arutai · 11 months
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Georgie Badiel by Mambu Bayoh
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maambu · 24 days
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iweb-rdc001 · 1 year
RDC : "Chérubin Okende a bel et bien été tué par balle. Un premier suspect est entre les mains de la justice", annonce le PG de la République près la Cour de Cassation Firmin Mvonde Mambu
Par Gilbert Ngonga L’heure de la vérité a enfin sonné. Après l’assasinat odieux de Chérubin Okende, l’appareil judiciaire de la République démocratique du Congo livre les premiers résultats de l’enquête diligentée à la demande du Gouvernement Sama 2. En effet, lors d’une conférence de presse ténue à Kinshasa, le Procureur Général de la République près la Cour de Cassation, Firmin Mvonde Mambu a…
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Costumes made of recycled materials by artists based in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo (Mosengo Longa Longa, Pape Noir, Patrick Kitete, Falonne Mambu, Gires Kanda, Tickson Mbuyi, Mvunzi Muteba Jr.)
Fot.: Colin Delfosse, Stephan Glaudieu, Kris Pannecoucke
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madamlaydebug · 9 months
The teachings of Bundu Dia Kongo.
Ne MUANDA NSEMI teaches the Makesa mu Nzila Kongo: the mystery of the name, because the name is the carrier of evil and beneficial influences to the one who bears it.
The name is also linked to a person's state of being.
Ne MUANDA NSEMI also teaches Makesa mu Nzila Kongo that speaking French, English is not synonymous with being intellectual.
Africans have become, complexly, foreign languages fanatics. Africans believe that giving a French, English or Hebrew name would have more meaning than in their mother tongue.
-that one called PEDRO thinks it's better to be called a stone than to be called TADI in his mother tongue which is KIKONGO.
- whoever is called ELOHIM believes this designation is divine in origin, but refuses to be called ELIMA in their language, while ELOHIM= ELIMA in Kikongo.
Ne MUANDA NSEMI teaches the Makesa mu Nzila Kongo that the word KELIMA means a Messenger God, a Genius, an Angel. When the letter 'K' falls, KELIMA becomes ELIMA, in the plural BIKELIMA: the flashing, the SEZIMA, the SELIMA.
Elima word expansion, adding letters. Oh give the words Elohima Elohim in Hebrews
Eli, El, stands for ELIMA, Kelima.
Give names like: EL Fatah, EL Chadai, ELION.
The abbreviation " EL " is also in the name of God, Archangels, Prophets in the Hebrew language as: Deus Yave Israel. Archangel Michael, Michël, Raphael, and other names such as: Ishmael, Samuël, Daniël, Emmanuel, Ezequiël...
Kelima, Elima is synonymous with God of Simbi, Nomo, a messenger God, a Genius of Nature, an Angel, a Radiant of Light.
No more no less On the cross Jesus shouted Elima (=Eli), Elima (=Éli), why have you forsaken me?
A Kelima, an Elima is a Great Mulimu, a Great Spirit of Nature: Each Elima has its own name:
Isis stands for Isisi: a goddess (an Elima) of Ancient Egypt.
Ra is a male Elima (+), isisi a female (-).
IS, RA, EL giving Israel. It is the fusion of positive (Ra) and negative (isisi), the union of man and woman gives an androgynous Elima (EL), both male and female. An equal Elima is called Mahungu, Malunga, Ilunga, Complete Being, made in the image of the Great God KONGO KALUNGA.
The holy book of Kongo (MAKONGO) religion teaches that Kana was the land of High Priest MELCHISEDEK.
Mukana verb means Nkua Vema, an enthusiastic, a passionate, a jealous, a fanatic.
Kikana is fanaticism: Bakana ba Nzambi are fanatic of God, KANA, KANANA country.
Originally Kana and Madian were inhabited by blacks
Midian was inhabited by the High Priest, Gestro (Yetelo), this High Priest of Bukongo teaches Moses to contact the Angel of the people of Israel who is the God of Israel.
Kana was inhabited by High Priest Melchisedek, this High Priest of Bukongo teaching Hibrahim, Abraham to enter into communion with God of Israel.
In kikongo language the sun is called Ntangu lowa the Great Nabi Kongo say the heart of the sun is called KISEDEKI.
-so MAMBU MELE KISEDEKI i mean problems went to the heart of the sun. The word MELE is a Kikongo verb form from the verb KUENDA which means to go.
