#mallick just want to hibernate i won't lie
mallickshah · 4 years
🀄 — What is your favorite part of the holiday season?
Quite frankly, he enjoyed everything about the holiday season, it was true. He liked the colors, the joy, the gifts, the kids who seemed to love it more than the adults most of the times. Yes, especially the kids, watching them get excited and anticipting each day for when they would finally, finally be able to be given something they might have wanted the whole year. Birthdays aside, this was their moment to receive without having to give back. So, yes, Mallick loved all of it. But his favorite part had to be the very last one, “Can I be honest?” He would be even if he was told not to be, however, she’d asked for it and he would let her hear something he hadn’t truly let anyone else in on. Hence the conspiratory grin as he leaned over the bar, as if he was going to make the deadliest of confession “The day it all ends and I can go back to my daily routine.” With that he shook his head around a quiet laugh and cleaned the mess a customer had left before she came to claim her seat. It didn’t help that today had felt like a long torturous day, not at all. 
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