to the head, whistling low.
He's a phenomenal shot, I'll give him that. Good timing, too.
Frankie took great delight in the easy flow of the battle. The mutants were slow to react, giving him ample time to sort out his strategy as he went. He made his way through the camp, drawing out his enemies toward the chaos and systematically taking them down, ducking behind cover to reload as Danse provided covering fire from above.
When things finally settled and the last of the super mutants fell, he allowed himself a moment to relish in the silence that rang in his ears. Frankie pulled up his mask just enough to spit on the ground, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.
The mask fell back into place as he reached the entrance of the camp, giving a thumbs up in Danse's general direction. The Paladin was down the hill and standing before him within seconds.
"Great work up there," Frankie commended. He understood better than most the value in having a trained set of eyes looking out. "Good to know you've got my back."
Danse began removing the helmet of his power armor. Frankie felt a tug in his gut, firmly aware of the way his jaw hung open like an idiot upon watching him run a hand through that thick, dark hair of his. His mind began to wander as Danse's mouth moved, Frankie only barely hearing the words he spoke.
"Same to you, soldier. It's been a while since I've seen potential like that."
Danse sounded genuine about it, too. For half a second, Frankie found himself delusional enough to believe that perhaps he was flirting. With a subordinate, no less.
Just keep it casual, for once in your goddamn life. No sudden advances.
"I told you I had military experience," Frankie replied jokingly, testing the waters. "Did you think I was lyin'?" he asked, leaning himself against one of the rotting wooden fences, paying no mind to the super mutant blood that now called it home.
"No. However, your secrecy leaves you with a lot to prove."
There it is. Damn… Audacious prick.
"Is that so?" Frankie drawled, huffing a little through his nose. "Remind me to tell Elder Maxson that he should give you a promotion."
Danse raised an eyebrow. Of course it was the one with the scar through it. Frankie felt heat traveling up his neck, choking him.
He wanted nothing more than to grab him by those stupid handles of his power armor, pull him down to his level, and-
"Why is that?" Danse asked curiously, cocking his head.
"Because I'll be the best damn thing that's happened to the Brotherhood yet," Frankie answered without missing a beat.
"That's a bold claim. I admire your ambition."
Danse sounded amused, much to Frankie's dismay.
He kept bringing the conversation to the brink of what could constitute flirting. It was maddening, especially as Frankie's body continued to relax, muscles melting under his skin as the adrenaline faded away.
"Bold? I've earned my ego, pal."
Frankie pushed off the fence and had to look away from Danse, growing increasingly concerned that his impulses might cause him to do something idiotic. Like give him a right hook. Or kiss him. Maybe both.
"Maybe one day you'll get it through that thick skull of yours..." Frankie continued bitterly, "I'm not your average wastelander."
He turned on his heel and stalked away into the camp to loot it for all it was worth. A good enough distraction as any, he figured.
The backhanded compliments, the unsolicited commentary on his attire, and the fact that Danse was the most delicious thing he'd laid his eyes on… Frankie knew he was in for a hell of a time working with the Brotherhood of Steel.
Despite all his tense irritation, there was the undeniable feeling of 'home' that came with working with Danse.
It was all so familiar, comforting in a sentimental way. And Frankie was a sentimental bastard, if there ever was one.
Yeah, nothin's changed a lick.
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solstheimtxt · 1 year
i Need to hear more abt vince and mac omgggg 🥺👀
Ahhh tysm i havent written anything abt them in YEARS
Vincent and Mac (mac n cheese, rj, robert if serious 👁👁), started traveling together really early-iirc, FO4 starts in late october, so think around november of the same year. Someone mentions that Maccready is a decent merc, and Vince needs help, so with enough caps, Vince has a friend!
It takes a full year for them to start discussing an actual relationship, but these two are pretty much inseparable early on, as they spend a lot of time bonding over the fact they both have dead spouses (rip lance and lucy), and their family is dead or nonexistent.