In Bukongo, a Great Nabi Kongo that serves as a transmission channel between the Assemblies of God (Temple) and the Heart of the Sun, bears the grand opening title of Ne MELE KISEDEKI.
The bible says Melchisedik king of Salem brought bread and wine. He was a sacrifice of a very high God. He bless Abraham by the most high God
Ibrahim (Abraham) gave Dime to Mechisedek (Genesis 14: 18-20)
So here is Abraham, the first prophet of God of Israel) who is blessed by a High Priest black a Great Nabi Kongo, Ne MELE KISEKEDI.
Abraham father of the faith of the white Hebrews pay Dime to the Priest of the Most High God Ne MELE KISEDEKI King and Priest of KANA we will distort in Kanan Canaan because of their variants Kanana.
- Thus Abraham (Ibrahim) imitating copying the language of the people of Kana (THE BAKONGO) and distorting the graft in the Hebrew language, these words distort the source in Kikongo
- in Kikongo language
Excerpt from the book The Mysteries of KIKONGO
Written by NE MUANDA NSEMI Nlongi' to KONGO.
Kinshasa on 22-11-1995
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nonrussian · 2 years
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Иллюстрации "Сирота Мамбу". Нанайская сказка Illustrations "Orphan Mambu". Nanai fairy tale
Illustrator Gennady Pavlishin Иллюстратор Генадий Павлишин. Из "Амурские сказки" 1975
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101) Akibat Paşa Patangpuluhan 19.33➡️37.45 via bolak-balik Asrama 2 Umar ibn Khattab🔁GO HOS Tjokroaminoto. Walau otak nggak nyandak akhirnya 😂. Tapi sudah gila baik buat İmad gendut yang di WC Sapen.
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🛴Dulu pas di Muallimin pernah silaturahmi ke Sapen sama gurunya pamer kurus, disapa lewat gitu aja, tak kira weh ini Mas İmad ya, kok sekarang. Pas keterima di Teladan pengen mejeng pake celana abu-abunya yang khas, tak timbul petentengan. Masih sama. Wkwkwk. Sangar.
Setalah itu ya kembali ke no 95), modal improv 1th, lalu diselamatkan HI UII Pak Irawan Jati cs. minus bad mood. Katowice ++, ga punya duit untuk masuk Berghain. Sama pisah pas keluar bus di terminal Berlin. Praha & Berlin on the weekend. Berlin dibosi biasa Mongoloid Masjid Al-Falah & Resto Nusantara Berlin, Praha pake Couchsurfing mambu bulene koyo hippie yoga ngono. Tinggal di Cracow.
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Akhir-akhir ini pas udah nugas selain untuk yang ke depan. Kalau ke sana orangnya masih ada, seperti penjual Nasi Goreng di depan Asrama 10 Muallimin. Tapi udah nggak kenal saya. It's all moments🎞️.
Aku motonya pas bolak-balik 🔁STDI Jember Jatim. 10/13.
🎡Nak karo Cah Ngaji macem-macem warnanya, ada Memed yang ga hargai selera seni sampai Ezzy guyon tapi top-up. Tapi yang jelas-jelas pada pinter semua. Aku kae sinaune kewalahan, Alhamdulillah yo lulus. Delok Ijazahku pas lulus Sapen, Muallimin, lan Teladan. + HI UII helper⚕️
🔁Gambar yang kurang di reblog. Ijazah Teladan & Ijazah Pertolongan HI UII seleksi SIBER. Ben Ammar.
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srifafa · 2 years
Peristiwa maha penting dan tak bisa dilaku sembarangan.
Sudut pandangku di desa
Pernikahan adalah perhelatan besar yang mempertemukan dua keluarga besar, bukan hanya keluarga pengantin pria dan perempuan, melainkan keluarga-keluarga kecil yang masih "mambu bateh" atau "mambu dulur".
Kata saudaraku pada acara inilah kita tahu saudara-saudara kita siapa saja, tak jarang banyak keluarga jauh pun menyempatkan datang pada helat ini.
