kadeuxhyeonju · 4 years
Kadeu, Joker, Highranker’s Ball
31 December 2020, Evening
Drink in hand, Hyeonju strolled through the crowd, keeping eyes peeled for faces he had no desire to greet. He’d already met one and he figured that was enough for one night. He took in the gowns and suits, humming in admiration at some, silently scoffing at others. He greeted a handful of familiar people, customers and acquaintances. He had just finished one round around the grand ballroom when he spotted a woman in a gorgeous, backless gown. Her back was to him and so he was free to gape at the raised scar that raked down the woman’s back. It made Hyeonju’s still tender wounds seem like playground scratches. Wonder what the story behind that is…
The woman turned her head and Hyeonju’s eyes widened in surprise. A story, indeed. He hadn’t seen Ms. Moon since he fixed her locket, but he had seen her off with a changed perception of her. It wasn’t everyday Hyeonju found himself respecting a Diamond. Which meant he may have been a bit concerned—but also very nosy.
“Ms. Moon,” he greeted with a polite bow and smile. “It’s been some time. I hope your locket is still in good condition?” He took a sip of his drink and inquired about something not at all to do with her injury. He did have manners, after all. “I heard your role for the upcoming Palace play.” He offered a genuine disapproving frown. “Something is wrong with the Palace owner’s head, not giving you the main role. Regardless, I look forward to any role you take on. You’ve always had a talent for making a character take flight.” Wow, how long has it been since I cracked a pun like that. Hyeonju smiled in humor.
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evaxsombra · 3 years
Kadeu, Diamond Territory, The Palace, Ara’s office/dressing room
12 August 2024, Afternoon
“Okay, this one for sure this time,” Eva spoke with unfounded confidence. She held out a small, heavy ball of mysterious origin she’d bought from a vendor a few days prior. They had told her that even the most powerful Strongarm couldn’t crush these toys. It had been enough to convince the Shapeshifter to buy an assortment of said toys to gift to Little Lana who, as of five minutes ago, crushed half of them between her tiny palms.
Sadly, this ball was no exception as Eva heard the telltale crunch of metal and pelts of unrestrained laughter at the destruction of another “Strongarm-proof” toy. A sigh escaped her, but she reached out and patted the baby on her head, the soft curls reminding Eva of one of her favorite blankets back at the barracks. “It’s okay, Lana. We’ll find you the perfect toy eventually.”
Turning away from the sounds of baby babble and metal toys bouncing off one another, Eva offered an apologetic smile to Ara, though she couldn’t see the actress’s expression. She had insisted that Ara let her introduce these toys to Lana in the hopes that she and Hilo wouldn’t have to worry about broken toys needing replacing for a while. But even Eva didn’t need eyes to know she’d been ripped off. “Maybe that guy at the market wasn’t being very truthful, huh? Or,” she gestured behind her to Lana, “you have a special little Strongarm on your hands!”
Eva knew she was just trying to mask her disappointment. She’d been trying to find ways to play with Little Lana ever since the baby could crawl, but Hilo and Ara were still working on Lana’s control so it was proving difficult even for someone as creative as Eva. Crossing her arms, Eva asked for what had to be the hundredth time since the start of these gatherings, “Are you sure I can’t just let my wolf come out and play? We’ll be extra careful. Spade’s honor!”
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phoenixkadeu · 4 years
a spade by any color is still a spade  — what’s something people misread about you?
Asra has a bad reputation at The Academy. The labels students and teachers had forced upon him had stuck since he first set a foot inside of that institution and it has followed him around to this day.
Being a club, means that he is prone to being reckless, a friend of fights without a purpose and overall just someone who is all brawn but no brains. While some of those assumptions might be right, Asra can be a pretty friendly and kind person on the inside, it all depends on how people treat him.
He will only offer respect to those who give it back, which does not happen as often as it should and that is why the most viewed version of the young elementalist is the rude and arrogant one, just a kid who has no real goals for his future.
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croupiex · 4 years
scowls and hidden flasks — is there someone you miss but don’t talk to anymore?
the façade: “No, not particularly. There’s a few people I’m curious about, but no one I miss”.