Mac also being one of the few companions that also actively dislikes everyone except the Minutemen (he likes the fucking raiders more than the bos 😭😂), they get along and grow as friends mostly via building homes in settlements. If there's someone in need, theyre there to help. Which lead to their first failure, at Saugus Ironworks. Being that they're both snipers, Vince usually takes front line with a melee weapon or a lazer rifle. They had a fight and Vince stormed off alone, and while he took the majority of the raiders down, Maccready needed the farmers son to help with the boss of the Ironworks, and carried an injured (and blinded) Vincent to Goodneighbor, where he recieved his synth eyes!
Idk what else 🤔 both are pretty clingy towards each other, if you catch sight of one, the other is nearby. They can be frequently found around Sanctuary, but also make frequent visits to Far Harbor to check on the area, and Nuka World, primarily after they lead the Minutemen to wipe out the raiders. I also hc they like to try to breed the aggressiveness out of Deathclaws, as there's been several sentient and non hostile ones throughout the series, and I hc Sanctuary has several! :D
In game, Vince goes the peaceful Minutemen ending (RR & BOS alive), but canonwise, my LW from Fo3 executes Maxson and leaves the brotherhood in disarray so 🥰
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fallout-sole · 2 years
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O yea here’s my sole survivor .,…. The whole point of this blog originally… He’s a little guy
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fallout4reacts · 2 years
Asking for a friend, what are your favourite Male Sole x Piper Wright fics or posts? Send them Mod’s way!!
Thanks lovelies, Mod misses you. 💕
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nautseverywhere · 2 years
I do love the first flirt with Danse. His brows fly into the sun!
And Christian looks adorable smiling at Danse. Heart eyes!
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nukacoola · 2 months
I know that writer who “confirmed” the idea that the male sole survivor was a war criminal in Canada was know for his crazy takes and obviously that was retracted like a day after it was put out but he literally would be.
All of those soldiers at that time were forced to put down civilian protesters in Canada as America annexed the country. Depending on when the male sosu got out of the military he would have been doing war crimes at home too as in 2076 and onwards power armor and military units were being used to put down protesters in American cities. There is no good soldier and bad soldier in American wars and that rule is not excepted in Fallout. The American soldiers who defected were rounded up and sent to military prison camps. One couldn’t just chose to do the right thing and not do war crimes, much like the real life American military.
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newvegascowboy · 1 year
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Here's my former overboss/more than incidentally a minuteman male sole survivor, Killian D'Angelo!
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mat-neptune · 2 months
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lifesliced · 2 years
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NAME: stephen loud
ALIAS: gevanni
AGE: 27, almost 28 when frozen in vault 11
BORN: toronto, canada - immigrated when he was going into his freshman year of high school, had dual citizenship
LOCATION PRE-WAR: boston, massachusetts, usa - living in the neighborhood that would be become known as the settlement called “sanctuary.”
CAREER: “ [ ... ] is a former soldier and decorated war hero who served in the 2nd battalion, 108th infantry regiment of the united states army during the sino-american war.” was seen favorably in his ranks, as well as amongst his peers and superiors, and was honorably discharged [ reasons unknown ] .
VAULT: the only surviving member of vault 111
ON NORA: gevanni is actively taking the place of “nate” from the baseline male sole survivor, which leaves the female player character option “nora” as the wife to nate. this is so that players can choose between them, leaving the other to fill the role of spouse at the beginning of the game to establish the sosu’s life pre-war, what they lose, who they care about, and what they were doing before the war (living in a suburb of boston). canonically speaking, nate is a soldier that is recently returned to civilian life, while nora is a recent mother that is looking to “shake the dust off” her law degree, inferring she is a lawyer of some kind. i will be keeping gevanni as a soldier, leaving the default identity of his wife to be “nora,” and their son to be “shaun.” 
