thestylesfamilysblog · 6 months
Barbados Loving
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Teddy Evans x Elodie Styles
Summary: Barbados, the sun and the beach, what could be any better…
Warnings: none, very fluffy and sweet
A/N: I hope you all enjoy, as always thank you Barbie for letting me live my fantasy and getting to write these two together 💜
@boston-babies @mcrb2dt-evans
Barbados had been so good for the couple, not to mention Lulu their little baby who came everywhere with them, the dog getting bigger each and every day.
She really was like their child.
The sun had shined every day the two were there, the warm air healing the bitter wounds left behind by the winter in Boston.
Elodie called out from the deck of their beach home that she’d rented for the trip, the sunsets and sunrises absolutely stunning. Elodie furrowed her brows when there was no answer back, turning to look towards the open french doors.
A few seconds passed
“Yep-Yeah here!”
“Everything okay?”
He nodded and came over, pressing a kiss to her forehead
“Should we go for a walk with Lulu now?”
Elodie nodded and took Teddy’s hand, taking slight notice of how clammy his hand was, but she played it off to how humid it was this evening.
Lulu had started to trot off in-front of them as they swung their arms back and forth, waves crashing against the shore providing a soft white noise. Nothing ever really needed to be said between the two of them, both being so comfortable and in love with one another that silence was sometimes the right thing.
“I’ve really enjoyed getting away from everything with you baby…” Teddy spoke up softly, causing Elodie to look up at him and smile softly
“Me too love…it’s been nice to have a little time for ourselves.”
The couple had made it down to where the beach ended, smooth faced rocks lined the edge of the water, a spot they’d come to watch the sunset every night.
Of course Lulu had beat them there and was sitting patiently waiting.
Teddy took a breath and stopped, looking out at the water before back at her
“You know I love you right?”
Elodie furrowed her brows but nodded
“Of course I do Teddy…I love you so much too”
“We’ve been close since we were kids, and I knew even as a teenager it would be you and always you…i’m sure everyone else around us did too, honestly Ryan had a bet on it from even before we started dating”
Elodie laughed and nodded her head
“That’s not surprising at all, sounds like a very Ryan thing to do”
She smiled as he nodded and let out a quiet laugh before taking both her hands
“The thing is, I love you so much with everything in me and there is never ever going to be someone else-“
“No let me finish…”
Elodie nodded, her heart rate picking up as she watched Teddy take another deep breath before squeezing her hands
“Elle you make me laugh, you fill my days with endless amounts of sunshine and love. You’re my rock when things get hard, my biggest supporter through all of my endeavours and there is no one else more perfect for me than you..”
If there was anyone Elodie was like it was her mother Ro because the tears had begun to line her eyes the second he’d finished, only spilling over when Teddy got down on one knee and pulled out a ring: not just any ring, his grandmother’s ring
“Elodie Marie Styles, will you marry me?”
Elodie was a babbling mess of tears as she nodded
“Yes…a million times yes i’ll marry you Teddy!”
It felt like a weight lifted off Teddy’s chest at Elodie’s answer, one he’d only dreamed of at one point. He wasted no time sliding the ring onto her finger before standing up and taking her face into his hands, his lips colliding with hers.
It was only when they pulled away that he swiped the remainder of tears from her cheeks, looking down at her with a look of love only reserved for her.
“I love you. Then, now and forever Bee”
Bee, the nickname she’d had as a kid, affectionately given by their mothers, Bear and Bee had come along way from crawling with each other to now in this moment, getting engaged.
“I love you now and forever Bear…I can’t wait to be your wife”
A friendship that started as children, only growing as the two got older, from beat friends, to boyfriend and girlfriend and now engagement. There was no one else in the world more perfect for Teddy than Elodie, and no one else more perfect for Elodie than Teddy.
The future was only just beginning.
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thestylesfamilysblog · 10 months
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𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐁𝐞𝐞’𝐬 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐧𝐨𝐰
𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐲𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐟𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝐱 𝐛𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫
𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: it’s not just the first snowfall of the year in boston, it’s also the first snowfall for little bee and little bear, and who doesn’t love the sound of baby giggles in the morning
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: none very fluffy and sweet🥹🥹
𝐚/𝐧: thank you B for letting me write another blurb for these two and trusting me with writing little teddy😭 i think these two are so cute and i hope everyone enjoys @boston-babies 🩷
There was nothing better than the first snowfall in Boston, the chilly air, christmas lights finally being strung up and lit, the smell of cinnamon and nutmeg filtering out from the bakery’s around the neighbourhood, nothing was better than this.
Well maybe except seeing little Elodie walk down the path towards the park Ro regularly took her too to meet Mama Evans and little Teddy, which is exactly where they were headed now.
“Elle be careful please baby!”
Calling out gently to the very rambunctious toddler as she takes off into the park, her little squeals of delight only amplifying as the snowflakes fell around her
“Snow, mummy snow!”
“Yes lot’s of it petal, it’s pretty huh?”
Elodie looked to her mother with a gummy smile on her face, her teeth still slowly coming in
“I think I see someone waiting for you over there Elle”
That caught the attention of Elodie who turned to see Teddy and Mama Evans standing just a few feet down, having arrived at the park not long after they had
“Bear! Mummy Bear!!”
At the sound of Elodie’s excitement, you watched Teddy look up from grabbing some snow to clap
“Bee!! Hi Bee!”