➳ factcheck! this is true. cas finds it foolish to cut contact with someone you’ll miss later on. and if they’re the one to cut contact with him? no use dwelling on people who have no interest in you – don’t let anyone live in your mind rent free.
the candid truth: “There was an older serf that worked under the same household as I did. They weren’t loving by any measure, but they made the place more tolerable. Not much worth in missing them though. They’re dead, I’ve checked…. Besides, at this point it’s more like I miss the concept of them, not them themselves”.
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mallickshah · 4 years
🀄 — What is your favorite part of the holiday season?
Quite frankly, he enjoyed everything about the holiday season, it was true. He liked the colors, the joy, the gifts, the kids who seemed to love it more than the adults most of the times. Yes, especially the kids, watching them get excited and anticipting each day for when they would finally, finally be able to be given something they might have wanted the whole year. Birthdays aside, this was their moment to receive without having to give back. So, yes, Mallick loved all of it. But his favorite part had to be the very last one, “Can I be honest?” He would be even if he was told not to be, however, she’d asked for it and he would let her hear something he hadn’t truly let anyone else in on. Hence the conspiratory grin as he leaned over the bar, as if he was going to make the deadliest of confession “The day it all ends and I can go back to my daily routine.” With that he shook his head around a quiet laugh and cleaned the mess a customer had left before she came to claim her seat. It didn’t help that today had felt like a long torturous day, not at all. 
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scnreiis · 4 years
🪔 — Are there any traditions you want to start this year?
Rei will probably start the tradition of lighting a room full of candles and mediating for her first task at home in the new year. The reason for this is because she feels like she needs  little bit of cleansing as the new year comes in so she’s excited to be basically attempting to let go in her life. 
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kadeunpc · 4 years
do you happen to have any juicy gossip?
... but have you heard?
Highrankers, especially those in Diamond territory seem to be under the impression General Kwon Jihoon @generalkwon is in a secret relationship with his ‘personal healer’ Zhang Maxine @its-max-okay. It’s being said she’s actually far weaker than her rank would suggest
Highrankers seem to believe Ace of Hearts @zuihuojoui has recently taken a liking to a lowranker. People don’t seem to actually know much, but the rumors about her are vicious. Many seem to believe her a succubus and whore who has tricked Joui into favoring her ( @cherrykadeu )
Highranking Diamonds seem to believe they are no longer welcome in Ko Sayge’s @saygeko casino The Koi. None of the facts surrounding why are cohesive; it’s likely a single customer has been complaining. 
Midrankers have recently been gossiping about Lee Hyeonju @kadeuxhyeonju. Apparently, he’s been hiding his status as a sex-worker and the only reason he owns the Vega Gem is because a high-ranking Heart bought it for him
Midrankers also seem to believe Lee Valentina @acevalentina has lost her touch. This seems to be because one of her drug houses was hit, and she still hasn’t caught the perpetrators
Lowrankers have labeled Go Aesin @nerenth soft-hearted. They seem to think her one of the kindest highrankers, though some seem to be trying to take advantage of her
Lowrankers seem to have grown to dislike Yi Ujin @ujin-khaos recently. Apparently, he made his desire to maintain the status-quo abundantly clear. Due to this, The Golden Faerie seems to be attracting more mid to highrankers lately, rather than their usual mobs of lowrankers
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generalkwon · 4 years
Saturday 15 August 2020; After Sunset Heart Territory; Zuihuo Joui's Ball
Dressed in his ceremonial uniform, Jihoon emitted an aura of stagnant displeasure as he stood at the edges of the soiree, glass of whiskey in hand. Once again he cursed his poor luck at running into that golden Fae at the Diamond party the month previous. Complain about one party only to be invited to another. Ah yes, highranker logic.
Taking a sip from his drink, the General’s eyes roamed the dance floor with a critical gaze. Admittedly, the Ace of Hearts had prepared a far better party than the Diamond had. The lack of pitiful gyrations on the dance floor was a major testament to this if nothing else was.
The foliage and ancient trees did much to lighten the ball’s atmosphere. Though still an outrageous waste of money, at least the ball hadn’t paired with an outrageously horrendous color scheme. Realizing suddenly that his trademark ‘high-ranker party headache’ wasn’t building up behind his eyelids, Jihoon allowed a soft snort to escape his nose. Perhaps instead of avoiding a conversation with Joui he ought to congratulate him on throwing the party the General hated very little.
