#mallow thoughts
meadowmallow · 6 months
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Mallow in her casual adventuring outfit + friend
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missd476 · 2 months
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I think we need something wholesome, dontcha think?
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fox-guardian · 11 months
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[ID: A digital comic of Tim Stoker and Big Man Fudge, with both of them drawn from the neck up. Tim is a Latino man with light brown skin and a lilac side-shaved mullet, a cut in his brow, a small goatee, and body hair. He is wearing rectangular glasses, black plug gauges, a purple shirt, and purple nail polish. Big Man Fudge is a brown cat. The background is beige.
Tim looks at Big Man Fudge while gently holding his cheeks, both of them are smiling with dots for eyes. Then Tim squishes Big Man Fudge's cheeks into his face, making him close his eyes and purr loudly. The last panel is a closeup of Tim's face, where his eyes are large, wobbly, and sparkling, he is smiling hugely, and his tongue is a heart, and pink hearts are floating around his face. end ID]
i just think that tim should have at least one animal that loves him so much and he loves so much in return
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scatterpatter · 1 year
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brotherconstant · 5 months
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We've never heard of "castling." Except in chess, of course.
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buriedaliens · 7 months
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Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars is still one of my favorite Mario games.
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pyrobuyo · 7 months
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Casual clothing!
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malachite834 · 2 months
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The lads have returned :3
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soft-serve-soymilk · 2 months
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taptroupe · 11 months
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let's meet again soon!
recently played through super mario rpg again due to the remake news and was reminded that i love these geno and mallow very much. i can't wait to see them again...
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clownkure · 1 year
It's a little obvious sometimes
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miniaturemallow · 3 months
"Oh boo hoo, why am I so burnt out and drained all the time?"
*works a 40 hr a week retail job
*worked all thru a global pandemic 40 hrs a week (with like, barely any hazard pay btw. Fuck Kr*ger)
*working retail with barely managed mental health disorders
We all need to give ourselves a break from being too hard on ourselves- plz remember that.
I'm sure I've bitched and moaned about my job a lot already but, you gotta keep reminding urself that u are doing things despite the struggles.
And whatever ur struggle is, you're still here. And that's wonderful and should be celebrated!!
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bamboorocket · 5 months
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Been playing more SMRPG again. Can you tell what my usual approach to combat is? (I'll give you a hint: I'm a caster gremlin who exploits party-wide spells and enemy weaknesses for fun and profit)
No one warned me this lil' man would be the key to me utterly wrecking shop but I am beyond delighted to have found out.
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uruwashinonightingale · 4 months
1nm8 stuff
here are some miscellaneous things i noticed about EGOlution yesterday !! the song is so goodddddd (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
i think the biggest thing that stood out to me first was seeing one kei’s of kei’s line directly contrast something he sang in edN
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“i’m not preparing a sad ending / i’ll show you the right world” in edN in comparison to
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“i’ll see the end with my own eyes”
those two lines feel like they have very different implications.
i feel like this new one shows kei’s transition into becoming more humane and learning to be more “selfish,” in a way . 
to elaborate….
“i’m not preparing a sad ending / i’ll show you the right world” almost implies that while kei intends to do everything in his power for his goal of “reaching eden”, if you will, he doesn’t intend to be there to see it at the end with them…
so if this makes sense, he’s prepared to “sacrifice himself” to make “eden” attainable for roku and itsuki and the rest of the world again, but he doesn’t expect to make it that far alongside roku and itsuki to be able to enjoy things at the end with them. he’s doing it all for their sake and not his .
meanwhile , with the new verse . . . “i’ll see the end with my own eyes” makes it sound like he’s realizing that what he really wants is to just spend time happily with roku and itsuki , and he’s not really prepared to fully embrace the role of a christ figure and rather, he wants to remain more humane so that he can stick together alongside roku and itsuki.
this is hard to articulate , but basically….
kei still holds himself on a pedastool, almost.
let me try and explain using more religious stuff. christ was in a human body. he could spend time with his disciples and those around him, but in a sense he was isolated from them completely from the get go because of the responsibility he had on his shoulder to eventually die on the cross for humanity’s wellbeing. he never made the same connections as the people around him made with each other because those people were not as holy as him; he was on a higher plane of existence than his disciples/family, in a sense. 
and like any other christ figure, kei is the same way. he’s able to spend casual everydays with roku and itsuki, but he hasn’t been able to connect with them truly because he’s distanced himself from them because he believes that in the end, he’ll spend his life sacrificing/ slaving away himself to do whatever is necessary for the betterment of those around him. he’s dehumanizing himself. like christ, he can’t live carefreely and like those around him because he holds a higher level of understanding and becomes isolated from the rest; christ’s disciples didn’t fully understand him, and to an extend i don’t think itsuki and rokuta did. i’m pretty sure itsuki says something like he’ll follow kei to the ends of the earth, and rokuta shares the same sentiment i’m sure. they don’t follow him necessarily because they understand and agree with his ideologies, but because of who kei is as a person. they just put their faith in him.
and i feel like the change from these two verses show how in a sense, kei is learning how to become more “selfish” like i said earlier. he’s learning how to acknowledge that he’s not willing to become that christ figure completely because that means he’ll be sacrificing his humanity, and he won’t be able to enjoy his time with roku and itsuki. so i think maybe kei is starting to realize that he does not have to take on a broad battle like being set on destroying all phantom metals . 
kei’s realizing that he has to step down from the metaphysical cross he put himself on and just be happy with what he has at the moment with roku and itsuki . he’s becoming more human. 
then again , this is all speculation and i could be very very very wrong !! ( ˃ ⌑ ˂ഃ )
other notes i made while watching the mv on loop were…
why exactly did they choose a train? my first thought was “night on the galactic railroad”, which i’m not sure if anyone reading this knows… it’s a stretch but maybe there’s some correlation there, especially with the train going off the tracks…
itsuki’s verse goes **so hard!!!** amazingggggggg
sooooo so happy to see all the piano’s!!! starts crying
not only do we get the shift from all the separate angel wings on each member to one pair for all of them, but also the train tracks converging into one!! which just reiterates the theme of unity for kei/ all of them!!
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and this picture right hereeee how it looks like roku’s being lifted up
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and the line “a visionary who keeps creating…”
there is a lot more i want to rant about but i need to go to bed now . . .
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brotherconstant · 11 months
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FOUNDATION 2.03 | 2.04
You all right, Brother? Of course. It's just our parting is unexpected. I had other hopes. We were getting to know each other. You were gonna grow fond of me, and eventually, add me to your list of bedpartners that the Prophet mentioned.
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akajustmerry · 11 months
everyday i am being so normal about hober "i can be a knife" mallow as played by dimitri leonidas in apple's foundation. i am being so not insane about hober "graduated from the school of my father's fists" mallow. so normal about hober "brother i am honoured but you're a woman of virtue" mallow. i said i am being normal and not having Thoughts™️ and Feelings™️ !!!!!
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