Ro couldn’t catch Elodie even if she tried, the little girl taking off towards her bear, their friendship only getting cuter the older they got. It was a relationship both families cherished in their own ways, the two toddlers being attached at the hip.
“Oh Elle be careful!”
Ro yelled out as the little girl pulled Teddy down to the snow covered ground with her, Mama Evans biting back a laugh at the scene, silence filling the air until their shared giggles filled both mothers ears
“Well I guess we can say they missed each other” Mama Evans stated, a smile on her face as she pulled Ro in for a hug, spending a few minutes catching up as the little ones played in the snow
“Thank you!” Came Teddy’s voice as Elodie passed him a snow ball she messily made, a smile on the girls face watching Teddy take it from her
“Welcome! Share!”
Ro laughed nodding
“Yeah my love, you’re sharing so well with Teddy baby”
Elodie smiled at the praise before turning to look at Mama Evans
“Hi! Hi!”
The other mother laughed, Elodie always taking a loving to her
“Hi sweetheart”
Once Elodie was pleased with her greetings she returned her attention back to Teddy, opting to follow him around as he got up and began to explore. Both mothers only hoping their friendship would only continue to keep them as close as they were right now.
And watching as Teddy held his hand out for Elodie to hold, they both knew deep down the two of them would be together for a very long time, and nothing would change that.
“Bye bye mummy! Bear bye bye!”
Letting out a string of giggles Teddy followed through with the laughter
“Bye bye mama! Bee bye bye!”
It was quite comical how the two kiddos thought they could realistically get very far from their mom’s but who wants to spoil the fun anyway, let them think they’re running off on a holiday adventure.
There really was nothing better than the first snowfall in Boston, especially when it came with little bee and little bear.
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thestylesfamilysblog · 9 months
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Okay it’s time to be a bit sappy and it has nothing to do with the wine I’ve been consuming with Mama Evans and my Mum but Teddy I am so grateful for you and there is really no one else in the world I love more than you…I truly am so lucky to not only be walking into 2024, another year with my best friend, but the absolute best boyfriend in the whole world. I can’t wait to keep making memories with you, you’re my better half, my partner in crime, you cheer me up when I’m down, and make me laugh when I’m sad….so I guess this is just a little note to say I love you…and thank you for loving me the way you do Bear…you are everything to me and more🥹🩷 - Elodie
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thestylesfamilysblog · 9 months
Elodie said she was coming home after leaving Mama and Chris’s house but she didn’t come home, does anyone know where she might be? I’ve been worrying about her recently I think something happened at school and she’s just been struggling a bit more than usual and especially after Eli wasn’t so kind to her I’m getting really worried.
Harry is out looking for her now, and I’m here with the boys waiting to see if she comes home, if anyone hears from her please let me know…I’m so scared that somethings happened and the one person I could think she’d be open with is Teddy…god I don’t know what to do…😞💔- Ro
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Little Bee & Teddy Bear
pairing: Elodie Styles x Teddy Evans
summary: glimpse into the very cute and very special friendship between Elodie and Teddy
a/n: okay I was sitting on this all night and I’m so excited to do a little blurb for these two especially for not only myself but @boston-babies because these two are THE CUTEST LITTLE ugh anyway, enjoy this little blurb I hope I can do it justice
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If you were to talk about Elodie Styles and Teddy Evans, you could say they had a close connection and special bond from the first time they met each other. Teddy being older than Elodie it was no surprise he was fascinated by the smaller baby that came to visit his home in Boston every so often
So as they got older, they got closer, meeting up for park play dates, going shopping with their moms, they were inseparable when the two toddlers were together
It was hard not living in the same city nor country so whenever Elodie and her family where in town, it was a given to get the two best friends together
It was a sunny day in Boston at the park they’d met up at, the moms grabbing a coffee and sitting on a bench close by to the sand and the playground. Twisty slides and colourful swings bright and inviting with the spring sun shining down on them
Elodie sat quietly squishing her little hands into the golden coloured sand, Teddy running toward her after finding a purple and yellow beach ball by the slides on the opposite end of the sandpit
“Bee, ball!”
Teddy smiled in excitement holding up the ball to show her, being older he could say quite a few more words than Elodie, yet they still found a way to communicate almost in their own language, it was quite adorable
Elodie looked up and giggled, opening and closing her hands as a way to show Teddy she wanted the ball
“Bear, Bear!”
The nickname Elle had given Teddy just stuck one day, just as the nickname bee he’d given her
Teddy rolled the ball towards her and the sound of giggles and laughter surrounded them, both finding this game more than amusing
Teddy sat down in the sand and waited patiently for Elodie to roll the ball back and when she did he clapped, showing off his very sweet smile
“Thank you!”
Elodie only kept smiling at him, mumbling a few random little sounds, she really own knew how to say mummy, daddy and bear right now, but she was slowly getting the hang of new sounds and words
Pictures being taken and videos snuck of the two little ones by their mothers, no doubt to share with their husbands and families later that day. It really was the sweetest sight to watch Teddy and Elodie play together and laugh as they chased around the beach ball, or played with the little wind chimes by the ladder to climb up onto the structure
This was a friendship that would only blossom from here, and as they continued to follow one another around, the moms could only imagine how they’d grow to be inseparable and have life long friends in each other 💐
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