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kadeuyongsun · 4 years
          [  —  @ara-kadeu​.  ]
     there’s a few choice words sunny would like to say in regards to the ... everything happening. a few choice words he’s decided he’s better off keeping to himself, for the most part, though it’s become quite the struggle to bite his tongue. he knows he’s experienced far from the worst of it, considering himself lucky in such regard, but that doesn’t stop him from feeling some type of way.
     especially, when it comes down to it, everything that’s been going on with ara. he’s spent several years now spending what feels like every single day in the woman’s presence, and with the lack of being so close to her, he almost feels ... empty. a strange feeling, he’d have to admit, one he hadn’t felt in a rather long time. the kind of feeling he can’t seem to shake, can’t seem to find the remedy for. even in his busiest moments, it’s there ; lurking in the back of his mind, reminding him that there’s a lack of something in his life. 
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     in short, he knew there was only one solution to put pause to the aching feeling in his chest ; he had to visit ara. he knew it hadn’t been that long, that he was merely being dramatic, but it felt like ages since he was in her presence. his beacon of positivity is what she had become, and he couldn’t see her crumble down, in any way. he couldn’t leave her alone. he was rather annoying and stubborn in that regard, was he not ?
     the act of showing up to her home, of being let inside, of anything and everything in between felt like such a blur. a long, endless blur of nodding in compliance and smiling kindly until he found her. his smile had gone from forced to genuine in the matter of seconds, the young actor practically running across the room to cup her face in his hands. “ are you okay ? ” words tumble forth in a rush, lips pressing a quick peck to her forehead. “ i’ve missed you. you’re my favorite. are you okay ? i’m repeating myself, and yet, i feel like that’s something the both of us are simply going to have to deal with. ”
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saygeko · 4 years
a spade by any color is still a spade — what’s something people misread about you?
a spade by any color is still a spade — what’s something people misread about you?
Already answered here
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kadeuyuki · 4 years
🎁 — Is there anything you do yearly, without fail?
“Back when I was of rank four, I met a human who claimed to be of ‘Korean lineage’, wherever that may be. On the anniversary of their ancestors’ deaths, her family gathered to show respect. Grilled fish, fresh fruits, and little cakes decorated their table used for the ritual. You see, us demonistic breeds don’t bother mourning our losses. Demons surround themselves by death and us Concubi, well, I’d venture to say most welcome death with open arms.”
Rising her lit cigarette to her lips, Yuki took a small drag before continuing. “She invited me to join her family every winter for their ancestral rites. The sugar in their smiles and warmth in their embraces proved to be the closest I had ever gotten to having a family of my own. Fuck - that sounds so pitiful, doesn’t it?” She covered her mouth with the tips of her fingers to laugh at the almost cliche words she allowed to slip from her loose lips. “Anyway, I still join them. I don’t usually enjoy frolocking around with those of lower ranks often, but I’ll always make an exception for them.”
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kadeuxhyeonju · 4 years
bloodied fangs — what’s your biggest guilty pleasure?
I don’t really talk about this to anyone so keep this to yourself, you understand? *Leans in and whispers with a conspiratorial grin* I have a binge day once a week. I go through the districts to the best pastry shops and buy all my favorites, maybe a few new flavors if I’m feeling bold, then head back home to eat them all in one go in the comfort of my home and away from prying eyes. *Leans back with a flat stare* No one will ever believe what I just told you.
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evaxsombra · 4 years
19th September, 2020
The Palace; Evening
Moulin Rouge. It was the last night of this particular performance and Eva’s first time seeing. Well, not seeing, experiencing. Sitting in the low ranker section, ears perked and listening intently, Eva felt like she was walking on air. The voices were vibrant and lively, full of various emotions that ran deep, as if the actors were the characters and not just pretending to be something else.
There are gasps in the crowd and Eva, used to it but a bit dismayed, isn’t sure what has happened on stage to garner the response. Normally she’d bring a friend to help her fill in the gaps her other senses couldn’t give her, but tonight she was on her own. The performance was magical and the Spade found herself reacting just like the audience around her. There was one voice in particular that stood out to her. Satine’s actress sounded stunning. Her voice like crystal glass filled with water and you were running your hand over the edge to hear the melody. Eva was in awe of that voice in the same way that such a simple item could produce such a wonderful sound.