Pernikahan adalah akhir bagi seorang perempuan untuk menanti, akhir bagi seorang lelaki untuk mencari. Namun aku terkadang sering bertanya saat pernikahan ternodai dengan kata 'perceraian' lantas aku bertanya 'di manakah cinta yang dulu menjadi pondasi atau landasan seseorang memutuskan menikah?' jika alasannya adalah kekerasan rumah tangga atau poligami aku menyetujui bila berpisah adalah keputusan yang terbaik. Namun jika alasannya adalah ekonomi atau masalah2 kecil2 yang sejatinya itu adalah bumbu ujian yang seharusnya menjadi penguat pernikahan itu sendiri.
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bikekokin24 · 28 days
Scandale au sein du pouvoir judiciaire : Un procureur général accusé de violations graves des règles diplomatiques !
Le Parquet Général près la Cour de Cassation a ouvert une action disciplinaire contre le Procureur Général près la Cour d’Appel de Kinshasa/Gombė, Jean Placide Lusamba Mbombola. Cette décision, prise par Firmin Mvonde Mambu, Procureur Général près la Cour de Cassation, fait suite à des faits d’une extrême gravité qui secouent le corps judiciaire de la République Démocratique du Congo. Violations…
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kryvopust · 1 month
Константин Кривопуст: "RAKBank через сотрудничество с Bitpanda будет предоставлять резидентам ОАЭ доступ к криптовалют"
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Эксперт в области международного финансового права Константин Кривопуст сообщает, что национальный банк Рас-эль-Хаймы (RAKBank), один из крупнейших банков в ОАЭ, стал первым банком в стране, заключившим партнерское соглашение с Bitpanda Technology Solutions. Это партнерство отмечается как первый шаг Bitpanda на рынке ОАЭ, открывающий для банка возможности в сфере цифровых активов.
Как  отмечается  в релизе Bitpanda, криптокомпания предоставит RAKBank свою передовую инфраструктуру, базирующуюся на API, полностью защищена и сертифицирована по стандарту ISO 27001. Технологическая платформа позволит RAKBank реализовать различные сценарии использования цифровых активов, предоставляя клиентам банка один из самых полных спектров. .
Клиенты RAKBank смогут воспользоваться новыми услугами через существующее приложение банка.
Bitpanda и RAKBank объявили о планах эксклюзивного сотрудничества, в рамках которого ожидается изучение возможности выпуска цифровых платежных токенов. Компании выражают намерение исследовать новые способы лучшей интеграции цифровых активов с традиционной финансовой экосистемой и раскрыть преимущества этих активов для людей по всему региону.
Bitpanda имеет 9-летний опыт в сфере трейдинга, который она использует для создания решений финансовых учреждений. Компания уже сотрудничает с несколькими крупными банками и финансовыми учреждениями в Европе, включая Raiffeisen, LBBW, N26, Mambu, Plum и Hype. Bitpanda предлагает финансовым учреждениям возможность запустить свою торговую платформу в течение трех месяцев.
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arumarimurti · 1 month
Hi tumb, 1 minggu kerja rasanya mau meledak. Seminggu kemudian aku demam bapil. Tipes ringan. Biasa tiap aku stress pasti kumat.
Besok hari libur, tapi masih masuk untuk upacara. Habis itu ada sosialisasi TNA, hiks. Hari libur ku melayang. Tapi alhamdulillah hari ini semua membaik. Moodku membaik. Insecureku menurun.
Aku mengampu 6 mata kuliah tumb. Senin - jumat dari pagi sampai magrib, khusus selasa sampai jam 8 malam wkwk. Akan kujalani sambil gembreges 😂. Jangan ding. Bismillah optimis. Hidup harus semangat #auwah
Afirmasi dulu ah:
Aku bisa jadi istri, ibu, anak, menantu, rekan, dosen, dan individu yang barokah
Aku bisa menularkan ilmu2ku kepada mahasiswaku
Aku bisa santun dan bermanfaat buat umat
Aku mambu menjalankan amanah dengan barokah
All is well. Semua Allah yang atur. Allah yang jaga.
Mari hidup lebih sehat dan bahagia. Aamiin
Oh ya. Sedih banget denger berita mahasiswa PPDS bund##r karena perundungan. Rasanya pingin marah sama pelakunya perundungnya.
Jadi bercermin banget aku nyaris dirundung kalau ga diselamatkan Allah. Aku dengan tegas menolak ajakan yang akan menjebakku dalam perbabuan tiada akhir 😭. Ternyata Allah 'membuatku' berada di posisi yang sungguh ga enak, hanya untuk membuatku lebih bersyukur 🥺. Gak enak hanya sementara, tapi setidaknya aku berani membela diriku seumur hidup. Aku berani menolak. Aku berani melawan tradisi.