after emerging from the vault and stabilizing himself, gevanni went back for nora to give her body a proper burial. she is buried away from vault 111, but near sanctuary in a secluded, woodsy area. something about her body being eternally frozen seemed wrong to him, allowing her to properly be laid to rest. 
he keeps nora’s wedding ring on him, and still wears his ring throughout the series, even if he becomes romantically involved with someone else. this can be a point of contention. 
he visits her grave sometimes when he is at the red rocket truck stop near their old home. while the red rocket is close to sanctuary, it is far enough away (with fond enough memories) to be occupied as a settlement, as well as being near concord, a city that gevanni hopes will become reoccupied via extension of the red rocket. 
by extension, about codsworth ... he and gevanni still get along post-war, gevanni finding codsworth first before anyone else. while codsworth is a companion, i don’t consider him one here. he primarily takes care of the first settlement that gevanni establishes at the red rocket, helping him seal up sanctuary after moving out preston, sturges, and the others. eventually, codsworth is allowed to choose where he wants to live, be it graygarden with the other robots, the castle with the minutemen, choose another settlement, or leave entirely. his relationship with gevanni remains amicable, as many of gevanni’s decisions fall into codsworth approval.
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* fallout 4 starts with 28 base distributive points. immediately after leaving the vault, you gain an additional point via a ‘you’re special’ book that is beneath shaun’s crib in sanctuary. total starting points = 29 to distribute at the beginning of “fallout 4.”
these base stats serve to reflect as closely as possible gevanni’s main canon while still remaining within the constraints of fallout 4. i based these SPECIAL stats off of gevanni’s canonical death note stats, compromising and equaling out my totals based on 
these base stats will also determine what branches of perks he pursues, and he does eventually boost these core 7 stats throughout time, ending pretty “stacked” by the time he “deals with” the institute. most threads take place during early-to-mid fallout 4, meaning his stats more closely align to what i have below.
(L)UCK - 1
gevanni associated his YOU’RE SPECIAL point allocation to intelligence.
* i always start my sole survivor’s at 1 for luck as a reflection of their situation at the beginning of the game, but that skill is prone to change ... for good or bad.
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ON PERKS: i decided to go starting, middle, and end for perks; from what he would start with to what he would end the game with. beginning perks, aside from locksmith, are based in his core SPECIAL stats at the start of fo4. if he has the core stat for it, he could potentially have that perk unlocked at the beginning. as the verse progresses, the starting perks would be built on as he gains new perks throughout. by the end, gevanni will have a lot of the perks unlocked, but that does not mean he filled out the entire tree. some i have left out due to not being in the realm of his character. this also includes beginning perks. i did not give gevanni every perk that was technically unlockable to him at the beginning, and some that should have been at the beginning are instead gained in the middle, as i feel they are perks that are related more to the environment, so realistically would make sense to adapt into over having at the beginning (such as aquaboy, cap collector, or lifegiver, for example, both perks he could have had unlocked at the start, but instead show better in the middle, as they are wasteland associated perks, not pre-war perks). 
STARTING PERKS: armorer, iron fist, pickpocket, rifleman, awareness, locksmith (master locks)*, toughness, lady killer, lone wanderer, attack dog, vans, medic, gun nut, hacker (expert), gunslinger, commando, sneak, fortune finder.
* this is one of the few starting perks i have already “maxed” out for gevanni based on his canon. all other perks will follow the traditional “leveling” systems as gevanni gains skills throughout. to have the locksmith perk, you have to already have a perception of 4 to go further than basic locks. 
GAINED PERKS (MID): strong back, heavy gunner, blacksmith, demolition expert, night person, aqua boy, lifegiver, cap collector, local leader, hacker (master), scrapper, mister sandman, action boy, moving target, mysterious stranger.
GAINED PERKS (END): steady aim, sniper, penetrator, concentrated fire, rad resistant, intimidation, ninja, quick hands, gun fu, scounger, bloody mess, better criticals, critical banker.