With the musical ended, Eva was shuffling along the crowd toward the exit, still high on the joy that came with the performance. She made a series of clicking sounds, bat ears taking in the information and marking the movement of bodies around her. Her cane slid across the floor in search of a clear path. The shadows around her were becoming a bit much and she could feel the anxiety building.
Then she heard it. “That voice,” Eva murmured. She turned towards the voice and followed it. Listening to it brought calm over her. The melodic voice grew stronger as the Spade neared until she knew she was standing in front of the actress she’d admired from the audience.
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“You’re the actor who played Satine,” Eva said, uncaring of the voices around her suddenly going quiet. “Your voice brought so much life to the character. You made Satine my favorite of the play.” Eva smiled before realizing something. “Oh! Sorry, I’m Evangeline Santiago. But you can call me Eva. Nice to meet you!”
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phoenixkadeu · 4 years
🗣️ - A language/voice related headcanon
Asra was only a child when someone decided to set some houses on fire, no one was ever caught and the lost lives were never avenged, families being torn apart, years of work spent on building comfortable homes for their families vanished just like that.
He was taken as one of the lucky few to make it out alive, months spends on a bed, his parents waiting for the day their son would open her eyes and when that finally happened he wasn’t quite the same as before.
The boy spent the longest time without speaking, he barely went outside and all of the things he liked doing and the friends he liked to hang out with none of that was able to truly bring back the lively boy everyone knew. The trauma was to blame and no one really wanted to push him too far, they were happy to still have him with them at least.
However, when he finally spoke, his voice calling out his mother quietly, it took the older women a second to turn her head since she didn’t recognize that tone. His voice had changed and he didn’t sound like a little boy anymore, she couldn’t wait to hear what his laughter sounded like.
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lukef · 3 years
⌖ @ara-kadeu
somewhere in diamond territory, a new shop opened. luke’s original plan was to spare the market a small visit. he wanted to buy fresh fruit and vegetables, eat some streetfood and enjoy one of the last sunny days of this year’s autumn, but he got distracted - the shop simply looked too inviting. 
it’s something that comes close to a grocery store, but they happen to have some handmade clothes, too, and he definitely wants to support them. their shelves are full of homemade and handmade things. it’s mostly packaged or pre-cooked stuff, the shop owner seems to be asian and luke soon finds multiple things his mother used to make for him when he was a kid. he gets lost in childhood memories and decides to take some sweets with him. the shop owner greets him with a polite bow and he greets back, decides to continue looking through all the things they have.
the issue is, the shop is quite big, luke gets lost - and finds himself in an aisle full of things for babies. there’s small shoes, clothes and toys of all shapes and colors. 
he’s not planning to get a kid anytime soon and he’s quite sure that there’s no one wandering on earth he recently got pregnant, but the small shoes and clothes are just too cute. he’s in the middle of inspecting a blue hoodie, miniature sized, when he gets distracted by the woman next to him.
“wait a minute..if that isn’t the legendary ara?”
 their last meeting has been quite a while ago, but luke assumes they’re still on a comfortable level, especially since he got back to work and is mostly out of public’s eyes. apparently, the other hasn’t aged a day and doesn’t look that different, but he simply didn’t expect to see her in this area, or rather at this time - not after becoming ace. as a queen, luke had already been quite busy and since it’s early in the day, he would’ve rather assumed her to be at work.
 “congratulations on becoming ace. i heard you got married, too?” it takes the elementalist a while to realize in what aisle they are and he’s not able to stop himself from opening his eyes wide before placing the hoodie back in the shelf. “nooo..don’t tell me you’re pregnant. that’s..that’s lovely! congrats!”
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mallickshah · 3 years
Death: What does your muse consider the worst way to die?
DEATH: What does your muse consider the worst way to die?
He doesn't think there's a worse way to die, but if he were to be told that dying would not have him meeting Saiyah in the afterlife, he might just die a second death. So please. kindly keep any theories you have about where people go after they die to yourself if you catch him in a death trap or something.
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