Seorang aku yang gak enakan, berani mendobrak kebiasaanku dan kebiasaan di tempat baruku 🥺🥺. Siapa yang sangka aku mampu kalau bukan Allah yang mampukan.
Kepada mba dokter, aku turut berduka cita untukmu huhu. Aku bangga kamu menuliskan catatan kelammu. Semoga itu membuka keadilan buatmu di dunia. Penjahat-penjahat itu ga boleh hidup tenang. Itu kan yang mereka mau? Melihatmu terpuruk seperti itu? 😭 tapi mereka juga akan melihat apa yang ga pernah mereka sangka-sangka: penjara! Semoga mereka diadili di dunia.
Kepada siapapun yang sedang ingin menyerah, tolong tolong mintalah bantuan dan jangan lepaskan harapan pada Allah 🥺🥺.
Kepada siapapun yang suka menggantungkan harapan pada anak/siapapun, please tahu diri!!! Jangan maksa! Jangan jadi tempat yang ga nyaman buat pulang! Kalau ada yang ingin menyerahkan cita2 karena perundungan, jangan dianggap remeh dan lemah. Salah-salah malah bisa nekat. Naudzubillah
Random. J. 16 Agustus 2024
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maambu · 24 days
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iweb-rdc001 · 1 year
RDC : "Chérubin Okende a bel et bien été tué par balle. Un premier suspect est entre les mains de la justice", annonce le PG de la République près la Cour de Cassation Firmin Mvonde Mambu
Par Gilbert Ngonga L’heure de la vérité a enfin sonné. Après l’assasinat odieux de Chérubin Okende, l’appareil judiciaire de la République démocratique du Congo livre les premiers résultats de l’enquête diligentée à la demande du Gouvernement Sama 2. En effet, lors d’une conférence de presse ténue à Kinshasa, le Procureur Général de la République près la Cour de Cassation, Firmin Mvonde Mambu a…
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geantactu · 3 months
Kinshasa : Constant Mutamba a dit à Firmin Mvonde d'engager des poursuites contre les homosexuels.
Le ministre d’État ministre de la Justice, Constant Mutamba, a instruit le Procureur général près la Cour de Cassation, Firmin Mvonde Mambu, d’engager des poursuites contre les auteurs des pratiques déviantes à caractère sexuel et homosexuel. Il l’a fait savoir dans sa correspondance datée du 15 juin. Le nouveau patron de la Justice congolaise, Constant Mutamba, se dit visiblement inquiet par…
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vijukumar · 3 months
Banking Market: Trends, Players, and Future Outlook
The banking industry has undergone significant transformations in recent years, driven by technological advancements, shifting consumer preferences, and regulatory reforms. This blog provides an in-depth analysis of the banking market, covering its size, share, growth, trends, players, challenges, and future outlook.
Market Size and Share
The global banking market size was estimated at USD 25.14 billion in 2023 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 27.4% from 2024 to 2030, reaching USD 135.17 billion by 2030. Europe dominated the market with a share of 36.93% in 2023, driven by the increasing need for online payment security and government directives for banks to open APIs.
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Market Trends
Several key trends are shaping the banking market:
Digitalization: The adoption of digital solutions is transforming the banking sector, with a focus on data security and privacy.
Open Banking: The integration of open banking systems is expected to grow significantly, driven by regulatory reforms and consumer demand for seamless digital experiences.
Fintech Integration: Collaboration between traditional banks and fintech startups is fostering innovation and competitiveness in the market.
Mobile Banking: The growth of mobile banking is driven by consumer demand for convenient and accessible financial services.
Market Players
Some key players operating in the banking market include:
Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, S.A. (BBVA)
Crédit Agricole
DemystData, Ltd.
finleap connect
FormFree Holdings Corporation
Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
Mineral Tree, Inc.
NCR Corporation
Market Challenges
Despite the growth prospects, the banking market faces several challenges:
Data Security: The increasing threat of online fraud and data insecurity is a significant concern.
Regulatory Compliance: Banks must navigate complex regulatory requirements, including PSD2 and GDPR.
Competition: The market is highly competitive, with fintech startups and traditional banks competing for market share.