CARRYING CAPACITY: 230lbs (base of 200, 30lbs additional due to strength stat)
WEAPONS: primarily relies on a 10mm pistol for close range and a .50 sniper rifle for long range, as well as the use of tactical assault rifles, though is known to swap out guns as needed (mostly based on ammo) without issue. you can expect that he uses pipe pistols, submachine guns, and other weapons found in the wasteland.
with limited supplies, the luxury of a preferred weapon is not the same as pre-war. he is skilled in most combat weapons, including knives, as well as in hand-to-hand combat. throughout his time in the commonwealth, he has probably touched one of at least every gun or weapon out there. he also carries a combat knife and a switchblade. 
on average, he typically carries a rotation of two close range weapons, one long range, and two combat weapons that are non-ammo reliant (such as the ripper or a knife). 
as guns breakdown, become worn out, or damaged beyond repair, gevanni will scrap them for parts to upgrade new weapons. while he has his preferences, he has forced himself to become more skilled with weapons he did not favor pre-war, but had experience with. 
TO BE NOTED: i typically play this verse in the mid-beginning around the middle of the game to give a lot of leniency for the plot to progress, as well as to allow gevanni that natural growth versus being met as a fully op bethesda mc, if that makes sense. i would say right around after concord but before getting into kellogg’s memories. this still allows for a lot of the content in fallout 4 to be accessible. i will play throughout this entire timeline, however, and will not only be playing mid-game content, but that’s where i’ll focus. given that this is meant to follow the bulk of fallout 4′s core story and lore, it does not mean that the verse has to entirely follow the game play-by-play. this verse has a lot of leniency, deriving instead from the game for a lot of its mechanics, restrictions, inspirations, and motives, but also allowing for a more open experience versus something more neat and streamlined. 
ACTIVE COMPANIONS: dogmeat, currently a lone wanderer. occasionally travels with preston when needed, or nick when required (eventually choosing to journey with nick and dogmeat in tandem). has been known to travel with deacon for railroad business. he also traveled with danse for a short period of time.
currently has met - the mayor hancock of goodneighbor, piper of diamond city, the detective nick valentine, and preston garvey of the minutemen (now located in sanctuary*). 
nick valentine being so interwoven with finding kellogg is a big reason why gevanni’s favoritism towards nick is so apparent.
he is on good terms with piper, finding her feisty, extroverted, and opinionated. their relationship is generally positive. 
while jarring at first, gevanni adjusts to the ghouls of the commonwealth, much the same as he does synths. in fact, it is the acceptance of ghouls that allows gevanni to make the leap towards independent synth recognition of the third gen series. because of this, we can assume gevanni’s relationship with hancock is also rather positive, encouraging him to go more straightedge, but not entirely dissuading hancock to be himself. after all, hancock actively survived for years without gevanni’s interference. as gevanni is not a chem user, he does not push hancock to experiment, at least not with him.
he is always meeting the active companions of the commonwealth throughout this verse, so depending on thread, sometimes he might know / know of a companion, sometimes he might not (yet).
gevanni does do most of the required companion missions throughout his time in the commonwealth, all while pursuing his primary goal to find his son. you can expect that he got curie her body, for instance. i believe there could be potential romance with curie, but that is neither here nor there. 
gevanni does not pursue much with companions like cate, allowing her to go off on her own after enabling her companion status.
he is obviously on good terms with deacon, seeing as they both work for the railroad. other companions like maccready, ada, etc are all generally left to their own devices after being “helped” by the sole survivor. gevanni does not keep close enough tabs to force them to do much of anything.
in most instances, at least for big picture stuff, he does generally have their support if needed, particularly in battle. 
he is closest to dogmeat, nick, codsworth, deacon, preston, curie, and piper. 
he does not side with porter gage in nuka world, seeing as gevanni actively liberates nuka world, hoping to get it back to its former glory as a settlement for the citizens of the commonwealth. 
