#mamori x mirei
epergeci · 1 year
💖THE VALKYRIE DRIEVE POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 💖
cute mamori w crayons
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mirei is so cute aaaw
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i had a dream where i met them and i hugged mamori! (we became friends!)
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momoka!!!! i love her too
she deserves better!
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sus art 🤔🤔🤔😏😏😏😏😏😳😳😳
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some little doodles
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redheadsinmybed · 2 years
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Is anyone else a slut for them? Like I ship them so much, I just- I need more of them.
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spyxfan · 2 years
Valkyrie Drive dj - We Can't Drive!
Valkyrie Drive dj – We Can’t Drive!
Pairing: Mamori x Mirei X Akira
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therealkatekane · 4 years
My Journey through Yuri, Part II
So, to be fair, this is the first anime that kicked off my midlife discovery of anime. And while Symphogear holds the top spot in my heart, Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid is a very, very close second. Symphogear fulfills my need for warm fluffy fuzzies and adventure. Valkyrie fulfills my need for... everything else: lesbians, sex, lesbian sex, humor, over-the-top-ridiculous premises, zero male characters, and just... literally everything. If Symphogear is comfort food, then Valkyrie is my favorite meal that is hella bad for me, but I just don’t care.
I don’t even remember how I stumbled onto this anime, but I thank the fucking gods that I did. I found it, watched the entire series one night, and again the next two nights with the girls. Also, thanks to this show, Diana taught me two important anime terms: ecchi and oppai. We’ll start here:
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And so it begins...
Let me start here: you best be grown for this post. And you best be grown if you’re watching this show because damn they is a lot of sex.
The whole premise of this show is that girls infected with the Arm Virus are quarantined on islands away from the rest of the world. Infected girls can be either Extars or Liberators. Extars transform into weapons (”Arms”) that Liberators use or “drive.” And in order to transform, Extars must be sexually stimulated by a compatible Liberator. Yup.
I was actually concerned at first because I thought this setup had a lot of potential to have all the attitudes and ideas I find super squicky in anime (and in media in general): questionable consent, objectification, toxic relationships, etc. But I was pleasantly surprised that consent is actually addressed really well in the series, and overall, I thought it handled excellently so I wasn’t squicked out at all.
So, onto the characters:
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Above you see our two main characters: Mamori, the red head, is an Extar. The blond, Mirei, is a Liberator. And as is seen above, they were meant for each other. That being said, bless Mirei and her heart of gold, because Mamori is real simple. If I have one complaint about this show, it’s that Mamori is that annoyingly innocent and oblivious and simple protagonist. You know the one. She’s that dog you have that can’t figure out how to push open a door with its nose even though it’s already mostly open anyway and whines until you get up and cross the room and push it open the remaining three inches so she can come in. Lord love her, she’s adorable and sweet, but just... not bright.
But Mirei is phenomenal. Despite Mamori’s obliviousness, Mirei is immediately staunchly devoted to her. All she wants to do is protect Mamori. She is tall and mysterious and proves to be a badass fighter in her first thirty seconds on screen. You can’t help but fall in love with her strength and stubbornness. And I’m a sucker for the strong but silent and awkward types. 
What I like best about their relationship is how Mirei automatically does whatever she thinks is in Mamori’s best interests or aligns with her desires from word one. She sees Mamori under attack, she places herself between her and her attacker. Mamori complains about a character being cruel to another, Mirei moves to put a stop to it. Mamori asks Mirei not to hurt some one, so she doesn’t. I’m not a big fan of “love at first sight” type shit, but I can’t help but just fucking adore Mirei’s instant devotion to Mamori. Not just her, but to her thoughts and feelings.
Next up, we have the dynamic duo referred to as “Lady Lady.”