Conclusion The banking market is poised for significant growth, driven by digitalization, open banking, fintech integration, and mobile banking. Key players are adapting to these trends, and regulatory reforms are promoting innovation and competitiveness. However, the market also faces challenges related to data security and regulatory compliance. As the industry continues to evolve, it is essential for banks to prioritize these issues and leverage technological advancements to stay ahead of the curve.
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13-beutelteufel · 4 months
Paradise (tlod) - Escape to Daylight - Part I
Paradise - The Lady of Darkness (tlod) is a connected story. The correct order is in the masterlist in my pinned post
The weather wasn't bad. No, it was actually pretty good by Daylight's standards. Rainbow closed his eyes for a moment. He knew he didn't have time for this, but they hadn't found Orania. The dragon had gone back to Camomile to let the gods know and he had to wait here. The planet consisted almost entirely of grassy plains, interspersed with dense scrub and small hills. There were only a few trees and these stood completely alone. They offered good protection from the rain that fell here almost incessantly. Something black was approaching from the sky. It shot towards Rainbow, landed right next to him, dropped two written sheets of paper on his head and was gone again. An Alherbio Messenger. Irritated, Rainbow took the sheets, thankful that he was standing under the tree where the grass was drier and the sheets didn't get wet. It wasn't raining either, but that would surely change soon. Good weather was rare on Daylight. What was written on the sheets, however, overwhelmed him a little at first. The spidery handwriting of the Alherbio Messenger was no help here.
Dear whoever is reading this, it's Belli. I'm having this message translated, so don't hold me responsible for any mistakes. I've been abducted to Starline and may need help. You can find my coordinates on the other sheet. I'm afraid I can't tell you any more because I'm afraid someone might intercept the Alherbio Messenger and read this message. It's risky enough to give my coordinates. Thanks for rescuing me! Kind regards, Belli :) PS: I AM HARD OF HEARING
On the other sheet were coordinates and the name of a planet from Starline. Starline was cursed. You couldn't just teleport there, so Rainbow had to think of something else. A spaceship took too long and, besides, none flew to Starline. If he got a private one, he would probably fail against Starline's space defences. He needed something that wouldn't attract attention when it passed by. An animal. Possibly the Giants? Tambus was dead, Mambus too, Rainbow didn't know where Hummlus and Bamboo were, but he could take Kamillus. ‘KAMILLUS!’ Rainbow simply hoped that the Giant was within earshot. And sure enough, he came trotting along at a leisurely pace. Kamillus had very long, black and white fur that was easy to hold on to. He was also the largest and calmest of the giants. He circled Rainbow, sat in front of him, looked at him for a moment and then lay down on his side to let Rainbow mount. Rainbow climbed over the Giant's surprisingly short legs onto his back and held on to the strap they all wore for support and guidance. As soon as he had mounted, Kamillus stood up and flew off. The Giants simply ran through the air and surrounded themselves in space with a bubble of oxygen, which they stored in their fur. Kamillus' bum bounced up and down as he ran and Rainbow was glad that the Giant's head remained still. He hoped no one would notice him. It was risky what he was trying to do and if anyone spotted him, that would be the end of him.
Travelling with Giants was not pleasant. Especially because they had the annoying habit of dropping you when you reached your destination. Rainbow landed right between two rotten fruits that looked like pumpkins the size of a doghouse. It smelled mouldy. Disgusting. He worked his way out from between the pumpkins and peered inside one to find out where the smell was coming from. The pumpkins, if you could call them that, were mouldy on the inside and now smelled even worse. Disgusted, Rainbow took a step back and lost his footing. He tumbled head over heels over a ledge and landed a metre further down in a flower bed. The pumpkins and the bed were planted on terraces. Two metres below the bed, the ground was covered in rubble. The terraces were cut into a rocky outcrop, behind which undergrowth rose out of the mist. That was all you could see in the light green soup. He should stop fussing about the pumpkins. He had to go and find Belli. Rainbow gave the pumpkins a disgusted look, then set off on his descent. Small paths led steeply down to the right and left of the bed. Rainbow took the one on the left. Everything happened very quickly after that. He thought he saw a shadow on the ground in front of him, then he heard a clap above him, something hit him in the back and pulled him down. A sharp pain shot through Rainbow's ribs as he hit the rubble. His ‘attacker’ lay dazed beside him.
Part II:
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