SANCTUARY: gevanni has no desire to return to sanctuary, walling off his house entirely, basically encapsulating it further to be “sealed in time.” from there, he suggests the minutemen move fully to the castle, eventually walling off sanctuary forever. while it is an inhabitable place, gevanni seeks to have that entire upper left-hand corner of the map. while he has isolated sanctuary, he did move all “scrappable” items from other houses, as well as the scrap from around the neighborhood, to the work station at the local red rocket that was once near his home. 
LOCAL LEADER / SETTLEMENTS: the settlements that gevanni uses most prevalently, thus sending eventual supply lines to run between, are the red rocket (main), the outpost zimonja, the tafington boathouse, a brief supply line that only runs supplies from abernathy farm (the only inhabitants that live there are the abernathy family), the coastal cottage (a private settlement), the house in diamond city (eventually bought in hopes to have a home in the city for his son, no active supply line as it is in front of the market), and the starlight drive in.
the castle, while considered a settlement, becomes run solely by the minutemen, who gevanni helped “re-establish,” but encouraged preston himself to run as the eventual “general.” gevanni only held the general title until preston was willing to (forced to) take it on himself, having earned it rightfully. 
he eventually creates a supply line with the nakano home for the far harbor section of his story, but does not actively turn the nakano home into a settlement, similar to abernathy farm. the nakano house becomes a tradeline. 
for the most part, gevanni tends to occupy the more previously uninhabited (or inhabited by raiders) settlements for his reconstruction projects, leaving settlements that function on their own alone, instead just establishing trade routes and supply lines with them. bunker hill is another good example of this practice.
ALIGNMENTS: the minutemen (originally, see local leader for more, formerly “the general”), the railroad. nick is a major reason, along with my viewing the railroad as a supplement for the SPK, that gevanni chooses to side with synths and synth-sympathizers. 
in the end, gevanni would choose to live his life with the synth version of his son, shaun. he would destroy the institute, allowing synths that has been already made and introduced to the world, or freed from the institute before its destruction, to live, while ceasing new synth production entirely. 
notably: gevanni did a lot of work for the brotherhood of steel at first, finding a sort of soldier’s bond, commonality, and a nostalgia factor that made the idea of becoming an initiate enticing. eventually, however, he breaks ties with them, which leaves it open to whether or not they would have to be “chased out” of the commonwealth, would actively start a war with gevanni and his alignments, or would continue on their own business silently without his involvement ... or until their involvement becomes too great to ignore. 
either way, there is likely a clash with the brotherhood, though i would imagine they would have definite interest in dismantling the institute, potentially creating a point of compromise between gevanni’s interests, the railroad, the minutemen, and the brotherhood all in order to favor a common goal of getting rid of the institute. 
things would likely settle for a while, but eventually, the brotherhood would go back to trying to fulfill their original goals, but also still targeting synths post-destruction of the institute. 
his involvement with danse became a strong friendship. by default, i believe we still could get the synth!danse reveal, with gevanni encouraging danse to follow the route (through some charisma) of being able to leave the brotherhood without being pursued for execution via elder maxson’s promise, find his own life in the commonwealth, and potentially have ties with the railroad (given his identity). he and gevanni do not pursue a romantic relationship, but have a “soldier’s bond.”
NUKA WORLD: gevanni fully clears out nuka world, giving it back to the people of the commonwealth. he does not work with raiders, so this is pretty open / shut.
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v4ult-dw3ll3r · 2 months
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My sweet baby, Eric
He’s such a goof.
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awellboiledicicle · 2 years
I got to clearing Red Rocket and i give up. I’m restarting with a clean/clear mod so i can just start from scratch.
Might play a male Sosu for variety, still with pistols tho.
I just can’t stand the fucked up buildings guys. Not in sanctuary. not when i could build some kick ass apartments and shit. i just want them to have ROOFS
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