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Oh, I cannot say enough about these two. Lady Rain and Lady J. Both are both Liberators and Extars, able to switch between roles as the situation dictates. SWITCH, get it?? One transforms into a sword/gun and the other a badass motorcycle. They claim it isn’t the sex that allows them transform but the strength of their bond. It’s actually quite beautiful how dedicated they are to one another. Former members of a paramilitary government organization, they chose exile and quarantine over being tools of others.
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Next up, we’ve got Meifon. Meifon is a schemer obsessed with making a buck. What I adore about her is that she is an asexual/aromantic character. On an island where everyone is fucking everyone all the time. It is such an interesting idea of how someone who doesn’t experience sexual arousal/stimulation in a “typical” way functions on an island where sex is so highly prioritized. It was a really neat idea that I was surprised to see the show tackle. While it isn’t addressed in a super deep or meaningful way, it is an unexpected and nice touch.
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The “Governor.” Normally, I am all about avoiding spoilers, but I was surprised that we were supposed to think the governor is a dude. I know sometimes it can be hard to tell in anime, and I am guilty of more than once being like “What a super hot lady!” and it ended up being a fella and cue disappointment. But Akira was clearly a woman from the first time we see her. It wasn’t until the fourth episode that I learned she was supposed to be a “man.” She is so clearly a lady. If you can’t figure that out in ten seconds, you’re as simple as Mamori, bless your heart.
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I feel it’s a missed opportunity for Akira not to be trans, but she’s not. She’s just pretending to be a fella for power, to stand out on an island full of women. It would have been a lot more interesting and compelling in my humble opinion. But whatever.
I could go on and on about all the many fantastic characters on this show, but there are a few other things I want to talk about.
1. I usually prefer the original Japanese voice actors, but this is one of the rare times when the opposite is true. The English voice acting is on point, very well acted, and an utter delight. Mirei in particular has a fantastic dead-pan delivery that I adore.
2. This show is hysterically funny. I laughed so hard so many times. Especially during the episode “Giant Girl, Little Heart.” I mean... just look at this:
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The giant girl’s name is Nimi Minimi. I can’t even. Dear god. It’s so funny. I have a great appreciation for anything that can make me laugh. There are a lot of jokes about pitching and catching. And this is an actual quote from this episode: “Nimi, you’re the only one who can catch my fastball. Only you can catch my body and soul!” It’s classic.
3. The power and relationship dynamics are very interesting. Poly seems to be a pretty readily accepted practice. Platonic “driving” seems to be a thing. Consent is approached several different ways, and each is very interesting. Another thing this show does well is examine the problems inherent in such a system. It isn’t all girls kissing girls and touchy touchy fun times. There is a lot included on how that power can be abused and what corruption may look like in a hyper-sexualized state. So, maybe trigger warning? I’m pretty sensitive, but I did not find it trigger-y. It was actually nice to see such abuse of power highlighted as abuse without a veiled attempt to make it okay because it’s sexy times between two (or more) women.
4. Story/plot/etc - I’ll be real. The bar was really low when I initially started this. I mean, I didn’t expect much given the premise, but ended up being very pleasantly surprised. The story is reasonably compelling and more thought out than expected. There are more complexities than I anticipated, and it all wraps up neatly at the end of the series in a satisfying way. 
So, I guess that wraps up Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid. Conclusion: Watch it. It’s beautifully NSFW and unashamedly queer. There needs to be more anime like it. I think next I’ll write about Flip Flappers as it was recommended to me on my last post, and it currently holds the number three spot in my heart.
Today marks the fourth week of working from home, so please please please keep the recommendations coming. I have literally nothing to do but work and watch anime, and I’m super grateful for the recs I received already. Thanks. :-)
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glaz050394 · 5 years
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Omake+Gif+Anime+-+Valkyrie+Drive+Mermaid+-+Episode+1+-+Mirei+and+Mamori.gif (480×270)
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prof-kenny · 6 years
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You know, I’m souped up on cold medicine and am approaching 24 hours without sleep, so I’m gonna talk about something stupid. I once saw a post that was berating people who like/write f*ta because they ‘had a specific type of person they gave the d*ck to’ (paraphrasing). The post was clearly meant to talk down on it because something something predictability, something something misogyny (probably), something something something else. However, it was good for something. It made me stop and assess the characters I usually do that with. For those who don’t know, me writing f*ta is usually because of how my genderfluidity presents itself and inters*x characters are the only way I can fully express that? It’s genuinely not a fetishizing thing, it’s a dysphoria thing.
Anyway, I sat back and looked at the characters I tended to do this with. Since the post wasn’t clear, I initially assumed it meant that we give the d*ck to the more ‘masculine’ of the relationship. In the case of Fleurmione, that’s true for me. Same for Xena and Gabrielle, and for Sundagio. However, it falls flat with Negitoro, Bellamione, and Starrae.
Okay, not ‘masculinity’. Then maybe the more dominant of the relationship? True for Skoutoth, Xena and Gabrielle, and Monochrome. But again falls flat with Bellamione, Starrae, Sakugiri, and Princess Bloom. Which incidentally rules out me giving it to the more submissive member in the relationship because it’s true for Malvie, Miremamo, and Purrha, but not for Black Rabbit, Lunamione, or Torrusso.
Plus, unfortunately, there are ships, like Kigo, Fangrai, Bemily, and Chlasmine where I tend to alternate between who gets it, even if I have a bias. So, to summarize, I don’t know what the hell that person was talking about. Maybe other people are more predictable than I am or they just were jerking their hate boner. Probably the latter, tbh. This has been post number two(maybe three?) today to indicate why I should not soup myself up on cold meds while going nearly 24 horas without sleep.
Key: Fleurmione - Hermione Granger x Fleur Delacour (Harry Potter) Xena and Gabrielle - Xena Warrior Princess Sundagio - Sunset Shimmer x Adagio Dazzle (Equestria Girls) Negitoro - Luka Megurine x Hatsune Miku (Vocaloid) Bellamione - Hermione Grander x Bellatrix Lestrange (Harry Potter) Starrae - Starfire x Raven (Teen Titans) Skoutoth - Skout x Toth (Nomad of Nowhere) Monochrome - Weiss Schnee x Blake Belladonna (RWBY) Sakugiri - Sakura Minamoto x Yuugiri (Zombieland Saga - SEASON 2 WHEN) Princess Bloom - Winx Club (I ship her sporadically) Malvie - Mal x Evie (Disney’s Descendants - if you think Mal is the dom, you’re blind) Miremamo - Mirei Shikishima x Mamori Tokonome (Valkyrie Drive Mermaid) Purrha - Pyrrha Nikos x Blake Belladonna (RWBY) Black Rabbit - Velvet Scarlatina x Blake Belladonna (RWBY - I have a lot of RWBY ships, okay?) Lunamione - Hermione Granger x Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter - I have a lot of HP ships, okay?) Torrusso - Mitchie Torres x Alex Russo (Camp Rock x Wizards of Waverly Place) Kigo - Kim Possible x Shego (Kim Possible) Fangrai - Fang x Lightning (Final Fantasy XIII) Bemily - Beca Mitchell x Emily Junk (Pitch Perfect) Chlasmine - Chloe King x Jasmine (The Nine Lives of Chloe King - television show)
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yuricrazywolf · 7 years
Another question xD which are your favorite ships? (from anime/manga)
Another good one! Lol again I have more then one but this would be my top favorites❤❤Strawberry panic Shizuma X NagisaAkuma no Riddle Otoya X shienaCross AngeAnge X Hilda X Salamandinay (if I have that right?) Maid Dragon Kobayashi X TohruValkrie drive Mirei X Mamori Sakura TrickHaruka X Yu Izetta: The Last WitchIzetta X FinéI would add pictures if i knew how to 😝❤ but still thank you so much for the question!
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anonschmanon · 8 years
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Que Rico ❤
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cuttieasfuck · 9 years
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Valkyrie Drive; Mirei & Mamori kisses. 
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